We all still Die ( Dragonfoot455 and randomname98766789)

Alyissa tucked herself into the silk sheets that were messy from bouts of sex and her own tossing in sleep. A break in shifting between patrol duties was nice, Aly couldn't remember the last time she relaxed in bed like this. Aiden would be back soon enough from the supply route, she loved her husband more than anything but he took up alot of space for one side of the bed. She'd savour the free space as long as she could.
Once the group arrived at the warehouse, they scouted out the place then broke off into groups of two. The other Aiden was shooting at an armored walker and accidentally hitting a grenade that exploded and caused Tara to get severely injured, Deanna's son to be impaled on a shelf, and for Aiden to have a bit of the explosion hit him, tearing up his back. They get Tara to a nearby office to try and help her and then the others went back to try and save the Aiden that was pinned against the wall. When doing this, Nicholas ended up bailing and running away and even though Aiden, Glenn, and Noah tried to save him they had to run ebcause they were going to be cornered. They were all stuck in a revolving door and Glenn and Aiden developed a plan however Nicholas selfishly opened his side of the door and Noah ended up getting devoured by walkers while Aiden fought a few off from his spot and sadly, they couldn't help Noah. They ran out to the van where Eugene had Tara and Nicholas was just trying to drive away but the two men pulled him out, punched him, and forced him to the ground for what he did, nearly getting them all killed and for getting Noah killed. They ended up tossing him in the back and silently driving back to Alexandria, Aiden in severe pain now with his back a bloody mess.
Alyissa had finally awoken moments earlier now that she was feelling better and had regained her strength. She had missed her shift with Sasha, Aly would never hear the end of it. Members of Rick's group along with some Alexandrians gathered at the gate. She cut her way through the crowd to see what was going on. Nicholas was busy explaining to Deanna what had happened after her son shot the grenade. Son of a bitch made himself sound like a hero. Noah was no where to be seen but that didn't concern her right at that moment. Alyissa pushed her way to the front "Where the Fuck is Aiden?" she growled staring at Glenn. The younger man stayed quiet thinking she was talking about Deanna's kid. "Where is Aiden" she repeated going closer to Glenn's face so he was forced to meet her fiery gaze. "Torn apart" he sighed deeply before looking away. Her heart stood still hearing the words until her ears began to ring. Aly growled deeply as she went for her knife then lifted it above the arteries in her wrist.
When Glenn watched Alyissa raise the blade to her wrist, he quickly snatched the knife out of her hand before she could do anything. "No! Your Aiden. He's okay. Deann's son... sorry. He's torn apart." Glenn explained calmly before nodding to the gate. There, Alyissa's husband stumbled in behind Eugene who carried Tara. It was clear that Aiden was hurting badly but Tara was much worse. The look on his face also showed pure disgust and hatred over what happened. "Son of a bitch Nicholas got Noah killed. Nearly got me and Aiden killed too. Now he's talking to Deanna like his son was a hero." He rolled his eyes. As badly as Glenn wanted to explain this to Deanna, he was more worried about Tara since she was unconscious so he decided it would wait.
Alyissa was surprised when Glenn grabbed the blade of her knife keeping herself from draining the life from her veins. A ache of gratitude to him for stopping Aly long enough to see her husband limp through the gate. Tara had her skull cracked open from the impact of the explosion and now Noah was dead. She was so scared that her panic attack about Aiden dying was real. Alyissa hurried to her husband's side to help him walk. Anger fuled her muscles, next supply run she didn't care if Rick or Deanna said no. Aly was going to make sure this incident didn't happen again.
"Hey there." Aiden grunted and limped along with the support of his wife. "That motherfucker... Nicholas. We were stuck in a revolving door. It was the only thing keeping the walkers out from us. Glenn and I had a plan... Fuck..." He paused to catch his breath. "Nicholas just left and opened the door. They got Noah... almost got me. Then the fucker ran off and was about to drive off if we hadn't stopped him. And the other Aiden... he shot the armored walker and nearly blew us to hell... we told him not too and he was impaled on that shelf... we tried to save him... but... we couldn't." Aiden huffed and shook his head.
Alyissa had a deadly shot of fear and anger within her that left Aly powerless to even think about anyone else but Aiden. She didn't know the severity of his injury to to all the blood. It could be shards of glass embedded in Aiden's flesh or a disk in his spine out of place. All she knew was that he needed her care. God be damned if Peter try to touch him. These Alexandrians were stupid and Glenn had come close to being beaten down for just his slip of the Tongue. "You need a new job" she growled lowly in response. Alyissa wasn't upset with Aiden but her quarrel was with Nicholas now.
"Huh, I think I do. I agree." Aiden told her and chuckled, trying to lighten the mood but he was way too hurt to think. Once they got to their house, he just slumped down onto the couch onto his stomach. Everyone was scrambling around, especially to try and save Tara. Her injury was more life threatening but Glenn and Maggie now joined along with Aiden and Alyissa. "How bad is it?" Aiden asked, looking up to Aly for an answer. He knew it hurt like a bitch but there was just so many shards of glass and shrapnel stuck in his back. It looked terrible.
Alyissa used her knife to cut what remained of his shirt. It was worse then she thought, Aly hissed in shock but quickly recovered. "Someone get me what left over Hydrogen Peroxide we have left and Daryl's fucking Moonshine" she called before taking her husband's hand "Ok baby, I'm not going to lie to you. This is going to sting alot. but I'm going to get you seriously hammered to make this as painless as I can" she murmured softly to him. Glenn had not only brought what she requested but also gauze and bandages. "Alright babe here we go" Aly warned handing him the Jar of Alcohol while she opened the small Surgical tool case Aiden had packed. Using the gauze, she tilted the bottle of Peroxide to get it damp enough. "Baby you start chugging that stuff like it's New years eve" she ordered before wiping the blood enough to see.
Aiden heard Alyissa say this and he knew that couldn't be good. "Oh, shit." Aiden grumbled and when the alcohol was in his hands, he was chugging until it was all gone. However, when Alyissa started to work on his wound, he was still writhing, hissing, and groaning with how much it hurt. Nothing had ever hurt as much as this did. Ever. But he did his best to stay as still as possible because he knew it would make Aly's job easier so he just bit his lip and tongue hard, gripping to the couch and wishing it to be over as soon as possible.
"Almost done baby" she muttered using the tweezers to extract the Glass and Shrapnel from his flesh. Alyissa haf always been good with taking care of these types of injuries from studying hid med notes. With no peices left, Aly began to clean the spots with peroxide. Maggie handed her the needle which had been sterilized with a lighter. She threaded fishing line through the sewing needle to sitch Aiden's wounds together. "It's stiched closed I'm gonna dress it with bandages. You'll have to rest here until those wounds heal. All we can do now is keep it clean to prevent infection" she soothed "I'll see if Peter has any painkillers if not Ice will numb the skin". Alyissa sighed heavily while she cleaned up the rest of medical supplies. "Check his pulse every 20 minutes, don't let him fall asleep. I'm going to see what I can do for Tara. I'll be back soon baby" she murmered leaning down to kiss his jaw. Little did they know that she wouldn't check up on Tara at all. Alyisss was out for blood, specifically Nicholas's.
It was definitely still quite painful but Aiden was able to suffer through it. Now, he was thankful for all those notes he had kept and let her look over. She was almost as good as he was now with this, maybe even better. He listened to Ayissa and nodded. "Okay baby. Thank you. I love you." He told her and reached up to get a kiss from her before she left, having no idea of her true intentions as neither did Maggie. Currently, Deanna, Nicholas, Glenn, and a crwod of people were gathering around. NIcholas lied, trying to make it sound like he waas the hero. He said Glenn and Aiden wanted to leave her son and that they were going to leave him too but Glenn argued back with what the truth really was and it was just all a big mess of course.
Feeling anger well up within her, Alyissa cut through the crowd and without warning unsheathed her knife to point it at his Adam's Apply enough he could feel the tip to his skin."You're one cowardly fuck you know? Why don't you tell them how Noah was ripped apart to save Glenn and Aiden. Tell them how you tucked in your dick between your legs and ran away like the pussy you are" she spat shaking from her rage. Glenn tried to calm her but Aly shook his hand off her shoulder "Don't touch me Glenn I don't want to hurt you" she warned but kept her amber optics on Nicholas. Deanna narrowed her eyes at Alyissa, was this hot tempered irish lass really a good fit for their community?. Nicholas didn't say one word but instead just stared back. Rick came to her side to pull her away as she was two seconds away from splitting his throat apart.

"We're not gonna do this now Aly, lower the knife" he gruffed grabbing her wrist and slowly lowered it. She growled and yanked herself from his grip before turning to look at the younger man one last time "If Aiden dies So do you" she warned before she stormed off back to Aiden's bedside.
Everyone in the entire group and community was shocked. Right before this, the rumors of what Rick tried with Aly and how Aiden responded was floating through the community. Now with this, the most important lesson these Alexandrians learned had to be 'Don't fuck with Ayissa or Aiden because both of them will go after you'. As many of the men wanted Aly and yearned for her, they quickly learned they better keep their eyes and hands to themselves. On the other hand, the women wanted Aiden of course because he was handsome and strong but they were scared shitless of Aly and weren't about to try anything. Then, they finally just dissipated after Aly left, leaving Deanna and her family time to grieve while everything had to get sorted out. Maggie was still sitting beside of Aiden, trying to talk to him and keep him awake. She knew the best thing to ask him about was his wife and just as she figured, he could have talked forever about her, telling her about the cute things she did, some dates they went on and other stuff like that.

When Aly got back, Maggie smiled at her and nodded, letting her have time alone to her husband as he recovered. Clearly, Aiden was still droopy and weak from it but he wasn't on death's doorstep by any means. "How's Tara holding up?" Aiden asked and looked at her. He felt bad about Tara. He wished he could have done something to help but she was just too far away from him at the time of the explosion.
Alyissa thanked Maggie for keeping an eye on her husband. "She has cracked skull babe. We can staple it closed but she might have a concussion so she's unconscious for the moment. Rest is up to Tara to decide if she wants to live or die." Aly tried to rub the tension out of her shoulders from the stress of it all. "I'm sorry babe, I forgot to ask for Painkillers but We have Ice to numb the skin and Daryl's moonshine to take the edge off" she said coming to sit down beside him and help roll Aiden onto his side. "You hungry?" she asked.
Aiden listened and continue to drink from the moonshine and looking up at her, shaking his head. "No. I'm not hungry, babe. Right now all I want is for you to just be in my arms." He admitted and gave her a smile, tugging her down so that she could lay beside of him on the couch with his arms wrapping around her. He realized how close he was to not making it home today and it made him just want to hold onto her that much more.
Alyissa tried to maintain her serious expression "Aiden s...stop you'll rip your stitches" she warned before giggling becuase of his fingers brushing by her ribcage where she was ticklish. "No more supply runs for you, I could have lost you today" she whispered softly before tucking her face into the crook of his face. He smelled like sweat from the hot sun and Gun powder from the explosion. "I'll have to get you in the shower before you go to bed. Alyissa checked his pulse and was relieved to find her Husband in stable condition. "That means no sex for awhile too" Aly groaned not really fond of being sexually frustrated for a few days until Aiden was healed.
Aiden chuckled quietly and listened to her, kissing her cheek. "Okay. We can shower but we will have sex. You might just have to ride me or something but I'm not letting my wife get sexually frustrated." He teased her, still in good spirits so that was a good sign, at least. "HOw about that shower now? Let's go ahead and get that done. I just want to get up to that comfortable bed."
"I'll help you upstairs then" she murmured making herself get up with Aiden's arm around her neck to help support him. "Sit up slow" she instructed before slowly getting her husband to his feet. step by step they made it upstairs to their bedroom. As soon as Alyisss got him propped up on the edge of the bed, Aly quickly disappeared into the bathroom to turn the tap on. She let the water run until it reached a warm temperature. Returning Alyissa began to undo his pants that were in pretty rough shape. Then she untied the bandages quickly so they could shower quickly. Alyissa wouldn't let him get under the full blast but would use a cloth to scrub him clean. "Come on babe, Water is warm."
Aiden nodded, standing up and using Alyissa as his support to try and climb his way upstairs. He was very slow, trying not to strain anything or do any more damage than what already was done. When they got to the bedroom, he was breathing hard and in quite a bit of pain, but thanks to Aly, he made it. He waited for her to get the water running and when she was all ready and set for him, he slowly staggered to the bathroom with her help. The more he walked, the better he got at it and he could definitely be in worse shape.
Alyissa stripped herself of all clothing before carefully easing Aiden into the shower. She honestly didn't mind the idea of a shower since she'd nearly had a heart attack a few minutes ago. The steam and water would rid of the tension out of her muscles. But yet again her husband needed her. Lathering him in soap, Aly wad careful to avoid irritating his wounds. "If it stings let me know" she murmured before kissing his shoulderblade. Alyissa let her gentle hands run through his dark locks hoping there wasn't glass or more damage to him. Luckly it was mostly dust and grime from him sweating. "I hate how that sack of dicks nearly got you killed...killed Noah...almost killed Glenn too" she sniffled wiping stray tears away of thinking about losing Aiden. After all moments ago Aly had come close to ending her own life.
Aiden made a few grunting noises whenever some soap and water would get into the irritated, puffy wounds. However, the kisses she ave him, the feeling of her hands on his body... it really made the pain go away even for a little bit. The amount of love he felt for this woman was incredible and knew it would never end. "Yeah, I know... and Glenn told me about what you were doing when you thought he meant that I was dead..." Aiden whispered and turned to her sadly. "Babe, I would have done the same thing if it were you that didn't come back from something. Like that time you nearly died because of that stupid preacher... if you didn't pull through I had planned to end it. I literally can't go on without you babe. Just next time... make sure I'm actually dead before you try and do something crazy." he told her and smiled sadly. He wasn't going to tell her to not kill herself if he died. Obviously, he wanted her to live even if he died but he knew that if the roles were reversed, nothing could convince him to keep fighting and living without Aly so he decided to not be a hypocrite and instead, just held her tightly and kissed away the tears she had.
Alyissa wrapped her arms around him when Aiden pulled her to him "I had a panic attack not even 30 minutes ago. A person just doesn't recover from that so quickly. I know it might sound stupid but I might pick up reading Tarot cards again. I hate all these unexpecting turns." Aly sighed. After getting him clean she started on herself.
Aiden watched Alyissa clean herself and once she finished, he simply pulled her into a hug. "Let's just stand here for a minute. I want to hold you now Aly. It's been a terrible day and I just need to have you in my arms and I need to kiss you and to know that we made it at least one more day. I love you Alyissa. Always and forever."
Alyissa felt comfort warm her as Aiden pulled her against his chest enough that she could hear his heart beating. "I love you too, sometimes you're too sweet for me you know that" she smirked leaning up to draw him into a kiss. Aly this really wasn't the time to be aroused since Aiden was still in pain. But she couldn't help it with the way he kissed her.
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