We all still Die ( Dragonfoot455 and randomname98766789)

Alyissa growled low in approvel of how Aiden rammed into her. She didn't know where this primal urge to have him fuck her from but Aly didn't disapprove of how things were going. Her fingers interlocked with his as she pictured how Eagles locked talons in mid flight when in a mating dance. The couple weren't giant predatory Birds of course but Alyissa still felt their souls intertwine as if they were.
Slowly, Aiden moved in and out of Alyissa's tight little hole. To say that he was enjoying this was a huge understatement. The love he felt for this woman was undying and he was reminded again and again why he would literally kill for her if needed as showed before. If anyone dare look at his wife the wrong way, then they would have it coming to them. Aiden was getting close now, his length throbbing violently inside her tight lips, his climax closing in quickly as he moaned just a bit louder, still holding her hands tightly as he told her over and over again how much he loved her and loved doing this to her.
Alyissa felt the threads of her ability to hold back her own Climax were starting to come undone for him. She refused to cum first, not really in the mood for his smug grin on how much of a master he was at conquering her body. The words of Aiden's love didn't make it easier either. "God I love Fucking you" she murmered through the fabric in response.
Finally, Aiden felt his climax reach as he exploded inside of her tight hole and quickly filled her up. Groaning out loudly, he smiled at her and just continued to empty himself inside of her, kissing all on her neck. It felt so nice to relax like this. Even before the outbreak, his favorite hobby had to be having sex with Alyissa. They'd never gotten tired of each other it seemed and they never would.
She smirked to herself that she was able to hold back her orgasm before him but just when she felt his hot seed pour into her, she lost control. Aly cried out Aiden's name as she came hard. Her body finally slumped into the pillows so she could catch her breath which was hard with the Silk Scarf.
After Alyissa came, Aiden stayed inside of her to calm down. After he finished and was relaxed once more, he undid the belt from her wrists and then reached down to untie the scarf. This was probably the worst part of their rough sex- when it was over and he had to untie her. Nonetheless, he greeted her with a kiss on the lips and a smile on his face. They never knew when they'd have a chance to do this again but doing this multiple times in one day was perfect and it really got them all caught up and satisfied. "I love you..." he whispered quietly, touching their foreheads together.
Alyissa rolled onto him and kissed down his neck as a thank you for bedding her again. She didn't want to arouse him but make him feel affectionate instead. "I love you too" she breathed before locking her lips with his.
Aiden smiled against her lips and kept kissing her. He wanted her to feel the same so he started to rub her back and play with her hair while cuddling with her, a big, happy smile stuck on his face as he eagerly made out with the woman he loved.
Alyissa sighed contently after she pulled away from his heated kiss to nestle closer to his body. "It's been a Crazy day hasn't it? Angry sex is almost as good as makeup sex" she chuckled into his neck. Her eyes lifted to meet Aiden's "Deanna mentioned a Dinner party" she scoffed "Have they forgot that Brain eaters are outside those tin walls"
Aiden smiled down at her and kissed her. "Yeah, they have but we can dress up again and have some more fun. Besides, it's been so long since I saw you in a dress... you were always so sexy in a dress no matter if you wanted to admit it or not." he chuckled and shook his head playfully at her, pressing kisses all along her neck.
She slapped his chest playfully "Where the fuck am I gonna get a dress?" Aly shook her head "Isn't putting on clothes that don't reek of Biter guts enough" she laughed before tucking her head near his jawline to kiss him in return out giggled as she did it "Tell you what, I'll see where I can dig up this so called dress. Then later you have full permission to literally rip it off me" Aly said pulling her head up and blowing brown locks out of her face.
"They have clothing. Don't you worry sweetie." Aiden laughed at her playfully, tilting his head during the kiss. When she gave her permission for this ready, he grinned wider and wider, chuckling eagerly and looking into her eyes. "You know that I am definitely going to hold you to that, okay? How about we go shower, alright? I promise to try and not fuck you in the shower. We'll try and actually get clean." Aiden teased looking into her eyes deeply.
"Why" she said giving a exaggerated groan "I was just getting comfortable. Don't leave me" Aly whined wrapping her arms around his body so she could pull herself closer to his his body. Whining turned quickly to pouting seeing that she might as well comply or enjoy her body chilling down after the light sheen of sweat was rapidly cooling her.
Finally, Aiden just couldn't resist Alyissa's pouting and whining. "Sheesh, you really know my weakness, don't you?" Aiden chuckled and happily laid back down with the pretty brunette woman that had his heart since the very beginning. Laying with her, he pressed in close to her and nuzzled his nose against her collarbone. "Mmm... You even smell sexy after sex." Aiden told her, a big grin on his face while pressing small kisses along her neck.
"You like the smell of Sweat, soap and sex? huh good to know" Alyissa joked but stopped midway through her sentance to moan quietly. "You keep kissing me like that and we might as well stay here for the night" Aly panted, flipping herself out of his grasp to straddle his waist again with a smirk on her lips.
"I really think that you are just looking for something and some reason to just haveme fuck you again." Aiden teased, his hands moving to her waist, squeezing her hips and playfully grinding against her as she sat above him, leaning up to kiss her on the lips.
Aly giggled against his lips "Maybe, maybe not. You never quite know with me"she whispered leaning foreward to kiss down his chest. She soon disappeared beneath the sheets where she found his now soft manhood. Aly breathed in the smell of Aiden's scent along with the smell of his seed. She sat there for a moment deciding if she wanted to return the favor of making her climax in the shower.
Aiden chuckled when she kissed him and when she disappeared, he shuddered feeling her touch his soft length. He bit his lip, hoping she would return the favor as he looked down at her under the covers and then covered back up, being reminded of some fun they had back in their high school days.
Alyissa paused a moment then started to lick the head of his cock when he least expected her to do. She could still taste the last hint of cum on his manhood which made her body heat up at the thought of having sex again. No they didn't have time if they truly wanted to join this diner party. Aly only needed fifteen to twenty minutes to please Aiden one more time before she got ready.
Aiden shuddered, figuring that Alyissa hasn't wanted to do anything else. He groaned quietly when looking down at her, trying to urge her on by grinding the tip of his cock against her lips when he found them. "I know you want to do this baby... I can feel you smiling." He called out and chuckled, overcome with pleasure.
"shhh, just lay back and enjoy it" she shushed from under the sheets before Aly took more of his length into her mouth and began to slowly bob her head. Her hands slipped under his muscular rear to better angle his erection. Alyissa didn't show much aggression this time but more loving then before...sincere almost.
When Alyissa shushed Aiden, he grinned and listened to his wife. Relaxing when she took more into his mouth, it became rather difficult to make himself be quiet. Soon, Aiden found himself thrusting upwards against her face to add more stimulation. That erection of his grew even more with her gentle touch and he knew how much this meant to her and how passionate she was being. It's funny how a blow job could be sincere and romantic but Aly definitely had a way with that mouth of hers.
Alyissa relaxed her jaw so she could control her her gag reflex. She became merciless in how intense the pleasure would be. Her tongue swirled around the head of his erection, knowing how sensitive Aiden was there. Aly could feel her arousal burning her folds until it was unbearable. She wasn't sure she should turn around to let Aiden To have his own way with her neither regions or to touch herself to incourage herself.
Feeling his wife's tongue swirling around him over and over again brought unimaginable pleasure. Indeed, that was by far the most sensitive spot on his body. "Oh... Oh my god... I fucking love you Aly." He whispered breathlessly, just letting his entire being focus and concentrate on her and these feelings she gave him. Again, he was forgetting about the outside world and only thinking about her. He wouldn't want it any other way to be honest. "I'm so fucking close Aly... Oh my God..." he repeated, throbbing just as hard as he could currently.
His moans and declaration that he loved her made it all more worthwhile to make him climax. The throbbing of his manhood fell in sync with Alyissa's pulse that came rapidly now. Aly remembered a tip she had picked up in college that knew would finish Aiden off. She let her hands slid up from his firm bottom to the middle of his vertebrae of his spine. Lucikly Alyissa had read over Aiden's studies of the Reproductive system in his third year of Med school. There was a nerve that connected to the spine that often associated with where she tension would build before a orgasm. All it would take was one press to push him off the edge...
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