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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

She smiled when he held her tight, he had to be close. She hungrily kissed him back as he came inside of her. Oh, she couldn't wait till the could start a nice big family together. She sighed in contentment, she was now on top of him, and she spoke,"As wonderful as always."
"Likewise to you, mi amor," Carlos told her with a smile as he held her. It had been a rough night so they were taking a break for a moment. "This is just the first of many times tonight, though we should probably move to the shower," he said with a smirk.
She nuzzled him as they snuggled, and she spoke,"I like the shower idea." She ran her fingers through his now short hair, and she spoke,"Perfection. You are perfect."
Carlos smiled as he picked her up bridal style and heading to the shower. He turned it on and let the warm water relax their muscles. It was an intense fight and night and they deserved the unwinding while he held her.

"Feeling better?" he asked her as he held her close to him, a hand on her butt.
She loved when he picked her up bridal style, he made her feel so damn special. She sighed in contentment when he turned on the warm water. It made her muscles feel so good... And gave her another energy boost, and she spoke,"I feel great!" She smiled, wrapping her arms around him.
Carlos smiled as he saw her perk up once more. He kept caressing her butt while his other hand proceeded to hold and squeeze her breast. Carlos savored the amount of control he had; being able to turn this powerful woman that he loved into putty in his hands.

He leaned in to lick her neck and give her a few love kisses to tease her. "It looks like my Queen is ready for another round," he whispered in her ear.
It felt so good to have him squeeze her breasts, for him to relieve the ache that they had for his hands. She was putty in his hands, the ONLY putty in his hands. She slyly replied after the love kisses,"And the round after this one. And the round after that round..."
Carlos smiled as he delved in to makeout with with his belvoed Clary while he grinded his cock against her wet pussy. He went over to squeeze her butt, continuing to tease her.

"Are you ready for a fun night?" he asked teasingly to hie beloved.
She was happy to make out with Carlos as they happily touched each other, and she purred,"I'm already ready for fun with you!"
Carlos proceeded to keep making out with his beloved Clary. Several rounds of caressing, kissing and fucking ensued, putting his beloved in all sorts of positions in the shower and releasing all the pent-up stress from the past couple of days.

EVentually, they had their fill for then and now dry, he carried her to their bed. "That was very outstanding, my love," Carlos told Clary as he kissed her before settling into bed with her.
Oh, this was their best time ever fucking yet in Clary's opinion. All the stress from their recent activities got released as they merrily fucked each other. Eventually, they got tired, and finished cleaning up and rinsing off and drying off, and eventually went to bed. She nuzzled him, kissing the tip of his nose, and she replied,"My love, soon enough we will out do tonight."
Carlos nuzzled his beloved back as he wrapped his arms around her beautiful nude body, his warm body pressed against her cool one. "Definitely," he said with a smile as he savored their embrace.

Sleep eventually came to them and before they knew it, it was time for Clary's birthday celeberation. The guests will arrive soon and Carlos was in his suit,w aiting for Clary to arrive out after finishing her preparations.
Clary loved Carlos with all her heart. She'd follow him to the end of the world and back, follow him where ever. She wrapped her arms around him as well. She fell asleep soon after, and began to dream about the day the Institute had gotten attacked. So much blood had been spilled that day, both the blood of the attackers and of the mutants defending the school. She slaughtered much of the attacking forces, forcing them to retreat. She was covered in blood that day... The feeling of killing felt oddly not wrong to her. The best feeling of all was knowing that she had avenged so many fallen mutant brothers and sisters.

Clary, the next day, endlessly pampered herself. Spa days, salons, the whole nine yards. And shopping. Lots of that. It was quite the day for her, and now the birthday dinner. She wore white and silver, just in all giving off the snowy aura.
Carlos smiled as he saw Clary come over and he hugged her in her elegant gown. "You look beautiful as always," he told her with a smile as he twirled her around with excitement.

"Our friends are almost here," he told her. "I know that Harry, Liz, Peter and Mary Jane are coming along with a couple of others such as Peter's aunt May and such. I believe you parents are coming as well," Carlos informed her.
Clary happily hugged him back, and she spoke,"Oh, to be born on Valentine's Day!" She was very spoiled by him! She spoke,"I'm glad they are all coming!" She had such a happy, dreamy look on her face.
Carlos kissed her once more before he saw the guests arrive and he went with his beloved to welcome them. Peter arrived with MJ while Harry arrived with Liz. A couple of other guests included some allies of Carlos (who he refered as friends from Argentina). Clary's parents were there too.

Peter already gave Clary her gift and the others gave her their gifts while njoying their festivities. They were starting out with some dancing, with Carlos and Clary being the first to dance.
Clary smiled as Carlos kissed her again before everybody started to arrive. It was so nice to see all of her friends, and her parents. They acted different to her, not in a bad way, but to anybody that didn't know her parents very well, they were acting and behaving very normally. MJ was merrily dancing with Peter, and she spoke to him,"Between you and me, I think this place is way better than the school gym. Don't you?" Clary loved what she got. Lots of books and science related items. Items she could use in her nice lab downstairs. Clary was dancing with Carlos, and she spoke,"This moe than makes up for the mishap at the school."
"Yeah, defnitely," Peter told Mary Jane while he was dancing with her. He couldn't help but find himself happy being around Mary Jane. She was with him during his darkest hour and they both talked about alot of things. She helps out with his Aunt May and making sure she's okay while they've been also just been enjoying each other's presence.

"I'm glad that you have been enjoying yourself so far," Carlos tells Clary as he twirls her around. He also smiled when he saw Harry dancing with Liz, Peter doing the same as they watched them.

"Happy birthday," Carlos told Clary.
Mary Jane liked dancing with Peter. He was so soothing. Nice boy. The sort of man you want to bring before your parents. The sort that would pet the doggies and cuddle the kitties. The perfect one.

Clary smiled at Carlos as they danced around. She loved watching everybody else be happy, and she spoke,"Thank you. When is yours?"
"Mine was back in January, the 14th, before we ended up meeting," Carlos told her as he twirled her around.besides the dancing, there was plenty of good food for everyone to enjoy and to savor. Also, Carlos gave the staff the night off to go and have their own party in th employee lounge down in the lair.

"I didn't do much outside of some ritualistic things," Carlos explained as he held her and he brushed up her tattoos. He recalled the special tattoos he got her when she became the Queen of the organization.
She smiled as they danced, and she spoke,"How sweet! Our birthdays are one month away from each other!" Her mind was far, far away. She wondered if there were other worlds out there, other universes. People and places just like theirs but where events and things took a slightly different turn. She loved how his fingers touched her ink.
"And I know tonight will be filled with plenty of fun as well," Carlos whispered in her ear as he licked it. He then kissed her forehead and twirled her around with a smile. EVentually, it was time to cut the cake and savor the whole fun of the party.

"Make your wish," Carlos told her with a smile as he kissed her forehead and presented her cake.
She smirked, knowing what he was referring to. She couldn't wait. Turning 18 was wonderful. Now it was time for the cake. She blew out the candles, not saying her wish, but she knew exactly what she wanted. I want to regain all of my lost power and abilities, become stronger. I want more so I can protect my new friends and family. I want to be the very best.
Carlos kissed her and they all cut the cake. Overall, it was a fun-filled night for everyone and Carlos and Clary smiled as they waved good-bye to the friends that they invited. While Carlos help put everything away and clean up, he also prepared the long night with his beloved.

"Happy birthday, my love," Carlos says as he hugs Clary from behind and kisses her on the neck.
The cake was incredible, so sweet and yet the sweetness wasn't overpowering, wonderful with both coffee and milk. It was a fun evening, and she waved goodbye to everybody as they left. It was also a long clean up, but it was worth it. She smiled as he kissed her neck, and she spoke,"Thanks, dearest! Now... Ready for the real fun?"
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