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The Game of the Gods (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

RE: The Game of the Gods

This kind of flying...was somewhat scary. Her hand squeezed his tightly as the wind stung in her eyes. Still, even though it was scary the view was actually..quite pretty. She had never seen anything like this before on the mountain.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"You'll probably want somewhere to really stretch your wings, I know someone like that." Pit informed cheerfully. "He's a little grouchier than you are, though..." he said, leading her towards one of the many towers in Skyworld, this one was overlooking Dyntos' forge on one side, and then the scurry of angels running to and fro to help him. It was a nice, wide tower...perfect place for someone to live. He landed on the lip of it, glancing around.

"Well, here we are," Pit smiled. "What do you think?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I like it..." Ryuka began as she watched the other angels in the sky. She could make out the forge, but she wasn't sure what it was. Still, it caught her interest. "What are they doing, Pit? What's going on down there?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"The Game of the Gods, I guess," Pit said, sitting down to watch the forge puff out plumes of dark smoke. "A way to maintain the balance, I guess. There always needs to be light and dark, too much of either and things just go all kinds of crazy."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I'm afraid I don't understand." Ryuka began as she stood next to him awkwardly. "They're playing a game down there? To maintain balance between good and evil?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Yeah, kinda..." Pit said, rubbing his chin. "To be honest, I don't get it either...but basically, we do it up here, with chosen champions, instead of having wars and stuff down in the mortal world, so they don't have to suffer."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"And the evil ones agree to this? Why would they do that?" Evil and darkness didn't play by the rules unless they got something out of it. At least, that's what she always thought.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Because the winner gets to choose something when a match is over," Pit mused. "I don't know what that means exactly, though."
RE: The Game of the Gods

Ryuka was quiet for a little while before taking a seat next to him. "It doesn't sound good...if evil gets to choose something they want. I hope they don't win."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well,'s kind of a balance thing," Pit smiled. "Darkness doesn't always mean evil, it just means...not the light," Pit murmured. "It's kind of hard to explain, I guess...but not everyone is like that, you know? Sometimes people just sort of lose their way, and they find a new one."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Really?" Ryuka asked as she looked into his eyes. "I just always assumed light was good and dark was bad. I have dreams...strange dreams about it all the time."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well, it's kinda complicated, like I said," he blushed, scratching his neck. "But I mean...sometimes people can't change who they are, you know? Others have reasons...mortals are complicated, Gods even more than that. I just do what I'm told." he sighed.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Ryuka was silent for a moment as she turned her attention to the forge. "So are you going to play the game? Because the Light Goddess told you so?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well, I am the Captain of the Light Team," Pit murmured. "But I want to help anyway, it's a good cause, you know? I don't quite like who we had to bring back to keep things fair, but...well, that's part of things I have no control in," he shrugged.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Maybe...I can help one day. I just don't really know how to fight very well. My dragon form is strong, but I can't rely on it. It takes a lot of magic to sustain the form." Ryuka told him as she glanced at him again. She couldn't quite place it...but there was something about him that seemed familiar...she wanted to help him. Though she couldn't right now...she would probably just get in the way.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well, you're a good shot," Pit grinned, rubbing his shoulder. "More than a few singed wings, you know?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

She blushed a little bit, smiling sheepishly. "'re really fast so I thought the best way to get you was to fire at you from afar."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Good plan," Pit grinned. "Well, the first match should be starting sometime soon...or whenever Dyntos decides to be done, are you gonna come see me fight?"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Sure...I'm curious to see what kind of fighter you are." Maybe she could learn a few things while she watched, too. She wanted to be stronger...she had to be stronger. She couldn't rely on others to protect her for the rest of her life...
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well, I do okay," Pit smiled easily. "There's a whole lotta mortals though, make me feel like I'm a kid," he sighed. "So hard being the guard captain when so many other people look better suited for it."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well, I'm sure you're captain for a reason. It has nothing to do with appearances." Ryuka told him as she pulled her knees to her chest. "I mean...I'm sure I'm pretty scary when I'm a dragon. But I'm not that strong, really..."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Strong enough," Pit smiled. "Besides, you're really pretty, you know?" he said, grimacing a little. "All the pretty girls I know are really terrifying...I don't know how anyone can see them otherwise."
RE: The Game of the Gods

Ryuka blushed a little when he called her pretty. She had never thought about it, honestly. But it was nice to hear. "You're scared of pretty girls? That scares me a little since you're protecting me..." She chuckled a little.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"W-Well, I mean..." Pit sighed. "You'll see, trust me," he said flatly. "It'll make sense, honest!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"But Palutena is pretty...and she's not scary. Are you two close? Because her scent is all over you." Ryuka pointed out. She had heard...strange noises before she got distracted with food. Was that them?
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