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We all still Die ( Dragonfoot455 and randomname98766789)

She laughed lightly "Be careful, I might hold that to you" Alyissa smirked and with one quick movement she inched his large manhood inside her Sex. Instantly she felt pleasure sooth her Sexual frustration until she took a moment to rock her hips to test his reaction. "God I missed you" she breathed sharply before shudderimg in a moan.
"Oh, I hope you do baby." Aiden whispered and bit his lip hard when she forced his cock inside of her. He grinned at her and he loved how hot she sounded and how relieved she seemed to have his cock again. "I missed you too baby." He murmured and let his hands go and rest on her hips as he just sat there, now letting her do all the work.
Alyisss let out a heavy breath and began to roll her hips downwards into his pelvis. It was a slow pace at first but as she became more excited she got the more Aly sped up. She acted like they hadn't fucked in months but with so much stress and tension that had been building up on her, Alyissa felt the need to have some sort of release. She had found a bag of Weed in Ron's room which she suspected his mother didn't know about. Aly might as well not let it go to some hormonal teenager.
Aiden watched her and felt her start to increase her pace and soon she was just going all out as if they hadn't had sex in a long time. Aiden wasn't complaining though. He was keeping his hands on her waist and pulled her down so her chest pressed against his and Aiden was kissing her hard, hands now tangling in his wife's hair as he made out with her, his cock throbbing inside of her causing him to moan out loudly. "Oh... Fuck... I love you Aly." He growled into her mouth, not slowing the kiss at all.
She yelped in surprise then let out a small laugh as he pulled her closer. "Be careful I'd hate to add a Penile Fracture to your list of Injurys. That'll be a injury I won't be able to fix...but Peter can if you have the courage of what happened to your man parts" she warned with a underline of a teasing tone. Alyissa however was interrupted midsentence with his chill inducing growl of a kiss. "Holy fucking Jesus Christ" she hissed as the pulse of his manhood inside her caused Aly's own folds to tighten around his cock.
Aiden just chuckled and smirked as he looked up at her, the grin growing bigger and bigger on his face. "I love you so much." e murmured and had his hands moving up and down her body, gripping her ass and giving her little slaps. His cock was throbbing so hard now and he was so close to his orgasm. "Babe... I'm almost there... I know you want my cum baby." He whispered playfully and moved to kiss her again.
Alyissa moaned into Aiden's neck at his lustrous words. "don't taunt" she breathed trying to concentrate on keeping her head level so she could prolong her own release. "Fuck I'm so close" Aly whimpered and shuddered at the feeling his Cock throb quickly inside her.
Aiden grinned at what she told him and kept his hips moving against her. "Are you baby? I want you to cum for me. I want to feel your juices all over my cock, Aly." He whispered into her ear, kissing her hard once again as he moaned her name.
Alyissa took a deep breath and allowed her body to release all the pent up tension. In one final thrust from Aiden into her G-spot was all that it took for Aly to cum hard on his manhood. Alyissa cried out his name before letting her body roll into her side. She laughed lightly while panting heavily "Damn...that was good" she said softly before biting and sucking gently at his neck.
Aiden was smiling at his wife as she lay on top of him and recovered from the sex. "Yes, it was good. I liked having you ride my cock." He coed into her ear and now let himself start kissing and sucking at her neck as well. After doing this for a bit, he stopped and pulled back to look deeply into her eyes. "I love you Aly. You're amazing."
Alyissa felt her chest swell with love for Aiden as he made eye contact with her. "I love you too and I don't know what I'd do without you" she whispered before giving him a soft kiss to his lips. "I was surprised you let me do it. Usually you spank me if I try to overthrow you. Not that I'm complaining." Aly smirked, lowering his hands so they rested on her rear.
"Lucky for you, I will always be with you." Aiden answered her with a broad smile as he returned the kiss. What she said next made him chuckle, squeezing her ass softly. "Well, I do love letting you take control from time to time. Plus, it's always nice watching your tits bounce while you ride me." He mused playfully, slapping her right ass cheek with his hand lightly. "I had fun."
Alyissa jolted slightly in surprise when he suddenly gave her rear a slap which induced a small moan. "Easy baby would hate for you to tease me" she warned playfully. Aly had always played submissive in the bedroom and would take any measures of pleasing her dominate. Her hunger for Aiden was never satisfied, you could say she had a overactive sex drive. For Alyissa Sexual frustration could be dangerous. Aiden had only ever been the one to fuel that side of her. Any other man would call her abrasive, difficult and untamed. Though her husband had no trouble with her Las Vegas crass.
"Have you ever thought that maybe I want to tease you." Aiden grinned at her and tilted his head. "Besides, I'm stuck here for a while and we have nothing to do... so might as well fuck like some jack rabbits yeah?" He teased with a smile and pressed a kiss to her lips. "I could never get tired of you Aly. You're my little nympho and I'm proud of it. I mean, you must think the sex is pretty good to keep wanting me all the time." he winked flirtatiusly, sendidngg his hand through her hair.
"When we got married I never expected the Dead to walk or eat the living. Things changr and if that means If we get to fuck whenever the chance comes up then so be it." Alyissa smirked while resting her head on him. "Did I mention I love you?" she smiled before kissing his neck. "Not to mention it but I'm pretty sure it was you that got off with gagging and binding your girlfriend" Aly teased.
Aiden sat quietly and let Alyissa finish talking. Once she was, he chuckled quietly and reached to peck her lips. "Yes, you did mention it and I love you too. I did get off on doing that to you and I always will. I swear you could have been the best bondage model ever if you tried though you know I wouldn't allow it. You were my own model and that's fucking great. You still are my model. It's a shame we don't have anything to take pictures with aymore." He teased and moved to kiss her again. "I'm never letting you go baby."
"Two reasons why I'd never model. First I have no interest in it and You don't need photos of me because I'm not going anywhere." she said softly while pressing her face into his neck with a content sigh. "Though...if you really want to take some sexy shots...Glenn might still have that Polaroid Camera with him" Alyissa smirked remembering that they weren't the only ones who were adventurous in the bedroom. Maggie and Aly had a bit too much female chatter sometimes. Of course they'd never go into heavy detail.
Aiden listened to Alyissa say these things and continued to smile. Tilting his head at her, he wondered what she had known about. "Well, if you ever happen to get your hands on it... I would gladly like to test out the camera... you know... just make sure it still works and all." he said with a big grin on his face, kissing her on the lips. "Besides, it'll be fun. We used to do that some but I always wanted to get a real nice photoshoot of you going."
"Draw me like one of your French girls cliche right?" Alyissa said as the corners of her mouth began to curve up into a smirk. "I suppose if you can get your hands on Glenn's Polaroid camera it wouldn't hurt for you to have something to hold onto" she cuddled into his chest enough that Aly could hear Aiden's steady heartbeat that calmed her frayed Nerves.
Aiden chuckled quietly while watching his wife smirk. "I'm sure he will allow me to use it for a bit." He grinned because like Aly talked with Maggie, Aiden talked to Glenn briefly as well, never going into much detail though. "Besides, I think that on my twenty-first birthday, the best present you ever given me was that camera to take photos of you." he reminded her, recalling the moments. He had those pictures until the very end and sadly couldn't grab them. "Mm, i Love you baby. You're so amazing, you know that?"
Alyissa shook her head as if she had never heard Aiden call her perfect before. "Really because I swear I've heard it the first million times and you never fail to remind me" she teased before kissing his jaw. "I do remember giving you the camera but it wasn't just for you to take nudes of me." Aly smirked "I love you too Aiden"
Aiden just smirked at her, poking her on the nose. "You dirty girl, you." He teased and laughed happily before wrapping his arms back around her. "I love you so much, you know? What do you want to do now? We can just sit here and talk or we can go to sleep or do something else. I don't really care. You're just so hot and you distract me so much.."
Alyissa nuzzled her face into his chest "Stay with me, I'm's been quite a long day" she whispered to him before her eyes locked on his. She settled down beside him to increase her relaxation after the high from Fucking around with Aiden. "You nearly scared me to death today...If you hadn't come back" Aly couldn't finish her sentence because of emotion closing up her throat. They had this conversation before, it seemed like an extreme measure to take when a loved one died. Rick nearly had gone insane when Lori died. Alyissa couldn't help but wonder if it would Happen to Aiden if she hadn't made it. There had been brushes where Alyissa had been caught nearly bitten or when Raiders had tried to steal their belongings long before they met Rick's group.
“Alyissa, shh…” Aiden began and frowned slightly. “I would want to tell you that it would be okay, that you could be okay without me and I would want you to keep on living but I know that if the roles were reversed, I couldn’t handle it. I know for a fact that if I ever lost you, I would end it. I couldn’t take it. You are seriously so important to me, I can’t stress it enough. There would never be any getting over you. I imagine that would be the same for you if I hadn’t come back today after I heard what happened. Just know baby that I love you, I promise to try and be more careful and watch my back around these people. You do the same. I’m here, I’m okay and we are together so let’s just focus on that instead, okay?” He whispered and pressed a kiss onto her lips, smiling softly and looking into her eyes, just wanting to hold her again.
Alyissa allowed Aiden to hold her close to keep her from going to the dark place that resided inside her. "Damn them all" she whispered against his lips while he kissed her softly. Aly couldn't imagine a life without Aiden at her side, it was just too painful. Alexandrite were more dangerous with their ruthless ways. Alyissa didn't understand how they could act with such little understanding in the new world. Why hadn't Rick taken leadership from Deanna was beyond her.
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