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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

Carlos also removed the tank top that Clary had been wearing, leaving her chest bare for him to fondle and lick. He took a step back to remov his own shirt before he moved her into his arms so he could make out with her, his bronze hands caressing her body.

He liked the sensual relationship he had with his lover, especially being the dominant one while she acted submissive to him. "Of course, and I know my Queen likes how I handle. You like when I'm dominating you, don't I?" he whispers in her ear as he pinched her nipples.
She purred in pleasure as he began to fondle and lick. With all the extra energy she had, came with heightened feeling, and the more she could feel, the more pleasure she got. She had this adoring look on her face as she removed his own shirt, allowing her hands, to pleasure his front. She never tired of touching him, this godly piece of man. She never tired of being touched by him, being kissed by him... She spoke,"I wouldn't have it any other way..."
Carlos placed his hands on her hips and had her raise so he could remove the lower part of her uniform, leaving her just in her panties. He licked his lips in anticipation before he began to rub her pussy through her underwear while he kept giving kisses on her neck. He was getting noticeably hard and he was savoring his teasing of her.

"My Queen, may I delight in having you suck me off?" he asked huskily.
It felt good to have him remove the lower part of her uniform, it felt good because she knew what happened after they got each other naked. She had a very aroused look on her face as he rubbed her pussy through her panties and kissed her neck, and she spoke,"I do want to suck you off, my King!" She loved every bit of him.
Carlos stood up so he could remove his boxers and reveal his erect cock for her to pleasure. He leans in to kiss her. "I command thee, my Ice Queen, to suck me off. And then, I can pleasure you and hear your sweet moans," he said huskily. He was more passionate, but also more controlling, more demanding. He hungered for her. To pleasure her and for her to pleasure him.
She looked even happier when she saw his erect cock, it was just waiting for her to suck on, just waiting for her to please it. She happily kissed him back, and got in position to suck him off. And suck she did, taking his hot length into her mouth, pleasing with her tongue and throat, going back and forth on him.
Carlos groaned in pleasure when she got into position to suck off his cock. Feeling her wet tongue massaging and caressing his cock, felt so nice. His fingers were running through her beautiful hair and he looked down as she eagerly pleasured him.

"You truly are a master of this, my Queen. I see you are eager for my seed," he said in a hot commanding voice.
Clary dearly enjoyed pleasuring him in any way that she could. And why would she not? It made the both of them feel good as she did so. It felt so good to have him run his fingers through her now short hair, she never tired of the wonderful sensation. She just smiled endearingly at him as she continued to suck and pleasure him.
Carlos savored the pleasure his beloved was granting him. "You are wonderful like always," Carlos said lustfully as his cock twitched. "Get ready for your rewards," he told her as he came. When she finished savoring his seed, he pushed her onto the bed, having her lie down.

"My Queen should get a reward," he teased before he went in to give Clary a long sensous lick at her pussy. Going slow, but deep, he savored the moans she would give while he pleasured her.
She never held back while she sucked his wonderful length, he only deserved the best, and she always gave him the best. She felt his length twitch in her mouth, glad to be pleasing him, and she swallowed down every bit of seed that he could give her. She smirked, licking her lips as he moved out of her mouth, and had her lay down. She softly moaned as he began to lick her pussy, his masterful tongue going to work.
Her moaning was music to his ears and Carlos was eager to hear more of it. He stuck his tongue inside her pink wet folds as he used his techniques to pleasure her some mroe. WHile one hand was massaging her butt, the other was pinching and squeezing her clit.
Clary was feeling a great deal of pleasure even before he stuck his tongue inside of her pussy. When his tongue went to work, she just moaned even more. When he began to manipulate her clit, that made her whimper in delight.
Carlos kept going on pleasuring Clary. His hand goes from caressing her butt before heading toward her pussy and he began to finger her while he kept licking her and pinching her clit and teasing her.

"Does my Queen need to cum soon?" he teases.
She was starting to twitch in sheer pleasure from the way he kept working her pussy and clit. He was such a Master at all of this! She felt hot, and she groaned,"Oh, my love, I'm so close!"
Carlos kept licking and teasing her faster and deeper until she finally came. When she finally came, he took a slow lick of her juices ad savoring it before he climbed on top of her, grinding his hard cock against her pussy.

"Do you want me to take you like always? To claim and conquer you?" he whispered in her ear with a smirk as he squeezes her breasts.
Eventually, she couldn't take it anymore. She came long and hard, spilling her juices all over Carlos's face. She smiled when he climbed on top of her, grinding his incredibly hard length against her pussy. She purred, enjoying his fondling of her breasts. She finally replied,"Always and forever, my love!"
Carlos smiled as he embraced her before he entered inside of her. He was on top of her and he began going into a slow rhythm as he was going deep inside of Clary and savoring the whole feeling of being with her.

His thrusts were focusing more on slow, but intense penetration, satisfying his beloved.
Oh, the feeling of his hard muscles on top of her body felt incredible. She felt his long member enter her, and he started out slow, like the slowest speed on a metronome. Slow but very passionate, and her sweet, sweet sounding moans of pleasure began.
Carlos licked the nape of her neck before moving in for another kiss. "You appear to be more sensitive than usual, my Queen," Carlos whispered in Clary's ear while he began picking up the pace. He sat her up a bit so he could wrap his arms tightly around her, going a bit faster.
She shivered in delight, and she spoke slyly,"Try drenching me in water the next time we have sex... My senses are far more heightened when I'm wet..." She groaned as he went a bit faster, she was feeling very happy.
"I always know how to make you wet," Carlos responded slyly as well before going to kiss her once more. He caressed her sides and licked her stomach as he bega going a bit faster.

"I do recall when I took you in the shower," he teased as he pinched her nipples.
She smirked when he told her that he knew how to make her wet, and she happily kissed him once more. She spoke,"And that was some of the best sex we've ever had, love."
"And I know we'll have plenty more," Carlos told her as he went even faster. He adjusted the position. She was leaning on the heardboard of the bed. The bed was rocking because of his furious movements as he was fucking Clary even faster.
She was groaning in delight as he began to fuck her harder and faster. Her breasts were bouncing, her hair flying wildly in time with their fucking.
Carlos held her tight and dove for a last kiss before he punged deep inside of Clary and came inside of her, filling his belvoed up with her seed. He knew that it wouldn't for a couple of years when she would be ready to start ebaring his children.

He adjusted the position so she was resting on top of him. He was caressing her ass lovingly.
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