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The Game of the Gods (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

RE: The Game of the Gods

"Huh?" Pit blinked, glancing down a moment before a flush took him so fast, it went right down to his hips. "I'llberightback!" he sqeaked in humiliation, dashing out of the room. Wait, did she...did she SEE everything!?
RE: The Game of the Gods

Palutena shook her head slowly before using her magic to clothe their new guest. She had a feeling she wouldn't be happy when she woke up, but at least now they'd be able to clear up any misunderstandings. Hopefully she wouldn't immediately try to run away...Palutena had always been curious about her kind...but most of them, if not all of them hated her for slaying their Goddess, Medusa.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Do you think she's going to be upset?" Pit said when he finally stuffed on a robe and his shorts. "She's kinda scary when she's angry..." he mumbled, staring warily at her, safely behind Palutena.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Probably." Palutena told him with a grin as the girl started to groan and twitch. Slowly her eyes began to open, and when she saw Palutena she gasped and then lunged upwards, getting to her hands and knees. Wait. She was in her human form? How did that happen?! "Hey, it's okay. We're not going to hurt you." Palutena told her as Ryuka backed into a corner, baring her teeth at them both.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"As long as you don't hurt us," Pit said, bravely...and behind Palutena still. "Besides, you were stealing food!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"It was my smelled like my food." Ryuka mumbled as she looked down at the plain white dress she was wearing. She had never seen it before...but it felt comfortable. "You're the one that keeps stealing from me..."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Lady Palutena can take whatever she wants!" Pit sniffed. "...But uh...I didn't...actually know that you could talk, or...interact with people," he admitted, poking his fingers together in shame. "...I would have asked, honest. I just didn't know."
RE: The Game of the Gods

Ryuka glared at him before she stood up on her feet. "Don't come near the mountain anymore." She grumbled as she fiddled a little with the fabric of the dress.

"He didn't mean any harm to you. I promise. What's your name?" Palutena asked with a smile. She was hostile...and scared. Palutena wondered how long she had been alone.

"It's Ryuka. Just don't come near the mountain anymore. It's the only place I'm safe." She responded.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"You're safest here in Skyworld!" Pit assured easily. "There's nowhere else safer!" Now he just felt bad...and her glare was incredibly scary, why did all the women he meet have to be scary?
RE: The Game of the Gods

Ryuka narrowed her eyes. "There are so many scents here. Too many people means danger." She couldn't stay here too much longer...she had to go back.

"But being by yourself is dangerous also. What are you afraid of?" Palutena asked her as she took a step closer. Ryuka wanted to take a step back, but she was already pressed against the wall.

"I don't know. All I know is my name...and I know that the outside world is bad. I shouldn't be here.." She responded as she looked at the floor.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Don't worry," Pit said, arms crossed...and now not behind Palutena. "I'll protect you! It's the least I can do for stealing what was yours."
RE: The Game of the Gods

Ryuka looked at him with a questioning look. From what she had seen he was...crafty. "You'll protect me? But, a great evil may very well be after me. You aren't afraid of that?"

"Sounds like something he's used to." Palutena said with a smirk.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Pfft," Pit waved off like it was nothing. "Please, I fight Great Evil every morning and beat it up before I go to bed! It's like taking a drink of water for me, easy!" he laughed, smugly at that.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"...I don't know." Ryuka wasn't sure what to make of this. Was it okay to trust a thief to protect her? She never really talked to anyone before.

"I know you're scared, but we can keep you safe from whatever might be after you. Pit doesn't look like it, but he's an exceptional fighter. He only kept running from you because he didn't want to hurt you." Palutena told her. Ryuka glanced between the both of them and then tilted her head. They didn't seem like bad people...

"Who are you? Why do you fight evil every morning and beat it up before you go to bed?" She asked him curiously.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I'm Pit!" Pit said, hands on his hips and wings spread proudly. "Captain of Palutena's Royal Guard, Slayer of Medusa, Goddess of Darkness, and exceptionally good warrior!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Royal Guard? she's a Queen?" Medusa didn't sound familiar, but she shivered hearing the term "Goddess of Darkness", not that she exactly knew why.

"I'm the Goddess of a little bit higher than a Queen." Palutena told her with a warm smile. Ryuka blinked a little bit before her eyes shifted to Pit. A Goddess of light..that sounded safe to be with.

"Well..I suppose it couldn't hurt to stay here for a little while." She wasn't sure why she trusted the word of two strangers, but it just felt like they were telling the truth...
RE: The Game of the Gods

"You're safer than a safe in another safe with us," Pit said proudly, arms crossing. "Count on it, there's nowhere that is more safe than Skyworld!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"What..?" Ryuka asked as she tilted her head to the side. He sure did like to talk...

"Pit, you're just confusing her now." Palutena told him as she elbowed his arm. "Go show her around. Find her a place she can stay."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Okay, okay..." Pit sighed, rubbing her arm. "C'mon, Ryuka...I think I know a good place you'd like."
RE: The Game of the Gods

Ryuka finally started moving closer to him, though she still seemed a little hesitant. She had never been around other people before, after she was nervous. "What kind of place is it?" She asked curiously.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"A place where you can see everything in Skyworld, c'mon," Pit grinned, offering his hand. "I can't fly like you can, but Lady Palutena lets me!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

She looked at his hand for a moment before reaching out and taking it. "You can't fly? Why do you have wings then?" She was confused...were all people this confusing?
RE: The Game of the Gods

"It takes a while to fly on your own," he sighed, floating up just a little. "I'm not old enough to fly without her permission yet, Angels live a really long time."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"You're an angel...and Palutena is a Goddess." She was starting to feel like she had made the right decision as she watched him start to ascend into the air. "I see. Dragons live a long time too, I think. But I've been able to fly since as long as I can remember." Not that she remembered much...
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Well, I got the best place for you to fly," Pit grinned, pulling her up as they shot into the sky. "C'mon, you're gonna love it! It'll be my apology for taking your plant!"
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