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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

She doubted she would make him cum first, she was never able to. Still, any sexual time with Carlos, her wonderful beloved, was always welcome. Needless to say this time, she came first again. She smiled as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her nose. She watched the T.V. with him, and she spoke,"The guy that could pass as Santa if he grew a beard is the target?... Actually, his looks are already a really good cover."
"That's not fat though, querida," Carlos said as he brought his ice queen over so she could snuggle up to him. his warm body on her cool body. "That's muscle," he said as he leaned over. "He is very much a powerhouse of a man. This will make it all the more challenge when i confront him. It has been so long since I was pushed in pure physical combat of strength," he said with a rougish smile, as if he is looking forward to it.

"It also means that we cannot expose him as such, or else it will cause problems. He is doing the same guise the former Big Man, Tombstone did," he said as he observed it. "I have also heard news of some other red costuemd vigiliante around the area," he noted.
She dearly enjoyed snuggling up to him. She whistled when he said that what Fisk had was not fat, but muscle. She was always suspicious of such people. She wondered if they got their bulk through hard work or if they cheated by using drugs. She had a hungry look on her face when he heard of a red costumed vigilante. She spoke,"Have a name?"
"No, i haven;t gathered much intel. However, he does focus on the criminal underground known as Hell's Kitchen," Carlos explains to her in thought. He did snuggle with his beloved in the bed after the newsreport about Wilson Fisk.

"Anything you want for yoir birthday?" Carlos asked her as he has her rest on top of him, kissing her neck and looking forward to being with her,
She spoke,"He may have been born there or have some other deep connection to the place. Probably why he's hanging around there." She happily snuggled with Carlos, and when asked about her birthday, she replied, her tone thoughtful,"Pampering, I think. Mani, pedi, salon, shopping..."
"And you told me you didn't like relaxing," Carlos teased to her before kissing her. He spent the rest of the day with her as it was Sunday. Of course, Monday was next and Peter had been looking forward. Harry and Liz had been doing all right and looking forward to their first ever Valentine's Day together and they successfully convinced Peter and Mary-Jane to join them while Peter also asked Clary and Carlos to join them.

Peter was walking with Clary over to the library for more tutoring before his Spidey Sense began tingling... dangerously.

"Long time no see... bro," a chillingly familiar voice said causing Peter to tense up before prepping for a fight.

"Eddie..." Peter said as a large well-built blond appeared in his usual attire of jeans and a black muscle shirt.
Such a relaxing Sunday she and Carlos shared together. Sadly, tomorrow was school, tomorrow was Monday. And since it was a school day, that meant tutoring. She had just told Peter that she and Carlos would be attending Valentine's Day when she sensed him tense up. She looked, and saw a well muscled blonde boy. Eh, Carlos could kick his ass. She probably could too, but if she used her powers. One day she wouldn't need to use her abilities in all of her physical confrontations. She put one thumb inside Peter's right hand, and turned it cold, so he would know he would not be alone in this fight if it came to it.
"What do you want, Eddie? The you-know-what is gone and I dont know where it is," Peter said to him before Eddie faced him. "You can't protect everyone forever ya know. And I will fnd it and we will be Venom once more," he whispered with a smirk. Peter just narrowed his eyes before Eddie walks off.

"And then what?" Peter questions, looking at his once-friend. "I lose several people important to me. I won't let it happen again," he states to Eddie. Eddit just walks off while Peter has his arms crossed. He had a mix of frustration, wariness and even a bit of sadness.

Meanwhile, in the sewers, a black sticky substance oozed and screeched before howling as it vibrated, going up a plumbing pipe. It ended up going up and up... before coming out of a sink.

"The hell is this?" Cletus Kasedy said as he saw some weird black goop come out with the water at the sink.
From the way the conversation was going, it sounded like Eddie and Peter had a bad past. And there was the name 'Venom'. That didn't sound pleasant one little bit. She watched Eddie walk off, and she turned to him, and spoke,"If you don't walk to talk, don't tell me a thing."
Peter sighed before facing her and kept walking. "His name is Eddie Brock. He was once a friend of mine and protected me from bullies as kids. We both lost our parents, but while I had Aunt May and Uncle Ben, he didn't have anyone. Apparently, he had a lot of problems I didn't know about. Problems that appear when it came," he said before looking at her.

"Back when Jamesons' ship came back to Earth, they found some black creature called a symbiote. It could bind to people, back them stronger, faster... but it fed off of emotions. It fed off of my anger and hate... and I was only snapped out of it cause of Flash of all people. It then went to Eddie where it fed off of his hate and they ebcame Venom. He had warped versions of all of my powers and nearly sucessfull exposed my secret identity," Peter explained to her. "I instead used the DNA cleansing serum to unbind the symbiote to him and he was sent to the Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane," he finished.

"Looks like he's still looking for it after he got out," Peter proclaimed.

"Yer that stuff Eddie was talking about... that symbiote thing?" Cletus Kasady. "Whacer want?" he demanded before he saw the thing shrivel and pulse before leaving behind a sphere of what appeared to be hardened goo. "If yer looking for Eddie, he's out on probation. He'll be back for his stuff," he advised the goo. The Venom symbiote noted, but as it hopped, it crashed into Cletus and caused him to get a scratch.

The Venom symbiote oozed out. "Consarn it, piece of.... what's dis?" he said in his southern twang before facing the orb. It cracked opened and revealed another symbiote, but paler. It latched itself onto Cletus' arm where the scrach was entered the bloodstream. "This... THIS POWER! ITS BEAUTIFUL!" Cletus shouted as the new symbiote mixed in his bloodsteam and a dark blood red goo covered him.

"LET'S PAINT THE TOWN RED!" the new fusion of man and symbiote said before a he made a rough club construct with the red symbiote and smashed the wall as he leaped out, laughing the whole time.
Wow. Peter's past with this guy sounded so painful. But she was glad to hear it, the knowledge. She spoke,"If this symbiote is ever found... Is there a way to kill it, to ensure nothing ever happens again?" She walked with him, eager to learn about more threats and the like. She could have sworn she heard a faint crash in the distance ahead, but she ignored it. Had to be construction, they were working near the Library.
"I don't know to be honest. It has an aversion to large amouns of sound energy, but besides that, I don't know. I suppose burning it would be a good solution," Peter confessed before he went inside the library with her.

"So, Carlos texted me and said you were down for the triple date then," Peter told her with a smile. "I guess we'll see you at the dance then. Also, I'll probably give your birthday present soon," Peter told her.

Meanwhile, Eddie went off to pick off his stuff and saw his shirts... one very familiar. "Welcome back... my love," he said as he put it and he and the Symbiote were one once more. At the Valentine's Day dance... he'll finally have a familiar chat with his bro once more.
"Would there be any side effects to the host though if we don't use sound, if we burn it like you suggested?" she replied as they made their way into the library. As they sat down, she smiled as the talked about the dance and her birthday. She spoke,"When's your birthday, Peter? I can add special mods to some of your designs." She was referring to upgrading his Spider Man suit.
"Sound just causes it to purge itself from the host. It's a good way to contain it, but I haven't tried burning it," Peter mentioned before she asked him about his birthday. "Thank for the offer, but I try and keep the suit basic since I really don't have money to upgrade it much," he confessed. Peter confessed he has some loner tendencies, mainly because of how he grew up and the recent events. Despite having a lot of good friends, he still sometimes finds it hard to believe he can trust people and be more open.

Peter sighed a bit. Aunt May was right. He needed a vacation.

"It's in August," he told her, giving her a shy smile. "You're doing a good job in improving on the tutoring. Anything else I can help you with?" he asked her.
"It'd be a nice thing to know how to destroy something like that permanently, that way it can never come back to bite us in the proverbial ass." she whispered. She spoke, still whispering,"I've got money. I've got a job... Besides, there might come a day where you run into a rogue mutant or mutate that has abilities that can overcome you." She smiled gently at him, and she spoke,"As for tutoring... Not really, I'm an ace in everything else. Nothing else stands between me and that darn scholarship."
"Yeah true, though I'm wondering if that will be the case," Peter lamented before he smiled at her offer. "Well true, but I don't want to have you spend hours in knitting and stitching my costume," Peter joked with her.

"I figure. WHat do you think of that Fisk guy?" Peter said, not being to help voicing his suspicion. Considering how things were going, he couldn't help it. When they entered the library, they saw a surprising face. They saw shy Ollie talking to a girl. She was a bit on the tall side. She looked African American, but had a mildly eerie paleness on ehr face and an intense look on her face that Peter found undergoing a moment of deja-vu.

"Hey Ollie, who's your friend?" Peter asked, making sure the serious girl was not bothering him. "Her name is Janice Thompson and she's from a private school," Ollie said to them. "I am talking to Mr. Oswick as I have heard he is gifted in mechaincs and I requested his assistance," Janice said in a somewhat professional manner.
"God bless science. I can make machines do the work for me." she replied, smiling, and she continued, a thoughtful look on her face,"As for Fisk, I heard he might be the new Big Man." She looked up, and saw Ollie talking to this really pretty African American girl. Good for him, a potential girl friend. That disappeared the moment the Janice girl said she merely required Ollie's help on a project. Her disappointment was on her face. Smart guys needed girlfriends.
Peter on the other hand couldn't help but feel suspicious about this girl. His Spider-Sense wasn't tingling, but something about her rubbed him the wrong way. He didn't know what though. "What do you get out of this, Ollie?" Peter asked him. Ollie looked a bit embarassed before Janice sighed in annoyance. "Mr. Osnick has been accused of illegally downloading files from companies fromally owned by Oscorp and I convinced Harry Osborn's lawyers to drop the charges against him," she said in her formal tone.

Ollie and Janice went away to the books on mechanics while Peter and Clary went off. "Something about her rubs me the wrong way," he said while Peter was thinking.
She did her best to keep a straight face as Janice spoke. There was just something about her that she didn't like. Maybe she could tail her later. She quirked a smile when Janice said another reason why she and Ollie were talking. Silly boy did some illegal downloading. She spoke,"I could tail her later if it makes you feel better."
"Nah, I don't want you to get in trouble," Peter told her before they went on to the tutoring. "Ollie's accent, I think he's from Chicago," Peter noted to them. The study session went on without a hitch and everything seemed to be all right. "So Harry said he'll pick us up on Valentine's Day, at our places so you and Carlos be ready around 6 and Harry will take us there," Peter explained over to here.

He got a text from Liz all of a sudden. "It's Liz, she said to come to her place. It's something big," Peter told Clary.
"It gets boring being a goody goody two shoes. Least I can protect my self." she replied cheerfully, and she spoke,"I remember where I'm from. Houston, Texas. Now I see why my folks brought me to the Academy. Snow and ice isn't exactly a normal thing in Texas.." She smiled when Peter told her that she and Carlos were to be ready by six. She spoke,"Sounds great to me!" She texted Carlos exactly what Peter had told her about Valentine's Day to ensure that nobody forgot. She raised her eyebrows when Peter said that Liz needed them, and she without speaking packed away all of her stuff, and spoke,"Lets go."
Peter led Clary over to Liz's place where they saw that Harry was already there. On the monitor of Liz's computer was Mark, who was calling from his rehabilition center. Harry was holding a prototype tablet with several pictures and Mark confirmed that one of them was it.

"Guys, Marky said he knows who injected him with the stuff that made him Molten Man!" Liz said before the picture was shown. "That's Miles Warren. He worked at the lab wheree the Connors used to work at," Peter said before recalling Connors' sudden disappearance. Peter silently cursed himself, figuring Miles probably blackmailing him out of the lab because of the Lizard incident.

"Yeah, it fits. I also found on my dad's personal files connecting him with the creation of, get this, Sandman, the Rhino, and Kraven the Hunter," Harry went on to say. "I'm working on building a case against him and we can get him to stop," he elaborated.

"Add Hydro-Man to that list. According to the cops, it's Morris Bench. Apparently, someone's been paying him. It's a matter of figuring out who it is," Peter said with arms crossed.

In the lab, Dr. Miles Warren was looking over his first creation. "You're almost done, though you'll definitely not be as ready as the others," he said to the pods before facing his benefactor who came in.

"Your personal projects are none of my business, Doctor. However, I have some trouble. I need to create a third Hobgoblin," Roderick Kingsley said to him, stepping into the lab. "The formula is ready, but it needs to be tested on your blood," he explained before Roderick handed him a file.

"I have a... proxy," he said with a pragmatic smile. "Clever and convienent. Using your own twin brother. If it works on him, it will certainly work on you and you don't have to risk your own skin," Dr. Warren said. As Roderick walked off, Miles Warren looked at the collection. Getting Spider-Man's blood was hard, but it would be worth it.

"I wonder how the first clone will be..." Dr. Warren said with a sinister smirk.
Liz had quite a nice place, Clary discovered, as she and Peter arrived at her house. Harry, she was sure, was already here. And a boy that looked remarkably similar to Liz was on a computer screen, probably her brother, was there. God bless Skype. She was really out of the loop with what was going on, and she spoke,"I encountered a female individual that fought this... Hydro-Man. She said he was a very annoying fight as she assisted Spider Man in his defeat." She excused herself, speaking,"Pardon me, I must make a phone call." She left the room, and went to a bathroom. She called Carlos at once, spilling every last bit of information just spoken to her. He needed to know. She honestly wanted to catch one of them, one of these mutates. And figure out how to reverse their conditions.
Peter saw Clary go off and make a call. He wasn't sure who she was talking to, but he didn't think it was an important issue. Meanwhile, back to the attention of what was going on. They were going to go after the guy and also hoping they could try and get any of the criminals on charge. "Rhino probably saw him and I don't know about Sandman, though I haven't seen him since the oil tanker," Peter muttered to himself as they were building the case.

"Well, I'll try and find us a good lawyer," Harry noted, though he also mentioned that it might be hard. "I'll try and find someone," Peter added.

Carlos heard everything that Clary said. "I found some information. They are not mutates; their DNA was not affected in any shape or form. Rhino is incased in an exo-skeleton while nanotechnology was used for both Sandman and Hydro-Man. However, there is Kraven the Hunter, who actually paid for his condition, " Carlos explained to her.
She was delighted to hear the information Carlos was giving her, and she spoke,"I still want to catch the next one alive. Figure out how to reverse the condition before the one after that one causes any more damage. If anything, keeping them out of the way provides opportunity to expand... Or if we can use them to our advantage, we can cut Big Man's territory." She strained her ears to listen to what everyone else was saying. She smiled, and spoke,"Voy a hablar con usted más tarde, mi amor." She ended the call, and rejoined the group.

Translated from Google- I will talk to you later, my love.
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