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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


Luna finished the fight before he could join, and even in her state she refused to let him run. When they reached the forest she finally collapsed, spasming and twitching as she endured the change. Human form once more, she stood up on rocky feet and fell into his embrace. He worried about her fresh wound as he held her, and pulled her out to arm's length to check it.

"Uh darling," his brow creased as he looked her over, then lifted his leg to check his ankle, "Our wounds are healed. Completely. Mine's gone. That's...I can't do that. Not without blood in my system. I know we fed last night, but I've never healed after feeding and a fight. What's going on Luna?"

**OOC: Savannah gave them both blood and neither of them know, cuz neither were in a state of mind to notice. so its a mystery to them how they healed. but her blood is still in their systems, so it healed them quicker than they normally would. If she had freshly given it to them, they would heal in minutes. but since its old, it healed them quicker but still took time ***

She shook her head softly, nuzzling his chest softly.

“Don’t know…” She mumbled, her eyes closing. “’portant part… teddy bear is needed…” She mumbled against his skin, taking in her perfect musky scent.

“Have I told you… How perfect you smell?” She whispered softly, her hands trying to stay clasped around the fabric of his under shirt, yet failing as she pressed into her mates figure.

“Don’t feel so good…” She whispered, her eyes trying desperately to try and open.

Eli shook his head softly.

“Well I like it the way it is.” He mumbled as the group came into vision. He looked down at her for a fraction of a second again as he nodded.

“Perhaps you did find a replacement.” He lifted a brow as his voice began to die off. Breaking through the tree line, Eli looked down at her, seeing her chewing on a thought.

“Too late.” He commented, the fondness in his voice growing still with the presence of the others as he lowered her softly, allowing her feet to get their placing before he withdrew his well-built arms, standing at her side as he grew silent.

And like that he was cold again, withdrawing from her like she had bite him when she hated uttered a word. Nereyda knew better than to bother him now, knowing she'd only get chewed out for it.

"Your irreplaceable," she whispered as she stepped passed him, turning to the group, "Morning guys. Where is, like everyone?"


"Shit," his arms swept her up, careful with her body, "Okay Luna, just relax. Can you feel all your fingers and toes?"

He started walking in the direction of the camp, knowing someone there could help. while he knew first aid, it was for mainly for humans and himself, not his drowsy mate hanging in his arms.

"Stay awake love. Almost there."

They basked naked in the grass, letting the sun dry their bodies. Savannah's melodious laugh filled the woods, echoing around them.

"You didn't," she breathed, hand over her mouth as she giggled, "He must have been soooo mad."

Kayden broke into a grin, nodding, "He was furious. All those attempts, and then he goes to strap me down and I just went into this ten minute rant in Latin. At first, I think he was hoping it had worked, and then the last five minutes were just him growing unamused by my joke."

"What were you saying?"

The only Latin I knew at the time," Kayden's smile grew, "I think it translated to 'the maiden milked the goat.' over and over."

Savannah bursted into more giggles, rolling onto her side. A laugh bubbled up in Kayden and she fell apart giggling too, the two women rolling in the grass laughing.

"I used to speak only in tongues around Damion," Savannah exclaimed, "Just to watch his face screw up and that cute frown of his grow as he thought I'd lost my marbles."

The sun peeked through the leaves, playing on their skin. Savannah realized the time and pointed out that it was getting later in the afternoon.

"We should head back, or we'll miss dinner too," she explained, finding her clothes, "Maybe after dinner you and I can go practice."

"I thought everyone was leaving right away," Kayden muttered, putting her clothes on.

"Well...if we don't leave right away I guess. But we should go back. Make sure all is alright..."

He nodded softly, looking over at the group as he withdrew to his thoughts and inner most dirty comments and rude remarks. Backing off to a farther tree, Eli leaned back against it, listening to the group chit chat.


Her vision began to fade, his words floating in her head as she tried to listen.

“-ah” She sighed, nodding her head ever so softly. Lunars arms flopped down into her lap, her body leaning into him as questions filled her drifting ears.

“eep, so good..” she mumbled, her eyes fluttering as she tried desperately to stay awake.

Xael zipped through the trees, his half conscious mate in his arms. Finally he reached the break in the trees, flying into the camp.

"Help," he breathed, holding her tightly to him as everyone jumped at his sudden presence, "Luna's sick. Something...I don't know what's happening. She seems healthy."

Her body was drenched in sweat, she was curled up within a circular padded out area, a creature laying dead and bleeding into the soil at her feet. Her breath was heavy and her eyes couldn’t lift off of its mauled carcass.

“Good.. You’re doing much better.” His voice was music to her ears, pulling her blood shot attention to his muscular body. His pants where torn and ragged, he’d gone with jeans versus his usual leather pants today. His upper torso remained bare, his muscles flexing as she looked up. His short blackish brown hair remained pointing upwards, with several longer bang like strands hanging in front of his perfect face; Black eyes staring down at her harshly as she trembled on the ground. While his eyes where hard, the grin pulling at his thin lips showed his pride in his pupil, her shaking form reflecting in his eyes before his arms flung out, swiftly sweeping her upwards and into his arms. Her lips crashed down into his, her hands finding their way up into his short stubbly hair as he kissed her back. Deeply. The feeling penetrated her being, down to her soul and past that. His arms slid around her, tightly holding her into him as her legs wound around his waist. Sighing against his perfect lips, Diablos pulled back, allowing her to stare down at him as the wind blew through. The tree’s surrounding them waved their arms, crying as her hands slid down to the side of his face. An odd wetness pulled her attention to her cheeks as his large hand moved up, flinching, Diablos shook his head softly, his thumb wiping away a tear.

“Never flinch my beautiful wolf.” He whispered. “For I will never harm you. You will never have to fear around me.” His voice was deep, yet soft and touching as her golden eyes looked down, deep into his black, soul hungry eyes.

“My beautiful, pure little wolf.” He whispered.

“Diablos..” She whispered, her eyebrows pinching together as she looked down at him. Something was off… Something was very off. The tone in his eyes wasn’t dark enough. His skin wasn’t glowing like she knew, and his muscles didn’t seem to perk at her touch like she remembered. She stared down deeply, blinking only to look down into an aged face.

Her view changed and suddenly her wrists were pained. As the glow of the sun darkened. She looked around, chains binding her wrists together as she sat naked and bare within a stone room, the blooming scent of life that played within her nose quickly rotting away to dampness and decay.

“Diablos…” Her voice was soft as she looked down, black eyes staring up at her as her back smashed into the stone.

“He’s left you. He didn’t want you and your filth.” His voice echoed and her heart stung. Quickly, her tiny body dropped, smashing into the floor, snapping several bones.

“Father… Why? Why did he leave?” Tears began to stream down her blood stained cheeks as she looked up helplessly.

“He didn’t want your filth.” The tone changed, forcing her golden eyes; Abass's cold eyes confirmed it, and in that moment, something wrenched, snapping and shattering into pieces as her withering eyes watched him. He didn’t want her… The one man she had grown with, had grown to love and had chosen to protect her, showed her how to protect herself. And he was gone… Just like that.

Not only her fathers withered form stood before her, his hand running through his silver hair as his colored fingers ran fresh blood throughout it. There stood Eli, a black wriggling leach like creature squirming within his strong hands.

“So we will feed your tainted desires… We will fulfill your purpose.” He stated, looking back at Eli as his hands moved out to grasp its inky body.

“Father… Please!” She cried, squirming as the pain within her hip screamed through her body.

“Please Father, I beg of you!” Her voice raised an octave, screaching as tears threatened to fall.

“I’ll be a good girl! I promise!” She screamed, her golden eyes looking up helplessly as he stood up to her. Abass’s tall 6’7 figure lowered, his eyes staring down at her, belittling the alpha within her as Eli stepped up, lowering himself to pin her against the wall.

“No biting now… We wouldn’t want you to nip into it’s acid…” Her eyes widened as Eli forced her jaw open, allowing the bitter creature, seemingly much wider then her mouth to slowly slide in. Lunar’s eyes rolled up, choking on the ink-like creature as it squirmed downwards. She gurgled, tears sliding down her face as her eyes slowly rolled back down.

That’s when she saw him… His perfect body standing there. While Diablos had been amazing…
he was perfect. He shared part of her soul, part of the more human side to her, and loved her even for her wolfish tendencies. But this… He couldn’t see this. His beautiful green eyes watched her as she crumpled up on the ground, coughing and crimson splattered the ground. Pain engulfed her, her body lighting on fire yet settling within a bolder of ice. Her heart thudded, pounding hard as she fought it. Her father slowly stood, Eli leaning down to pick her up by the jaw, forcing Lunar’s blood shifting eyes to his face as his lips pressed down to hers. She gagged, vomit ripping up her throat but settling down as he slammed her downwards, her shoulder shattering on impact.

She tried to scream, but nothing came out, only a need to look up at him; his body perfectly in sync with hers, standing in the corner disgusted.

“Come boys… We must wait, she must starve to the brink of death… Then we will find our alpha.” Eli stood, striding behind Abass as he stood in the corner.

“Xael, leave her. She’s filth. She’s neither a pure bred, nor is she innocent; She’s filth.” Her heart tore, Tears continuing to sink down her perfect cheeks. Looking down, crimson splattered downwards yet again, her tears nothing but blood seeping from her eyes. She tried to call out, but all she could do was gargle on the blood and the cold ink as her eyes closed.

Her eyes slammed open, taking a gasp of air as she panicked. Her wild eyes searched the area before she could help it, tears streamed down her face. Her hands flew up to touch the wet material only to withdraw; a red tint contrasting against her perfect little hands.

“Xael!” She screamed, her eyes looking around as she screamed his name.

“Luna!” He called, his eyes sinking into her vision as he inspected her hands.

“Tears of blood.” She whispered softly, her heart beating a mile a minute.

“Baby? What are you talking about?” He inspected her hands. “What blood?” He asked, her eyes looking back up at his face with fright. Now she was dreaming those things… and seeing blood where there was none.

"She's burning up," Xael leaned over her, pressing a wet piece of cloth he'd torn form his shirt to dab on her forehead.

They had her on a pile of cloaks, her body shaking and shivering as whatever poison had taken hold of her. Everyone was circled around, trying to watch. It had only been ten minutes, but Xael was growing impatient.

"How did you get me out of my coma?" he asked quietly looking at Jay, who hovered beside him, just as protective of of the girl.

"Savannah did it," he replied, "Not sure how."

Luna's face crumpled and she let out a scream that scared them all. As her body lowered her mouth opened again, this time yelling a name.

"Who's Diablos?" Xael's questioning glare shot back at Jay, now more confused than ever.

He didn't need to say anything. The look that flashed across Jay's face told Xael everything he needed to know. It was that look; he had been a past, and possibly her first love. Standing up, he swallowed the bitter pain etching itself into his heart.

"I'll find Savannah. Braxton is still taking care of Ash, who is no fit state to help, so Elijah, please for once lend a hand? Jay."

He turned and tore off, eager to find Savannah and help Luna, but more eager to get away from the group so they couldn't see the hurt in his eyes.

Eli bit his lip, looking at Jay as a darkened set of golden eyes glared into him.

“You know what she’s dreaming about…” Jay spat, Lunar’s hand gripping at him tenderly while she tried to drag him in. Holding her, Eli looked around as Lunar wept. Like that, he was lifted off the ground, Lunar’s body flopping over as she coughed, blood now splattering against the ground as she crumpled up. Rough hands shoved at him, Jay getting in his face as the wolf snarled at the Halfling.

You did this to her! Look at her!” He snarled, looking back at the girl then back towards his body. But as quickly as Eli had taken his eyes off of her, her shaking body was there in his arms.

“Xael…” She wept, her body only getting hotter as her body was reacting.

“If you want to blame anyone, blame fucking Xael! If she hadn’t taken him, she would have been fine!” Eli spat, his eyes glaring darkly at Jay while Lunar leaned heavily into him, her legs barely able to hold her up. Sighing, Eli picked her up, shaking his head as she sunk into him.

“You don’t smell normal…” She muttered, her head shaking as she rubbed at her nose, her eyes closing as she coughed before leaning back into him lazily.

“Blame yourself you disgusting piece of shit.” Jay spat, looking away as he waved the blood lust.

"Something's coming," Kayden breathed, hearing the rustle in the bushes, far enough that they could escape, "It's heading straight for us Annah."

The demon perked her eyebrows, listening and frowned, "I can barely hear it. But it's approaching quickly. What would you do Kayden?"

The girl swung on her mentor, eyes widening, "You want to train me now?"

"C'mon, danger is approaching. What's your course of action?"

"Ah...we could run."

"No, we don't run."

"We could...fight?"


Kayden sighed, "I could turn into a wolf, and sneak up stealthily. That's what your thinking of."

"I was thinking jumping from the trees," Savannah shrugged, "But sure, wolf works too. Are you up for it yet?"

That was the age-old question. Could Kayden do it? She bit her lips, scared to Change, but knowing she hadn't in weeks and it was making her body ache. With a defeated sigh she nodded and slunk off, tossing her clothes off. But after a few minutes of trying, she had to wipe sweat off her forehead, tired but still human.

Just breath Kayden. It's easier, and I'm here for you. Relax and breathe.

Kayden did as instructed and she felt it in her legs first, the familiar warmth, followed by bones breaking loudly and sharply. Unable to hold back she screamed, digging her claws into the dirt as she writhed and screamed, overwhelmed with pain.

"Bad plan...bad plan," Savannah hissed, jumping into the clearing Kayden lay in, "Screaming gives us away. You have to finish now Kayden, I'll deal with the threat."

As the demon whipped away, Kayden focused on finishing her transformation, her whole body shaking with the effort. As the last bone broke into place and settled she collasped in the dirt, her whole body rising and falling with uneven breathes.

"We thought you were an intruder," Savannah's voice popped up, "Be glad I didn't accidently stab you with anything."

With a grunt Kayden picked her lean body up, trotting towards Savannah's voice. Near her was Xael, her sister's mate, looking upset. From their conversation, she gathered Luna wasn't well, and they were hoping Savannah could help her.

"Where's Damion?" Savannah asked, looking confused, "He should be there. Why isn't he helping?"

"Not with the group," Xael shrugged, "He might be out with your pack. Look, can you please help?"

"Of course," she nodded, "Let me get Kayden."

Popping her head up from her hiding spot she chirped, making Savannah smile. The gorgeous white wolf revealed herself, her thin body only as tall as Savannah's hip, but pure silky white.

"Let's go," Savannah nodded to Xael, asking him to lead the way as Kayden stuck to her mentors heel, eager to move.

Whimpering, Lunar withdrew, everything wasn’t right. Her chest ached, her body was screaming in pain. Just like in the dream, the pain was there, and choking her. She sat quietly, struggling to breath as each intake made a soft gurgling noise, the blood welling up in her throat as she coughed. More blood. Whimpering the wolf struggled in his grasp, a familiar voice ringing in her head.

“Let me down.” She whimpered as the man protested, his grip on her only tightening.

“Jesus man! She’s fucking choking!” Jay growled, running over to help hold her within her mans grip.

“I just… I need down.” She whimpered, coughing roughly as her mate struggled. She felt disgusting, she felt filthy, and every fiber of her being stung. Pain fluttered up her spin, her hip and shoulder flush in pain as the girl was persistent against her.

“I hope Xael hurries up… We can’t do this…” Jays voice growled, stilling her as she looked up, horror ripping at her face as her mates face melted away to be replaced with Eli’s gruesome looks. She couldn’t help the blood curdling scream that flowed out of her lips, kicking viciously at Eli as Jay struggled to keep her at bay within the halflings arms. Looking up harshly the wolf could only growl at Eli as they waited. As Lunar’s eyes moved around, she stopped, staring at the white wolf entering the clearing. Tears ripped at her face as she stopped and withdrew. Everything was a reminder… A reminder of what she had, and what she could lose for her own mistakes.

"Give her some damn space," Savannah growled, entering the camp and seeing the Alpha struggling to get free, while Jay and Eli crowded her. Braxton, Ashlin, and Reyn all stood on the sidelines, quietly spectating.

"Elijah, I said let her go!" Savannah ordered, feeling that familiar tug of dominance in her blood that called to his.

She outranked him, simple as that. He was near her in league, but her father's status alone put her as second-in-command in Hell, should she ever want it. Most in her place would learn to control legions, scaping an army from demons. She wanted none of that, so while her blood sang to him to listen, she ignored that part of her. Savannah had no need for it. Instead she flung her mind into his, forcing him to let her go as she controlled his movements briefly. The alpha fell out of his arms and surprisingly landed on her knees instead of her face.

"You too Jay," she snapped, stepping forward as Eli glared hatefully at her, "Poor thing is being suffocated."

Bending down, she got into Luna's vision, "Hey, hey Luna -wait, no calm down- I'm here to help. Hey, hey...I'm sorry about this."

Her hands forced themselves on the woman's cheeks, instantly connecting their minds and letting Savannah inside her turmoil.

Her body flew to the ground, confused and hurt as a voice called to her as she fell to her knees. Lunar’s nails dug into the earth, flash’s of memories mixing with the current time. She couldn’t tell what was real and what was the past, it was all mixed together and forced to mesh as pain flickered through her body. Lunar’s shoulders popped as did her back, trying to force a change that was physically impossible with the array of confusion enveloping her head. She coughed, blood spilling out of her mouth, and oozing down from her teeth as her breathing became labored and her head dropped. Savannah’s touch was unwanted, digging within as pain continued to eat her from the inside out.

Kayden remained at the edge of the clearing, feeling exposed in his wolf form. This was the first time anyone had seen her like this...aside from her mother and Savannah. Fortunately no one gawked, too busy watching Luna. Backing up till her flank hit a tree, she lay in the grass, her muzzle on her crossed paws, watching from afar.

There was nothing she could do now, except trust Savannah to help her sister. Too scared to get closer, Kayden remained rooted to her spot, waiting for Savannah to return to her with good news.


There's nothing else I can do. Savannah can help her. I can't. I can't save her from herself. I can't save her from anything.

He felt weak, and for the first time unworthy. She was a strong, agile hunter, an Alpha in her species. He was a mutated corpse, only alive due to pure luck and self-training. She deserved better...

And she wants better! It was tearing him apart now, the name bouncing in his head over and over. In pain, seeking solace and comfort...she hadn't been calling out for him. She called to Diablos.

Whoever he was.

It hadn't been him. He wasn't strong enough to protect her and she knew it. Inside, unconscious and hallucinating, she was thinking about him.

Not me...him

She struggled, the voices of memories screaming at her. All she needed was him. She reached out, her hand brushing Savannah’s arm as she spat up more blood. While everything screamed, she sought out for her mate, trying to find him through the fog. Yet it felt impossible, everything was fucked up. Her nose began to scream in pain, sharp scents destroying her sense of smell, her taste buds filled by blood, her fingers grazing skin while coated in a gooey liquid, and her ears swollen with voice’s and memories being flushed through her thoughts, all being destroyed by the thought of Xael’s repulsion to one part of her. Lunar’s sight was fading, and a fear began to build. She was dying… She was dying alone, and her mate was god knows where… Pain seared her, a hand reaching up to sink into her side as she tried to scrape the pain away, only to feel it get worse by each panicked heartbeat.

Everything was muddled, twisted, and array. Her brain had been flipped upside down and tossed together in a pile, leaving Luna to sort through the memories. The force of it was even giving Savannah a headache, trying to split her attention between fixing the wolf, and keeping her hands on her while Luna tried to throw her off.

"I'm trying to help," she growled, ready to kick the Alpha off her feet if it meant finishing the job, "Stop moving!"

She reached into her mind again, helping the wolf toss her memories back into place. Some poison in her was making her sick, causing her to hallucinate. Her body unable to fight both the poison and the effects, it was growing weak. And with every passing second Luna's mind grew worse not better.

"She's poisoned," Savannah growled, fighting the Alpha to keep her hands on her, "Luna can't fight the problem when she's dealing with all these symptoms. This isn't going to be pretty..."

With a snarl she drilled her brain right into Luna's, making them both scream in pain. Then Savannah pulled out, taking with her all the fogginess and hallucinations that seeped back into her own brain. Now Luna can focus on burning away the poison and I can just-

With a cry she fell back, scrambling away from the group as the hallucinations clutched her, and her body screamed in pain.

With that, her heart began to slow, the fogginess of her sight beginning to lift. Pain throbbed through her brain, everything lifting as if it had never happened… Lunar’s fading silver eyes looked up, her hand plucking itself out of her own side and reaching up towards Xael.

“Xael…” She whispered, her arm shaking as she tried to hold herself up… Then her arm gave way and she was plunging through the air towards the cold earth.

They all felt it. Damion and the pack were slowly returning to the camp after having a good run in the forest when suddenly Damion was on his knees, pain blinding his senses.

"Savannah," he choked, feeling her pain and hearing the wolves whimper through it too.

They were all connected to her, and something was attacking her mind. It sent ripples through the wolves, causing distress. Moreso for Damion, whose soul was partly hers, so everything she felt, so did he.

"C'mon," he gagged, "We have to get to her."


"Look at the new meat boys. Ain't she a pretty one. You a Apvus sweetheart?"

A what?" Savannah asked, cornered by six men, the warm cave walls scratching her back, "I don't know what the fuck you are talking about."

"An Apvus," one of them sneered, "Beautiful women who serve Lucifer. Look, I'll give you a lesson of what they do."

He grabbed her wrists, and Savannah screamed but there were six of them, all grabbing and handling her. One of them shredded her clothes, another pulled her hair. She screamed and cried, wiggling and squirming but there was a man holding each of her arms as the first man flipped her around and forced her to bend over.

"No!" she screamed, terrified, "Please NO!"

They ignored her pleas, forcing themselves on her one by one, pleasing themselves until she was raw and bleeding. Then they forced her down, beating her. The pain of their blows was nothing to the violation she felt, but they continued to kick and beat her, until she was within an inch of her life.

"You're disgusting," one of them spat, giving her head one last kick, "No good cunt. Let's go find some better pussy that doesn't whine so much."

They left her, bleeding and tortured, so that she could curl into herself.

Let me die...

Jay caught her before she fell completely, as Xael was still too far away. He forced himself closer, but every step towards her was stiff, his brain begging him to stop hurting himself.

"Put her back on the cloaks," he spoke softly, motioning to the pile of cloaks they had made for her, "Luna should be comfortable there. We need to-"

Savannah's scream cut through all of them, high pitched and terrified.

"-We need Damion now!" Xael finished, "Luna's still poisoned, but Savannah is hallucinating and...ah..."

His hands reached up to his head, images flashing across his brain without warning. Red cavern walls...bloodred eyes...six men...

"I'm going to be sick," he gagged, seeing Savannah raped in his head, "Oh my god."

From across the clearing Kayden howled, shaking her head viciously. She too was being affected.

"Jay, tend to Luna," Xael choked out, kneeling as a new assault of images came.

He couldn’t help it, it was boiling in his blood.

How dare you do this to her!” He was pointing at her, Never had he seen his alpha so weak.

“First, you forced that apon her, Now your impersonating her mate as shes calling for him?” Jays voice dropped, each word a feral snarl as his canines grew. Jays hands lashed out, shoving Eli, only to feel his wrist within the halflings grip.

“This is nothing to speak of n-“ Eli had started before Jays fist lashed out.

“She was calling for Xael, looking for his comfort and you pulled your shit again!” He snapped, his body swinging around and quickly catching Lunar as Xael shuddered towards the back of the group. Placing her down her eyes closed with a whimper, her body going limp with exhaustion. Pulling her into his lap, he leaned over her, kissing her forehead softly.

“Shhhh my sister. Shhhhhh.” He whispered, whipping away the sweat as she stilled. Suddenly, something pushed at his thoughts, covering an ear, the wolf whimpered softly while he bit his lip. Looking up at Xael, Jay looked back down at Luna and tried to worry over her, as not just his alpha, but the newly gained member was attacked with the effects of the poison.


The creature called out, his hands moving up to grip at his hair as he looked up, panicked and worried over both girls. Looking over, he watched as Eli twitched, something unusually cold about his reaction and Jay twitching as the images pushed through his brain as well. Leaning over to Ash, Braxton curled his arms around her, kissing her hair as he held her.

"Where is he?" she roared, marching right up to the King of Hell and getting in his face, "Where is Damion?!"

"Watch your tone," he snarled back but she didn't falter.

"You don't scare me father," she hissed, "I want my boyfriend back. Now!"

"Too late," Baal sneered, standing beside them, "You do not get to rescue the dead as you see fit. He died Savannah. He is no longer yours."

"Fuck you," she cursed, "I will kill whoever it takes to retrieve my mate back. Tell me where he is!"

"Locked away," Lucifer shook his head, "And dead. There is only one way you can save him, and it's impossible."

"He needs a soul," she stated, marching out of the room, "Pit of souls it is then."

"Savannah!" Lucifer roared, following her, "That pit will be your end. A thousand million souls begging for you, there is no way to keep them all out and find yours."

She turned on him, her eyes blood red, her fangs out as her horns sprouted from her forehead, curling tightly and looping around the back of her head like a crown.

"I am your daughter!" she roared, "I have conquered hundreds already. If I cannot save my mate, I do not deserve to live!"


Damion stumbled into the clearing, clutching his head, "Sorry we are late for the party."

Falling down, he knelt beside Savannah, placing two of his fingers on her forehead and closing his eyes. The next words out of his mouth were in no spoken language known to man, spoken smoothly and quickly. The instant he finished she slumped in his arms, fast asleep. His headache cleared in seconds, as did the others.

"She's asleep," he breathed, "It's over."

Jay shook his head out, looking up at Damion as his hand rested on his sisters head softly.

“Will she be ok?” He asked, concern slapping across his face as he held his sister, keeping an eye on her pulse as her body laid unnaturally still. He was curious what that was, how it had effected Savannah and if what he experienced was what he thought it was. Yet he stayed quiet, watching from a distance.

"Some of you saw all that," Damion spoke softly, pulling his soul mate into his arms and coddling her, "I'm sorry for that. She doesn't like to speak about her time in Hell for good reason."

He heard Jay's question and shook his head, "She hasn't been okay in years. Centuries really. She's Lucifer's last daughter. I don't think she will ever be okay. But she is amazing for it. Amazing that for someone with such a dark cloud over her head, my girl continues to help others."

He kissed her head, "She's so stubborn. Always wants to be the hero. Even if it kills her. She should wake up alright. Her blood will burn through whatever she took in from Luna. But she won't wake till I tell her to. The words I spoke, they are a spell. She cannot wake till I undo it. It was the safest way to keep you all sane."

The memories...the was too much. The minute his brain cleared he turned and ran, putting as much distance between himself and Savannah...and Luna.

He ran until his legs gave out, miles off. Falling against a tree, he slid to the ground, letting unmanly tears fall. Savannah's memories had been more than a simple shock to his system, and he'd seen every last image. And then the events of yesterday...and now today. Xael couldn't handle it.

Leaning his forehead on his knees he took deep breathes, trying to still his aching heart.


Ash had gotten lucky.

None of the memories they spoke about had assaulted her. Braxton seemed affected though, his embrace tightening on her. For once, Ash did nothing, unable to offer anything. She was bone dry for magic, and still fatigued from the events of yesterday. She helplessly watched the proceedings, wanting to help but knowing she'd only be in the way.


Reyn turned away from the group, sick to her stomach. She had only caught a few images, but it had been enough. Even Elijah wasn't any support, who had grown oddly cold to a level she'd never seen. Anxious, Reyn wrapped her arms around herself and shivered, disturbed and upset.
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