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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

As Carlos picked up speed in fingering her pussy and fucking her in the ass, so did the speed of her moans. She didn't know how much more of it she could take before she came again. Maybe she'd cum more than once this time, she didn't know. She groaned happily,"Honey I'm doing more than just liking you fucking my little ass!"
Carlos listened to her and he went faster and harder on pleasuring her. Eventually, when she came, so did he, filling her tight ass with cum. He was a bit tired, but content. He was holding hr as the water washed over them once more, he kissing her neck to keep teasing her while also washing her.

"We have to get ready soon. After the shower, we have to do the ceremony and then we can sleep together," Carlos told her with a caring smile.
She finally gave one final and loud moan of pleasure and she came all over the fingers pleasuring her pussy. She sighed in contentment when he came in her ass. She smiled as the water washed over them, and she replied,"Ah, yes, everything will be perfect. Then the most wonderful thing of all... Sleep!" She loved how he kissed her neck, he continued what she called the foreplay even after the sex itself was done.
Eventually, Carlos helped finish cleaning Clary before he finished himself. After the shower, he dried them up and presented to them were some robes. "Yes, we have to be nude under the robes. Don;t worry," Carlos said as the robes did comfrotably cover them up. He led her to a ceremonial room where there seveal robed people. They were in the hundreds with the spider symbol.

In front was a robed and cloaked elder with a long beard. There was an altar where he led them to. Carlos had he and Clary bow and present themselves to the other person, a woman with an ink set of some sort. "She will give us the tattoos," Carlos explained to her.

"Clary, do you swear your eternal loyalty to Carlos LaMuerto the Black Tarantula? That to our cause, our organization and to him you offer mind, body and soul and in return, we offer you power and everything you can desire?" the old man said, who's blind eye was on her.
She smiled as he helped wash her. It was a very soothing and pleasing sensation. Nobody had aided her bathing since she was very small. It also felt good to be dried off by him. She eyed the robes, and she took one of them, and she spoke,"I am not afraid, just happy for the next chapter in my life." When he lead her to the room, she saw so damn many people! She walked to the altar with him, and nodded when he explained what the people did. When she was asked if she swore eternal loyalty to Carlos and to the cause, that she'd give everything, she replied solemnly,"Yes, I do swear."
The three other people there smiled before Clary was told to turn and reveal her back. The ink was applied to her back to mark her with a tattoo. Carlos was the one who marked her, having even mixed his blood in the ink as part of the ritual. When the tattoo was different, it looked like the Black Tarantula mark, but with a familiar rune. It was the "Loyalty To" rune, signifying her loyalty to him and the cause. When it dried, he then offered their hands to put the Marriage runes on their hands, signifying their union.

"I choose those specifically because you'd recognize them," he said to her before the ceremony was completed with the omnious chanting and a cheering. Clary was now the Ice Queen, ruler of a shadowy organization, future internationa criminal and the bride of Carlos LaMuerto, the Black Tarantula. Carlos dismissed them, having allowed to hold a celeberation party while he picked up Clary and took them back to her room. He slipped the robes off of them, leaving them nude once more before taking her under the covers with him.

"You're mine now, my little snow angel," he teased, squeezing her butt.
She relaxed when the three people before her smiled. One of the most human things in the world to do was just smile at someone, to give reassurance. She obediently turned and revealed her back. The best amount of space was on her upper back, since her lower back was dedicated to Divergent symbols right now. She smiled when she saw the marks. Black Tarantula and the Loyalty to rune. She could have fainted in joy when she saw that she and Carlos were getting the Marriage rune on their hands. She smiled, and replied joyfully,"Thank you!" The ceremony, it was strong and powerful. It was beautiful. She smiled as he brought her back to their room, got naked again, and under the covers. She spoke,"Always and forever."
Carlos held Clary in his arms as they settled into bed. He kissed her in the lips before he fell asleep holding his beloved. It was the beginning of their lvoes together, Carlos happy he found the woman to carry on the next Black Tarantula and the woman he wanted to rule alongside with.

It has been a week ever since Clary moved in with Carlos. Peter has been busy dealing with Hobgoblin. Well, the new Hobgoblin. While interrogating Lefty, the cops reported seeing a new Goblin fly around. This led Peter on chasing him across the city. "Augh, I don't need this right now. Jameson has me working even more with Ned having vanished. Gee, I hope he's doing all right," Peter noted to himself as he was swinging across the buildings.

Meanwhile in the late morning in the underground, Carlos was proud. Today's training session was going well. Clary will soon be finished with her martial arts training. "Very well, dear! Soon, we'll advance to practicing with your powers," he said to his girlfriend.
Clary enjoyed the snuggles and the cuddles. It made her feel very good. She loved kissing Carlos, her strong, wonderful man. She slept very easy tonight, no nightmares to plague her dreams for once.

Clary was working very hard this week. Working hard at school. Studying hard with Peter. Working hard at work. And training hard with Carlos. She didn't play fair, something she said often since when you were fighting to defend yourself, you would try anything and everything to stay alive. Of course, since water was like a cure for everything with her, that helped immensely... Like she could be the Energizer Bunny. She smiled, and spoke,"I'm pleased., I always give more than my best, and thensome!" She was almost done designing her day costume. Her night costume was black, with intricate snow flake designs on it. She got not much sleep nowadays, but she felt incredible now.
Carlos put her through the last minutes of their intense sparring session and it ended in a draw. He looked at her proudly before giving her a nice large bottle with water. "You should probably go shower before you go to continue your tutor sessions with Peter," Carlos told her as he embraced her and kissing her, even kissing her neck to mildly tease her.

Peter had managed to catch-up to the Hobgoblin from behind. Rather than due any banter though, he webbed the Hobgoblin from behind before webbing them to their glider before slamming them down to break the glider and webbing them up. When the police arrived, they went to unmask the Hobgoblin.

"Ned Lee?!" Peter said in surprise. Some of the cops turned to him in confusion. "He works for the Bugle and according to Parker, he went missing some time ago," Spider-Man explained. Some know that Spider-Man was affiliared with Peter Parker, albeit in a loose professional manner. This led to Peter being suspected of being Spider-Man thanks to Venom. "He's right. His boss called us to investigate his disappearance and it appeared he was taken by force," Officer DeWolff said as she was taking him into custody.

Watching from the dying camera of the glider was a tall man in a white suit and a scientist. "Ned Leeds?" the tall man questioned the scientist. "Well, it wasn't the best idea, but it appears that the serum is improving. I certainly underestimate your knowledge. Though I suppose knowing perfume grants you some knowledge on chemistry," he said to the tall man. "Spider-Man is too close; we need to deter him," the scientist added.

The tall man stepping into the light, was revealed to be perfime magnate Roderick Kingsley. He managed to avoid getting caught when he attempted to purchase the Rhino blueprints. No matter. The scientist, Miles Warren, was given an envelope by the wealthy CEO. "His name is Morris Bench. He was a former demolition expert who worked for Osborn. However, he was fired for taking bribes and he turned to crime. Apparently, he was also a former aquaintance of Flint Marko, aka Sandman who has been AWOL for several months," the CEO explained. Miles looked over the file and smirked.

"He'll do nicely and I actually was inspired by something with what Marko did," he explained before showing Kinglsey. "Interesting... you basically turn him into some sort of giant ameoba or something and absorbing fluids," he noted. "While an oversimplified explanation, it works. He will be able to have a fluit state and manipulate water while doing so," he said. "Get to work. I'll have him come by your office," Kingsley explained.
Clary was very pleased that this last sparring match ended in a draw. While not an exact win for her, it was a massive improvement. Now, she just couldn't wait till she actually began winning the matches. She gulped down the massive bottle of water and immediately, the exhaustion went away. The bruises went away. She looked like she was ready to start a match, rather than looking like she just finished one. She happily kissed him back as he embraced her, giggling when he began kissing her neck. She ran to their room, grabbing her standard ensemble of clothes, went to the bathroom, stripped, and showered. She dried off, brushed her hair, and got dressed. She got her study things ready, grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, and ran out the door to the library. She got to the library, and sat at the usual table she and Peter sat at.
Peter met her soon after, looking pretty ragged. Clary was still with the group of friends, but she was also spending time with Carlos who proved to be enigmatic to Peter.

"By the way, Aunt May was wondering about your parents since they haven't been seen and to be honest, neither have you been around kuch. Everything all right?" Peter asked her as he began to go over her stuff for chemistry. "And what's with you and Carlos? Is he your boyfriend now?" he asked, soemwhat curiously and a little bit humorously.
Clary noticed that Peter looked a little more worse for wear. She spoke,"You okay, Peter? You look like you got your ass kicked." When he mentioned her parents, she replied smoothly,"I moved out, got a different place to live. Work's much closer to wear I live now." When he asked about Carlos, she replied just as smoothly, though she lowered her voice considerably,"About a week ago, I got cornered by a gang as I was practicing my powers. I was weak and tired. No strength to fight back. He saved my life. So he's been giving me martial arts training. And yes, we're dating now. Gotta give you points for asking me upfront about it. Not so many men would be so straightforward..."
"Just been doing some errands," Peter lied to her naturally. He began to seriously consider telling her of his double life. After all, with Mark more or less retired in regards to being a superhero, he was left to handle the crime of New York City. Granted, there were some spots he avoided such as the entire district known as Hell's Kitchen.

Peter began listening to what she said in regards to Carlos saving her and training her. For some reason, he thought there was more that was going on, but decided not to push the envleope. "Move out? How'd that happen? You turn 18 sometime and you didn't tell me?" Peter asked, wondering how he missed that. Granted, being a superhero, he tended to miss these sort ofthings, but this was a bit above the norm.

"I just want to make sure you're all right. You're one of my friends and I lost alot of people close to me recently so I guess I can't help but be protective," he admitted to her. He was being more truthful than he realized. Uncle Ben, Captain Stacy, Gwen...
Clary smiled gently at Peter, and she spoke,"I don't want to talk about it. I will say I saw a better opportunity and took it. My birthday is on Valentine's Day, by the way. And I do appreciate your concern. You have a good heart, Peter." She had a happy look on her face, happier than ever before.
"All right, now I know to get ya something soon," Peter noted as he saw her smile. She certainly seemed better than he's seen her in the time he knew her. It's been almost a month know and her birthday was next week. He wasnt sure what he'd be doing. There was the Valentine's Day dance in Midtown High though he wasn't sure who was going. Harry was probably going with Liz and she even suggested that he and Mary Jane accompany them on a double date. If nothing else, spending time with MJ did help heal the pain with losing Gwen and MJ herself said she was still recovering from what happened with Mark though nobody was really at fault with that one.

"How have things been with your powers?" Peter asked her quietly.
She spoke quietly,"It's been great! I'm learning how to freeze things... And how to form weapons with my mind from the ice. Knives and stuff, nothing too impressive yet... There's a little pond not too far from where I live now. I froze the whole thing solid so I could go skating. My balance on solid land is great. But I'm much more graceful and faster out on the ice."
"Just be careful all right? I've been talking with Spider-Man and he says there has been some crazy stuff going on. I wouldn't want you to get captured or anything," Peter said to her with a worried look.

"So, besides going out with Carlos and such, any plans? You gonna go to the dance?" he asked her. When she finished, they would resume studying though Peter thought he saw Carlos once or twice looking at some books. From what he saw, he flashed an amorous and flirty look at Clary once or twice ebfore going back to read.
"I appreciate your concern Peter. I do hope the good Spider knows I'm grateful for him getting me out of that scrape a long time ago. That was horribly humiliating. I like to bring justice where ita needed." She gave Peter such a gentle look like he was a brother. She spoke,"I don't know. I gotta go shopping and stuff, get my hair done.... Time that could be better spent practicing my powers, or martial arts, or study." She began to study, but she felt Carlos's dark, dark eyes upon her. She looked up, turned her head around, and saw Carlos looking at her with such a loving face. She returned his face with such a soppy and lovey dovey face...
"Hey, I know what you mean, but it could be fun," Peter offered to her. "You need some time off or you'll burn out. Trust me," Peter said, recalling whenever he would exhert himself as Spider-Man and Harry had to keep him from going crazy. "Besides, it looks you would have fun going with him," he teased a bit, noticing how goo-go-eyed she went for him. They went back to studing while Carlos kept looking at books, namely in economy and in local history of the area.

"You have been getting better. It's good to hear," he said during the middle of their tutoring session.
She smiled when he said she needed to have fun or she'd burn out, and she blushed when he mentioned Carlos. She replied,"Then ask Mary Jane out. I've seen the way you look at her, and vice versa. I notice these things. The truest of true love only really comes once in a life time. Real happiness is the same way. Grab it before it goes away." She subtly cooled the air down in the Library, and she spoke again,"I don't like being humiliated like that, losing."
"Well, Harry did invite us for a double date and you and Carlos could join," Peter offered. While he did go to the dance with MJ a year ago, they remained friends. However, they have been getting closer, especially back when MJ was his only friend during Harry's angry revenge phase. "Well maybe..." Peter said blushing a bit.

"Well, don't forget to take it easy every now and then," Peter offered to her. Oeter was in thought also. "You know what Carlos is gonna do after high school," he asked curiously.
"Depends if we have time. I would like to study. Self improvement. But still, I'll consider it." she replied. She spoke,"Go to college or get a job. Or do both at the same time."
"Just be careful," Peter warned her once more in good nature before the time went by. Eventually, study time was over and he went off back home while Carlos walked Clary back home. As the sun set down, Morris Bench found himself strapped onto the table with several tubes into him and in a machine.

"Alright Mr. Bench, the experiment will commence. Brace yourself," Dr. Warren warned before he activated the machine. The injections went inside of Morris Bench. Bench was screaming a bit as the mechanisms were activating. He was becoming transcluent as he was losing his solidity, becoming like gelatin and ooze.

The pain stopped and so did the process. Bench stepped out, his sanity having taken a nose-dive, but now a walking liquid-like being. "The hell?! I'm some sort of freakin Hydro-Man," he commented, having to focus to keep his body in shape. He then performed several experiments, being able to ooze through cracks, abosrb water to become stronger and even release and pressure it.

"I like this alot. I'm guess it ain't free though," he said. "Indeed. Your orders from your benefactor are the following," Miles said.

"Take out the Spider-Man."

Another week has passed and it is now Feburary. Valentine's Day is coming up and Peter was swinging across the city as Spider-Man, trying to figure out what to do, while keeping an eye for any more Hob-Goblin activity. He's been narrowing a lsit of suspect, with Kingsley being one. He remembered seeing the magnate there when he tried to buy the Rhino formula.

Meanwhile, Carlos was overlooking Clary preparing for her first night of superheroing. "Be careful, sweet heart. We may be in an unsavory busienss, but no stealing," he said with a smirk as he slapped her butt playfully.
She thanked Peter for his sweet sentiment. Soon enough, study time was over, and it was time to go home with beloved Carlos.

Soon enough, a week had gone by, and February was here. And her birthday, Valentine's Day, was approaching. Sweet 18. She had gotten much more powerful, both physically and with her powers, and her biology grade showed a massive improvement. That M.I.T scholarship was in the bag. And it was a good way to extend the influence of the organization. She had made and improved her costumes further. Her day one was a silvery white thing, like a snowflake. Her night one was black, clearly designed for stealth. Both had a resemblance to the Mockingjay costume seen in the Hunger Games movies. She smirked as Carlos slapped her butt playfully. She replied,"Mmm, thanks." She disguised her face good, and set out into the night, unseen.
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