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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

"Of course," Carlos told her with a confident smile. he picked her up bridal style before taking them back to their room. He spent the whole night loving and being loved by Clary as well as being filled with plenty of fucking. After the latest fucking, Carlos came inside of her for the 18th time. "One round for each year," he said lovingly to her as he kisses her.
She giggled as he picked her up bridal style. The rest of the night was pure bliss for them. Lots of cum and cuddles. She smirked, and spoke,"That was wonderful love. And next year, one more round, and the year after that and so on." The best part was that he could cum in her as much as he wanted and there wouldn't be any surprises later on.
"Of course," Carlos told her with a smile as he went in to kiss her and embrace her. It was truly a wnderful birthday for her. Carlos fell asleep holding his beloved in his arms and it was a wonderful rest.

Sunrise arrived and Carlos, awoke, still nude and still holding his beloved in his arms. He then saw a servant arrive. He stood up, seeing the serious look on his face. He handed Carlos some notes and information.

"Dios... this isn't good," Carlos said before he gently woke up Clary. "Buenos dias, mi amor. Tengo unas noticias malas," Carlos told her before he showed her.

The notes weren't good; it appears the Criminal Underworld has placed a bounty of 1 million dollars on Spider-Man's head.
So far, her life with Carlos up to now was a dream, it was absolutely perfect, the perfection continuing as she fell asleep in his arms. She smiled as he woke up, but the smile disappeared when she saw how serious he looked. She read over the notes. She looked most displeased as she saw the bounty on Spider Man. She spoke,"Le debo advertir que de esa manera se puede estar en guardia. Le juré que en caso de un evento como este, me gustaría tener más obligaciones para con él."

Translated from Google- I must warn him so that way he can be on his guard. I swore to him that in case of an event like this, I would take over duties for him.
"I don't think Spider-Man will cease being a hero. Furthermore, I fear the villains will cause widespread havoc in an attempt to try and draw him out. Especially since they will be having specific targets. A year ago, Peter Parker was suspected of being Spider-Man and that caused quite a stir," Carlos recalled, wondering if Peter will become a target as bait... or if he is Spider-Man himself.

"For now, we should probably relax and remain on the low. Most of the higher-tier villains are imprisoned or otherwise unabel to go after Spider-Man, so there may not be too many who could stand a chance. We just have to keep an eye on him," Carlos added before giving a comforting hug to her.

Spider-Man was swinging through the city, keeping an eye out for danger and pcriminials. He couldn't help but get the feeling that something was about to happen. It wasn't even his Spidey-Sense, but just something else.
She nodded, but her face had taken a really ugly quality to it, and she spoke,"Do we know who specifically put the bounty out on him? If the bounty is that high, there may yet be a player we don't know about, and a wealthy one at that... If we know who it is, I want to be able to take him or her out. If the issuer is dead, the bounty dies as well, won't it?" She hugged him back, though she wanted to take out the issuer as fast as possible. That way more than just Spider Man would be safe. Maybe she could turn an event like this to her advantage, and upgrade Peter's suit. She had no doubt he could do it himself, but he didn't have much money. While she on the other hand, did.
"Nope, nothing is known about them. And it doesn't look the Kingpin has done it," Carlos nodded as he looked over the information present before he hugged her and kissed her forehead. "I am sure that Spider-Man will be able to handle ti and with this rush in the underworld, it will allow us to gather more information and make plans to strike," he explained to her as he let his servant ago. He hugged Clary tighter to help comfort her.

"You shoudl probably contact him as soon as you can though," Carlos advised her.
"I do not like this lack of information. Knowledge is power." she spoke. His nice words and hug and kissing of her forehead did little to comfort her. She grabbed her phone off the table, the 'secret' one, the one that had encryption software and all sorts of security features, and immediately dialed Peter's number, and immediately started speaking,"It is Ice Queen. Do not ask how I came about this information, for I will not tell you. Take extra caution when going out and about, there has been a one million dollar bounty placed on your head. Go underground if necessary. I will take over your duties."
Carlos saw Clary contact Spider-Man before he went over and hugged her when she finished. "Clary, look at me," he said with a tenderness. "It will be okay. You know that you can count on me on being able to help you no matter what," he said to her with a warm smile before he kissed her forehead once more.

Spider-Man had stopped ona rooftop before he noticed the phone ringing and he picked up. He became alaert when he heard Clary's worried tone and her usage of the code name. "Wait what?" he said before his spider-sense aerted him to dodge.

"I'm gonna have to call you back," Spider-Man said as he saw there were some armed thugs. He looked at them with an unimpressed expression. "Really guys... really?" he said to them before he headed at them and Spider-Man began taking on the would-be bounty hunters. Considering everything he faced, he wondered how many of them would realize this probably wasn't worth it.

However, there were a few figures who kept an eye on him.
Oh, Carlos just had such a way to calm her and soothe her worries. Wonderful man, lovely husband. She smiled, and spoke,"In that case, dear, I want to shadow him... And maybe we can interrogate any bounty hunters we defeat for information."
"Indeed. Furthermore, this will flush out any competitors and allow us to establish a power hold into the underworld," Carlos told her as he snuggled up to her. "Shall we get going now... or should we have some fun first?" Carlos smirked as he couldn't help but grab her butt.

Spider-Man had webbed up the last of the bounty hunters. "Well, that was easy," he said before his spidey-sense had him dodge an explosive and he turned to see something surprising. There was a guy in a suit of armor who was flying. It reminded him of a beetle with the thick shell, the aritfical wings and the boosters. He looked pretty armed.

"Who are you? A fellow bug here?" Spidey quipped. "I'm the Beetle," he said simply before he proceeded to fly and rammed Spidey, causing the Spider-Man to hang on to the armored man. This was certainly new, he thought to himself.
"It will establish that we are not to be trifled with indeed. Let us go now... We can reward ourselves with... Fun later." she replied, smirking as he grabbed her ass. She got out of the bed, and quickly cleaned up and hydrated, she knew she'd need the extra juice. She quickly put on her day suit, and was ready to go. She was ready to do some damage.
Carlos just smirked back at her before he showred and got suited up before he went over to kiss her. When they went out, he was in the shadows and following Clary as she would do patrol. She would find plenty of webbed bounty hunters and such.

"We should interrogate them as well as get as much information about this as we can. Perhaps we could use this to spread our control over the city," Carlos told Clary as he wondered how they would begin influencing the city and the people and the such.

Meanwhile, Peter has been fighting the Beetle. While he reminded Peter of the Beetle, his armor also provided him with extra strength and defense, making it a pretty difficult fight for Peter. "Don't think so," Peter said as he webbed up the flying beetle and used the momentum to fling him to the wall, but he came up to continue and so Peter kept swinging further and further away from where CLary and Carlos were, getting to lower ground.
She smiled as he kissed her as they headed out. When they got deeper into the city, she saw lots of webbed up criminals/bounty hunters. Good. People to interrogate. She had a really wicked smile, the sort of smile that told a person that the smiler was going to cause a lot of trouble for good reasons. She got up to the closest ones, and touched the tips of her fingers to the man's palms, and shot her power through his hands. The intended effect was to slowly and painfully freeze him. The resulting pain would make him talk. If he didn't give an answer she liked, she speed up the freezing process. She spoke,"Tell me now... How did you come about the knowledge of a bounty on Spider Man?"
The bounty hunter shouted and grunted in pain at being chilled. When Ice Queen asked him about where he found the information on the bounty of Spider-Man, he talked. He told about some of the areas controlled by local gangs and how a mysterious stranger hacked into the special websites that gang leaders or such visist or the emails they would get in looking for the Spider-Man.

"And what of the Kingpin?" Black Tarantula asked another. Unlike the other, he didn't need to coercion; Carlos' sheer force of presence was enough to make him talk. The Kingpin wasn't the person who was looking for the bounty of Spider-Man.

Peter had been battling the Beetle for a while now, trying to drain his battery for find a weak point as the guy wouldn't let him web up the wings.
His shouts and grunts of pain were delicious to her ears, that meant she was going to get things her way. She was glad she got her information, she left the freeze on him any way. It would not kill him, it would hurt him very badly. Maybe make him see sense that this life wasn't worth the pain and suffering she got. And she moved onto the next bounty hunter that was webbed, repeating the same process, asking the same questions, throwing in questions about Kingpin, Big man, all sorts of high up bad guys.
Carlos looked a bit at what Claru was doing and he had to draw her back as he looked at her. "Ice Queen, enough. We need not cause more extortion than is needed," Carlos explained to her. The criminals though began getting afraid of them and they got a fear of these people... of her. While Spider-Man may have quipped and was annoying, he would still save their lives and let them live. She though... she had no such mercies...

The answers they have about th Big Man and such, they didn't know. He was still growing and it was clear that these guys didn't know anything. "They don't know anything. We better keep moving," Black Tarantula told Ice Queen. One of he bounty hunters freed the others and realized they needed protection... maybe... maybe the Kingpin could help them. After the events and fall of Manfredi, Tombstone, Doc Ock and even the Green Goblin, few had faith in the big mob bosses, but with these sort of freaks, they needed the support.

Spider-Man webbed up and took down the Beetle. "Why are you doing this?" Spider-Man asked him. "Needed the money. I don't make alot with what I have and I ehard about the bounty on yous," Abner explained to him. Spidey sighed before he took a pause. He looked back at some of the villains he fought and how they could've done alot with their gifts and such. He didn't do much t try and convince to get out of the path, with the only redemption he felt was that of Sandman. He sighed.

"Look, this armor is pretty cool and impressive. So I'll let you talk to the police and not let you arrested. Maybe you can go to Oscorp or something," Peter said before he led Beetle to the police who gathered to investigate the commotion.
Clary was mildly disappointed as Carlos pulled her back, but she was more disappointed in the fact that they didn't get the answers that they needed. Even so, she accomplished her secondary goal. She knew they'd talk to each other, get the word out that the Ice Queen was not to be messed with, that she was to be feared. She spoke,"Disappointing. Not the answers I wanted. I know there will be more bounty hunters tomorrow and so on. I will collect every facet of the truth."
The police were coming to investigate the commotion regarding the bounty hunters so Carlos grabbed Clary and took them to the roof so they could hide it out while the police were there. "I don't think the police would like it if they saw you wailing on them," he advised her. "We should continue the patrol though," he added while they went to look.

Besides more webbed up bounty hunters, they didn't find much and the duo were unaware of Spider-Man's entanglement with the Beetle. "Well, doesn't look like anyone knows of the bounty, but I did get something about the new Big Man... that he didn't put it on me, but there is someone that he might send," Peter noted to himself before he went off to look voer the city before seeing that Aunt May would be expecting him for lunch soon.

"Furthermore, we need to be careful. It will be difficult in becoming the Big Man if the underworld refuses to work with you," Carlos notes to her.
Clary was glad they went to the roof, there was just something marvelous about heights that she liked. She made a face under the mask, but he had a point. More patrolling and investigating continued, and no more real information was gleaned. She spoke,"I do believe that, but I also believe in not showing mercy to those who don't deserve it." A memory flashed behind her mind's eye, she was remembering the massacre at the Institute.
Carlos went and hugged Clary in order to help her relax on everything. "It'll be okay, mi amor," Carlos told her before he slipped part of the mask off so he could kiss her forehead. "However, most of these bounty hunters seem to be motivated by greed and desperation more than anything else," Carlos figured out before they came across another. He just looked at him and glared.

"Any reason why the Big Man hasn't sent anyone after the Spider-Man?" he asked. "I'm just a spotter... keeping track. The Big Man says he has someone special for him... he's as good as dead," the mook said in a neutral tone, though the last one sounded a bit frightened.

Whatever the case was, night has fallen and Spidey had been doing his nightly run over looking the city. "Not alot on these bounty hunters. Outside of the Beetle," SPidey noted. Nothing unsual happened, but the Beetle did discover that his schematics were stolen. He still submtited what he had to OsCorp and it was all fine and good, though Spidey wondered who did steal the armor.
Clary was very high on adrenaline right now, still high on it even as Carlos hugged her and kissed her forehead. It was an addicting feeling, the feeling that you could do anything. She scowled at the new bounty hunter's answer, and she managed to restrain herself from torturing the man. She spoke,"Do tell us who this 'special' person is... And what he or she can do."
"Why the hell do you people assume they would tell us this anyway?" The bounty hunter said suddenly and annoyed. "We just do a job for ths because it's the only thing we can do. We need to eat and sleep too and it's not like any places are hiring or such," he said. He was tired, drained and didn't want to be hurt any more.

Carlos did once mroe began thinking what was it that led people to become criminals and so on.

During the night, Spidey found himself in Hell's Kitchen and was only gonna spent a moment swining there before his spidey sense was tingling and he didged sometbing thrown at him.

"Quick moving, kid. But... I don't miss," the voice said as Spidey faced the person.

"Okay, you must be the last bounty hunter. WHo are you?" he asked wit arms crossed.

"Call me Deadshot," he said as Spidey began swinging away from the dead accurate assassin.
Clary sighed underneath her mask. So many places were hiring, but people just gave up and or didn't know where to look. Poor bastards. She slowly spoke,"There is a Starbucks near Central Park that is hiring for all positions and for all shifts with potential to advance. It's a steady paycheck and you don't have to worry about people like me and him busting your ass." She wasn't joking. She would have kept this little piece to herself, but at the same time, there was so much desperation... Then she continued,"Spread the word to all the other unemployed bounty hunters. You probably won't be able to use your specific skill sets, but there is a lot of small jobs out there that need to be done. Baking. Stacking shelves. Customer service. Sandwich making. There are plenty of jobs out now since plenty have let go of their seasonal workers, and now they need more steady workers now. Don't give up hope."
"With our record? That's pretty hard. And you know how much it takes to actually buy a place here without having to resort. Some of us do it because it's all we do," the guy said before Carlos lowered down to them.

"Then work for us," Carlos said to them. "Unlike thos elike Tombstone or Doctor Octopus, we are fair and protective of our employees and we are larger than either of them. As for legality, do not worry. You will be protected from the law," he said before he waited for his servants. "You will have rules to follow and a guideline, but with loyalty comes protection, security and opportunity," he said to them with a powerful charisma.

"Isn't that true, Ice QUeen?" he asked her, hinting that there is a third option.

"This is bad. Really bad," Spidey said as he had to mvoe constantly and quickly to avoid the deadly accurate projectiles and such and he kept trying to web and disorient the assassin, but Bullseye was determined.
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