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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

"Mary Jane though," Peter said as he leaned against the wall,thinking about what Clary said. While he is growing close to her every day, the idea of becoming more than friends with her was a bit complicated because of Mark. He sighed before his Spidey Senses were tingling. He turned to see some sort of watery being rise from a nearby water barrel.

He leaped back and ducked to dodge the water lunge at him. "Alright, who ar eyou?" Peter asked as he saw the water form a dude dressed in blue jeans and a jacket with slick boots. "Didn't I save you and Osborn during that building detonation?" he questioned. "Yeah, nothing personal, Spidey. But I need the money. I'll make it quick and painless," he said as he lunged Spidey with a torrential fist, which Spidey dodged.

Peter found attempts at webbing him didn't work for obvious reasons. "Now, I'm wishing the Groundhog saw his shadow," he commented as he tossed whatever he could at Bench, which just passed through him. "Sorry, you ain't gonna stop Hydro-Man," he said before he slammed into Peter and picked him up before slamming him on the wall before gripping his head with his water hand, attempting to drown him.
Clary was hunting, prowling for bad guys to beat the shit out of. Actually, she was with a trusty body cam, that way she had proof that there was bad stuff happening. No need to bring more heat down on the good vigilantes and mutants who were doing the right thing. She had a lot of goodies in her backpack. Especially rubber gloves. Aside from being a forensic counter measure, he did say that on many occasions she would be grateful to have rubber gloves. Rubber gloves, thick garbage bags that were the size of massive body bags, rope, and other needed items.

Then she saw someone... More something, attempting to drown Spider Man. She owed Spider Man a favor. She flicked on her camera, and charged Hydro Man, her hands ready to freeze. She'd been practicing lately, and now she was able to freeze things by simply touching them. She yelled to get his attention, and grabbed his shoulders. Well, her hands went right through him, but her freezing began to work, and she yanked them out, his shoulders turning solid, and he was unable to continue drowning Spider Man. His eyes widened, realizing he was dealing with a mutant, or a mutate, like himself. But he was dealing with a mutant, and a very angry one at that. She smiled as he tried to make his shoulders go liquid again, but they were frozen solid, shining like crystal. His inability to move his shoulders unbalanced him, and that split second was all she needed to take him out properly. She froze his legs next, taking away his ability to move. He began screaming, so she froze his head next to shut him up. Then she stood back and 'double froze' him, to ensure every bit of him was solid ice.

She laid out a tarp, laid down the very heavy ice statue on it, putting it in the middle, and started smashing the statue to ensure the monster Hydro Man didn't come back to life. Then she made sure all the shards stayed on the tarp, and she wrapped the tarp up, and put it in one of the massive garbage bags, taking care to make sure the shards stayed in one place. She double bagged it as a safety measure. Then she put it into her backpack, and slung her backpack back on her back. Funny, the statue wasn't so heavy now that it was all in teeny pieces.

Then she began to tend to Spider Man.
Spider-Man was drowning. He couldn't breathe. He was trying to escape and was gonna try and web his way out before he saw someone go and attack Hydro-Man. Peter was gonna pass out from lack of oxygen, so he didn't see what was going on. He was on the ground coughing and choking, it was hard because of his extrmely soaked mask and he couldn't see well.

She would need to remove the mask.
She turned her attentions fully to Spider Man now, who seemed to be in severe distress. He was so wet, and so cold, the cold not being her fault. She got to her knees, and yanked off his mask. Boy was she surprised when she saw that it was Peter under the mask. He was starting to turn blue. How did she need to approach this? Clinically, and and without emotion. She began to perform CPR on him. She was tempted to bring Peter to Carlos and let the sorcerers further heal him. She'd also turn over her body cam video, which was still recording. That way there's be a clue to the identity of Peter's attacker.
Unfortunately for Clary, the warmth of the garbage bag and the backpack meant Hydro-Man melted back together. He began oozing through the small crevices of the bag and of the backpack. That's why it seemed lighter than she thought.

Eventually, Peter came to. He was coughing up alot of water and his vision was disjointed and his thoughts jumbled.

"That wasn't nice, ya mutant freak,"

Hydro-Man managed to slip out and began to try and drown Clary, having burst out her mask and revealed her identity to Peter, he wasn't muched focused due to the blurred vision, but his seasoned hero's instinct allowed him to shoot a stream of web at Hydro-Man to distracti him before webbing a trash can and swinging it to scoop up Hydro-Man before slamming and webbing the lid.

"C-clary?!" Peter said as he stared at his mutant friend, realizing his secret identity was compromised.
She felt wet for a sudden. Ew, she hoped that didn't mean she peed herself. But that couldn't be, she was dry. Oh shit... As he tried to drown her, he did the wrong thing. Water gave her strength and vitality. She was about ready to push back, but blessedly Peter took care of that. After he webbed the can shut, she froze it solid. Hydro Man wouldn't be escaping any time soon. She turned her intentions to Peter, and replied, keeping a very straight face,"Guess that cat's out of the bag. We have much to discuss, Peter." She offered him her hand, and spoke,"You need medical attention, come with me. My place isn't too far from here." She grabbed her 'secret' phone out of one of her pockets, pressed a number, and it speed dialed Carlos. She spoke in rapid fire Spanish,"Mi amigo necesita ayuda. Un ser extraño trató de ahogarlo . Lo grabé . ¿Puedes ayudarlo? Lo atrapados en un cubo de basura y me congeló . Necesitamos una persona fuerte para mover a su casa para que pueda ser estudiada ." She turned off her recording cam, and she waited for Carlos to reply. She turned to Peter, very concerned about his state of health right now.

Translated from Google- My friend needs help. A strange being tried to drown him. I recorded it. Can you help him? We trapped him in a garbage can and I froze it. We need a strong person to move it home so it can be studied.
"Wait, who are you talking with?" Peter asked her. He couldn't lie out of this one and he probably shouldn't lie to her anyway. Carlos began talking back with Clary. "Es su option. No podemos forzarlo,[/i" Carlos simply said to Clary. He didn't want people top start figuring out what was going on.

Peter was breathing deeply as he heard police sirens. He webbed up the wall before wruiting on the web, stating the criminal and attempts of assault on him while also warning him of his capabilities. "We better get out of here," Peter said to her before grabbing her on the waist and webbing them to the top of the building, letting the police take away Hydro-Man.

Both were on the building as he was still breathing. He grabbed his mask and he was sitting. He had a look as he was waiting for her to ask questions about all of this.
She spoke,"In a way, he is a mutual friend of ours. If it isn't possible to bring him home, send a healer, please." She ended the call upon hearing the sirens. She saw what Peter was doing. It felt so weird to travel the way he did, and she spoke,"We even now?" She was referring to when he saved her life on her first day of school.
Carlos closed the call. He had a clue on who it was, but decided to not press the issue. The time was coming to where he would need to come face-to-face with the Spider-Man. He smirked to himself.

Peter couldn't help but laugh at her comment. It certainly made him feel relieved somewhat. "Yeah...," Peter surprised before taking a rbeath. "You're taking this surprisingly well," he asked her. Peter took guarding his secret identity seriosuly, especially with the fiasco with Venom and Eddie Brock last year. He wanted to know if it was obvious to an outsider or something.

"Like the suit by the way," he quipped, taking a look at it. He wondered if she was going into the heroing business.
Clary put her phone away when Carlos ended the call. She turned her attention back to Peter, and she spoke,"I'm good with weird now. And thank you. I made it myself. Science is my specialty, after all."
Peter was wondering why she wasn't asking mroe questions and he figured she wasn't the type to do so. He was feeling alot better now and saw that Hydro-Man was being taken away. "Well, seeing Hydro-Man means I better start coming up with new webbing for upcoming enemies," Peter said mildly tired, knwoing he'll be spending a free weekend at Harry's lab.

"Clary, so are you doing this superhero thing for real? It's not an easy job and there's a lot of powerful people. I mean, Captain America was the first all those years ago and then there's the supposed secret stuff Tony Stark is working on. I know you got your powers, but it's more than that. It's like my Uncle Ben told me: With Great power, comes great responsability," he told her sagely.
"I can help with the new webbing. What attributes does it already have? As for the hero thing, yes, I am deadly serious. Mutants above all know that with great power comes great responsibility. We face the threat of killers and torturers every day if we aren't careful." she replied. She looked around, and spoke,"Your silence for mine."
"Of course, that's what friends are for," Peter said to her before remembering she asked about the webbing. "Don't worry about it. It's something I worked on and Harry has a lab I can use," Peter noted. He gave her a supporting smile. "Well, I gotta head out. Gotta keep an eye on the city. Stay safe," Peter said to her. He then went off swinging across the city and into the night.

"How was your conversation with Peter?" Carlos asked when he called her once more. He figured out that Peter was Spider-Man, but didn't tell her that. "What will you be doing now? There are some targets you can scope out for later," Carlos asked her, subtly reminding her they are still a criminal organization of such and need to get supplies and territory.
She was glad the rest of her time with Peter went smooth and simple. No more questions about her. They parted nicely, and she answered her call from Carlos. "He took it all pretty well. Once I get home, I'll turn over my recording. I do not take kindly people effing with my friends, even if it is the nature of the job. Now, what about those targets?" She wanted to get Hydro-Man back so she could study him. She was loathe to study another special person, but there was something highly unnatural about him.
"Well, one is a place to catch unregistered weapons and the other is for a shipping with a great deal of exotic chemicals," Carlos said to her. There wasn't much going on. "The new Big Man has not yet shown himself. Once he makes his appearance, I'll move in to usurp the position," Carlos said confidently.

"On the meanwhile, I have an idea. I am thinking that as our organization grows, we can take in some mutant children. We can give them a home and protect them and teach their powers. I know you want Hydro-Man to study, but we're not going to go and make aritifically powered individuals," Carlos explained to her as he looked at it.

"Just scope it out and then get back to me. After all, you did a good job today and I wanna reward my ice queen," he said to her flirtaciously.
She nodded at both options, and she spoke,"If we know his territory, I'd attack or steal, maybe both. If we attack, we may lose whatever stuff he has but he loses territory. We steal, he loses respect and we gain extra supplies. Doing both we can do far more damage." Her eyes lit up at the idea of taking in mutant children, and she spoke, sounding excited,"I love that idea. As for Hydro-Man, I have no interest in making things like him, I want him captured and interrogated. But be warned, his cell must have no cracks or anything or he'll escape and be in the wind and try to kill Spider Man again." She smiled at the thought of her reward, and she purred,"Of course."
"True, but the prison has been able to contain the likes of Rhino and Sandman, so I am confident they can contain Hydro-Man. If nothing else, they will be able to get some answers and my friends on the force will be able to help get some answers on who he keeps creating these individuals," Carlos said to her with confidence.

When Clary scoped out the sights, she didn't find much except connections to the new Big Man. When she got home, she was in the arms of her lover, ready for another night of passion and fucking. Carlos holds his nude ice queen on him. "Have you been enjoying life so far, my love?" he asked her before smirking. "I overheard Peter talking about the date and the dance. I would love to take you. We may be the leaders of a criminal organization, but I still want to take my team out for a romantic night with her friends," he said to her.
"And I want to be the one to stop this horrid bastard. No more lives should be ruined by a twisted bastard's imagination. Mutates are hated as much a mutants." she replied. Then she set out on her work. Not much in the line of the new Big Man, though she stopped a few robberies in progress. Freezing engine blocks and stuff was fun. Ice totally ruined a car. She was glad to go home to her beloved, for a night of screwing. Soon's she got into the room, she got naked and right next to him. She replied,"I have been enjoying life. And fine, I'll go. Always saw them as a waste of time before."
"Yeah, but all of them seemed to be okay with it. Otherwise, they would've talked by now," Carlos revealed to her before he moved his nude beloved on top of him, her cool body contrasting against his own hot body. His hands gently go over her bare butt before he kisses her neck. He looked at her with a smile, a different sort of one.

"I never really had much of a childhood. Any potential opportunities were used as training exercises such as going to the circus to learn acrobatics as part of the harsh training," Carlos explained as he held her. "Its why I went into high school. I knew that i needed to be able to idenitfy with common people of my age if I wanted to be a good leader. Furthermore, I want to take you. I want to show you a fun time and I'm sure your friends would want to spend time with you," he explained to her before kissing her.

"i love you so much, my ice queen," he said as his erect cock was grinding against her wet pussy, looking forward to the long fuck-filled night.
"Still, it's people like the ones who abuse what they do that make it harder for folk like me." she replied, smiling as he moved her body to be on top of his. Damn, she never got tired of his hot body, literally, he had a much higher body temperature than she did. What her body temperature was at, most mundanes and maybe some mutants would have gone into hypothermia. She was trying to figure out how to make her skin warmer so she didn't freak anybody out if she touched them by mistake. She purred as he ever so gently touched her ass. His kisses were as wonderful as ever. She spoke,"Any given moment can be used to learn. But it's unhealthy to not have some semblance of normalcy." She nuzzled him, and she spoke,"Any time with you is much more than just mere fun for me." She happily kissed him back, softy moaning as she felt his very erect cock grinding against her very wet pussy. She replied,"And I love you so very much, my King."
"You know your goals are mine, my queen. And every moment with you is ecstasy," Carlos said to her before his cock entered inside of Clary. He savored her like always and his warmth went to her as they fucked throughout the whole night before they fell asleep with him holding her.

When Clary would wake up, she'd fine herself in the arms of her beloved, kissing her and with a case of morning wood.

"Last night was vey fun, mi querida," he said to her as he removed the covers and showed off his hard-on. "Maybe you'd like to continue and sample your favorite meat," Carlos teased her as he squeezed her breast.
She smiled, there was just something so insanely soothing about his words. Then the mind blowing sex began. Then sleep came. Gosh, his arms around her, those sweet, sweet muscles were so wonderful to sleep on, though she always worried his arms would get sore in the morning after they woke up. She woke up because Carlos was kissing her, and she was welcomed by a most delicious sight of morning wood. Science really didn't lie. Better sleep meant decent wood. She smirked as he squeezed her breast, and she happily began to orally pleasure him.
Carlos smirked back at her before he groaned in delight of his beloved beginning to suck him off. Not wanting to be outdone, he adjusted her so her pussy was facing him. He stuck his figners inside and began to pleasure her. He was beginning to think of something special they can do when her birthday and Valentine's Day arrive.

"You are very good at this, como siempre, querida" Carlos teased at her as he began going faster at her. He loved the consistent sex with her and it felt wonderful being with her. He used his other hand to lightly slap her ass to tease her further.
She was very happy to suck Carlos off. Sex was a wonderful stress reliever, not that she was stressed, and something very delightful to have. She giggled as he readjusted her body so he could finger her while she sucked him off. She enjoyed him going fast, so she sped up as well. Now, it was a matter of seeing who would cum first.
Calors loved pleasuring Clary while also be pleasured. Her giggles was music to his ears. He always beat her when it came to making the other cum. He was just very good at it. Mysic arts didnt help, as he used it to stimulate her g-spot. He gently squeezed her clit while licking her pussy. Once she came first, so did he.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her nosy. He turned on the TV while holding her, looking like a couple stuck in honeymooning.

"Hey look," he said as he saw a newsreport on Wilson Fisk, the new businessman and philantrohpist. Already some joked he was replacing the former Big Man, but he seemed too big and too jolly looking, unlike the pale and scary L. Thompson Lincoln a.k.a. Tombstone.

"It appears our target has finally revealed himself at last," Carlos told Clary while he broguht her closer to him.
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