We all still Die ( Dragonfoot455 and randomname98766789)

Aiden smiled when he felt her against his body. His eyes were just down at her the entire time, he knew she couldn't sleep and of course, he decided to not let himself rest unless she was asleep. When they were both awake, he was kissing her down her neck and keeping his wife as close to him as possible. Finally, he was able to fall asleep with her in his arms and rest at least somewhat now.
Aly had just been dozing off until she felt his lips on her neck. She growled lowly in warning. Aiden knew her neck was sensitive and it was on of the many parts of her body that would arouse her if touched properly. "don't you dare" she warned playfully. Alyissa's hips swayed brushing his groin area in a teasing manner.
The next morning came and Aiden was woken up by the rest of the group moving around. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to Alyissa's face to wake her up. "Sweetheart, wake up. It's morning." He murmured, looking into her eyes and giving her a smile. They made it at least one night in this place. That's a start, he supposed. But now it was time for everyone to get into their jobs at Alexandria and start to learn. They were all expected to meet in Deanna's yard shortly.
Alyissa got to her feet and stretched to help wake herself up "I'd give anything for a chance to sleep in" she joked before yawning. Obviously not in the mood to start shooting any Walker that got too close to the wall. "Watch out for Glenn will you, make sure he dosen't get himself killed" she said with a smirk before drawing him into a kiss.
Aiden chuckled quietly and leaned into the kiss with lyissa. "Watch out for Glenn? What about myself?" Aiden teased while his hand ran down the small of her back during the kiss. "You be safe, my love. I'll see you later." With that, he kissed her quickly once again and reluctantly let her go before walking away to join up with the rest of the group of the supply run and it just hit him how they were literally always together. This felt so strange.
Alyissa shook her head with a grin before following Sasha who wanted to take duty up in the Watch tower as a Sniper. Which Aly wasn't totally thrilled with, she thought that her help would to be on Supply runs with the others instead. Sasha didn't mind taking the first shift. So Aly abandoned the the Watch tower duty and patrolled around with Rick. Again not exciting but it killed time until Aiden got back.
Aiden found out quickly that these people were, for a lack of a better word, stupid. There methods were going to get killed. They had some kind of walker chained up to play with because it killed their friend. It got loose and almost attacked the man but Glenn killed it. Then, they had an altertaction which Aiden was sure to step in front of and try and calm them down as they were drawing unecessary attention. When they were finally walking, Glenn exchanged a glance with Aiden and neither of them really knew what they were getting into.
Deanna's son had grown angry when Aiden and Glenn killed his 'Trophy' but stormed off after that arguing there could draw more Walkers. Tara and Noah and stayed silent the rest of the way back to Alexandria, The young man was more pissed at Aiden for trying to give him orders when his ego inflated when he was leader of the Patrol.

Rick and Alyissa had back tracked to outside the gate where he had admitted to her that he'd stashed away a gun just incase. But when they searched for it, the gun was no where to be found.
Finally, they stormed back inside the walls. Glenn accused Deanna's son of incompetence. Now, Aiden didn't like him to begin with. It didn't help that his name was also Aiden. He liked to think that he was the real Aiden. That was besides the point right now. Suddenly, the man took a swing at Glenn and connected but he shouldn't have done that. Suddenly, the much taller and strong man named Aiden sent a hard right hook to his jaw and knocked him flat onto the ground. A crowd formed and Deanna went to intervene, telling everyone to treat these groups as equals. Just then, Rick and Michonne arrived on the scene and were asked to be the town's constables and they accepted. Aiden was too pissed from everything to talk from anyone so he just stormed off from the group on over to their house because his fist was hurting. Aiden could really pack a punch and Deanna's son was still on the ground, dazed and confused by the hit.
Alyissa had just returned with Rick to find a confrontation was going on. It was one thing for Deanna's ass of a kid to corner Glenn but another to think his buddy could touch Aiden while he wrestled the younger man to the ground. Alyissa bolted foreward and knocked him down. One hand firmly pressed on his neck while she held her skinning knife to Nicholas's groin. Rick came from behind and tried to talk her out of killing him.

"Woah, woah We're not gonna do this now. Come on get off" he gruffed in a soothing tone. Alyissa held on for a moment longer before she let him pull her off of the choking man. Nicholas scrambled to his feet while holding his throat. He stood behind Deanna but glared at her in challenge which made Aly growl under her breath. She paced back and forth like a wild cat in a cage, trying to maneuver around Rick.

Glenn almost seemed to smirk knowing that the group wouldn't take bullshit from no one.

After Deanna ordered the two boys to come talk to her. Obviously dismissing the crowd. Alyissa huffed in anger before heeling after her seething lover. "Baby, slow down. Talk to me" she said gently while reaching for his hand to stop him.
When Alyissa grabbed Aiden's hand, the man slowly turned to her and rolled his eyes. Never had Aiden been an angry guy or known to have a temper, but his face was all blood red and it looked like he could take on about ten Alexandrians at once and still kill them all.

"Do you know what that motherfucker did, Aly?! They kept a fucking walker chained up to a tree to play with it and get revenge. It got loose and almost killed Tara but Glenn killed it like they should have done and next thing you know, that son of a bitch has a gun to Glenn's head. Are you fucking kidding me? These people are all so stupid. They don't know how to do shit. Those idiots will get us killed."

Aiden huffed but when his eyes made contact with hers, he was able to start to calm down just a little bit and squeeze her hand. None of this made any sense at all to Aiden. The crowd had left now and surprisingly, Deanna wasn't mad at anyone in Rick's group. In fact, a few people heard her telling her son and Nicholas about how inappropriate they acted and that this will not happen again.
"They haven't experienced anything outside those walls, but we have to deal with it for now. We have to make this work, what other choice do we have?" she sighed and pressed herself against his chest "I fucking nearly killed Nicolas..have I forgot to be human anymore?" she hissed to herself. Aly could see the anger plain on his face. It made her own gut tighten "Damn them all, you're what I care about" Alyissa further tangled herself within him by resting her face in the crook of Aiden's neck.
Aiden nodded, knowing they really didn't have any other choice at the moment. When Aly hissed this to herself, he started to feel a bit more relaxed and even chuckled.

"It doesn't make you less human. You saw Nicholas come after me and you went after him. You know I would have done the same if roles were reversed. Don't fret about it." Aiden whispered with a smile. That's why he was okay with what he did to the Priest. He hurt Aly and that was a death penalty in Aiden's book.

"You're the only thing I care about too. I love you Aly. All these years and we're still in this together. It was so strange without you by my side for the last few hours."
Alyissa laughed to herself "I would have cut the man's cock and make him choke on it. Death do we part right?" she sighed contently before raising her hand with his so they could watch their fingers fold into the spaces between them. "I doubt that Rick will be impressed for the shit we stirred up, though don't really give a fuck about it. Kid had it coming to him the way he was mouthing off to you two. Speaking of which how's that hand hotshot" she hummed looking down to observe his swollen knuckle.
Aiden grinned at Alyissa, keeping their hands in the air while he looked at his swollen knuckle.

"Well, I got a really good hit, that's for sure. Honestly, I don't care what anyone thinks about it because they did have it coming to them. I'm willing to work with these people but not at the expense of our lives."

Finally, he lowered their hands and gave her a little smile, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"So... I didn't get a chance to ask how keeping guard was. How was it?" He asked, swinging their hands slightly to try and forget about what just happened.
She snorted in reply "Sasha said she'd take my shift. Honestly I didn't think she wanted me there with her. So I walked around with Rick for a bit, quite boring without you" she smiled that quickly fell when she remembered that the gun they had stashed was gone. Aly gazed around and then lowered her voice "Rick hid a gun before we came here just outside the gate..we went looking for it and it was gone" Alyissa thought about what could have happened at Terminus. Her muscles grew taunt under her clothing but tried to stay level headed. This was going to be their home even if they had to fight for it.
Aiden thought it was really strange that the gun Rick buried outside the gate was missing. Nothing was seeming to be at peace or at ease now and that's something they would just have to deal with. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to her lips and sighed. "Well, I have no idea what could have happened to it. I just hope that this works out somehow. What do you want to do now?" Aiden asked, letting his hand still stay inside of hers.
Alyissa tapped her lip in thought "I don't know about the people around here, they seem harmless enough but its still a good idea to keep our guard up. But in the mean time I just want to be with you" Aly returned his kiss but was a bit more aggressive about it. Being apart from him after all the time they've been together, surviving every curve the new world threw at them. Never once did she falter or hesitate about not letting him go without going down with him.
Aiden agreed one hundred percent with everything Alyissa just said. These people seemed harmless enough. At least two of them were stupid, but not hostile. While both qualities could spell trouble, they were two completely different things and only time would tell. When Aly kissed him so aggressively, Aiden happily and eagerly returned her kiss with full desire and passion and aggression. One hand reached down to her ass and grabbed a hold of it, rolling it around and squeezing it hard all throughout the kiss.
Alyissa leaped forward when Aiden made a bold move and grabbed her rear. It made Aly press her body into his so there was no gap between them. "Did you really just miss me for over a hour?" she jokingly asked against his lips. The kiss left her shaking and just for a moment she forgot they weren't alone. Aly pulled back while clearing her throat "We should get back to the house, Rick said itssafe to split the group now which means we could actually have a bed of our on for once" she smirked.
Feeling how Alyissa pressed into his body after he grabbed her ass made Aiden smile widely. After the kiss was over, he tilted his head at her and nodded. "Yes, I did and I'm not going to act like I didn't. An hour without you might as well have been a year because I hate being away from you, especially in a new place and in a time like this." Smiling, he took her by the hand and quickly lead her away from this street to the empty house besides them. "Well... I guess we better go claim it before anyone else does, right?"
"Aiden" she hissed playfully but had no choice when he pulled her by the hand to the house. "You fucked me two times today isn't that enough?" she whispered once he had her inside. Aly knew how distracting they could be to each other. It was like giving a dog a biscuit and telling them not to eat it. It would be cruel to deny his affection now expecially when she didn't want to deny him in the first place. She held in her arousal atleast until they were inside. If she really wanted to Alyissa could tormant him by just brushing her hips against him in public where it would be hard to resist the temptation.
Aiden turned to Alyissa once they were both inside and all he could do was shake his head playfully at her. "Actually, you are the one with sex all the time..." He started and pushed closer to her. "To be honest with you, all I wanted to do was claim the bed so we could actually sleep on the bed together and cuddle. Sure we would have sex there but that wasn't actually what I was talking about." Aiden was grinning like a little kid because he figured out what she wanted to do on the bed. "But... your idea is amazing if you are ready for another round." He chuckled and leaned in close to her to kiss her once again.
Alyissa covered her mouth to cover her mouth to keep herself from laughing "You're right but you don't exactly stop me ethier. It's hard to keep myself from jumping you every now and then when you stare at me. Anyway I can see myself up for a third round but for now let's see where it goes" she said before leaning up to kiss him.
Aiden just chuckled quietly against her lips, letting themselves kiss each other in a gentle and loving manner. One hand rested by her hips and the other hand was slowly traveling up her back and then tangling into her hair before letting his tongue slowly graze her lower lip and then her upper Lip, allowing himself to just get lost in this beautiful moment.
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