We all still Die ( Dragonfoot455 and randomname98766789)

Aiden wasn't thinking about the study of the reproductive system in college right now so when she moved her hand up to his back, he had no idea what she was doing or why she was doing but it felt so fucking good. "YES! FUCK YES ALY!" He growled rather loudly before feeling that climax reach. He supposed that his reward was having her suck him off and her reward was receiving his cum. She'd always been a good girl and swallowed him no matter what age they were when they had sex and he knew that wouldn't change. This orgasm gave him a very, very nice high and he was now just laying on the bed in a dazed, comforted state while floating down from it.
Alyissa swallowed every drop of his seed. She had never had a problem with taking Aiden's cum. It wasn't bitter or salty but oddly sweet like he had ate Pineapple daily. Aly released his cock and crawled her way back up to his side. Unlike him she was clear headed though felt extreamly smug from Aiden growling out her name.
When Alyissa was back by Aiden's side, his arm wrapped around her neck and a soft sigh left his lips. Nothing else was even on his mind right now and this bed felt too comfortable to move from. "You... You are something special, you know that?" He teased before softly pecking her lips and snuggling close to her. The pleasure and satisfaction he felt was clear and obvious. Now, he just wanted to cuddle up with his wife.
Alyissa smiled "Don't get too comfortable" she told him taking a moment to enjoy the comfort off a actual bed before kissing him lightly before getting up. She had the most messied case of Sex hair she had ever scene. It made her gasp in disgust before ferocously comping through her brown waves of hair. Aly opened the drawer to find hairpins which she could use to pin up her braided bun.
Aiden groaned and pouted when she told him to not get too comfortable. She had a point though. After Aly had finished fixing her hair, Aiden stood to his feet. "I'll get the water started." He murmured quietly before heading across the hall to the unoccupied bathroom. Once inside, he started to run the water, still finding it incredible that this really did exist after all this time.
Alyissa came up from behind Aiden and hugged his back before kissing in between his shoulder blades. "Try to behave tonight hm?" she hummed not sure if she wanted to join him or not. Tension was tense between Rick's group and the new community. The dinner that Deanna had invited them to join was supposed to be a treaty for the morning Scuffle they had. Aly knew that Aiden was possessive over her when it came to other Men. She remembered the death glare he gave as a warning if any male stared too long. Alyissa was usually the jealous type in college when other girls asked for Aiden's 'help' with studying. Aly would get prickly about it and it would end with Him kissing her in midway rant to shut her up. Though the Apocalypse kept a steady barriar between fratunizing with the opposite sex unless you're a Necrophiliac that is.
"Sure. I will behave. Don't you worry." Aiden chuckled and shook his head. Then, Aiden jumped in and showered quickly and in the closet in the house was clothes of all sizes and it seemed they were prepared for visitors. Apparently one of the residents use to do this for a living. Aiden dressed himself in dress pants and a collared shirt. He thought he looked pretty good. He hadn't dressed up in forever and he use to hate dressing up with a passion. Then, he walked along the house to try and find Alyissa and see what she thought.
Alyissa had been standing in front of the mirror, trying to adjust the dress. It was black short cut dress that showed off her legs and breasts. Aly hated it but it was the only thing that fit her that didn't make her look like a 60's housewife. She finally made it funtional enough for her to turn around. Alyissa looked good but felt silly. Shemade eye contact with her husband "Don't you dare laugh" she called switching to stare at herself.
"Laugh?" Aiden asked in a very surprised manner. "Are you kidding me? I don't think you realize how often I will have to fight off these other Alexandria men that try and talk to you... Holy shit, Aly. You look even sexier than normal." Aiden breathed out, approaching her and letting his hands lightly run along her waist and down her hips as it had been such a long time since either of them had to dress themselves to this manner. Honestly, he couldn't even remember the last time they had to dress like this at all other than their their wedding.
Alyissa shuddered as he felt roaming hands over her body "Not so bad yourself" she shivered before turning around and smirked seeing Aiden clean shaven. "You sure you don't want to go back upstairs?" Aly asked pressing a light kiss to his jaw.

Before Aiden could answer, a knock at the door sounded. Alyissa strided over to open it. Deanna smiled a hello and looked surprise at how clean the couple looked from when they first arrived. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything but I came to thank you two for today"

Alyissa exchanged a confused look with her husband "For what?"
Aiden raised his brow when there was a knock at the door and looked even more confused when Deanna wanted to thank them. It was a surprise for Aiden, really. With what happened earlier, he thought that she would be at their door for another reason - and that reason was to tell them to get lost.

"For what you did earlier. You put Aiden in his place. He had no right to do anything that he did and I'm happy you guys stood up for each other and teached him a lesson." Deanna spoke softly and even gave the couple a smile. After a bit more conversation, Deanna left them to prepare for the party.

Once they were ready, Aiden slipped his hand into Alyissa's and led her on outside of the house and headed down the street to Deanna's house. Of course, his eyes were always on the lookout no matter what.
Alyissa stepped inside Deanna's house which was quite lovely. Pictures of her boys hung neatly on the walls and it looked like a show home. Aly felt out of place next to these Alexandrians. The rest of the group seemed to be feeling the same way. Alyissa took a deep breath as if it would bring courage to her. Alyissa stayed by Aiden's side until the Alcohol was taken out.
When the alcohol was brought out, Aiden slowly walked with her over to grab them each a glass of the wine. Grinning, he clinked their glasses together and started to drink. It had been a while since they had any wine as well. "This tastes like the wine from our wedding." He recalled and chuckled though their wine was honestly a bit more sweeter than this. His hand was still wrapped up in hers as his eyes darted around. "Should we stick close to the group or should we walk around?" He murmured and tilted his head. Obviously, he wasn't letting himself split up from Aly, but he wasn't sure if they should stay close to their friends or try and venture out and talk to a few other people here.
Alyissa rubbed a hand down his back "Mingle a little bit hun. I was just going to check on Judith" she smiled emptying her glass before going into the next room to find Rick's little one on the floor playing with some blocks. Aly picked up the toddler and dismissed Carl so he could bond with Ron and Enid.

Rick came up from behind her and smiled at Aly holding his daughter. "How have you been holding up?" he gruffed

"I'm fine, much better now actually" she sighed, obviously not comfortable around the dinner crowd. Judith cooed as Alyissa brushed hair out of her face. before glancing back up at him "Do you wanna hold her?" she asked.

Rick nodded and took her from Aly's arms. "Your really good with Carl and Judith" he smiled tenderly before hesitating to lean closer to her and tried to brush a kiss on her. Aly stepped back with a deep growl "Are you fucking crazy Rick?! Aiden would snap your neck. Don't. ever. touch me" she warned with a sharp edge to her voice. Rick looked frustrated, it was obvious he had too much wine. Aly maneuvered around him to rejoin her husband. She took a moment to regain herself before slipping her hand into his.
Aiden listened to Alyissa and gave her a little nod before pecking her lips gently. While she went to go check on Judith, he was hanging around with Glenn for a bit, noticing Daryl hadn't shown up yet. He wondered if the man was going to show up at all tonight. Then, he went to try and make friends with a couple of the Alexandria folks. He just walked until someone spoke to him and he decided to mingle around in the group of people and talked, introducing himself and talking about Aly, the group, and other things as he waited for Alyissa to get back from checking on Judith. He couldn't see what was happening but if he had known what Rick did, then Rick would have met his match and he would be done.

Suddenly, he felt a hand slip into his and he saw it was Aly. He went about introducing her but noticed she seemed on edge and upset. Besides, he knew everything about his wife and how her body reacted to situation so he led them aside and started to brush her hair with one hand. "Babe... is everything alright?" He asked quietly, leaning close to her and kissing her forehead.
Alyissa's smiled up at Aiden and kissed his jaw in reassurance "I'm alright babe" she murmered against his lips as she drew him into a soft kiss. A declaration to every male in the room (expecially Rick) that she belonged to Aiden. For Carl and Judith's sake. Not to mention her friendship with Rick, Aly would forget that he had tried to kiss her. Just becuase she had a glass of Wine did not mean She'd act like some bitch in heat. "Is the food any good?" she asked.
Aiden smiled against her lips and nodded. "Okay. Are you sure, then?" He murmured and ran his fingers through her hair again. If something was wrong, he expected her to tell him, especially if it was something like what just happened, he knew she would tell him and not keep secrets but he would have no idea since Aly seemed to not want to say anything for some reason. Then, he squeezed her hand lightly and led her on back out to the party.
Alyissa inhaled harshly before lowering her voice "I went to check on Judith and Rick must have had too much to drink becuase he tried kissing my cheek or something" Aly confessed begging to God Aiden wouldn't snap and kill the man that had saved their lives to many times. "I told him to step the hell off and nothing happened" she whispered wrapping her arms around his back and her Amber eyes locked with his so he'd think clearly.
Aiden froze in place when Alyissa told him this. Taking a shaky and a deep breath, he nodded and looked down at her. "Okay... Rick? What?" Aiden bit his lip and kissed her again. "Okay. Well, at least you did the right thing. That's good. I know i can trust you, Aly. But Rick has got something coming for him later." He murmured quietly and took a deep breath. He didn't think he would kill him, at least not right now. He would probably just kick his ass and leave it at that but he didn't want to make a scene at the party so he tried to keep his cool for a little while longer. "I'll be sure to watch him extra carefully. Just stay away from him from now on until forever. Don't even speak to him if you don't have to." Aiden added and kissed her cheek again before heading back out to the party. ust then, they realized that the only person snapping and having an outburst wasn't them as Sasha let her own outburst rage, silencing everyone before she stormed out the door. She couldn't handle this, it seemed. So much for not making a scene, then.
Alyisss gripped his hand "Aiden I know your angry with Rick but would starting a fight really solve anything?" she hissed "The last thing this group needs is to be fighting among ourselves" Aly wanted to talk Aiden out of doing anything irrational. As much as he could pound the Sheriff leader into the ground. Alyissa had witnessed the fight between Tyreese and Rick. Rick had turned into a fucking wild animal, it was a deadlyssituation that she didn't want to see happen.
Aiden looked at Alyissa and just chuckled quietly. That was funny to hear. "Well there wouldn't have to be a fight if he'd kept to himself. Just because Lori cheated on him doesn't mean all women are like that. I guess that's what he thought. I guess he thought it was okay to kiss you because he doesn't care about anyone except himself anymore. Sure, he's done great things but that doesn't excuse what he did. I'll try and not fight him. Not because I like him. I don't like him anymore. But he helps us survive but I don't care after that. If he so much as breathes while looking in your direction, I have a bullet to be placed in his skull. I will give him a warning." Aiden spoke and shrugged.
Alyissa gently grabbed his chin so leaned closer to her face "You don't need to kill or start a fight to prove I'm yours. He's not himself, it dosen't excuse what he tried to do. I'm not trying to excuse his actions but we need him. He'll damn what apologize what he did tomorrow or I'll make him" she growled lowly before giving her husband an aggressive kiss to calm him.
Aiden listened to Alyissa defend what Rick did and then kiss him aggressively. After the kiss was over, he smiled at her, running his and down her cheek. "Like I said. If this is an issue, I have a bullet for his skull." Aiden repeated and gave her a happy smile before pulling away. "Now, let's go back out to this party now and just try to stop thinking about this, alright?" He sighed, gently rubbing her handd.
Alyissa nodded "Consider it forgotten" she said intertwining her fingers with his. Her body pressed into his and just listened to him chat with the other members. Aly wasn't interested in conversation. She just wanted to cuddle into his body as if apologizing for Rick's stupid mistake.
Aiden couldn't imagine what would happen if Aly wasn't loyal or trustworthy. It pained him to think about her actually letting Rick have what he wanted but he knew better. She knew who she belonged to and besides, Aiden loved her enough and treated her well enough for her to not need another man ever. That made him happy so he wasn't upset with her at all and she had no reason to try and apologize. His problem was with Rick and it would take some big time apologizing from the sherrif before he could be forgiven if at all. Aiden no longer considered Rick a friend. A friend wouldn't do that no matter what. Soon enough, the party was winding down and everyone was starting to go home. "Ready to head out?" Aiden turned to Aly and asked.
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