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The Game of the Gods (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

RE: The Game of the Gods

"I see that," Medusa purred with satisfaction as she watched her champions fight. "Zelgius, Pit and Ganondorf are all ruthless fighters...Palutena's team lacks something to be desired. I hope that the two sitting next to you aren't actually apart of your team. Chi was never too good at fighting." Chi got goosebumps hearing her name coming from that woman, but she was less..hateful than Chi expected.

"She was never given a chance," Palutena began as she continued looking onto the arena. "Either way, you should be less worried about who's on my team, and more worried about your own." She smiled at Medusa innocently.

"Hmph...I am not worried. Look at them go." Medusa smirked as her gaze returned to the arena. Ganondorf seemed to be enjoying himself, and quite frankly he was getting her excited.
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This wasn't going to work, and Pit had an idea as to why Medusa chose who she did. Pit circled Dark Pit in the air, their blades clashing as Ganondorf's massive swords kept Link moving. Zelgius was meeting Ike blow for blow, their fights were at a stalemate, so they had to be, they had to work together. But even if they could, they were too spread out right now.

"Link!" Pit said as Link weaved between the swing of Ganondorf's blades to slam his shield into the massive man's gut. He grunted, shifting back on his heels as he focused energy into his blade, eyes narrowed at Ganondorf.

"How long I've waited for this..." Ganondorf growled, the blades dispelling as dark energy enveloped him like an aura. Ike could feel it in the back of his neck, he glanced over and almost paid the price as Zelgius swung Alondite in a wide arc, cutting clean through a pillar as Ike ducked and surged forward, golden waves of light erupting from his blade as he hurled off a trio of shockwaves that Zelgius weaved through almost effortlessly.

His powerful lunge forward was Pit. Zeligus blinked in surprise as the youth had Alondite in a scissor grip, the point an inch away from his nose as he grit his teeth.

Dark Pit was already coming down, but Ike's blade went high in a mighty swing that Dark Pit barely blocked in time and went tumbling against the floor with a snarl of frustration.

"...Clever," Zelgius murmured in realization. They knew the tricks of their rival, but they wouldn't know all the tricks of the other.

"I like to think so," Pit grinned. "You're not really an evil guy, what are you doing here?"

"A fight is all I desire, boy...are you going to give me one?" He said, shifting his arm forward as Pit hissed in surprise, shifting the blade off so it didn't slice through his skin.

Link was going to be on his own for a little while...
RE: The Game of the Gods

Palutena smirked a little at Pit's decision while Medusa chewed her lower lip a little. It didn't matter..even if they switched opponents, her team was far superior. Ganessa giggled quietly, her eyes still closed. Medusa knew she was watching everything...just not with her eyes. There was a reason why she had Ganessa sit this one out, and it seemed like everything was going as planned.

"Is something funny?" Ryuka murmured as she glanced over to the fiery redhead. She didn't get an answer, only a grin as Ganessa kept her eyes closed.

"Don't worry, Ryuka...just relax and watch. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two." Palutena told her as she patted her gently on the head. The dragon girl raised an eyebrow before her blue eyes turned back to the arena. The Light Goddess was right, she needed to be paying attention to the fights.
RE: The Game of the Gods

This seemed like a good idea in practice, but Pit was starting to question his logic behind it. Like Ike, Zelgius carried Alondite like it was an extension of his arm. Fast was an understatement and Pit was scrambling to maintain a defensive. Ike was trying to help Link, but Dark Pit was proving to be an exceptionally fast opponent to maneuver from.

"You suck with that sword, Sona was better with it," Dark Pit smirked, swinging his blades as Ike deflected and parried with a focused frown. Sona...? That name sounded so familiar. There was a silent burn in his chest, and Ike lunged forward with the precise accuracy of a predator, Dark Pit blocked the downward swing, but he didn't anticipate such a quick retraction of Ragnell and a brutal stab that went right through his gut, there was a roar of the crowd.

He grunted in pain, eyes wide as he glanced down at his stomach. There was no blood, or...well, there was immense pain, but he didn't exactly feel his life fading before his eyes or anything. Oh, so this is what Dyntos hurt, he felt his legs go numb and he slumped on Ike's blade as Ike ripped it out and rushed forward to help Link. Dark Pit was gone in a scatter of energy.

"Don't worry," Dyntos waved off with a laugh. "The boy will be fine in a few moments! That's the glory of this place! Death is no obstacle! I have my best people working on it!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

Medusa sat their silently, though underneath she was seething. Ike...always such a thorn in her side. She knew that Pit was okay, but it didn't stop her from digging her nails into her throne when she saw Ike run his sword through his gut. She didn't even look at Palutena, she could feel her smugness from where she was sitting. No matter...hopefully Ganondorf and Zelgius would prove more than enough for those three...Link was still having a tough time.

Meanwhile Chi was having mixed much as she wanted to see Dark Pit lose, she didn't particularly like seeing him get stabbed either. No, that was because she wanted to beat him herself. She didn't want to see him fall to anyone but her, but at least she'd get a chance...hopefully soon.

Still, she still felt funny about all this...
RE: The Game of the Gods

Three on two, and Ike still felt like they were at a disadvantage. Pit was doing a fantastic job of keeping Zelgius away, but he knew from personal experience that Zelgius could hold out for a long time without any loss of talent. Link needed help with Ganondorf, who was currently fending off the Hero of Time with his bare hands that glimmered with dark magic. There was almost a jubilant fury in Ganondorf's eyes as his fist slammed into Link's shield, jerking his arm back as Ganondorf smirked widely and slammed his left fist across his cheek. Link's entire body jerked to the side as as Ganondorf's right crashed on the opposite end, jerking him again.

"How I have waited for this!" Ganondorf laughed, massive fingers constricting around his throat as he lifted Link up. He gasped for breath, slamming the pommel of his sword against his arm as it glimmered with energy. Whatever Ganondorf was going to do...he didn't get a chance, because Ike broke off into a sprint and leapt into the air, coming down like a spinning, golden buzzsaw. Ganondorf let out a howl of fury as Ike ripped across his back and landed, and Link was dropped with a choked cry.

Immediately, Ike was on the offensive as Ganondorf turned with a furious snarl, his eyes red as he simply battered away Ike's swing and slammed his massive boot against Ike's chest, sending him sliding against a pillar. The crack was horrifying, but thankfully Ike was gone in a flash of light. Ugh...accursed holy magic still burned him so deeply! No matter. He summoned his swords again with a focused breath, turning to Link who was already rushing forward with a vicious cry, his light magic spun him around like a cyclone and Ganondorf blocked it with a grunt, digging his heels in.

"Not today, Ganondorf...not ever," Link said, blue eyes sharp with determination.

"My my..." Dyntos mused eagerly, leaning forward. "Look at that! Disabled that blue haired boy in a single blow!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"I expected no less." Medusa purred in satisfaction, her eyes glued to the arena. She wasn't completely paying attention to Zelgius...hopefully that brat wasn't giving him too much trouble. "Ike has always been inferior to Ganondorf, after all."

"And Ganondorf has always been inferior to the Hero of we'll see how this goes." Palutena stated in a matter-of-fact tone as Ryuka leaned forward on her knees. Wow, Pit was a really great fighter...but could he really defeat his opponent? This was a totally different side to him that she had never seen before!
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Tough words," Ganondorf purred, shifting the blade downward as he swung his other sword to the side. Link blocked and moved with the force, sliding a half circle's length before he lunged and Ganondorf battered the blade away. But Link's shield was right there, slamming into his gut as he rushed forward with a furious roar. His blade arm reared back in a flash of light as he slashed in a brilliant glimmer of gold. Ganondorf snarled in fury, there was no blood...but a glimmering white line of pain across his chest.

"Jeez, do you ever slow down!?" Pit huffed, taking a long backstep as he held his blades up in exhaustion, despite his whine, his posture was perfect. One blade forward, the other in a reverse grip. He always parried with his front and deflected further with his back to maintain an offensive.

"I'm impressed," Zelgius complimented easily. "You fight with considerable skill, yet you're still lacking."

"Sorry?" Pit mumbled, brow arched. What did that even- Zelgius took a step forward and suddenly Pit had a low swing to deal with. He leapt into the air in a graceful flip, but Zelgius was already out of his swing and using his momentum to continue forward, pivoting around and slamming his blade down. Pit didn't get out of the way in time as he grunted in pain and hit the sand in a flash of light.


"Ooh, not looking good," Dyntos grinned. "These warriors are marvelous, Medusa! They're so strong!"
RE: The Game of the Gods

"This match is as good as won." Medusa said with a grin. Of course she picked the strongest, Palutena was a fool. She believed in people too much...Medusa believed in more than just potential, but rather a proven record.

"Poor Pit..." Ryuka murmured as she sat back on her heels. Palutena remained silent as she continued to watch Link closely. She knew he would not be able to handle Ganondorf and Zelgius by himself...but she would keep faith in him nonetheless.
RE: The Game of the Gods

Link heard the footsteps and his body reacted before he knew what was going on, his shield arm moved and his body with it as Alondite skirted across his shield in a shower of sparks, he backpedaled quickly and settled into a defensive posture, letting out a focused breath.

"Hmph," Zelgius murmured. "The boy is strong."

"Annoyingly so," Ganondorf growled. "Mind yourself, a cornered wolf still bites."

"Indeed," he agreed, before Ganondorf circled around Link. Link's eyes flickered to Ganondorf, but they remained focused on Zelgius. A victory was all that mattered to get their prize, if a loss of life was no concern...then Zelgius knew what to do. He settled his legs wider apart and slid his non-dominant hand along the blade in preparation for a lunge. Link narrowed his eyes in caution, hearing Ganondorf shift behind him.

It happened in an instant. Zelgius lunged with a burst of holy power, and Ganondorf surged behind him with a rush of dark magic. They met in the middle as Link's blade rammed into Zelgius' gut. But he already realized his folly as Zelgius faded in a flash of light, and Ganondorf's fist slammed so hard against the back of Link's neck, the crack was deafening as his eyes widened, and the light sent him away.

Ganondorf's fist slammed into the dirt so hard that it left a crater as big as he was, dark energy rippling across his muscular arm as he roared in victory. That...was satisfying, the crowd was a mass of boos and cheers. They had won!
"Well!" Dyntos laughed. "Medusa! Excellent warriors! That was an amazing fight!"
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"It was." Medusa would definitely have to reward her love later. "So sorry, Palutena...better luck next time?" It felt so good to rub it in her face.

"Next time will be a little different," Palutena began as she rose from her seat. Ike, Link and Pit all worked hard and she wasn't angry with them for losing. "But, that was a good battle. I look forward to our next match ups."

"You're a graceful loser." Ganessa pointed out as she opened her eyes finally. "Now, lets talk about something more what mother and father gets for winning."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Hm, indeed!" Dyntos said, stroking his beard. "Tell me, Medusa...what is your wish?"
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"I want a temple that's bigger and better than Palutena's in Skyworld." They needed a home, after all. And places to put their many loyal servants and followers. Medusa was extremely pleased right now, especially when Palutena skirted away in search of her failure champions who were still probably licking their wounds.
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"Hm, you do need something befitting your status now," Dyntos agreed with an eager nod of a craftsman. "Tell me, what would you like? Something gothic and regal, perhaps? Something that shows the true nature of your beauty?" he grinned, rubbing his hands together. He could see so many ideas!
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Something...befitting of the Goddess of Darkness. Something that will tell tales of my beauty without me even being there. You did such a wonderful job on my statues by the way..." She would suck up to him for now...since he was giving her what she wanted after all.

"Something really tall." Ganessa suggested thoughtfully. "If you want it to be better than Palutena' should be able to look down on her temple from yours."

"Ah yes. That is a good idea." Medusa purred.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Perfect," he cackled. "I will begin immediately!" he said, summoning his large hammer. "An excellent first fight, Medusa! I expect great things!"
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"There's still more to come, Dyntos...the next fight will be even better. I only pick the best champions, after all. Come, Ganessa." Medusa rose from her seat, her robes beginning to billow with dark magic. She needed to give praise where praise was due...

Palutena didn't have to look far for her team. Despite the circumstances she was her same, cheerful self. "You three did wonderfully. It was a very entertaining fight, and all the humans want more. I'd throw an encore, but you all look pretty tired. That bursting into light thing didn't seem too fun." She grinned.
RE: The Game of the Gods

The pain was minor, but frustrating. Dark Pit held his stomach with a faint grumble as Zelgius rolled his shoulders. Alondite was already making sure that her Master was properly safe.

"That was a bold move," Ganondorf smirked.

"Yes," Zelgius agreed. "But I felt it was needed to ensure they knew we were serious, I don't intend to do that often." he admitted with a faint grimace. That was an extremely painful experience, one he didn't want to live over again.

"It didn't feel like it," Ike admitted, back rested against the wall. "We were outplayed, completely."

"I agree," Link sighed. "I wasn't expecting that kind of enthusiasm from Ganondorf, usually he doesn't play these games."

"Oh come on, guys," Pit frowned, arms crossing. "We did really good! Besides, it's not like nothing really bad can happen from it! We have time to make this better."
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"I bet that felt so good for you, my love..." Medusa's voice echoed through the room before she appeared with a smile on her face, her daughter by her side. "I'm pretty sure I heard that poor boy's skull crack from my seat."

"I did," Ganessa said with a smirk. "Of course I expected nothing less of father. The only lame one was Pit."

"Now you know what to expect for next time, although this same match up would be unlikely. Each game will be different...even the arena will be different at times." Palutena said thoughtfully.

"I'm sorry but I agree with them, Palutena. They were totally outsmarted. That's because they don't know how to think and fight at the same time, pathetic. Although it was funny seeing Ike put Pittoo in his place." Chi grinned as she glanced at Pit. "And you were worried about me humiliating Palutena."
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Just desserts," Ganondorf promised with an easy smirk, cracking his knuckles. "It was satisfying, but heroes have a problem of bouncing back."

"To be fair," Link said, glancing to Chi with a faint frown. "It's not every day you fight your worst opponent, that's exactly what she did."

"Then that's what we should do, too," Ike mused, jaw shifting in thought. "Lady Palutena, there is nothing stopping us from changing members out, correct?" Pit just stuck his tongue out at Chi, glancing away with an annoyed grumble. He'd sulk if he wanted to!
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"Next time will be different. If we keep things the same, they'll gain an advantage. I want them on their toes." Medusa began as her eyes lit up with mischief. She wanted to be a step ahead of Palutena the entire time. If she used the same champions, if she used her love every time they'd figure out a way to defeat him.

"I don't believe so. And Link is right..Medusa purposely went and assembled a team to counter all three of you. She even went as far as convincing a man who was otherwise not bad. I don't know how she did that..but now we have him to worry about along with Alondite." Palutena sighed a little...she had watched the fight between Ike and Zelgius closely. Unlike Ragnell, Alondite was awake and at full power.

"Excuses!" Chi muttered as she placed her hands on her hips. "Ryuka and I could have handled that much better!"

"We could?" Ryuka asked with a confused look. She didn't know who this girl was, but she seemed pretty unpleasant to be around..and Pit didn't seem to like her either.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Indeed," Ganondorf mused. "Do you have something planned, my love?" Unsurprising, Medusa always thought a few steps ahead anyway.

Ike regarded Ryuka curiously, rubbing his chin before glancing at Link.

"It's worth a shot," Link admitted faintly.
RE: The Game of the Gods

"Yes, another warrior I've been watching...he is something completely different than what any of Palutena's fools are used to fighting. And Ganessa will work well with him..she too has her own little surprise up her sleeve." Medusa said with a grin. "I think I shall work on that while Dyntos builds me my new Temple..."

"Wait," Ryuka began shyly as she looked at the two men before her. "You people aren't actually considering having me fight, right? I'd just get in the way..."

"You seemed to give Pit a run for his money. Besides, this is just a game! Nothing bad will happen if you lose. I won't make you do anything you don't want to, Ryuka. But if you ever want to get have to experience more." Palutena told her with a smile that made Ryuka's face burn from being put on the spot. The Goddess of light...she was approving of this.

"Well, I guess I can help if you really want me to." She mumbled softly.
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"And what of our promised gifts, Lady Palutena?" Zelgius murmured. "You have received yours, have you not?"
"We'll help you," Link assured easily with a smile. "Ike and I can help you get used to combat, okay?"

"Me too!" Pit said, immediately perking up.
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"Ah yes, I almost forgot. What is it that you all desire?" Medusa asked curiously as she tilted her head. She would have remembered without being reminded..eventually.

Ryuka blinked for a moment before nodding. At first she didn't trust anyone but Palutena and Pit, but...

"You're a dragon girl, right? Do you have wings? If you do, I can teach you some really neat tricks for battle." Chi didn't want to be left out or anything...I mean it wasn't like she cared! did get pretty lonely without Pittoo...

"Oh..yes. I can fly...without even turning full dragon." Ryuka shyly said with a smile. Even this girl wanted to help. They were nice people, she felt.
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