We all still Die ( Dragonfoot455 and randomname98766789)

Aiden laughed softly and leaned into the kiss on his face and the touch of her hand on his chin. "Yes... Let's get dressed and get some coffee then. You did tire me out. It's rough trying to contain you babe. You're just so feisty and hyper... it's worth it though." He spoke and gave her a quick peck kiss before moving to grab some new clothes from his bag to put on for the day.
Alyissa draped herself over Aiden's broad shoulders while she kissed the side of his face. "Relax baby a bit more, I can get the coffee. No rush to get up." She whispered in his ear before rolling off the bed to head to the Walk in closet. Aly found more than dress clothes inside. "Aiden, they have Slippers!"she called excitedly. She emerged from inside wearing a oversized plaid shirt that fell well past her knees. Underneath she wore her bra and a clean pair of his boxers she had snagged for herself. It was complete with slippers on her feet. Who said they had to be up for work ASAP?.
Aiden dressed himself up in an old white t-shirt and some sweatpants he found in the closet. He couldn't help but grin at how excited Alyissa was to see these things. And seeing her dressed like this took him back to when they would spend the weekend wtih one another and she would wake him up on a saturday morning, wearing one of his shirts that was oversized for the woman, of course. "You look so cute, babe." He laughed, walking over to kiss her on the lips and then waiting by the door so they could go get coffee.
Alyissa smiled brightly and grabbed his hand to lead Aiden down the stairs into the kitchen. Everything seemed almost normal now. They had their own bed, got to actually sleep in for once not to mention running water. Aly seemed to walk a little stiffly from the rough sex but nothing she couldn't handle, besides a hot shower would help before patrol duty with....oh no Aly was supposed to do a Patrol with Rick and Michonne. Conflict between Rick who had thought he had a right to move on his female and the man she had deeply loved from day one. "How about we go for a walk before I have guard duty with Sasha?"
Aiden nodded and smiled at Alyissa before grabbing their coffee and heading out the door. Today, he was much more calm than he was last night about Rick and that event. He still wasn't happy at all but he could deal with it. As long as Rick knew his place, treaded carefully, he would be fine. Rick might be a badass but everyone knew that if some man got in between the way of Aiden and his wife, then something bad would happen and that wasn't going to be pretty at all. Now, they started out on their walk but he looked at Aly first "Go put some pants on first." Aiden ordered before leading her back up the steps to change.
Alyissa stood on the first step and wrapped her arms around his neck so she was closer to his face. "What if I don't want to wear pants" she joked before kissing and slid a hand to grab his butt to tease him "I'll get dressed but I won't like it, I'd much rather have breakfast then be lazy until Sasha gets annoyed with me being late but you know you're my weakness don't you" she laughed lightly.
Aiden chuckled at her and shook his head. I know you don't want to wear pants but I'm not having anyone look at my wife without pants." he reminded her and poked her nose. He waited for her to grab her pants and then he let themselves walk outside to have their little walking breakfast together, a smile on his face as he held her hand tightly.
Alyissa pouted but went upstairs to put clean clothes along with her snakeskin boots. She made sure not to show too much skin for the sake of Aiden's comfort of not attracting more trouble. Not that it was her fault that other men hovered over the pretty irish lass. "I miss our morning walks" she said squeezing his hand gently "Community is nice enough but I to take a better look outside those walls." she quipped but lowered her voice so only Aiden could hear.
Aiden smiled when she returned to him and was more appropriate to walk. Sure, he knew Alyissa wouldn't ever do anything but still, he didn't like the idea of other me looking at his wife. "You're right babe... I miss it too... this will have to do for now though." He whispered quietly and slipped her arm up into his. "What are you thinking of this place so far, hm?" Aiden whispered as quietly as he could, wondering how she felt about Alexandria. They never talked about it yet.
She stopped for a moment to remember it might not be safe to travel outside the walls unarmed. It would also be a good opportunity to confiscate their weapons back. Aly spoke a bit louder to cover what she really wanted to discuss with her husband. "It's a lovely community, wish we found it sooner." Her expression changed to a serious one as she turned her attention back to Aiden."Carol wants to meet Rick, Michonne and us outside the walls in four minutes" she whispered before guiding him with her to the Armory. Everyone's weapons were there but Alyissa only grabbed theirs for safe keeping.
Aiden nodded before following her to the armory. He couldn't believe she was going out like that with no pants and the thought made him chuckle. After grabbing their guns, they were able to sneak out the fence and climb over before heading to their meeting spot. This was also the first time Aiden could confront Rick but he would keep it quiet and calm unless the dumbass gave him a reason not to do so. It was all up to him really.
Alyissa had locked her arm with Aiden's to keep him focused on what Carol had to say instead of him giving glares at their leader in challenge. All Rick really did was give his fuming friend a apologetic look and adverted his eyes away from the Female that practically oozed sex appeal. Carol must have picked up on the heavy tension between the two men. "What the Hell is going on with you two?" she scowled, ready to be a old school hen and yank the two males ears. Alyissa bite her lower lip at feeling so awkward in this situation.
When Carol spoke up, Aiden kept quiet and so did Rick. "Its fine." Widen finally spoke and even though Carol nor Michonne beloved him they went back about their business. This could wait. Once the meeting was over, Aiden got Ricks attention and led him away from the others, letting All come with him. "I don't know who you think you are Rick." Aiden began. "I will not forget about this but we have to move on. I see you as a good friend and you really help leaf us and I respect you but if you ever so much as breathe in the same direction Alyissa is standing, I will kick your ass. Do not touch my wife, do not look at her, she's mine. As you could tell she's not interested in you. Let's squash this now and move on but don't you dare try anything again. Understand me, Rick?"
Rick gave a heavy sigh, looking like he dreaded this conversation. "Aiden, I was not myself last night. That doesn't excuse my actions however, I can apologize and hope you'll take it. I ask no more" he said with a dip of his head and turned to head back.

Alyissa blinked in confusion. She had expected Rick to defend what had happened but instead he submitted to Aiden. "Well..that went surprisingly smoothly" she laughed before clearing her throat. "Anyway I still want to go for a walk. We have only been here one day and I'm sick of building complexes"
Aiden gave Rick a stern nod and watched him walk away. Now that was out of the way, they could finally relax and move on with their life here in Alexandria, he hoped. He would keep his word though. If Rick ever tried anything again - sober or not - then that would be it for him. "Yeah, let's take that walk. That went better than I expected too. Just still stay away from him and we'll be fine." He nodded to her, letting their arms link together again before heading back around, telling the other three that they would catch up in a bit before they started their romantic little walk.
Alyissa rolled her eyes in amusement at Aiden's possessive nature. It was a scenic route that they took. The destroyed buildings infront of the gates were depressing compared to the walled up part of Alexandria. "That tower doesn't look stable" she snorted "I hope this place lasts, everything seems to repeat itself" Aly tried not to be so negative but it was hard after Terminus. The route traveled well outside of the ruined town until it reached the woods. Alyissa halted in her steps to find a farm house like her own home. She pulled away to stare before chucking rocks. They were terribly aimed but Aly was in a rage until one shattered the dusty window. A walker must have heard it because a extreamly rotten Walker stumbled out onto the porch. It reached the Railing but came crashing down, the skull being smushed in. Aly fell onto her hands and knees to start to weep quietly.
Aiden didn't leave Alyissa's side at all, agreeing that he hoped this lasted. When they got to the farm house, he realized what was going on. It brought back awful memories for her and he wished he coudl have stopped it all. It wasn't until their junior year of high school when he learned about what her father did to her and Aiden took care of it. When she fell down, he fell down with her and kept his arms around her. "Aly... Aly baby, stay with me. Look. It's over. Nothing can happen to you anymore. I am here for you baby... Always have been, always will be." he reminded her and pulled her into his chest tightly.
Alyissa knew that her father was rotting in hell but it didn't make the memories go away. She hated crying infront of Aiden whatever the situation. Aly buried her face in Aiden's chest to keep herself from having to look at it. "It does not matter where we run, God is gonna find a way to cut us down Aiden. Why bother living. This wasn't supposed to happen like this. Everyone is dying we might as well be next" Of course Alyissa never truly meant these things. She was raised in a strict religious setting and that holy water had been poisoned by her father along with everyone she cared about turning into Mindless brain eaters. "How many more people will die before I lose my sanity?"
"Aylissa. Stop." Aiden growled and pulled her face into his, holding her by the cheeks. "I love you. Why should we bother with living? Because we still have each other Aly. You have me. I have you. No matter what, I am never leaving you, never letting you go. You know you can count on me Aly. We can't give up. You're a fighter. I'm a figher. We made it this far and I refuse to let you shut down on me Alyissa. I refuse because if you die, then I die too. You're my entire world and that's why I bother with living. Remember we always talked about growing old together and being with each other for so long? I still intend on keeping that promise Aly. So stop thinking like that. Kiss your husband. Now." He ordered and initiated the kiss for her, grabbing her close.
She tried to writhe away, to shut down in a broken world. He wouldn't let her and Aiden freed her from the darkest memories of her mind. Alyissa pressed herself closer to his body so no gap was left as they kissed. "Thank you" she breathed slowly letting her body sink into his. Aly took shelter within her Husband's arms "I love you"
"I love you too." Aiden answered before closing his eyes and letting his body remain just as close to hers as physically possible. The feelings he felt for this woman were incredible and unspeakable. He would do anything to keep her happy. After the kiss, he just simply stood there and looked into her eyes. "Now, are you okay, babe? Tell me if you are okay or not. I can't have you being down in the dumps. Not now. You need to be strong."
She took a deep breath and nodded to reassure she was ok. "House must have some bad energy to shut me down like that. Not sure If I'd snap out of it if you weren't here" Alyissa made sure to keep her gaze away from the blackened ruin of a Farm house. "Take me home Aiden" she whispered softly into his chest, not sure if her legs would buckle under her if she tried to stand. With her Husband's support Aly could stumble back onto her feet.
"Okay. I will take you home." Aiden whispered to Alyissa and suddenly swooped her up into his strong arms. This way, she wouldn't have to walk or try and overexert herself now. All he wanted to do was just carry her home and continue to comfort her. After they got back, he walked her right back to her room and sat her down on the bed. "I have to head out soon. Me, Glenn, Noah, and the other Aiden have to go out on a run." He told her, reaching down and running his hands through her hair.
Alyissa didn't want him to go but he was needed elsewhere for their new home. "Be safe baby" she murmered pressing a kiss along his jaw. "I'll rest a bit here until you get back" Aly would rip anyone's head from their body if they disturbed her rest. The terrible curse of memories that the house had caused, made every ounce of strength ripped from her. It'd be dangerous to ask Alyissa to push past it. She was sure if anybody had a problem with it would Answer to Aiden.
"Okay. Just get some rest baby. You will feel so much better, I know it. I love you so much. Be careful, yourself." After telling her this, he was kissing her again, starting from her jaw, to her chin, and then to her lips before going back down again. Clearly, he didn't want to leave his wife's side but he finally reluctantly pulled apart from her and stood up. After blowing her a kiss and winking st her, he departed from the room to find Glenn and Noah and the others that were accompanying them to see if they were ready.
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