We all still Die ( Dragonfoot455 and randomname98766789)

When Aiden was fully awake, he couldn't help but just smile at the sigh of Aly wearing his shirt. Always, he thought that was a cute thing to see but now it meant even more. The little things really got to him and he let out a little sigh of contentment, knowing that this woman right here was all his, forever. He finally walked up with Aly, slipping his hand into hers. After passing the Monument, they were walking on even further and were nearing the gates. Murmurs in the group started, wondering if they should turn back now but they were nearly here and they finally came to a stop at two big, metal sliding doors which made Aaron and his friend smile, welcoming them to Alexandria, knocking on the door so they would open.
Aly tensed as they approched the gates "This is it" she whispered Aiden, her grip tightened on his hand and she almost hid behind him She wasn't scared but was cautious of what lay beyond the gate. Except she could hear Children..Laughing? what kind of place was this anyway. When the gate was finally opended it surprised her. It was real, untouched and away from the tainted outside. "We made it" she breathed almost wanting to cry she was so happy. Fuck I promised Aiden he could bed me later. Aly cursed under her breath. Aiden must have knew he was gonna get lucky but that would have to wait.

A Guard approched the group. He looked to be in his late 30s, something about him set her off edge when he demanded that they turn over their weapons.
When they approached the gate, Aiden tensed up as well, squeezing Aly's hand in return. His instinct was to protect her of course because that's all he cared about. His mind wasn't even thinking about having sex with the beauty at the moment when they entered. As the guard approached them, his eyes darted around and wondered if they should do this. Rick, Daryl, and himself were of course vocal about not handing weapons over but after some coaxing and a few others in the group deciding to give in, soon everyone had turned over their weapons after being promised to use them whenever they were going outside the gates. Now as they walked to meet Deanna the woman that really was the head of this town, he was noticing how everything looked. these people looked like they hadn't even been in the outbreak. How was this possible?
Alyissa handed over her Gun but had sneaked her skinning knife tucked safely in her boot. Deanna took turns interviewing the group members until finally only Aiden and Aly remained. The older woman wanted invited Her inside, it was well furnished room again untouched. Deanna insisted that they interview the couple seperate which made Aly uncomfortable but went along with it anyway.

"So let's get started shall we" Deanna gave a smile before pressing the record button on the Video camera. She took her seat at the desk and began with simple questions. "Alyissa isn't it? the group you travel with. What are your thoughts" she said clasping her hands togeather.

Alyissa stared hard at the Camera before answering "They are good people. I'm not sure how long me and Aiden would have survived just ourselves."

"And Rick?"

"He does what's best for us...even if he makes a few mistakes along the way" she huffed while adjusting the shirt she borrowed. "Why are you Recording this, is my question?" she said with a edge to her tone.

"I like to keep record on everyone who comes to Alexandria, but that's all I wanted to know. You may leave" Deanna led Aly to the door and motioned for Aiden to enter.
While everyone was being interviewed, Aiden stayed close to Alyissa the entire time. It really made him wary of knowing that his weapons were taken but he just had to hope for the best. Everyone had gone but Deanna refused to interview them together. Of course, Aiden wanted to raise hell about it but Daryl talked him out of it and let Aly go inside. After Aly was finished, Aiden watched her walk out and she seemed alright for the most part and now it was his turn so he entered inside.

"Aiden, correct? I understand that you and Alyissa are married?"

"That's correct. We've been together ever since middle school really. We were just about to start our honeymoon before all this happened."

Deanna smiled slightly, recalling her own honeymoon and how sad it was for the young couple to not experience theirs.

"How do you feel about this group that you are with?"

"I love them. Obviously, Alyissa means the world to me and no one in that group means more to me than she does but I still have love for everyone. They are family, we fight together and survive together. Rick is one of the greatest people I know and he is a good leader."

Deanna nodded and finally dismissed him after turning off the camera, leading him to the door.
Alyissa watched the Community leader carefully as Aiden left her Office. Aaron informed that they would have assigned houses just down the street. Her mood began to lighten up, would they have running water?. Aly grinned at the thought of having a real shower and not a dip in a murky creek. Walls looked well secure, not a bad setup they had here.

"I'm sure you'll find the houses suitible to your liking, If you have any Questions don't be afraid to ask" and with that Aaron strolled the oppisite way.
The two houses assigned to the group were side by side, Colonial style houses. Inside, the group found immaculate rooms with running water. The prospect of something like this still existing seemed impossible in Aiden's opinion until being proven wrong today. This community looked literally untouched by the apocalypse. Standing around in one of the rooms, Aiden looked down to his wife, letting out a gentle sigh, squeezing her hand.

"Well... what do you think?"
Alyissa smiled brightly at him, "I think its time for me to take a shower, you can wait your turn or join me if you like" she smirked but turned around before her answered her. Stripping herself of all clothing except for her undergarments, Hickey and love bites littered her neck. She stared at herself in the bedroom Mirror "Fuck Aiden, I have more spots then a Leopard" she cursed but it was a smug tone not a upset one.
After Alyissa made this comment, Aiden was grinning as the door was closed. Obviously, he was going to join her. While undressing himself, he heard this comment she made and he laughed to himself, feeling a bit of pride.

"Yes, you do... I know you love it."

Aiden teased, leaning down to bite her shoulder one more time to add another mark just for fun.

"Hmmm... should I shave this? Or do you like it?" Aiden questioned, his and now rubbing through his beard.
"You ass" she hisses taking a sharp breath when he bite into her creamy flesh. Alyissa didn't mind that he had a bit of Scruff on him, Rick had grown one too. The only thing that bothered her about it was the idea of it scratching her when they kissed. Turning around she ran her hands down his chest, her fingers running over every cut and scrape that had left a scar. "I'd lose the beard, you clean up nice" she suggested
Listening to what Alyissa wanted, Aiden kept their eyes locked together. Turning to the mirror, he opened the medicine cabinet to find a brand new razor and shaving cream. In fact, it was the same brand of shaving cream he used before this outbreak and he chuckled quietly. Then, he went about wetting his hands with the running water and then running it all through his beard. Squirting out a big gob of the cream, he rubbed his hands together before smearing it all over his beard. Aiden wondered how he would look clean shaven since it had been so long. Honestly, it hurt because there was so much hair, he was feeling it pulled out by the roots and having it tangled up every now and then. After a while had passed, he finally was able to hit every spot and now his beard was scattered all around the sink and the floor but he could clean that up later. After drying off his face with a hand towel, Aiden turned to the side, ran his hand along his clean face, feeling that sandpaper feeling again as he grinned to Alyissa.

"So... how do I look?"
Alyissa whistled a cat call "You look like the man I married, not the lumberjack who was fucking me when he could" she laughed before pressing a kiss to his lips. Turning the shower on and tested the water with her hand to make sure it wasn't too hot before taking off the rest of her undergarments with her back turned to Aiden.
Aiden smiled, happy to see Alyissa feeling this way. Turning to look in the mirror, he could almost imagine this as being their life. No walkers, no outbreak, just them showering together after a day at work. Sighing, he continued to undress until he was completely nude and walked over to the shower, stepping inside once the water was to that perfect temperature that the couple loved, his hands grabbing hers, pulling her along inside with him.
Aly still had her back to him and certainly did not expect him to pull her with him. She let out a surprised yelp but began to laugh when Aiden pulled her in. The rush of hot water downpour onto her made gasp sharply and press her naked body against his. Alyissa watched the grime and dirt wash away. There was even crusted blood from their Injurys at Terminus. Aly's ribs were almost healed but still had tinges of color to show.
It was amazing to watch all this dirt and grim just roll of their bodies so easily. They would be the cleanest they had been in a very long time. The thought just made him smile and he leaned forward to kiss on her neck. Then, he grabbed the soap and wash cloth, starting to rub all up and down her body starting from her neck and then going down further to her chest, just having a fun time, playing with her body.
Alyissa leaned back on Aiden, allowing all the tension be released. She let out a small moan when she felt his lips on her neck "That feels good" she whispered softly before sighing in content. "Aly opened her eyes to gaze down at her ribs then the scar nearbher neck from where the Machete had hit her.
Aiden started to kiss all over her body when washing her body. He made sure to kiss all of her scars because he loved all of her and loved everything about her. His eyes were locked onto hers and he slowly began to kiss down her abdomen, still washing off her body and making sure that he covered every single inch of her skin with the soap too help clean her body.
Alyissa's breathing became heavier as he moved down her body "Aiden" she breathed while running her fingers over his shoulders. Her skin felt feverish from not only from the steam of the shower but with the arousal that came with it. "Baby you keep touching me like that..well you know where that will lead" she smirked before moaning again, it was amazing how he knew how to work her up so quickly.
Aiden hadn't even intended to make Alyissa feel so hot. Honestly, he just wanted to show his love and affection for her while washing her like they did so often before the outbreak when they showered together or bathed together. But when he realized what was going on, he was convinced to keep going, reaching to kiss in between her thighs, all over her body and moving up to her sweet lips between her hips, shoving his tongue inside of her suddenly, grabbing her by the ass and gripping her while his tongue worked on her folds.
A-Aiden..fuck"she gasped when he suddenly began to lap at her folds. Aly had to lean back on the corner of the shower to keep herself steady. Her head tipped back with a moan. She did her best to try and relax but was hard when Aly's climax was starting to peak.
Aiden loved the effect he could have on Alyissa. Hearing her moan and hearing how good she felt because of him was just about the best thing in the entire world. The smile was wide on his face and he continued to lick and suck at her harshly. He meant to bring her to her orgasm and wouldn't be satisfied until it was done, so he let out his own moan into her pussy, just letting it rattle and shake her body to give her that sensation of vibration.
Alyissa started to cuss under her breath as Aiden growled into her causing fimiliar sensations that burned down her spine. Her face flushed of most color as grip started to loosen on holding onto her Climax. The same words she had whispered a night ago reached her lips in a deep sigh "I'm close" she cried biting her lip in the process of holding back screaming out his name.
Aiden was now just really getting into the groove of eating Aly out. Strangely, this was something he truly loved to do because she tasted delicious and he loved hearing how loud she got. He wondered if she could actually contain herself for that long but as she said she was close, he just dug in deeper and shoved his tongue in further, forcing his mouth onto her harder and harder, looking to make her body be shaking with her orgasm.
Her chest tightened as she let out a low growl of approval as he continued to mercilessly drive her insane. Aly grew more vocal as moments came and went. Aiden held her still which kept her from writhing out of his reach, Finally Alyissa was pushed off the edge. She came crashing down in one blissfull eruption between her hips. Aly whispered his name, clearly out of breath as the waves of her orgasm ebbed away.
The louder that Alyissa got, the harder that Aiden felt himself growing. After she reached her climax, he slowly kissed up her body, starting from her pussy lips, going up her abdomen, chest, neck, collarbone, jaw, chin, and then finally her mouth. His hands followed his lips along her body and after kissing her for a few minutes, he pulled back with a smile.

"I love you so much, Aly... You have such a sweet taste..."
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