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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


"Here," Kayden flunked down beside her sister, handing over a raw slab of deer meat speared with a sharpened stick, "I like it juicy too, but I've already eaten two rabbits today."

As Luna took it gratefully, Kayden watched her and Xael move fluidly with each other, their bodies in perfect rhythm, "Did you fix it, Xael? Did you...ah..."

Xael's eyes stared her down, cutting her off and begging her to keep their secret to herself for a little longer. Luna missed the look, luckily, indulging in her food. As Xael gratefully took a chunk of seared meat and dug in, Kayden moved back to her spot between Andre and Yulen, who surprisingly didn't seem to mind the new company. Her body leaned into Andre's soft fur as Yulen moved his head to sit on her outstretched legs. As she got comfortable the other four wolves ventured out of the trees, another deer being dragged between two. Dropping their game at their Alpha's feet, all of them found spots to lie down and relax around Kayden, horseshoeing her in. They had come to accept her quickly, making Kayden feel included for the first time in her life.

Savannah was watching her settle, her expression one of pride. Her pack were going less weary of the group the longer they stayed around, and seeing them take a werewolf into their sleeping pile made Savannah proud of how far Kayden had already come.

"Why don't you introduce the pack to Xael and Lunar," Savannah asked Kayden, pulling the deer closer and brandishing a dull knife.

Kayden grinned, sitting up and pointing at each wolf as she spoke, "This is Yulen here on my right. He's the fastest. And that's Drogon beside him, he's the biggest and strongest. But he's very loud -don't huff at me, you are! Behind him are the twins, Viseraal and Rhegal, they do everything together. And then there is Andre, and Nakeye. Nakeye is the newest member, so he's still pretty small, and he's an omega, but we all love him. And Andre here is the only werewolf in the group, but he stopped Changing forms about five years ago."


While Kayden spoke, Savannah worked on skinning the deer, lost in her own thoughts.

No one has asked yet. I know they saw, I know Kayden saw. So why haven't they drilled questions into me yet? Or given me pitiful looks? Savannah was still confused about the lack of talk over the day before. Kayden had mentioned it, and Savannah had explained the best she could, but the rest of the group were tight-lipped. And she knew who saw it. As they had all woken this morning she had checked for her memories in each of their heads, wanting to know who had access to those private, awful moments in her life. It seemed Ashlin Reyn, and Elijah had been lucky enough to escape the onslaught although she knew why. They were the three she hadn't delved into, whose minds remained for the most part untouched by her. Whereas Xael had seen it all, hers and Luna's alike, due to her blood still in his system and how deep she had to dig into his sub-conscious to save him. The only reason Luna had been spared was due to Savannah, throwing a wall up between her and the Alpha's mind so the poor girl wouldn't hallucinate any longer. And Kayden, Jay, along with her mate and pack, had only seen hers due to the mental connection she had made.

And yet none of them spoke about it.

Maybe they just don't want to bring up my past, she thought, I can't blame them.

A growl ripped from Jays mouth, his shoulder slamming into a tree, leaving a rather large dent. While his shoulder hurt, he wasn’t complaining about Reyns tentative side, quickly rushing to his side.

“I’m fine, we just don’t like each other.” Jay grunted, inspecting his shoulder before Reyn fluttered over.

“I’m not hurt with a pretty little thing like you looking after me.” Jay grinned, winking at her as he pulled her in by the waist. With golden eyes beaming up, he kissed her deeply, his hands pulling her down onto his hips.

“Unless you want to kiss it better… then it hurts.” He purred against her lips amidst the kisses.

She bent down, kissing his shoulder softly. She trailed more kisses up his collarbone to his neck, then nibbled down his jawline, humming as she played with his hair in her fingers.

"Better?" she murmured, returning to his lips, "Or does anything else hurt?"

Brax couldn’t help but smile at her words, curling her in as closely as physically possible.

“Of course we can my love.” He whispered, kissing her hair tenderly.

“For an eternity, with the most beautiful woman in existence.” His deep voice cooed. The sun shone down on them, the tree arms above them clapping softly as the wind played in joy.

Lunar grinned ecstatically as she reached out for the slab.

“Thank you sister.” Her musical voice run out as her claws sank into the fresh bloody piece.

“Kayden…?” She called. “I’m not saying that Savannah is doing anything from perfect… But wouldn’t it be easier to learn to shift in a less painful manner… then with someone who can do so with you?”

Plopping down on Xaels lap, her hands held the piece of meat while her eyes remained trained on her little sister. But as the girl watched the wolves plunk themselves around her, she bit her lip. She had only just found her sister… And she could feel that she was losing her while only just gaining a new piece to her life. Just looking at the other wolves, she craved her fur and paws, her body tingling at the thought.

“It’s lovely to meet you all” She nodded, smiling kindly at the wolves. “May I ask the meaning? I know in our pack, at least our hunters all have a meaning behind their names.” She asked sweetly, a bloodied hand moving up to push back several tuffs of red hair behind her ears.

Both golden eyes looked at the wolf Andre, curious about his lineage against the other wolves. She noticed the concentrated look on Savannahs face, but left it, knowing the girl was lost in thought over something important.

Luna's first question paled Kayden and she shook her head roughly, wringing her hands as she stammered, "I...I don't w-want to learn."

"Kayden," Savannah spoke up, catching Kayden's panicked attention, "Why don't you introduce the pack to Xael and Luna?"

Kayden relaxed the instant she started talking about them, the focus moving away from her. When she was done her sister had new questions, ones that were easier for the young wolf to answer.

"Well these guys work a little different," she smiled, patting Andre's fur, "The pack chooses your name for you. But the Alpha has the most say. Drogon was named for strength and courage."

"He bit the Alpha at the time," Damion added in, "Back then their Alpha thought that was courage, and also amusing."

"Then there is Viseraal and Rhegal, and their names mean miracle and spirit. Both of them almost died joining the pack. Um, there's Nakeye-"

"Savannah named him," Damion cut in, smiling at Kayden, "He's our youngest at two decades old, and we found him wandering a city alone. He reminded her of an old, stubborn soul."

"Then the last two are Andre and Yulen," Kayden continued, "Andre's name means manly or brave, although he kept his name when he joined the pack. He's the only one. And finally Yulen's name is for loyalty. He's the oldest member. How old are you again Yulen?"

She paused, communicating with him telepathically. Savannah always left a connection open between Kayden and Damion and the wolves, so no one felt out of the conversation.

"He's four hundred centuries old," she nodded, looking back at Luna.

The wolf smiled at her sister, seeing the pack bond having a strong hold of her. Shifting her position slightly, the wolf leaned further back into her mate, nudging him softly with her head. She’d caught the girl trying to shift topics without any explanation on why she didn’t. The more they spoke about the pack, the more her body yearned for that connection. Biting into the meat, Lunars body twitched and shifted, while feeling the ease of her mate, still needing her original form.

“It sounds like you have a pretty amazing pack.” She replied, her eyes looking over them each as she listened. Looking at Kayden, Lunar nodded.

“You’ve reached a prime age.” She smiled kindly, her bloodied hands intertwined as she tried to stop the fidgeting.

"I do have to ask though, they're of the blood; Yet Andre is not, I'm guessing he was of the bite...?" She asked softly, trying to not be rude.

The wolf moaned softly at her tender and caring touch.

“Much more…” He whispered, a hand trailing up her spine to slide up under her hair, while his other hand slid up and down the bare skin of her hip.

"Four hundred?" he gaped, winding his arms around his fidgeting wolf, trying to ease whatever agitated her, "That's a long time. Is that normal?"


"Thank you," Savannah nodded at the compliment, "It's taken us a long time to come as far as we have. And to your question, Xael, he is indeed our oldest. Drogon is only ten centuries old, and the twins half that. Andre is, what now? half a century? Don't huff at me boy, your not that old. And Nakeye is our pup at only two decades."

"And to answer your question Luna," Savannah continued, "Andre was indeed bitten, but it under different circumstances than what you think. These are not wolves."

She waved her hand at the beasts crowding Kayden, all dozing softly, "Nor werewolves. They're hellhounds."


She let that sink in than explained to the couple what she meant. They were indeed a form of wolf, since they had the looks of one. But their size, speed, and strength were unlike any wolf, or werewolf. They were created a millennial ago by Lucifer himself to hunt down escaped souls, and to wreak chaos where they pleased. Through the years hellhounds had grown into pack animals, splitting into multiple small groups. Many, if not most had gone extinct or returned to Hell. For all Savannah knew, her pack was the last one on Earth. She also explained how she had become their Alpha, having challenged and killed the last demon controlling them.

"I'm a much nicer Alpha," she added, seeing Drogon smiling at her, "Their last one had them killing each other for sport, then reproducing to gain numbers. And it isn't what you think it is. Hellhounds do not spawn sons or daughters. They have to bite to pass the gene on, and only to ordinary wolves, and the wolves they do bite go through a transition stage of immense pain. Andre is the exception of course, as the first human to turn Hellhound. After that those that do survive become pack members, joining the pack's hive mind. Which is exactly what you think it is. They think and act as one. A little nerve racking when you first here it, but Damion and I have quickly caught on."

"And that is our pack in a nutshell," Damion laughed, kissing Savannah on the cheek, "Our hellish little party."

Savannah nodded, eyes turning back to Luna as the topic died, "Baby would you mind if I took Luna for a quick stroll. I want to show her something."

"Me too?" Kayden pipped up, sitting up from her comfortable spot on Yulen, "May I join?"

"Not this time hun," Savannah grinned softly, "I'll be back with your sister in a few, okay? Help Damion finish breakfast if you could. Luna? Is it alright if I steal you away?"

"Round two?" she murmured into his skin, kissing his delectable body as she shimmied down, kissing down his belly as she did, "Maybe this will help you feel better?"

Her tongue slithered out and flicked down his abs, trying to entice a moan out of him.

"Should I go lower sexy?" she asked in her soft, melodious voice, "Or would you like to claim my lips once more?"

The wolf nodded, their pack much like her own in many ways. Their age’s always sounding ridiculously long, but always felt short to them.

“I can tell, size and structure wise… “ She trailed off, fully well knowing it was their scent as well tying in with it all. “I can see, they’re very healthy, and happy at that.” She replied still looking over them in awe. Both bloodied hands curling around Xaels arms as she continued to calm her twitching. Looking up at her mate she nodded.

“It’s very normal.” She responded with a proud grin. Her attention was quickly tugged at as Savannah called for her to speak alone, fully well knowing moving would make the temptation worse.

“Of course…” She nodded, tilting her head up to kiss her mates jaw softly.

“I shall be back my Sun.” She whispered sweetly, unwinding his arms sadly as she stood. Standing the wolfs hip popped softly, making her grunt as she walked it off with Savannah.

Each step only worsened the craving; the need at that. Biting her lip, the wolf followed curiously.

“I’ll be right back Kayden, have some fun with the pack.” She grinned back at her little sister. “Or play with your new brother.” Lunar couldn’t help but giggle before turning back to the direction they were heading.

They walked out of the camp and towards the road, Savannah wanting a few words alone, nothing more. She could hear the girl's hips popping, her joints trying to refigure themselves.

"I don't want to pry," she whispered, "But if you need to Change I can wait. I just wanted to talk about Kayden."

Jay bit his bottom lip softly, his golden eyes staring down at her hungrily.

“Which lips?” He asked, lifting his brows as his breath stuttered at the touch of her cool tongue and warm lips against his skin.

“Because both are to die for” He purred as his hand wandered through her hair and his other hand gripped her ass tightly.

Lunar’s nails dug into her palms, pulling blood to the surface as her eyes looked down. As they disappeared into the brush, the wolf looked up at the demon.

“I’m fine.” She lied, her nails digging deeper into her palms. “What’s up with Kayden?” She asked looking up with tight eyes.

She laughed at his touch, pulling herself back onto his lap and wiggling her hips, "I'm so ready for a second round."

Her teeth bit at his bottom lip, pulling at it gently and suckling on it. As she let go her lips pressed into his, her tongue flicking out and playing with his, all the while her fingers raked his skin, her nails digging into his soft flesh.

"Don't lie," Savannah's voice got a touch colder, annoyed the wolf was even attempting to make face, "I can see your in need of your wolf form. Go. I'd rather wait then watch you fidget. I'll go back and finish breakfast while I wait. Call from the trees when your ready, and I'll come to you."

He couldn’t help the groan passing through his lips as his hand gripped her ass harder.

“Fuuuuuck” He moaned, his hand suddenly grasping tightly at her hair as he looked down at her before his lips found a soft spot under her chin to suckle on.

“Who fucking owns you?” He growled, his hand tugging roughly at her hair as his hand grasping her ass slipped around her, his finger teasing her entrance.

The wolf shook her head, her face showing her annoyance.

“I can stand to be human and I will stand it, I’m not in need of the run or the hunt.” She growled. Her claws dug in more while she rolled her shoulders in an attempt to help.

“It’s a pack thing… I see them and it’s… It’s a need, it’s in my blood and bone.” She replied. While the wolf knew any number would count as a pack, the wolf had always felt the need grow more with rising numbers in other wolves.

“What’s up with Kayden?” She asked, distracting herself with her fascination and need to know with her newly gained sister.

Reyn head tilted back and her beautiful laugh rang through the trees.

"Oh baby," she grinned, playing with his muscles as she spoke, "Last time I checked, I owned you. But feel free to try and change my mind."

Her words made Jays muscles twitch, his hand from her hair ripping up to grasp her throat. Pushing her backwards, the wolf swiftly and roughly flipping her onto her back while his body slipped above hers; his lips hovering above hers while his hand continued to grip her throat.

“You won’t be saying that soon enough.” The wolf growled, his eyes glaring down at her as his knee planted itself swiftly between her legs while he lowered his hip, positioning himself at her entrance. As he rubbed his tip teasingly at her entrance, he flicked her clit, waiting for her to change her mind.

They walked farther, till they were well out of earshot, "I'm guessing you have an inkling about what this is about. She still has to choose between going with you, or staying with me."

Savannah's eyes dropped to her hands, "I can't lie and say I don't want her with me. I love that girl. And its been nice to not be the only female in that pack. But..."

She stalled, her eyes turning and holding Luna's gaze with an soft intensity, "She can't be with my pack. They are too different. My wolves do not Change, they do not mate. Eventually Kayden will feel alienated again and it is the last thing I want for her. In the end she will be safer, and better off at your side than mine. Your father will continue hunting me now, for defying him, stealing, and killing his wolves by the dozen. We plan to go far south, farther than any of you would be able to find us. I don't want to take Kayden away from you."

It pained her to admit she wasn't the best thing anymore for the young wolf, and worse to think she'd be soon loosing her quirky little girl.

"Just be gentle on her," Savannah added, still holding her gaze, "She isn't like any of the wolves you've met or known. She is much more human than wolf, so please remember that. And protect her with your life. I know you say you will, but your priorities are your mate. I understand that. I only ask you include her in your priorities. That girl worships you, thinks of you as her role model. Please take care of her Luna. She has no training, no life experience, no one but you and me in this fucked up world. I know you are the best thing for her right now, I'm just...I'm scared to leave her."

I know Luna can do it, but will she have the patience? Kayden isn't like anything she's dealt with. She isn't mean, or rude, or harsh, or unkind. She's kind, and sweet, and lost.

Nereyda's nostrils flared, her back stinging from the ground hitting her, and her body surging with adrenaline under the piercing glare of the wolf hovering over her.

"I own you," she pronounced each word loudly, loving the sound of it on her tongue, but more so loving how his muscles tense, showing off every perfect ab, "Although there is always room for a change in owners, should you want to teach me a lesson..."

Lunar nodded, listening to the girl as she spoke of her sister.

“I figured it was about her place… I won’t deny I was admiring the acceptance she has with them. You’ve created something for her the way it should be with our own pack.” The girl nodded, still listening and understanding the situation.

“Between the differences, and Abass, it’s not something she would worry about with myself and Jayson, she would feel that connection.” She mumbled, her hand moving up to softly press her teeth to a claw as she thought. Crossing her legs as she stood, the wolf continued to listen.

“I have noticed her denial to our kind’s soul.” She whispered. “The issue with that… Her soul needs it… While she was still technically born a human, we are souls of wolves.” She mumbled sadly, looking at the demon.

“It will kill her if she doesn’t accept it. Our ancestor’s don’t like it…” She mumbled sadly. While she knew on the inside that Kayden needed to be with them, she was still slightly shocked that Savannah would want to leave her with them, understanding she’d gained a mother daughter bond.

“While my mate is a priority, I will tell you she is too, she’s my blood and that’s not something I take lightly.” Lunar sung, her arms folding as her claws released themselves from her palms.

“I can’t blame you for being scared; you’ve gained a bond much alike a mother to a daughter. That’s not something she, or I will forget. I will take care of her, I will teach her not just what she wants, but what she needs.” Her words were soft but her promise was strong. Looking her dead in the eye, the wolf kept eye contact.

“I will take care of her like a daughter should be, I will care for her every need and I will help her find herself.”

Savannah visibly relaxed, hearing Luna's words, "Thank you Luna."

"Don't push her with the Changes," she added, turning to go back to the group, "I know it is necessary, but something's different with her. She rejects it, harshly. This morning I had to numb the pain in her head just to get her to return to human form. I'm sure you two will figure it out. And don't think I won't check in, I plan on visiting you both. Once the threat has died off, of course."

A question Luna had asked popped back into her head and her brow scrunched up, realizing it was never answered, "You wanted to know what your father wanted with her, right?"

The wolf growled menacingly, his muscles rippling as his hand around her neck reached up to her jaw, forcing her words to stop and her eyes to look up at him.

“You’ll be begging when I’m done with you” He growled as his hips moved, straddling her as he repositioned himself to sit at her lips, both his hands moved to her head, grasping her hair tightly as he thrusted his member down her throat, a growl escaping his lips as the warmth from her mouth made his member harden further in pleasure.
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