The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

She had herself scheduled for a haircut as well. Cut it to ear level, well, the bottom of her ears anyway, make it harder to grab onto her lovely blonde locks. She honestly wondered what her and Carlos's future kids would look like. She spoke, with a smirk on her face,"Mmm, so many, many things!" She loved her dress, pale blue and white. She was really going to look like a Queen at the dance, of course.
"Indeed. The dance is just in a couple of days," Carlos told her as his free hand went through her blond locks as they were going back to the house. "Whenever this Hobgobin mess ends because of Spider-Man, I imagine this is when the so-called Kingpin will make his move," he noted. He also looked at a local news bit. "Apparently, they found another dead criminal in one of the slums of New York. Authorities believe it is done by some sort of vigilante. Only know feature is a custom skull shirt," Carlos explained to her with some interest.

While Peter was going over to JJJ, he was also talking on the phone. "So tomorrow at 5:00 PM? Great! Harry and I will meet you there! Thank you again for this, Mr. Murdock," Peter said before he bid farewell to the blind lawyer he met a while back. He seemed like a nice guy and he was gonna help them out regarding the cases here.
She smiled as his hand went through her hair. She spoke,"You're right. Too much heat now to come out since the cops are all over the place because of the Hobgoblin. I just wonder what the Kingpin will do." Her face turned to intense surprise when he mentioned the blurb about the vigilante. She spoke,"From what I know, most don't kill. This is highly unusual, considering how too much bad press like that brings heat down on those like Spider Man and the like. Though of course, it may well be a mundane citizen sick and tired of the criminals controlling the world around him and wanted to do something about it."
"Of course, that's why we will see what will happen," Carlos said before they arrived home. He picked up Clary and kissed her as they entered home. "You have also been getting stronger. I am proud of you, my ice queen," he said to her with a smile before he kissed her neck and licked it.

"We will have plenty of fun on the day of love," he said lustfully to her, teasing her.

Peter eventually left the cell. He just finished interviewing Ned Lee. He didn't remember much, but he does recall having been researching some of the unethical business practices and he was looking at Kingsley for how he was doing things regarding his perfume industry and he ended up whiting out some time.

Peter was racking his brain. His gut was telling him Kingsley was up to something, but what? However, it was only after he looked at the news did something make him curious. It was in regards to the return of Tony Stark's capture over in the Middle East and his retirement from weapon dealing.

"Good for him," Peter thought before his sharp began thinking. "The only reason he would do soemthing would be if he discovered something bad. What if terrorists got their hands on those or something?" he questioned before his mind put it together. With the vacuum of Stark weaponry for the black market, there would be a demand for other things... and Oscorp was the first thing to come to mind.

He ran back and got what he could from Lee, which included a location for a file on what he got. Peter was gonna run through and get it. He needed to show it to Harry.
She smiled at the thought of more information, of knowing when things would happen, when it would all be clear. She spoke,"Spider Man picked a fight with the newest iteration of the Hobgoblin. I healed the burns and bruises that he had." She looked really happy when he said he was proud of her powers getting stronger. She purred when he kissed and licked her neck, and she spoke,"So much fun..." Her dress was made out of the same material of her suit. The material was of her own invention. Could stop a lot of shit, resisted stains, and was machine washable.
"So that's the deal then," Peter said as he showed Harry the file. "So Kingsley is trying to use Goblin Tech for mercernary work in the same place where he's already accused of human right violations at his perfume factory," Harry summed up with a look of disgust.

"Yeah, though I also showed this to the police and with Daniel waking up, we might get him to confess on this and it'll be enough to Roderick down," Peter added. "I also tallked to that Matt Murdock guy. He seems nice and he has a good rep as a lawyer," Harry mentioned. Peter nodded.

"We get him tonight. You come in with Captain DeWolf and see if he comes quietly. If not... well, I'll be there hanging," Peter said with a joking smile.

When he left, he also texted Clary some info about Roderick. He called for back-up in case Kingsley was gonna try and make a break for it.
Clary smiled when she got the text from Peter. The info was something she was pleased to have. She immediately shared it with Carlos, and she texted back."As myself or as the other person?" She was highly disgusted with Kingsley, she had loved his perfume, but now, she wasn't going to touch anything with his label.
Peter texted her te info to appear as her superheroine persona. Carlos saw and smirked. Perhaps if all else fails, he can come in. He may as well; he wants to see the Spider-Man in action.

Later tonight, Kingsley saw his project was finished at last. Orange mist faded into the chamber as his muscles flexes and he felt himself grow stronger. "Osborn was a fool," he said as he felt himself be stronger. "My brother was able to cintibute to my work for once in his life," he muttered to himself before he saw the doors opened to see Harry Osborn, Head Police Jean DeWolf and the others arrive.

"You're under arrest, Kingsley. We know you stole the same serum and technology Norman Osborn used as Green Goblin and modifed it for the Hobgoblin experiments. We also know aout your contacts in your factories in Africa and attempting to invade the black market," she explained.

"Well done, Miss Wolf. But I am afraid you're too late," he said before he tossed a box of pumpkin boms at them before they were caught by webbing.

"And so the real Hobgoblin stands up," Spider-Man said as he lowers from the ceiling.

"Indeed, Spider-Man!" he says before injecting the rest of the serum cocnerntae into him, causing him to grow a bit larger in muscle before using the bombs as cover, to put on the suit.

He tackled SPidey out of the window and Spider-Man swung ontoa building.

"Surrender, Spider-Man! I am powerful than even the Green Goblin!" he told him with contempt as he threw several pumpkin bombs, which Peter was dodging.
Clary texted back,"Of course. I will be there."

Clary was all suited up in her night suit later on when it was time to help. She modified the mask, basically what protected her head, and made it stronger. Time to go. She made sure she was well hydrated, something told her that this would be one bitch of a fight. She made her way to where she was supposed to be, and she hid in the shadows. Carlos didn't say if he was coming or not, though she really wanted him to come.

She was out side of the place, though she was relatively high up, she had a perfect line of sight to the window where the action first started. She made a face, personally she thought Kingsley looked like he did way too many steroids. At least Captain America looked natural from all the old war photos.

Then Spider Man got tackled out of the window. Time for Snow Queen to make her appearance. She dropped down, using her ice powers to encase the bombs in ice to mute the explosion. She didn't realise she had gotten that strong. Some of the bombs either didn't explode, or when they did explode, it just melted their icy prisons, no harm done to anyone. She spoke, properly landing,"And I am even more powerful than you!"
"So... you're the reason why Hydro-Man never returned. Well, I am sure the good doctor will pay handsomely for a mutant to experiment on. Besides, you won't be missed," Hobgoblin sneered before metallic nozzles appeared from his wrists and each shot out a stream of flames at her and Spider-Man.

"The same could be said for you," Spider-Man said in thiny-disguised anger before he tried to swing the glider into a wall, but Hobgoblin just jumped and remote controlled it out of the there.

He also threw a ghostly looking bomb to create a thick cloud of cover smoke.

"Watch out, Ice Queen," Spidey said while trying to see where Hob-Goblin was.
"If I can beat him, I can surely beat you." she replied with such venom in her voice that surely could poison an elephant. She used her powers to shield herself and Spider Man from the fire. Damn, the fire was hot, it melted the ice very quickly, and she could feel a little bit of the heat through her suit. Then there was smoke, and lots of it. Only one place to go, and that was up. Instead of relying on her eyes, she would rely on her ears. She created icy patches on the wall closest to her, and used the patches to ascend. She saw the Hobgoblin, and formed a sharp, long spear, and she threw it as hard as she could at the Hobgoblin's back, saying a short prayer as she did so, she hated shots like that.
The ice shattered against the powerful chainmail armor he was wearing and he directed a steam of fire at her. However, he also flew in and grabbed her before using his special glvoes to release a powerful shock before throwing her at Spidey. Spidey managed to catch her and threw a web at his one of gloves, neutralizing it. However, he still kept trying to fire minor energy shots from his fingers.

"I'll be in business when I can prove that the Hobgoblin is caable of disposing of SPider-Man and a mutant," he said with a sneer before tossing a couple mroe bombs.

"Clary, you all right?" SPdiey whispered to her.
She kept the flames away from her with her powers, but she was distracted, she then suddenly felt a powerful grip on her and lifting her away from her spot. Then she got the shock of a lifetime, and was suddenly in free fall, but Spider Man caught her, and neutralized the shock. She spoke weakly, quietly,"Note to self... Make the fucking suit shock proof..."
Spider-Man helped Ice Queen up. "Take it from me. You can make the suit shock-absorbant, but making it shockproof is hard. I know this from all the experience fighting Electro," he explained her, relieved she was doing all right.

He saw more pumpkin bombs and threw it at them, whch Peter repelled. Peter webbed his eyes up and leaped to punch and kick him. "Your friend is done for," Roderick said as his glider proceeded to go to top speed at Clary, intending on ramming her with the blade.

Only for the glider to be struck by a sudden concentrated pale green beam of unknown energy and explode. Unknown to everyone, Carlos was there, in suit. He was panting and sweating. He followed them to see if Clary would need help.

He rarely used his eyebeams, but he didn't hesitate to use it to save his beloved. His eyes were still recovering from it and he felt exhausted. It was worth it.

"Ice Queen, ehads up," he said before he tossed the Hobgoblin at her.
She was a little dazed, that electricity was strong as hell. She managed to stand back up with Peter's help. She then reminded herself to ask him for help on that part of the project. She was slow on the uptake when more bombs were thrown at them, but thankfully Peter wasn't. She didn't have the energy just yet to defend herself from the glider going top speed at her. Then she didn't have to worry about the glider. Pale green energy in the form of a beam made the glider explode. She got her attention and senses back when the Hobgoblin was tossed at her. A spear formed in her hand, and she saw a chink in the armor, and thrust her spear towards the chink. Sometimes it went through and killed. Other times, it froze on contact. She knew this from practicing on the dummies in the basement. She didn't know what would happen this time.
Most of the ice broke from contact, but it still went through. Hobgoblin yelled in pain before he pulled out. He attempted to punch Clary, but Spider-Man swung him via a web grab. "End of the line, Hobby. I took down the original Green Goblin and I certainly can handle some wannabe," Peter Parker proclaimed.

Hobgoblin growled a bit before he launched his flamethrowers once more. Howevber, he was then knocked hard by a sudden helicopter tail. Spider-Man looked relieved to see Harry flying a chopper while Offier DeWolf went and shot HobGoblin in the legs.

"We got you covered, Spider-Man," Harry said before the police came to arrest him. While the police were reading him, the Hobgoblin looked down and defeated before someone asked how he did this.

"Miles Warren," he asked, seeing a potential. "From the lab?" Spider-Man questioned. "Indeed. I have information on him in helping deal with this formula... while also being the one behind the developments of those like Rhino, Sandman, Kraven the Hunter and others," he said with a smile.

He was gonna take the doctor down with him. "You should get some rest, Ice Queen," Spider-Man told her. Hidden in the shadows, Carlos signaled for her to come to her.
She was delighted to see that it went through, even though a good chunk of it broke on contact. Broken ice was still sharp, which was why it went through in the first place. Peter stopped him from decking her. She was glad for that. She wasn't sure how much else she could do in the next few minutes. She threw up a weak ice shield when the flame throwers went off again. It melted instantly. She felt the fire lick her suit for mere moments before the Hobgoblin got knocked by a helicopter tail. Thank god the police finished him off. She was surprised to hear the name Miles Warren. This would be reported to Carlos for sure. She then saw a strange signal, but knew at once it was from her beloved. She smiled under her mask, and spoke,"See you on the next hunt, Spider Man." She went off into the shadows, towards her beloved Carlos.
Spider-Man knew the name. It was the guy who worked with the Connors. His eyes narrowed as he realized that he needed to pay the doctor a visit. "Mr. Osborn," he said to Harry. "I'll go and find this Dr. Warren while you arrange matters with Kingsley," Spider-Man said, while Harry understood what Peter was saying.

"Okay. Be careful Spider-Man," he warned him. Spider-Man went off into the night.

Carlos picked Clary up and kissed her in the shadows before setting her down. From seeing the faint glow in his eyes and his tired states, she would see he used his eyebeam technique to save her from the attack.

"Estas buien, mi amor? Vamos a la casa para recouperar," Carlos says to her while holding her.
She smiled when Carlos picked her up and kissed her. She looked in his eyes, and realized where the beam of energy had come from. She replied softly,"Ahora me siento mejor, mi amor. Usted es el que tiene que descansar más que a mí." She was thinking about this Miles Warren. She could not, and would not let Peter face him alone, despite her defeat tonight. If Kingsley was this bad, Warren would be far, far worse. Sure, guns could kill, but science could make you turn on your own friends.

Translated from Google- I feel better now, my love. You are the one who needs to rest more than me.
"What worries you, mi amor?" Carlos asked her as he was carrying her to the hidden car. Both were exhausted and Clary was beaten up. He kissed her once more.

Dr. Miles Warren had been looking over his pods, having gotten them moved. They were doing well, but he needed more DNA. He found himself in a sense of dread for some reason. Before he could leave the door, he found it webbed shut.

"Where you going, doc?"

He turned around to see the Spider-Man hanging there.

"Spider-Man! What are you doing here?" Dr. Miles Warren questioned, remaining professionally calm. "Jig is up, Doctor Warren. Kingsley confessed to your association. And even if he didn't, the police have Osborn's files incriminating you for the creation of several supervillains," he explained to the doctor.

"Come quietly," he said to him. "I'm sorry Spider-Man. Nothing personal, but my research is my life and I am afraid I will keep working on it. In fact, my greatest project is an homage to you," he stated.

"Thanks for the flattery, but too bad you won't be able to work on it," Spider-Man said before he webbed the Doctor and threw him to the wall. Miles saw that he was serious. He saw that at the desk he was nearby was his transfuser. "Come on, come on," he murmured as he tried to find any unbroken beaker of DNA.

"Lizard no... gorilla no... Jackal? It's my only chance," he murmured to himself before he injected himself and threw a tray at the breakers, causing it to go dark.

"No use in hiding, Doc," Spider-Man said, looking around. Miles Warren was taking deep breaths as he was transforming. He felt... powerful. He smelled him. Spider-Man...

He pounced, but Peter ducked because of his Spidey-Sense before he went to the breakers.

"What the-?" he siad as he looked at the doctor with a ripped labcoat and now a human hybrid. "I am the Jackal now, Spider-Man!" he said as he slashed at Spider-Man and threw him. Before Peter could go up, he used his transfuer gun to get some blood from Spider-Man before he was tossed over to the wall.

"This is not over, Spider-Man!" he said before he took a remote from the labcoat and pressed a button, causing some explosives to activate and setting the place on fire.

The Jackal escaped.
She smiled as he carried her to the hidden car, and she spoke,"I am worried about Spider Man. If the Hobgoblin was this bad, then Miles Warren is far worse. He is going to his lab right now to apprehend him. I do not want him to go alone, but he is already gone. I know in my heart he will be seriously hurt if he goes alone. Give me water." One of her best qualities was her dedications to her friends and family, well, her new family. She had other motives. Get rid of folks like Kingsley and Warren, less competition for the Hand. She kissed him back, he could see in her eyes that she was dead serious about what she wanted to do.
"Well, let's go check it out," Carlos said as he drove by the lab where Dr. Warren was located. The smoke in the buildings was not a good sign. "Look for Spider-Man. I will call the authorities," he told her. He kissed her for luck while she went off and gave her a bottle of water.

Spider-Man looked annoyed as he saw his way out was blocked by flaming debrees and the smoke from burning chemicals were making things hard for him to try and escape.
Clary was so glad when Carlos drove her to the lab. She almost cried, there was smoke in the building. She spoke,"Well, this'll put my suit to the test. Then I can market it to firefighters." And make the organization stupid rich.

She kissed him back, and slugged down the water bottle as she raced out of the car after opening the door, and she disappeared into the burning building. Where the fuck was a directory when she needed one? Peter would likely be where the actual lab was. She got far enough into the building, and started screaming for Spider Man. She didn't want to risk using Peter's name. She was screaming,"Shout where you are, I'll come get you!"
Spider-Man had used web to make a slignshot and rocket himself to the flaming debris. "Here goes nothing," he said as he rocketed forward. He curled into a ball and webbed himself up and he crahshed through the burning junk.

He ended up in front of Clary, the webbing having dissolved. "Ice Queen?" he said, he was sturggling to stand. "DOn't bother looking for Warren. He mutated himself into some jackal thing and escaped," he told her, knowing she would tyr and pursuit unless he told her.
Peter appeared right in front of her soon after she began shouting for him. She took hold of him, he couldn't stand much, and no doubt he looked like shit under the mask. She saw he was bleeding, but she spoke,"Damn it. There's always next week. Now, hold on tight. I'm going to get us out of here really fast." SHe was holding him tightly, but it would be more beneficial if he held on tight to her as well.
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