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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

Peter held onto her and he also kept trying to move. However, help arrived in the form of the police and the firefighters. Spider-Man was helped by some of the cops and Ice Queen was too.

"What were you thinking not waiting for backup?" Officer DeWolff commented to him. "Wouldn't have mattered. He already had the place rigged," Spider-Man began saying before several explosions occurred. Everyone already evcauted the lab so no one was inside. However, the volatile chemicals with flames led to a chain reaction of explosions, taking out the lab.

"...Fair point," DeWolf said after a pause. "Where is Dr. Warren?" she asked. "Gone... he mutated himself into a Jackal-man," he explained to them. Normally, they would've been surprised, but considering everything that had happened, they accepted it.

"In that case, he's probably heading underground and with Kingsley, there is now a power vacuum once more," she said before facing Ice Queen. "I apologize, who are you?" Offier DeWolf asked Ice Queen.
Clary concentrated, and the ground in front of them turned to ice. She clicked her heels together, and the soles of her suit, they turned to ice skates. She had gone 50 feet with Peter when police and firefighters arrived. She was glad the lady police officer gave Peter the good lecturing she had been planning on giving him. Hopefully the next time Peter went on to do something dangerous, he called her or another hero as backup so this didn't happen again. Clary replied,"My name is Ice Queen. I assist Spider Man on occasion. I'm highly disappointed he didn't call me for help on this one. I thank you for giving him the lecture I wanted to give him." She clicked her heels again, and the skates disappeared.
Spider-Man just glared a bit of Ice Queen. Considering he was at this longer than anyone else, it was taking a while for him to get used to the fact he had allies. If nothing else though, she had a point in calling back up.

"Well, I have been longer at this than ya, rookie," Spider-Man couldn't help but quip. Yep, befriend the Spider-Man, you're gonna get quiped at. Alot.

"Nonetheless, both of you deserve some rest," Officer DeWolff told them Spider-Man nodded while Carlos also signaled for Clary to come to the shadows so they can go home.
She was smirking under her mask, she could tell Peter was not happy. She spoke in response,"Your pride almost killed you tonight." She paused for a moment, and continued,"I take my leave." She walked into the shadows, towards her beloved Carlos.
"Yeah, but better me than a bunch of officers dying because of a chemical bomb," Spider-Man couldn't help but say.

Carlos went over and held his beloved Clary. "I believe Spider-Man is not used to working with others. Given that most of the threats in this city have been handled by him more or less singlehandedly and the stigma against him, I believe the idea of asking for help still remains difficult since he is stll adjusting to the fct he has help in the first pace," Carlos explains as he carries Clary over bridal style.

It certainly would fit Mr. Parker. While he maintains his friends and such, Carlos notices that he tries to shoulder alot of the responsability and that he feels only he can bear.

"When we arrive home, we shall celeberate Spider-Man and yours' triumph over the Hobgoblin while we plan to see if the Kingpin will make his move," Carlos told her with a smile
Peter raised a good point, but sadly a lot of the NYPD were corrupt. But at the same time, those officers had friends and family. She smiled as Carlos held her bridal style, and she spoke,"Spider Man's pride will get him killed if he keeps this up." She looked delighted at the thought of tonight them celebrating the Hobgoblin's defeat. Word would surely spread about her being a force to be reckoned with. She spoke,"I look forward to it. Right now I want to soak in a hot bath." Not just for the wonderful therapeutic effect, but it gave her energy and healed her ills and such.
"I don't think it's pride. I think he's just not used to having allies. Perhaps it's something you should talk to him about," Carlos told her in a somewhat more serious tone before lightening up and kissing her.

"We'll soak up together and have a victory feast while we also prepare for the upcoming dance," Carlos told her with a smile as they drove off back to the mansion.
"Well, I will talk to him." she replied in an equally serious tone. She smiled as they kissed, and she spoke,"Relax our sore muscles..." She was glad to be with him, she was looking to their future.
Eventually, Peter did send an email to Clary and thanking her for helping out while Carlos did encourage her to talk to Spider-Man and let him know that he can trust her. Eventually, it was the now Valentine's Day dance.

Harry and Liz picked up Peter and Mary Jane and heading voer to the school. Carlos was already in his suit and he was waiting for Clary to finish up so they could meet their friends over there.

Watching the school over the distance was none other than Eddie Brock, Venom.

Looking over him was a red goopy villain. He has been silently killing people. He was starting out small, usually with small fries or people who were already criminals, but he was gonna move on to a big event, and the school dance nearby seemed like it.
Clary was very glad Peter thanked her for her help via email. She had told him through code that if she found any others, she'd get them trained p, so eventually, when they were ready, he'd never face a situation alone ever again. Soon enough, it was the Valentine's Day Dance, and her birthday. Carlos had gotten his haircut, and so did Clary. She was at salons and spa all day, polishing and primping to look absolutely perfect. Eventually, she went back home, and put on her dress and white flats. She really did look like a Queen, and the tiara that she wore just really completed the image. Carlos just looked dashing in his suit. Her dress was spaghetti straps, no sleeves, so everybody could fully see the tattoos on her arms. She took a long drink of water, and she stepped outside, and she spoke,"Oh, mi amor, I am ready."

Mary Jane personally thought she got the best looking dress to the dance. A strapless black dress hugged her form, as well as the pair of black high heels that she wore. She had done the same thing Clary had done today, except for the fact she went to less expensive salons and spas. Peter's very sweet Aunt May had insisted on taking so many pictures, as well as her parents, and finally, when Harry and Liz saved them from another dozen pictures, they were released, and on their way to the dance.
Carlos' suit was very much a classic suit, it was simple, but effective. He smiled as he embraced his beloved and kissed her cheek. He couldn't help admire her beauty, especially with the tiara. It didn't take long when Clary and Carlosn ended up arriving over at the Parker residence with Liz and Harry already there.

"Both of you look great," Peter told CLary and Caelos when they arrived and they were bombarded woth plenty of pictures from family and so on. Carlos had sent a hypnotist to help ease Clary's parents and they ended up approving of him heavily because of his gentlemanly nature and easing them that he will take care of Clary.

"Tiara a bit overkill," Peter joked with Clary at her and Harry and Liz arrived. Peter and Mary-Jane went with them while Carlos and Clary drove in their own car.
She smiled endearingly at him when Carlos kissed her cheek. They went to the Parker residence, as always, Peter's Aunt May was just adorable. But so many pictures! The adults finally settled for one big group picture. Thank god the hypnotist did her job, her parents just adored Carlos. She spoke to Peter,"It completes the image. After all, what is a Queen without her tiara?"

Mary Jane was impressed with Clary's dress. Either it was designed by renowned designer Vera Wang, or it was custom made for her. She liked Clary's parents, they reminded her just like her own. She and the group, minus Clary and Carlos, went in their own limo to the dance, and she noticed Clary and Carlos went in their own car. One of them had to have serious cash for just two people.
Peter just chuckled at what Clary said. While the group was driving, Peter was in some thought. "Hey Pete, what's up?" Harry asked him, noticing his best friend's pensieve look.

"Just recalling everything that happened the past couple of years. Things tend to get crazy around us so I'm just wandering what to do if something happens," Peter tells him. "Well, we got the evacuation plan to do while you go and handle that anything that comes your way," Harry tells him with a smile. Peter nods. He brought a backpack filled with a first aid kit and of course his Spider-Man costume.

"Clary, I am curious. Did you bring your combat uniform in case something happens?" Carlos asked his beloved while they were on their way. Carlos confessed he wasn't ready to reveal himself as Black Tarantula just yet, although that was mainly because the Kingpin did not make a move.
Clary smiled at Carlos when he asked her if she brought her uniform. She spoke,"Dear, what do you think this dress is made of? Same stuff as the uniform. No matter where I go, I am always prepared." And well hydrated, she had as an after thought. As much as she wanted to say that nothing would happen here, she knew better than to assume so or say so. Anything was possible.
"Still, you must be careful to safeguard your secret identity," Carlos while he leaned to kiss her while they drove. They ended up over at the school where the dance was beginning. Carlos led Clary to meet up with Peter and the others.

They went inside and things were ending up inside. "Surprising how much Flash has changed," Harry commetned to Peter. Peter bit his lip a bit. He and Flash were friends as very young children, but Flash changed (no doubt due to his mother remarrying) and became a jerk. Of course, Spider-Man's influence and him finding out Peter's secret helped patch things up. Of course, Flash being in college meant that he didn't talk to him much, especially since he has a tutor through his girlfriend.

Of course, Flash was here because his girlriend was still in high school, albeit a senior like them.

Harry told Clary to come over. "Hey, we need to try and get Peter and Mary Jane to dance," he told her while he was dancing with Liz and Carlos with Clary.

"It appears that both are struggling with their feelings. I have heard of the tragedies that fell both of them," Carlos commented and looked with genuine concern. He of course meant the death of Gwen Stacy as well as the forced retirement of Mark Allan, aka Molten Man.
"But of course my love. I trust you will do the same." she replied as she kissed him back, glad the dance was already started by the time they got there, everything was in full swing now. It was such a beautiful gesture as her and Carlos walked arm in arm into the dance. When Harry asked her to come over, and told her what he wanted, she nodded, and spoke,"I'll do what I can."

She sidled up to Peter and whispered into his ear,"Asking Mary Jane to the dance isn't enough, friend. You have to actually dance with her. The shyness is unbecoming of you." Then she sidled up to Mary Jane, and she spoke,"Dance with Peter, don't always expect your partner to take the initiative, do it yourself." Mary Jane quirked a smile, she realized now why Peter liked Clary as a friend, why she had been accepted into the group so quickly. She was bold, she liked action to be taken. Mary Jane walked right up to Peter, and she held out her hand, and spoke,"Come on, tiger, let us dance."
"Of couse, " Carlos said to his beloved as he saw Clary go and help Peter and Mary Jane set up. Hr smirked as he saw the two dance. "Bit by bit, wounds of the heart heal. While our loved ones of the beyond live in our hearts, new love fills in as life goes on," Carlos said in a sage tone while he danced with Clary.

He took a whole look around while he was dancing with his beloved. "I know with tomorrow being Saturday, we will have your birthday party. We could have it be a formal affair if you want. Or something casual," Carlos told her. For some reason, he saw an Africa-American male dancing with a blond girl and he couldn't help but wonder where he saw them before.

Probably nothing to worry about.
Clary was most pleased when she saw Peter and Mary Jane dance. A little persuasion always set stuff in motion, she thought, as she and Carlos resumed dancing. She spoke,"I think casual will be fine." For some reason, she had the sense that something was about to go horridly wrong, though she kept a straight face while she danced. Maybe it was just hyper vigilance from the recent battle, but she couldn't shake the feeling.
"You know, I'm actually havng alot of fun," Peter managed to say to Mary Jane while he was dancing with her. Having gone through so much, especially back when Harry was still acting like his dad, he was grateful to have Mary Jane covering his back, especially after Gwen's death. He was wondering if he was falling for her. Before he could go and ponder this further, something happened.

His Spider-Sense tingled and then something crashed into the wall.

Or rather someone.

Eddie Brock... with a black gooey suit.

"Venom," Peter said with a furious look. "Hey bro. Thought I crashed the party... and have some fun," Eddie Brock saif with a sinister smile before he became Venom.

"Excuse me," a random voice said as someone tapped his shoulder. Venom turned only to get his face smashed by Carlos. Venom was surprsied by this, especially by the unusual amount of strength from Carlos. Before he could recover, Flash tackled him into the wall.

"Everyone evacuate!" Harry said as he and Liz began getting everyone to evacuate quickly and safely while Peter went over to suit up in secret.

"I am unafraid this dance is invite only," Carlos said as he helped Flash get his girlfriend to safety while facing him and making a secret escape, sending a secret wink to Clary. He was having his own plan.
Mary Jane gave Peter such an endearing smile while they danced. Right now, the world that existed only involved the two of them and their dancing together. It was one of those rare perfect moments when everything around a person except for what was in front of them was muted, the sole focus was on your beloved and nothing else. There was a small explosion all of a sudden, much to everybody's surprise, then something black, gooey, and nasty attached to a person arose from the wall? Was that... Eddie? She went along with Harry and Liz to help evacuate people, she was mundane, she could do no good fighting. She began to herd innocents out of the Gym. It was relatively hard to run around in heels though.

Clary made a face of deep displeasure when this Eddie guy made his appearance. When she had met him for a few minutes with Peter, he just seemed like an arrogant douche bag, even with what Peter told her about Eddie and how he became Venom. But he had crossed a line now, outright attacking innocents. That was a big no no. Oh, she was dearly loving Carlos, he went right up and socked him in the face, and sent him flying. Then Flash, she thought that was what Peter referred to him as, tacked him into a wall. Brave mundane in her opinion. She went off with Peter to suit up. At minimum, she needed to cover her face, Eddie knew what she looked like, but didn't know she had powers, and she didn't need the risk of her secret being exposed to the world, which would bring the anti mutant terrorists to the city. She ran right to her locker, she left her backpack at school yesterday because no homework, but that was where she kept one of her day suits. The only real difference between it and her night suit was that her day suit was white. She got rid of the dress and flats and tiara, and put her suit on. She shut and locked the locker. She took a long drink of water from the fountain closest to her locker, she knew she'd need her strength, her energy. She then ran back to the Gym to assist in getting rid of this Venom.
Venom found themselves taking harder to recover from the hit than they thought. He hit harder than even Spider-Man did and his eeriely calm nature on it made him more than meets the eye. Spider-Man thought the same on Carlos, but was thankful for him nonetheless. For now, he was focusing on Venom.

"So, looks you didn't really recover after all," Spider-Man said as he glared at Venom. Venom swung at him and Spider-Man dodged before he felt the black webbing that the symbiote produced. However, using his wall-sticking abilities, he stick to the floor before he swung Venom around into the wall.

"I gotten stronger, Eddie and I know all your tricks," he said as he was dodging the blows before banging on the railings to produce the sounds the symbiote detested.

"That won't work on us as easily," he said as he tried to smash Peter.

"It's two against one," Eddie sneered at him before Peter webbed his eyes and kicked him in Clary's direction.

"Not this time, bro," Peter said, hoping to see Ice Queen in action.
Damn, Venom was one nasty bastard. When you really thought about it, you were fighting to people. The host and the symbiote itself. Honestly, she would have loved to have killed them both to end the problem for good, though Peter/Spider Man didn't quite share her views. Clary made her way to the Gym, and she spoke,"You spend so much time fighting a man... Ready to take on a mutant woman?" The floor around her feet turned to ice, she was ready to skate. Shortswords formed in both hands, her stance made it look like she was more than happy to kill if she needed too.
Venom did not expect the ground to turn to ice or to see a woman heading at him. However, Venom launched cannonball-sized gobs og black webbing (with probably the force of said cannonballs) at her. "A mutant? Heh, and I thought those were just rumors," Vencom said before he stood up, the symbiote sticking to the ice to help him stand up.

"I don't know who you are, but since you mean alot to him, I'll be happy to fight," Venom noted as he was about to web her before his fist was caught by Spidey's own webbing.

"Not so tough when the odds are even," Spidey told him before slinging a chair at Eddie. "Mutant powers or no, I'll crush you both," he said as he hit the ground to crack the ice nearby him.
Clary sliced through the black webbing with ease, and her short swords didn't even crack or dull. Her reflexes, her overall timing had gotten so much better. She spoke,"Me, I'd love to end you here and now, end the problem once and for all. You won't get any form of mercy from me!" She formed more ice, and skated away from the cracking ice. She concentrated super hard, making frost and such from around Eddie/Venom. She would freeze him and then shatter him.
Venom was mildly surprised by how thick she was able to make that ice, considering it could smash through stone. However, it just meant he would have to focus harder. The ice and cold did not affect Venom at all and he shook it off before picking her up with one arm and tossing her at Peter.

"Nice try!" he hissed before he tried to slam into ehr before Peter grabbed Clayr and dodged it.

"That symbiote arrived on Earth via space shuttle. That means it could survive the cold vacumn of space," Peter noted, realizing that cold would not affect these thigns. "We need to use sound to get the symbiote off and try and trap it in something. Cold may not be able to affect it, but thick enough ice should keep it closed," he whispered to her.

"Even with your freak friend, you don't have a chance, bro," Eddie told him. The symbiote shuddered a bit. It felt something...

Something bad was coming...
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