The Game of the Gods (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

RE: The Game of the Gods

"A rematch, with Ike," Zelgius murmured. "That fight was satisfying, but I failed to find my blood boil."

"...I'll think about it," Dark Pit mumbled in thought, wings twitching.

"Hm," Ganondorf purred in thought. "I think I have something..."

"Chi," Ike murmured. "Why exactly are you helping us? I thought you were with the other Pit?" Indeed, he found her presence a little...unsettling. Was there some kind of angle that he wasn't aware of? Why would she even want to be associated with them?
RE: The Game of the Gods

"You will get your rematch with Ike, Zelgius..." Medusa reassured him with a smile. She could easily arrange that. She then turned to Ganondorf and tapped her cheek. "What is it that you desire, my love?"

Chi huffed in an annoyed manner, her wings twitching in frustration. "I just wanted to, alright? I would never be on the same team as that black feathered jerk!"

"You mean the one that looks like Pit?" Ryuka asked with a slight tilt of her head. She was confused on that...were they brothers?

"Yeah, they're both jerks though." She grumbled as she turned her back and crossed her arms. She didn't care if she was a black sheep, she didn't belong anywhere anyway.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Nothing I can share publicly," Ganondorf smirked. "In time, my dear...I am curious to see this temple of yours."

Ike tilted his head a fraction, glancing at Link who shook his head.

"Burned you, huh?" Ike mumbled. "Well, I'm sure he had his reason. Both of them are like dogs, loyal to a fault."

"Yep! That's us-" Pit said, arms crossed proudly before his face looked profoundly confused. "HEY!" he protested. "What does that mean, huh!?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Of course you can share publicly... Or do you just not want to?" Medusa purred as she reached up and slid her arms around his neck with a grin. "If Dyntos is as powerful as he says, then you'd be able to see my temple the minute you walk out of this arena..."

"It means you mindlessly follow your Goddesses like good little doggies." Chi grumbled as she shook her head. Medusa was back and even prettier now, so he really wouldn't need her anymore.

"Well," Palutena began as she placed a hand on Chi's head. "I'm sure you'll settle your differences eventually, Chi." They were at that age, weren't they?
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I like to keep things in suspense," Ganondorf purred easily, leaning down to nuzzle against her. "Let's see this testament to your beauty, then."

"Maybe you should learn a thing or two about being loyal," Pit grumbled. "A mercenary doesn't know anything about that!"

"Uh huh," Ike said flatly, unphased by the barb. "A mercenary also knows who is worth being loyal to, and who isn't."

"Guys," Link sighed. "I know that defeat was humiliating, but please. We don't need this."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"And then after we're done seeing it, I'll grant your wish...whatever you want." Medusa purred as she pressed her lips against his for a moment, sliding her tongue into his mouth.

"Ugh," Ganessa muttered before crossing her arms. "Can we just go see it now before father slams you against a wall, mother?"

"Umm," Ryuka began as she looked towards the door. "I just got the chills. A very large force of energy is collecting outside. I've never felt anything like it."

"That's just Dyntos...granting Medusa's wish I presume." Palutena began as she moved towards the door. "Let's go, everyone. I'll make all of you dinner to soften your humiliating defeat!" She grinned back at them with a teasing expression. Chi looked up at the Goddess and couldn't help but bust out laughing at that. She didn't know Palutena could be so funny!
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...Agreed," Zelgius murmured faintly as Dark Pit shook his head. They were always like that, but he supposed they some catching up to do.
"...You can cook?" Ike said curiously, brow raised. Why would a Goddess of Light know how to cook in the first place?

"You kiddin!?" Pit said, hands on his hips. "Lady Palutena is the best cook in the world! Better than any of you simple mortals." he said smugly. Link glanced at Ike, who shrugged. Dyntos was already busily at work, with a hundred exhausted angel assistants fluttering around the quickly forming mass of stone. It rose higher and higher, easily a story taller than Palutena's temple. The roof was supported by two perfectly crafted and sculpted depictions of Medusa, the staircase was wide and ominous, leading into a massive mouth of the main temple.

"...Someone isn't vain," Ike said, glancing up at the temple as Dyntos stroked his beard, grinning at Medusa. He couldn't believe he was seeing this, all those years of fighting Medusa and Ganondorf...regulated to a game.

"What do you think, Medusa?" he cackled. "I think I've outdone myself!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"When it comes to me you can never outdo yourself, Dyntos. It's lovely...a suitable home for me and my kin..." She glanced over to Palutena and the others. "Just in time to see my spoils of war. What is your opinion, Palutena?"

"It's a lovely home. It makes me want to do some renovations on my temple. I suppose that will be my wish when I win next game." Palutena grinned.

"Well doesn't that sound familiar. Sounds like what you said before todays games, and your team was kicked into the ground. You're going to need a lot more than two little chickens and some half baked heroes to win against me." Medusa said with a haughty grin.

"Chicken?!" Chi hissed as her wings fluttered in annoyance. She was NOT talking about her, was she?! She could definitely fly!
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Chi?" Dark Pit mumbled in surprise, blinking as he shifted next to Palutena. What in the world? "What are you doing over there, Chi?" This was how he saw her again? On the other side? He tried not to let the betrayal show on his face, but it hurt, a lot. "You're supposed to be over here!"

"Awkward..." Pit said casually, arms crossing.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Why in the world would I be over there when you're standing there, huh?!" Chi chirped in annoyance, her face flushing red. She hadn't talk to him in a long was making her feel weird. "Don't act like you care where I am now, you haven't for a long time..."

"Well, well well..." Medusa began with a smirk. "It looks like in my absence, you've grown insolent. Chi, don't you remember why you joined me in the first place? How can you stand on her side after all that you've been through? I gave you a purpose..I can give you another if you come back. Something more dignified than being my errand girl." She wouldn't have bothered if it wasn't for the fact that her son liked her...

"Sorry," Chi muttered faintly as she crossed her arms. She wouldn't let her get into her head like before. She was different least she thought so. "But I already picked a side, and I'm sticking with it until the games are over."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"What? Come on!" Dark Pit muttered. "Chi, this isn't funny. You belong over here." With him. Not with them. "Why are you acting like this!? Of course I care!" Who said something to her? Was it Pit? That winged jerk, or was it Palutena? Did they whisper a bunch of lies into her ears?
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Ugh, this is dumb. I'm out of here." Chi growled before she turned her back and took off towards the sky. All those years alone and he just acts like nothing even happened...

"Hmm...she'll come to her senses eventually." Medusa told him before she turned towards Palutena and gave her one last grin. "I look forward to seeing you in our next game, Palutena..." Yes...these games had a much deeper purpose to her that needed to be fulfilled. She enjoyed them greatly.

It was probably time to tell her beloved what she had in mind....
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Whatever," Dark Pit muttered, taking off himself to find some miserable hole to sulk in. He had his reasons, but he knew Chi would never understand them, so why bother? But this? This was betrayal.

"Likewise, you ugly hag!" Pit said, pointing at her in determination. "We'll win next time!"

"Funny how the chicken always lays an egg when we fight," Ganondorf smirked in amusement. "I hope our next battle is as painful, Link."

"Hmph," Link muttered. He wouldn't give Ganondorf the pleasure of a retort.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Ugly?" Medusa cackled loudly before as her eyes settled on Pit. "Pit, you wound me. But I suppose I'm just not your type...since you only have eyes for your green haired Goddess. Anyways, we have better things to do than associate with failures." Medusa grinned as she turned her back and started walking to her new temple that was even worthier than her last..she would be very comfortable here.

"...Those people are evil." Ryuka stated as she watched them walk away. "We can't let them win again." She wasn't good at fighting...but she'd get better. Just because she couldn't stand this...

"We'll do what we can, Ryuka." Palutena said softly before she started walking to her own temple in the opposite direction. "It's just a game,'ll be okay either way."

"...You're wrong, Lady Palutena." Ryuka told her as she started following her. "I can't put my finger on it, but...I think these games are a bad idea."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"At any rate, we can't do much more than make sure they have their options as limited as possible," Ike said. "But I agree with Ryuka, Lady Palutena...Medusa isn't one to play fair."

"Neither is Ganondorf," Link grimaced. "I can't imagine they're doing this for the same reasons we are."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Me neither...but the entire purpose of this tournament is to give back some faith to the humans. Medusa is Medusa...I doubt she will ever change. Whatever she is planning, I will thwart it. Besides, she'll behave knowing that Dyntos is stronger than her, or any of us for that matter. She knows she's being watched." Palutena said as she started walking up the stairs that led to her home. "We just need to stay on our toes...alright? There's not much else we can do other than enjoy a meal together. I used to feed Pit on his missions all the time, that was how he kept his strength. I'm sure it will do the same for you three." She smiled.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"She's the best cook in the entire universe!" Pit praised easily. "You won't ever want to eat anything else again when you taste the way Lady Palutena cooks it?"

"That good, huh?" Ike chuckled. "Well, no sense arguing that, I suppose..." he said, rubbing his neck.

"Now this is a temple..." Ganondorf purred, glancing around in awe. "That old god knows how to build, I'll give him that. Wide, expansive...with numerous depictions of Medusa's beauty. He knew her vanity quite well, didn't he? There was space for thousands of worshipers.

"Indeed," Zelgius murmured. "If you'll excuse me, Lady Medusa, Lord Ganondorf." he said, tilting his head. "I will take my leave."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Very well, Zelgius. You did well today." Medusa told him once more. This one..this one she wanted to play with but he very much reminded her of Ike. She needed him to win her games, so perhaps she'd wait before she began playing her own games with him. And that Alondite girl...well she'd do whatever her master wanted her to do.

"Hmm..." Ganessa began as she looked around the castle. "This place is just asking to be filled up with worshipers, mother. And daddy's concubines." She smirked. How father did love his doll collection...
RE: The Game of the Gods

"It does need more window dressing, doesn't it?" Ganondorf mused, scratching his chin in thought. "Ah, but one step at a is quite nice to be free, and beating Link into the sand was just a benefit." he smirked.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Yes...being alive again is an amazing feeling, especially now that I'm at full power. And soon, we'll never have to worry about having our freedom taken away." Medusa purred and reached up to stroke Ganessa under the chin. Her daughter was the key to their freedom...she just needed time to ripen and mature. "My love...these games will benefit us in other ways aside from humiliating our enemies..."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Oh?" Ganondorf said, hands brushing across Medusa's hips. "By all means, enlighten your poor man."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"It's an excellent cover up for gathering up more followers...people who will follow me to their deaths. And it's also very good for Ganessa seeing as she has gained a new ability since we've been away." Medusa glanced at her daughter who was grinning from ear to ear. "Go ahead, show him."

"Heh..okay. Will your form do, mother?" Ganessa asked as she stepped back a little, her magic starting gather around her in a form of black flames. Medusa nodded and rested her head against Ganondorf's chest as she waited. "Heeeeheee...okay!" The flames suddenly roared around her, completely engulfing her body before it went out...and there stood another Medusa looking straight at him with that same insidious grin. However, there was an obvious difference...while she was an exact copy of Medusa's form, the color of her hair was white instead of black, and her skin was a dark grey. "It's imperfect..but that's only because I cannot drink mothers blood. Yet..."
RE: The Game of the Gods

Ganondorf blinked in surprise, head tilting in wonder. "...Fascinating," he remarked honestly, fingers brushing across the white hair. "How did you come across this talent, my daughter?" The implications were spinning in his head, and all of them were wonderful. Could anyone drink the blood of a god?
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I ate that creature that was once my toy...The Interloper, he likes to call himself." Ganessa answered easily as she moved her hand and touched the back of his palm. She loved her fathers attention...nothing made her happier. "With his power and mine, we developed the ability to absorb attributes from our opponents simply by drinking their blood. However, I cannot handle the power that would come from, say mother, or even you. I have to build up a tolerance and strengthen my body with weaker blood."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I see," Ganondorf grinned. "Then I believe the plan is quite obvious, does no one know of her talent?" he said, glancing at Medusa.
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