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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

"Unless he's captured and thrown to jail, then the others will just be containied while people tyr and figure it out. There's a lack of details and scientific heads to stop these people," Carlos explain to her. "Mal idea, querida. Much of these supervillains appeared when Spider-Man intruded into the Big Man. Trying to use these to fight will probably just lead the Big Man to try and use the same," Carlos added before he smiled. "Que tengas un buen dia, querida" he said before hanging up while looking at the completed costume while also talking to his figures.

Eventually when it is time to go, Carlos went to pick Clary up while Peter opted to walk to the store. He then saw that a blind man was trying to cross the street, unsure whether to or not, due to a malfunctioning street light. He helped the man cross. "Thank you, young man. I was hesitating because apparently there were some traffic I heard," the blind man said, having dark red sunglasses as Peter helped him.

"No problem. I'm guessing you're a native of New York," Peter asked him. The man nodded. "Indeed. If there is any way I can help you, let me know," he said to Peter. Peter looked at the man. He was probably in his mid 20s and Peter was in thought. "This is a shot in the dark, but do you know any good lawyers?" he asked him.

"Know any? I am one," the man said before teacing into his pocket with his free hand and giving Peter a card. "Matt Murdock, attorney-at-law. If you require my services or such, give me a call," he said with a smile before he went off. Peter smiled, thinking of him like a nice fellow.
She wasn't too happy that he said that it was a bad idea, but despite her displeasure, he raised a very good point. Once somebody had a good idea, surely when others saw it in practice, they would copy, emulate it as well. She did smile when he told her to have a good day. She was thrilled to see him pick her up, and she spoke as soon as she got into the car,"This Miles Warren, from what I've gathered, is responsible for much of the havoc and such going on with these poor people running around with abilities they can't understand"
"Indeed. He worked as an assistant to Connors' Lab before he ended up becoming in charge, with Dr. Connors, both of them, having left for Florida. According to classified files I obtained, he attempted to regenerate his arm with lizard DNA, but became a man-lizard that Spider-Man defeated and Peter Parker ended up photographing, which became blackmail material. I suspect its why he appeared very uncomfortable looking when I saw him through the window. He blames himself for having apart in the Connors leaving," Carlos explained while driving back home.

"Furthermore, I looked into everyone he experimented on. Marko Flint a.k.a. the Sandman and Alex O'Hirn a.k.a. the Rhino were both career criminals, petty thugs for hire. They were already working under the Big Man before supervillains. In fact, O'Hirn rampaged when the schematics for his armor were being auctioned, adamant in being the only Rhino," he said while smirking. "Kraven though is a big-game hunter who has attempted to hunt the Spider-Man and paid to become a humanoid chimera of jungle cats. Only Mark Allen was the innocent one and even then, he was manipulated into doing so because of his forme gambling addiction, finding an easy way to payoff his bookie," he finished.

"These are not poor people. They already lived a criminial lfie before btaining their powers and none have shown regrer nor remorse except for Mark though the Sandman ended up disappearing after saving a burning oil ship and has not been seen since," Carlos aid before hugging and kissing her.

"He is responsbile for haivng creating a bunch of super-villains while allying with the Big Man, as in both Tombstone and Green Goblin. I suspect he may be tied to the appearance of the so-called Hobgoblin," Carlos added before they ended up home and he hugged her. "So I imagine if Peter Parker and friends fail to bring him to court, I imagine the Spider-Man will," he said befoe gaining a smile.

"I also got a name for the other man clad in red," he said to her.

She listened intently to Carlos as he gave her the low down on Miles and on all of the enhanced people. She was smiling as much of the information he was telling her was classified, and she spoke,"Knowledge is power, but what you do with it, that is really the truest of power." It was clear she loved gaining knowledge on all of these people, but knowledge was her thing. Nobody was above blackmail. She spoke,"I'm surprised nobody had taken him out yet, though it begs the question if he is more valuable more alive than dead." She raised her eyebrows when he told her the name of the red clad one. Daredevil. She spoke,"Is there any other information, such as abilities and weaknesses?"
"I know nothing about him. My guess for why no one has tried to say about Miles was because no one knew or asked his name. They viewed him as an associate of the Big Man," Carlos said before he shrugged off and took Clary back inside to their home. "But we should prepare. We have a date with our friends soon and a birthday coming up," he said before he kissed Clary's forehead.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man has been swinging through the buildings, doing his afternoon check-up on the city. The familiar sound of thrusters filled the air and his Spider-Sense tingled as he dodged an explosive.

"Another Hob-Goblin? Who's the one that keeps making you nuts?" Spider-Man said as he began dodging and throwing back the pumpkiny explosives coming from the Hobgoblin.
She nodded, realizing this was all Carlos knew about the matter, and soon enough she was distracted about her own birthday and other upcoming event. She smiled as she walked into their home, and she spoke,"Mmm, dear, I love your hair when it's long, but would you get a haircut?" She giggled as he kissed her forehead, already thinking of how wonderful it would be.
Carlos smirked before he held her, taking her back home and heading back into their room. "I will do it in preparation of the night out," Carlos told her with a smile before he carried her bridal-style to their room, his hand sneaking down her pants and groping her ass.

Spider-Man was swinging through the streets and avoiding the blasts coming out of bombs of the Hobgoblin, even sending back the wxplosives. However, he noted the speed, strength and reflexes of this Hobgoblin surpassed the others, and reminded Peter too much of the Green Goblin and how he strengthed himself through the Globulin Green.

"So you're not a normal guy," Peter said to him as he continued to pursue in his fight against the Hobgoblin.
"It so worried me when I couldn't untangle one of my fingers from your curls as we enjoyed ourselves last night." she purred as he picked her up bridal style, laughing as he was so merrily groping her ass. She was happy right now.

He really needed to take a look in her little corner of the lab. She was a happy little genius working with her formulas and chemicals. She had devised her own little ways to get weapons and such past security. She had everything filed away in a way that only she could understand.
Carlos smirked and kissed his girlfriend's neck as he kept groping her. When he eventually came to the bedroom, they were both nude and he took her into his arms to hold her, his warmth spreading to her.

Peter kept throwing the bombs back at the Hobgoblin, but was surprised by the endurance this once had. Spider-Man launched himself to tackle the Hobgoblin only to get grabbed and nearly thrown, if not for webbing him to bring him down with him.

"Stay down!" Peter said. Editor crashing him into a building cleared for demolition.
His lips were so deliciously warm on her neck, the sensation was very pleasing to her as he kept groping her. Soon enough, as they got into the bed room, they were both very naked. She smiled as he held her into his arms. It was very nice that the coolness of her skin never bothered him.
"Te amo mucho," Carlos said to her loving my while he spooned her, warming up her body while his arms were around, gently holdin her breasts and stomach.

Spider-Man was breathing heavily as he was facing the struggling Hobgoblin. He was looking at his web shooter cartridges, making notes on how to improve it for more varied. He got out a strange glowing green transparent cartridge.

"Okay, time to test this out," Peter said before he loaded it in. When Hobgoblin lunged up for him, Peter shot him with the strange new webbing beforr pressing a button, which caused a surge of electricity to run through the Hobgoblin before Peter smashed him in the head.

"Time to see who you are," he said, waiting for the police to arrive before they unmasked him.

His eyes widened.

"Roderick Kingsley?!" Officer DeWolff said in surprise. The police began running information and falling to make sure it was really the perfume magnate.
"I love you so much too." she softly replied as he held her, being in love was one of the greatest feelings in the world. They were going to be the best looking couple at the dance. They would make that dance their bitch. Of course, she'd be very well armed, she'd already modified the high heels and the shoes she had bought to hide knives in them. Not that she needed it, of course the blades, but it pleased her.
Spider-Man was looking over the entire situation with a skeptical look in his eye. While many assumed it may have been the Chameleon or even that Roderick went mad, it was surprising to see Roderick Kingsley appears, having been in a business meeting and can be vouched by several stockholders and employees.

After some thought, he said that it was actually Daniel, his younger twin brother. He explained how there was trouble in the family and how he sent Daniel to check out some stuff from Osborn's stock that he owed him. With the Green Goblin incident known, they all put two and two together.

However, Peter didn't buy it, remembering the man from when he tried to buy the schematics for Rhino.

A member of Carlos' organization went and informed the couple of the news and turned the television to the special report.
Clarissa was most displeased when her and Carlos's cuddle time was interrupted, but it for a very good reason, her eyebrows were raised during the entire news report. She spoke,"I'm curious, is he in league with the Big Man?"
"His name is Roderick Kingsley. He's the perfume magnate. Apparently, his twin brother has been arrested for terrorizing New York as the third Hobgoblin," Carlos explained to her as he sat up before said servant presented a file that they got from classified information.

"Bueno, this is interesting," he said with a smirk. "According to these classified records, he was the one who won the auction for the Rhino schematics. However, Osborn never planned on giving them to him," he read through. "Clearly, Mr. Kingsley is hiding something. Later, see if Spider-Man knows anything," he asked Clary.

"I better talk to Harry about this. See if anyone broke into the lab or knows anyone who may be selling secrets," Spider-Man said as he swung over to Oscorp to talk to harry.
She raised her eyebrows when it was said that the magnate's twin was the third reiteration of the Hobgoblin. Honestly, if the first and second got their asses kicked, there shouldn't have been a third. She spoke,"I most certainly well... And I think I'll do some cyber snooping on the Dark Web if I can." She stretched out her arms, and she spoke,"Important business aside, we'll own the dance."
"Certainly so," Carlos told Clary as he held onto her, the assistant leaving them to continue their cuddling.

The next day, Peter texted Clary, having wanting to give her her birthday present early. He met her at the library like they usually do and he presented her with a box covered in snowman wrapping paper. When she opened it up, Clary ended up receiving some new books for her to enjoy. He sheepishly admitted he didn't know what to get her, but the books were nice and were the kind that were not easy to get.

However, he also had a couple of bruises and burns that were clearly from his fight with the third HobGoblin
She was glad Carlos agreed about them owning the dance, she was glad the assistant left, they could cuddle in peace again. The next day was quiet, but a good one, she just got a text from Peter that said he had her birthday present. Well, she ate, showered, cleaned up, her normal routine, got dressed, and headed out the door to the Library. She smirked when she saw the snowman wrapping paper. She carefully opened it up, looking delighted to see there were so many books in it! She adored reading. She was going to hug him, and saw that he looked like he got a good beating, and she spoke,"Hang on." She uncapped the two water bottles at both of her sides, dunked her fingers in both of them, and placed both of her hands on burns and bruises. This was something the mages had taught her how to do. Heal others. She concentrated as hard as she could, making the water flow out of the bottle, and onto his injuries. Soon, he would feel a very cold sensation, but his various injuries were disappearing and healing. After about 5 minutes, his injuries were all gone, and so was the water in her bottles. She looked wiped out though, and she spoke,"Feel better?" She took a deep breath, steadied herself, and spoke,"Now, what kicked your ass this time? I saw on the news that they think they caught the Hobgoblin. Was that it?"
Peter smiled at her delight in the gifts before she took notice of his bruises He felt some relief from her healing his bruises and burns with her mutant abilities. He figured that it was probably the extent of her healing abilities, bruises and burns. He was pretty sure severe injuries were outside her capability to treat, but would at least help keep the person stable until they can get proper treatment.

"Yeah, though unlike the last two, he definitely possessed superhuman strength and reaction time. He reminded me a lot of Gobby," Peter mentioned to her. "I also don't buy Roderick wasn't involved. He bought Rhino's specs or at least tried to a while ago. He's clearly after something, but I don't know what. Considering he got stiffed by Norman Osborn, maybe he is trying some sort of revenge against Oscorp. I'm gonna talk to Harry later and see what I can get about this. I can't help but wonder if someone got the Globulin Green or such," Peter lamented while scratching the back of his head in frustration.
"Here's the thing with villains that I've noticed. Over the ages, for every big guy that gets cut down, two more grow back to take its place. Like the mythical Hydra in Greek Mythology. I think Hercules only got rid of it for each head he cut off, he burnt the stump so the heads couldn't grow back. We gotta figure out how to 'burn the stump' in our real world villain problems." she spoke. Privately, she would have executed them all at the same time to set an example to the next generation of villains. She then looked thoughtful, and spoke,"Honestly, tell Harry to beef up security, if you think Kingsley's after Oscorp, he may try to go after Harry eventually, or at least burn Oscorp to the ground. When people want revenge, you'd be surprised to the lengths they'd go to get it."
Peter raised his eyebrow as he looked at her, remembering what Captain Stacy once told him. "Captain Stacy said something kinda the same. He said it back when Doc Ock, Tombstone and the ol Big Man in the old days, Silvio Manfredi were all arrested and Green Goblin became the new Big Man. He told me that by having those three arrested, I left a vacuum in the criminal world and that nature abhors a vacuum," Peter explained to her as he looked at her thoughtful look.

"In all honesty, he took the loss well and he got some stock along with being able to collect some of the projects, though no one knew what a perfume magnate would want with some of this. He might've already gotten something out of it, but I don't know what he wants," he says leaning in. "Though I reckon whatever is happening, he'll have to try something soon. Of course, then it's a matter of waiting for the next big thing," he says before looking at her.

"Then again, if something should happen to me, I suppose a new hero would rise up," he says, shrugging his shoulders.
"I'd still 'burn the stumps' and keep all the new nuisances in check if and when they pop up." she spoke. Make examples out of the biggest heads to show to the little guys what would happen if they got out of control. Then again, they'd go into hiding, which would make capturing them that much harder. She spoke,"I'll look into it through hacking if you want. If I find something of use, I'll tell you, and you can pass it on to whomever needs to hear." When he mentioned about the possibility of something happening to him, she spoke,"I'll take your spot if that happens."
"Yeah, but things have been getting interesting," Peter said. "There will always be someone who will want to cause trouble and stooping to their level isn't right," he added to her. "I'm sure you'll do a good job," he said to her before giving her a birthday hug.

When Carlos came to pick her up, he gave Peter some invitations to a birthday party for Clary. Peter saw he was all friendly-like. Peter thought he was okay, but didn't know him that well. "Hey Peter, tell Ollie to watch out for that girl he has been helping, she seems like trouble," he told Peter before he went off to the mansion and Peter went to see Harry.

"How have you been, mi amor?" he asked her
She smiled when he said that she would do a good job, and she hugged him back. Hopefully, during any time in the future, he didn't interfere with the Hand. Then they did the tutoring, and she was thrilled to see Carlos. The invitations had pretty much the names in their little group talk a day or so ago. She thought it was sweet how Carlos told Peter to watch the girl that Ollie had been hanging around. She was happy that they went off to the mansion, and she replied,"Mi amor, estoy haciendo muy bien. Also, your haircut is in two hours."

Translated from Google- My love, I am doing very well.
Carlos laughed as they were heading off to the haircut. Everything seemed okay and without a care in the world for the happy couple. "Anything you want to do when we get back home?" he asks her as he goes to pinch her ass while driving them back to the house. He couldn't help but feel aroused by his girlfriend, but then again, he always enjoyed being intimate with her.

"Well, there wasn't anything stolen," Harry said when Peter came over to talk to him. "However, the police did say that the glider and the suit mysteriously vanished for a couple days before being returned," he added. "Although since the Hobgoblin is reverse-engineering former Green Goblin tech, I been having to deal with some cops and lawyers on me," he said as he crossed his arms in thought.

"Pete, I'm not sure what could be going on. I don't know what would be the motivation for this, if at all. All I know is that Kingsley is still involved," Harry mentions to him.

Peter then got a call from the Jolly One, J. Jonah Jameson. He groaned before he responded. "Gotta go, Harry. Jameson wants me to interview Ned Lee to figure out why he went all Hobgoblin," he told his best friend.
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