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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


He listened to all her words before finally speaking.

"I know," he spoke quietly, "I had a front row seat to Savannah's meltdown. And some of her memories...well two weren't at all hers. I saw you kiss him, I saw..."

His voice broke and he choked it out, "I've never seen that adoration in your eyes before."

He rubbed his temples, tired of feeling depressed, "I saw the other one too. Honestly, if you weren't my main concern I'd be burrowing my sword as deep into Elijah's chest as I could. But I can kill him later, because I have to get this off my chest first.

How can I not feel like a replacement? Kayden filled me in on Diablos and you. Turns out your parents enjoyed offloading their days on her. She told me how you grew up with him, how he trained you to be the fighter you are, how Abass caught you kissing. That was when he realized you were in love right? That man is despicable, forcing all that he did on you. I know about the deal with Elijah, and I know that Diablos left you without saying goodbye, after your father threatened your life and he just tuck his tail between his legs and ran. Which, I promise you I'd never do. I'd die before leaving you at the hands of that monster. Luna?"

Her eyes were wide, staring at him like he was speaking tongues.

"Did I say something...?"

Everyone was grouchy or horny. Braxton and Ash had already disappeared into the brush, Xael and Luna were off fighting, And Elijah looked like he wanted to suffocate everyone. The only happy ones were Savannah and Damion, and they offered to go hunt down breakfast for everyone with Kayden.

"The next town is a week away," Savannah added, "there is no rush to roll out. We can bring back some food, when everyone returns we can eat and then we can leave."

So off they went, leaving Reyn alone with a grouchy halfling and a pacing wolf. Reyn sat at the edge of the clearing, unfortunately close enough in the direction of Ash and Brax to here some of her moans as he got louder and louder.

Unfair. She gets sex and I get stuck here. I can even try with Elijah, he'll probably just chew my head off, and Jay...

She pursed her lips, watching the man pace an worry about his Alpha. He wasn't necessarily pissed off, just concerned. And if he just apologized for walking off on her, she'd be in his pants again at his whim.

But wolves don't seem to like apologising or admitting their wrong. And his ass is cute. And...god damn it Ashlin lower your damn orgasm. Some of us aren't that lucky!

"Jay," she stood up, catching the wolf's attention, "Can I borrow your help with something. I think I misplaced a necklace the other night in the woods. Could you, erm, find it?"

It was a lie to get him alone, one that kept Elijah from following. After the other night she wasn't sure if his new protective stature included keeping werewolves out of her pants.

Jay begrudgingly agreed and she led him away, planning to get him far enough to not heard, then give him so "stress-reducing" sex.

Braxton purred, his mouth suckling her sensitive pink while she gripped his hair tightly. She tightened around his tongue, making the man purr more as she pulled him up. Following her desire, he kissed along her neck as his hands moved down to hold hers gently. Kissing up, he licked away her tears as his ghostly white eyes watched her in glee. Then she kissed him, allowing him to deepen the kiss as he pressed into her more. Braxton’s hands guided hers, Helping her as her fingers shook with pleasure.

“Relax, let me do everything.” He whispered against her lips, kissing her deeply as he undid his pants and slid them off his body never once parting from her throughout the gesture.

“Ready?” He moaned, kissing along her jaw as his hands slid up under her bodice, grazing her skin teasingly and playfully as he began to kiss down again, allowing him to look up for a moment as he softly removed her shirt and pants. Braxton’s lips massaged her skin, suckling sweetly on her supple breasts as he readied himself for her. Waiting for her response.

She stopped as the flash of Diablos came up in her mind as he brought it up. Her eyes widened as he spoke of the memory.


The word was stuck in her brain. Tears threatened to stroke her face as she shook her head.

“You didn’t see the whole memory… Did you?” She whimpered, her stomach clenched and pain flourished within her chest.

He knows…. He’ll never want me again… My mate….

Every word rang through her head, ripping up the memory from its hiding spot as she looked at him. As she looked at his disgust.

“You’ve also never seen me torture and kill for sport. That creature I killed was innocent.” She whispered looking down. It’s fur rippling within the soft waves of the wind, it’s dead and glassy eyes staring up at her. Her own kin, dead before her feet. She swallowed the bile, remembering how he’d encouraged the kill. Lunar shook her head into her knees, she couldn’t believe he was doubting her. Yes, she had loved him, but that man was nothing but a memory and an old scar. The woman couldn’t help but flinch as Xael continued to dig up the past. But then, something caught her attention and she looked up. He’d threatened her life. That was why he left. Lunars hands clutched the other tightly, her knuckles paling with the stress. Closure. She knew now, while she had moved on she felt something within her heart.

Her whole world sat in front of her, lightening the darkened part within her. Promising her, Promising to care for her until death. Lunar’s large silver eyes shuddered, the color flaking away to a stunning liquid gold. The wolfs hands unlocked, reaching out as she pushed herself into him. Lunar’s lips crashed into Xael, every particle in her body pulled to him without doubt. The girl crashed into him, her lips seeking his as her very soul reached out. She felt those ties with every touch electrify her skin, sealing their bond as she kissed him. Tears slid down her cheeks as joy filled every part of her body, eradicating any doubt. She knew he was speaking of leaving her with her father, but a part of her spoke about the creature inside of her, about that part of her that rotted her very insides out and threatened to kill her. She felt his words sink in about protecting her from herself. In that moment, her heart lifted.

“Yes” Lunars voice was like silk, shaking ever so softly with an inner uplifting glee. Her lips pressed back into his, her hands unable to help themselves as she wound around him, wanting to take every atom of his existence in.

Jays head flew up as Reyn beckoned him, her concern over a necklace seeming odd and out of place. Looking back towards the direction of his alpha, Jay nodded as he looked at Reyn and followed her. Jays naked form followed her, the wind making his skin bristle as he sniffed around. Between the woods, he could smell Reyn and Eli, fully well knowing a set of emerald eyes glared daggers into his back.

“Not worried that your boytoy back there will want to kill me for helping you?” He asked, lifting a brow as he followed her.

"Why would he want to help me?" She countered, "something out him in a foul mood, and I ain't asking no favours from him till he isn't grouchy. Now cmon, I know the last place I saw it...."

She wove through the trees, slipping deep into the woods until they could hear nothing but the birds and thier own breathing.

With a devilish grin she turned on her heel, letting him practically plow into her, "So here's the part when I tell you I never had a necklace..."

She wiggles her eyebrows at him, giving him her most dazzling and flirtatious smile, inviting him to interpret her needs as he saw fit.

Jay tilted his head, looking at her oddly.

“Because out of anyone, he cares for you.” Jay stated, still looking and sniffing the air as their scents died off into the earthy tone of he forest.

“He should feel fowl.” Jay growled, trying to ignore the threatening thoughts. As the two continued to keep looking, Jay bumped into Reyn as she turned on her toes. Her eyes looking up at him playfully as her mood seemed to shift. Looking down at her, his eyes looked at her skeptically while his hands slid up to rest on her hips. Jay tested his touch, making sure it wasn’t some elaborate plan to be ripped to shreds, before he picked her up and pressed her into a tree. Tilting his head down, he kissed her hungrily while his hands explored her body.

His lips grazed her flawless skin as he kissed down.

“Sorry for ditching you last time… That’s not my style, but I figured Eli would go for a while… And watching him naked was…” He shuddered at the thought of Eli’s body. He looked up, kissing her skin still as his hands explored her, his hands gripping her upper waist as he kissed down her chest.

She responded to him in earnest, wrapping her strong legs around his waist to pull him even closer. The apology lifted another weight off her shoulder and a laugh bubbled up.

"You're in the clear handsome," she giggled, "Just don't leave me hanging twice. And I promise no more threesomes...with him."

Her teeth caught his ear as she spoke as she tugged at it, leaving tiny bites down his neck as he caressed her body. Definitely top five, Reyn purred to herself as her fingers dug into his hair, pulling his lips back to hers.

Jay grunted softly against her skin as she nibbled at his ear, her fingers softly gliding over each well defined muscle. He looked down at her, his golden eyes shimmering within the morning light as he looked down at her. While one hand slid up under her shirt, another slid down and under her pants.

“No panties? Aren’t we dirty.” He grinned, forcing her entire body firmly into a tree as lust enchanted him. Slowly, his fingers played with her sweetness, Reyns juices coating his fingers with each movement. With each tug of his hair, sweet kiss, and moan of his name, Jay pumped his fingers with more force, his lips lowering down her neck to leave beautiful little hickies.

Reyn wriggled in her dark shorts and fish-net stockings, his hands making her quiver.

"Not my choice, but I kind of lost my underwear," she giggled and then cut off as her whole body shuddered with his touch, "Jayson..."

Elijah had retrieved her clothing two nights before, but somehow her underwear had gone missing in the forest. It now belonged to the trees.

Her mind went numb, her body turning to putty in his expert hands. Where Elijah exuded dominance during sex and craved it, Jay was dominance. She did nothing but surrender to him, submissive to his rough play. And the rougher he got the more excited her heart beat, adrenaline coursing through it.

If this is how all wolves play, it's amazing they get any work done, she thought as his fingers dove in deeper, making her gasp and cry out his name all at once.


She arched her back, pushing herself into him as his lips sent radiant fire through her skin, making her nipples tingle as he suckled them. Her toes curled and her fingers drove deeper into the ground, her brain lost to the ecstasy coursing through her. She barely heard his words, blood pounding in her ears as she climaxed one more just from his perfect hands caressing her. Another wave hit her and her hands shot from the ground to his back, racking his skin with her dirty nails as she cried his name into his shoulder, biting into his flesh hard.

She could feel him pulsing against her thigh, rock hard and waiting. But words failed her, her mouth only opening to moan and call out to him. Instead she wiggled her hips under him, than thrusted up to meet him. There was no soft start, or cooing words. He penetrated her hard and all at once, making her scream, then pulled back and shoved deep within her again, her whole body shaking as she met an orgasm with each thrust.

Well, he hadn't expected her to pounce him. As he fell back he took her with him, letting her lie on his chest as she fiercely kissed him, throwing her entire body into each kiss. Their connection tugged at them, strengthening with their nearness to one another. Xael had so much more to get off his chest, to argue, to demand...but it all fell away with her in his arms.

She was safe. And she was his.

She was his.

He flipped her over, pressing her back into the ground with his weight, his right hand cupping and holding her jaw still so she had to look at him.

"You're mine," he growled, his eyes turning bloodred with lust and something darker, "You are no one but mine. I will personally shred any man who lays a hand on you, or causes you pain. And I will not-"

His paused to breathe, his breathe blowing out through his teeth as he looked down at his mate, "I will not share with any man. Ever. If I have to claim your body every night to remind you that you are mine, and mine alone forever, then so be it. And the next time you speak his name, I will bend you over and fuck you till your numb little wolf, whether we are in a busy tavern or a private room. You won't be able to think of Diablos again without picturing me."

The wolf couldn’t contain the arrogant grin pulling at his lush lips, his teeth still nicking her skin as he forced her deeper into the tree. His hand along her breast squeezed roughly, playing with the warm and soft lump as his mouth moved down, his teeth sinking into not only the fabric, but down onto her nipple, his eyes looking up hungrily as his hand only quickened. Her cry’s made it harder by the moment, forcing the man to rip his hand out from her and quickly tear off the clothing, undoing his jean button and zipper before forcing his way into her warmth.

His body shuddered with her insides stroking him, tightening around him as she cried his name out. Both of Jays hands slid under her ass, peeling her legs off of him as he lowered her to the ground, flipping her front into the tree as his hands gripped her hips.

“Scream my name Reyn. Fucking scream it.” He growled, one hand slipping up to grip her hair and pull it back as his hardened member entered her. Growling, the wolf leaned in and kissed her forcefully, his hips slamming into her with each passing second.

The aussie groaned softly, his hands holding her roughly as she forced herself onto him as much as he was forcing himself down to her level. Braxton’s eyes watched her, her eyes rolling back as her body moved with his, pleasure sweeping her up with every move. Her teeth sinking into his skin only stiffened him more, his body shuddering with pleasure as she raked her nails down his back. Moaning softly, his eyes wandered down her perfect body, his hands unable to help exploring themselves with each passing wave of euphoria passing over her. His hips thrusted down, his member reaching the top of Ashlin’s womb as they met in the middle. He couldn’t help but moan her name as he filled his mouth with her tender breast, biting roughly as the lush skin. Every second he could feel his body pulse, his member quivering as her warmth consumed him and pleasured him beyond any extent. Moaning out her name, Braxton pulled out and slammed back down into her, trying to contain himself as Ashlin’s body continued to move with pleasure.

The ground was rough under her knees, but she barely felt it as her whole body shook with Jay's force, his growled words making her come farther undone. She screamed to the sky, falling to her elbows as her body was racked with an explosive climax, her entire being shaking from it.

"Was that too loud?" she panted, worried she may have been too loud, and made someone in the group think she was in trouble and come looking.

Not that Jay thought about it or cared, he just continued to claim her, his fingers digging into her hips. Thrusting fast and deep, it wasn't moments later she forgot her worries as Reyn remained bent under him, crying his name out over and over in pleasure.


Her name was like a whispered promise on his lips, spilling out for only her ears to hear. He moaned for her again and she responded in earnest, meeting his hips as he thrusted deeper and deeper, turning her moans into cries of pleasure. She could barely contain herself, pulsing and quaking under him as orgasm after orgasm consumed her.

"Come for me baby!" she cried out as her eyes rolled back and her breathe caught in another climax.

Xael’s arms curled around her, giving her a place and a purpose in this life, fulfilling her. She sighed softly against his lips as red tendrils of soft feathery hair slid down the side of their faces.

A soft playful growl came out of her mouth as he flipped her, her hair fanning out around her as her hands slipped out to rest on his shoulders delicately. Both eyes looked up at him, her full attention on him and only him. His dominant words rung run through her as she listened to his words. She couldn’t help the grin that pulled at his lips as his last couple words slipped out.

“Baby I’d do you anytime, anywhere, people or no people.” She giggled before her face lightened up on a more serious note.

“Xael, you never have and never will share me. I’m yours as much as you are mine.” Her hand slipped down to rest on his quiet heart as she continued to stare up at him.

“You are my universe, you give me life and a purpose. Your heart gives me my home, while my soul is attached to yours.” Lunar’s musical words hovered as did her hand.

“I can’t begin with how sorry I am that that happened, but I will tell you that I was and will always be more worried about you then anything in my life, even my own.” Her words where soft, as was her eyes.

“I love you Xael, I cannot begin with how much because there is no comparison that does that justice, I’ve mated to you, if you want I will marry you and give you a child if that is what it takes to show just how much I truly love you.” She smiled at him softly, lightening the mood. “You will never have to share me, I promise” She couldn’t take her eyes off of him as her hand on his shoulder pulled him down slightly, her head tilting up to press her lips against him. She could feel the sparks, she could feel his being and his very soul as she kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

"Can we start over then?" he asked tentatively, "Let's forget all the bullshit handed to us these last few days and just enjoy each other."

She nodded mutely and he lowered his lips onto hers, just basking in her soft glow. They spent an hour, talking privately, enjoying the peace circling them that felt so rare.

"We should be getting back to camp soon," Xael stared up at the sun, judging the time, "Before they organize a search party for us."

He planted his lips on her's once more before pulling himself to his feet. Sweeping her off the ground once more, he started a slow walk back towards the camp, refusing to let her walk because it was more fun to watch her squirm and wrestle him.

"Your cheeks have color again," he noted out loud, smiling, "I'm glad to see you feeling better. Tell me if anything else can speed up the process, okay my queen?"

The wolf huffed softly, slamming her hips against his as bliss rode him out. While his other hand tugged at her pink hair, growling to her response.

“Scream my name baby.” He snarled, his eyes on the side of her face as she screamed in bliss. Panting slightly, the wolf released her hair to grip her hips tighter. His hips thrusted in and out of the girl quickly, and deeply, cramming his large and hardened member inside of her beyond her possible limit. He was ready, but all he needed was her screaming his name.

Braxton pumped harder, a free hand slipping down to play with her pinkness. Her body quaked under him, showing he was doing his job right and making him pump harder. Her words were the magic cue, her sweet supple insides tightening beyond the point he could stand, his body stiffened as euphoria waved throughout his body. His hips thrusted a couple more times before he slowly pulled out, curling her up within his arms as he panted.

“Only for you Ashlin” He whispered in her ear softly, his chest continuing to rise and fall at a quick pace.

Lunar smiled softly nodding to his request.

“Only these last few days though… Shit only got bad when we got to this damn city.” She replied, her head resting comfortably on the ground as she looked up at him. Kissing him back, her body melted in which allowed a soft dreamy sigh to flow out of her lips. As they chit chatted, Xael brought up the group again.

“You said we would meet them at the next town, and I’m kinda ok with that.” She replied as she watched him. “Not to be rude to them… I just love the alone time with you.” She purred as a hand slid up his chest and neck to rest on the back of his head gently. He was right though, she could imagine her brother getting ancy already about this. Sighing in annoyance she nodded, kissing him again, only to pull him back in and plant her lips forcibly against his. A soft squeak came out of her mouth as he swept her up.

“I’m-“ Her words stopped, her heart flipping at his arms being around her. Realistically she couldn’t protest, her heart screaming in joy to the physical closeness to her mate. Both arms instinctively curled around his neck as she gently placed her head in the crook of his neck.

“Because I’m whole when I’m with you.” She replied with a tender smile.

“Thank you my Sun and Stars, I will.” She nodded. “Although, I think one thing is out the door if we need to head back.” She giggled as she nuzzled his neck softly, kissing the base tenderly.

He chuckled at her hint, squeezing her to his chest, "Don't worry Moon of my life. I intend on claiming you tonight. Over and over again."

They continued walking, until they were outside camp where he set her down so she could walk at his side into camp. Surprisingly it was mostly empty as they took the last few steps through the trees, everyone save for Savannah, Damion, and Kayden unaccounted for.

"Everyone flitted off into the trees," Savannah waved her hand with a grin telling them she knew exactly what they were doing, "And Eli went searching for Reyn just a minute ago. Said something about hearing her screaming, could be trouble. Boy will that be awkward..."

"Why?" Kayden asked, jumping up and prancing over to her sister to throw her into a hug.

"Because Reyn took Jay into the trees," Damion replied, grinning at the situation too, "Sirens don't lead men away to a quiet corner to discuss politics."

"So no one is concerned about leaving Reyn in her own mess, stuck between two men who currently hate each other," Xael crossed his arms, "Are we hoping for bloodshed?"

"They're adults," Savannah shrugged, "I'm not here to break up love triangles in the making, I'm here for Luna and Kayden's sake. Now come eat you two, it's fresh."

They gravitated towards the camp fire Savannah had built, food on a spit that smelt delicious.

Braxton buried himself in her as with one final pump she unraveled around him for the last time, riding her climax as he rode his. He pulled out and they collapsed together, his arms circling around her protectively.

"Mmmm," she hummed to his words, nuzzling his neck and letting her eyes flutter closed, "Can we stay like this forever?"

The wolf couldn’t help but giggle, continuing to nuzzle him the whole walk.

“I don’t know if I can wait for that.” She replied, as her head turned to see the group just beyond the trees. Lunar’s lip puffed out, pouting at the need to walk but quickly grasping Xaels arm as she wound herself around him. As the couple walked into the camp, she looked around, surprised at the quietness of the area. Listening the wolf nodded, adult’s doing what they seemed to do best in this entire group. Biting her lip, the wolf clung to Xaels arm, trying to not worry about what her brother had just gotten himself into.

“Sounds like Jayson was being stupid.” She responded, biting at her bottom lip. Grinning wildly at Kayden, she dropped Xaels hand for a moment as her arms swept her little sister up before kissing her forehead tenderly.

“Hello my beautiful little sister.” She beamed, her arms resistant to drop her as she pranced back towards Damion and Savannah.

Looking at Xael, Lunar wound her hand through is tugging on his arm, leading him towards the fire and the fresh food.

“Any fresh?” Her head poked in, hoping to find an uncooked piece somewhere amidst the food.

So good, she moaned internally, feeling his hands in her hair and increasing her bouncing against his pelvis to push him in deeper.

"Baby," she moaned, but it wasn't what he wanted to hear and he quickened his pace, getting her closer to the edge.

"Jay," she breathed as her heart rate matched his rhythm, her blood pounding through her system as she neared her final orgasm, "Jayson!"

She screamed his name to the wind, flinging her head down between her arms as her whole body spasmed and shook, her whole being overwhelmed with her climax. Reyn lost herself for a few seconds in perfect bliss, oblivious of what was around her, except Jay.

Eli poked his head around the trees, following the sirens trail. Their sounds echoed throughout the trees, Eli’s broad form poking through several trees to discover them. Growling, Eli walked in and quickly grabbing Jay by the scruff of his neck, pulling him off of her, second’s after he finished.

“Smooth Reyn.” His cold emerald eyes looked her over, disapproving of her choice after the last time the wolf had had his way with her. Turning around, he threw Jay into a tree, his shoulder smashing into the wood as Eli quickly dissipated into the forest, making his way back to the camp with an unhappy look on his face.

"Rude!" she yelled after him as he threw Jay then just walked off, "What the hell Elijah?! Don't just walk away from me, you ass!"

Getting up she crossed to where Jay was, checking for any dislocations. She felt bad for putting him in the line of fire, knowing better than to think Eli would stand idly by. But she had hoped he would stay in camp and sulk, and leave her to her whims. She couldn't always understand her Halfling these days, like something had changed in him. They had plenty of partners, and when he wasn't in the mood she'd always gone off and found another to please her. But she had always come back to her handsome half angel, enjoying him the most.

"I don't get him sometimes," she muttered to Jay, annoyed, "He makes all this talk about not caring about others and having toys and blah blah blah, but I try to have some fun of my own and he loses his shit around me. It doesn't matter, he can go sulk. You're my priority right now. Aw handsome, I'm sorry. Are you hurt at all?"

Maybe we've been secluded too long? He needs to stick his bone in something else before he loses it. I don't know...would that work? I'll find him a pretty thing in the next town. I can do that for him...
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