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The Game of the Gods (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

RE: The Game of the Gods

"...Well," Pit flushed a little. "I mean, I really like her and everything..." he admitted. "She's really smart, and really beautiful...she usually knows a lot of stuff, more than I do."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I Palutena is beautiful, so she's not scary to you?" That was strange logic, but she didn't really understand him much anyway. He was close to Palutena, the Goddess of Light and had a good heart. That's all she needed to understand.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"She can be," Pit grinned. "But I mean, you try to stay on the good side with girls, yeah?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I suppose." Ryuka said with a tone of uncertainty. "I don't really know. I find all people scary because it's just been me since as long as I remember."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well, just remember...whenever you get scared, you're a big dragon." Pit said, rising up. "So that means you can scare a whole lot of people, really easy. It's the ones that you can't scare off that you need to be brave for."
RE: The Game of the Gods

She watched him rise up and then gave him a half smirk. "I will...if I hadn't been brave today I would have never met The Goddess of Light. And I would still hate you."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...I guess that's true," he grinned sheepishly, scratching his cheek. "Sorry about the misunderstanding, if I had known, I wouldn't have just taken it, I would have asked."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"It's okay. Those flowers are beautiful...and they taste good too. I can't blame you two." She told him as she stood up. "Thank you...for bringing me here."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"You're welcome," Pit smiled. "Let me know if you need anything, okay? This can be your home now."
RE: The Game of the Gods

Ryuka looked around before nodding. "I think I will eventually need food, but I'm okay for now." She wasn't sure how to hunt in this place.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"We can provide that," Pit grinned. "This place has everything you'll ever need, Ryuka! Way better than that mountain."
RE: The Game of the Gods

The mountain wasn't much, but it was where she was born...she thought. She would miss living there. But this was for the best. She needed to see the world for what it was. "I see. Well, thank you again." She told him with a smile. First order of business was taking a nap...
RE: The Game of the Gods

"You're welcome," Pit grinned, floating up. "Wish me luck, okay?" he said, flying down off the tower. Like it or not, this little contest would be starting...Pit had no idea how this would go, but he wouldn't let Medusa win. He had to prepare, train...see his teammates.

It seemed like there wasn't a night or day where the forges of Dyntos had stopped since the announcement, every so often there would be a gleeful cackle of joy from the elder god's lips. Most of the remaining felt slightly nervous that their patriarch was so eager and excited, there was a small army of tired angels following his every order, and it was perhaps the greatest benefit to them that they were finally finished. And to be fair, it was an impressive testament to Dyntos' earnest craftsmanship.

"Well!?" He clucked to the two goddesses, hands on his hips like a proud child as they overlooked his handywork. They were situated where the gods would watch, and from their view they saw everything. Each side was immaculately styled, with a large representation of their Goddess in a regal, goddess-like pose. No expense was spared on quality, the arena featured pillars evenly distributed through the center, made with the finest materials available, and two seconds of walls on either side to offer some variation on maneuvering and attacking. Of more interesting note? The stands, they were massive...clearly, this was not going to be a simple, silent fight between two goddesses.

"The Game of the Gods shall inspire faith in all mortals!" he laughed. "Because I invited them to watch!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Good," Medusa began with a grin as she tapped her finger on her staff. "That means more people will witness Palutena's failure." Even she had to be impressed with the craftsmanship of the coliseum. He captured her beauty perfectly, perhaps she would ask for him to design her next castle.

"Don't be silly, Medusa...I won't be the one failing here." Palutena was completely confident in her choices...and in Pit. She hadn't thought about what she wanted from Dyntos yet when they defeated Medusa. But maybe the satisfaction of putting her in her place again was all she needed.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Now now," Dyntos grinned widely. "No sense wasting all your vigor on each other, save it for the first fight! I expect something impressive, something that shows that power of light and darkness!" he cackled. "Then we can build more!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"But nothing over the top, right?" Palutena was good at magnificent displays...they just weren't always safe to the people around them.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Yes yes," Dyntos said, waving it off casually. "Just make the fights good, hmm? Something that brings some faith back to the fearful people."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I don't think the fights will be an issue. I'm even interested in watching assured the mortals will be entertained. Nothing gets their blood boiling like a bloody display." Medusa said with a haughty smirk. She then turned her back and then disappeared into the shadows.

Palutena sighed and then glanced over at Dyntos. "Is this really going to help restore balance?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I understand your reservations, my dear," Dyntos murmured, stroking his beard. Bombastic one moment, wise overseer of everything the next. "But when Gods work under their own designs, we all suffer. We cannot exist without their faith. This gives us a closer bond with them, to show them that they have a say in what we do. That chicken of yours did what he had to do, but without Medusa, we would have worse problems. Like it or not, she is the most suitable candidate. Unless of course, you want me to speed up the return of Hades?" he grinned in amusement. "I am working on finding a less...eager replacement, of course."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"No, you're right." Palutena murmured as she turned away slightly with a grimace on her face. She didn't want to deal with Hades again, she'd just rather him find a replacement. "Take your time with that. We don't need anymore crazies."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"No, we don't!" Dyntos cackled. "So! You have your warriors prepared, yes? Medusa has been quite the busy lady."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I do. And so have I. I'm quite confident in who I have, and my Captain. So I'm more than ready to get this little show on the road." Palutena smiled at Dyntos ever so politely. But her eyes told a different filled with determination.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Good," Dyntos grinned. "I'll get everything ready! You assemble your team!"
Nobody had said there would be a crowd! Ugh, nobody said that at all!

"There's a lot of people out there..." Pit mumbled, glancing to the stands of eager, awe struck humans and angels. It was a moment like nothing else, the gods were real...everyone knew that. But to see them, without having their eyes burned out or their heads explode from the very sight of their true, real form? Faith was at an all time high, people were praying and thanking everyone for this safe chance to live their lives and have some entertainment. There were Hyrulians, Crimeans...the list went on.

"There is," Ike agreed, finger tapping on his bicep. Ike agreed to this for a good cause, but something more...something nagged at him, something he couldn't quite place. A memory, maybe. Maybe something else, but he knew Palutena...he knew of her. Being introduced to her was like meeting an old friend, Link was in the same mindset. Pit, too...there was a familiarity there he wasn't sure of.

"You're not anxious around crowds, Pit?" Link smiled. "It'll be fine, besides...this is a good cause." Dyntos had made a wonderful arena, whoever that was...someone important, obviously.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Chi was pretty angry she couldn't take part in the first fight, but at least she got to follow Palutena up to where the good seats were along with some new girl that she had never seen before. Ryuka was her name, but she didn't talk very much. She seemed to have puppy dog eyes for Palutena though. Once they got up to their seats, Chi went as white as a sheet as Medusa and her daughter were already there. Eh, this was pretty awkward since she switched sides and everything. Luckily for her, Medusa didn't even seem to notice her and Ganessa looked like she was meditating...she had her eyes closed and everything.

"Looks like we're going to be watching this fight together, Palutena." Medusa told Palutena with a grin, her eyes bright with anticipation.

"Looks like it...this first battle will be interesting." Palutena replied passively as she took her seat in the large throne that was truly meant for a Goddess. It too, was sculpted beautifully and adorned in gold and gems. Ryuka narrowed her eyes at the two, sensing nothing but darkness from them both. She growled under her breath a little before sitting at Palutena's feat and looking down at the arena.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Three on Three was an easier set up, but Pit had his concerns that Dyntos was just seeing what could work. Which could possibly mean everything would change, they didn't really know who they'd be up against...but when the two teams stepped out into the coliseum, surrounded by the screaming crowds of mortals. The expressions were mixed.

"Good to see you again, boy," Ganondorf smirked, smacking his fists together in an explosion of dark power. Link narrowed his eyes, drawing his sword as Ike's eyes settled on Zelgius.

"You look well, Ike," Zelgius, his smile small, but genuine as he rose Alondite up into his stance. "I expect to be impressed." There were a hundred questions that Ike knew he'd never get answers to, so he just settled into his stance in return.

"You and me, chicken," Dark Pit smirked, spinning his blades in a reverse grip. "C'mon, your precious goddess can't save you now. Medusa's going to own this arena."

"You wish!" Pit growled.

Dyntos appeared in the middle of the arena, floating on the cloud as he stroked his beard, glancing at the both of them. "Listen up, children." he clucked. "This bout will be decided by the victor! Don't worry about such meager concerns like death, that's all taken care of! You will fight to the best of your abilities! First one to three knockouts wins! The only rule is that you must stay within the arena!" he said, his finger pointing up to a magical dome. It offered a reasonable space for flight, at least, all the way to the top of the coliseum walls.

"Even better," Ganondorf smirked wildly.

"Much better," Dark Pit purred as Dyntos took the air and settled comfortably between Medusa and Palutena with an eager grin.

"Begin!" he cackled.

Zelgius was halfway across the arena in three strides, and Ike rushed forward to meet him as their blades slammed together in an explosion of holy energy. Ganondorf rushed forward, summoning his massive blades as let out a brutal roar and swung wide, slamming both swords into Link's shield as the Hero of Time went sliding back into a nearby pillar.

"Um, guys?" Pit said quickly, darting back as a volley of arrows slammed into the sand around him.

"Less talking and more fighting!" Dark Pit growled, letting lose another arrow as Pit leapt up, firing off a trio of shots on his own. This was not the way they'd be winning!

"You've gotten some powerful fighters, Medusa!" Dyntos grinned widely. "Look at em! They already got the advantage!"
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