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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

Clary had grown up relatively wealthy, even before meeting Carlos, and even then, highly sheltered, not really understanding the struggles the poor went through. She spoke,"It is very true. We can offer you the most important things of all. Hope. Dreams. A chance. With what you earn, do what all people do when they reach a certain age and are bored. Go back to school, finish the degree you never got a chance to, or earn a new one. It is illegal for colleges to not accept you because of your past. They may scrutinize more, but they cannot outright turn you away." A blade of ice formed in her hand, and she cut him out of the webbing. This was gentle Clary. Kind, gentle, understanding. The motherly sort.
The bounty hunters looked at them, surprised before looking at Carlos. "Like past men, I am looking to become the Big Man, but my plans far exceed those of the others and are far more long term than others. We hae a long road ahead, but success will be in our grasp," Black Tarantula said to them.

He smiled at them and there were hands being offered by the servtants. They all took them and they were given food and such as they were transported to the place. "I hope Spider-Man is okay," Carlos whispered to Clary.

Peter was trapped, cornered and injured, glaring down at the Bullseye. "Game over, Spider-Man. The Kingpin sends his regards," he says before something goes over and trips him up fom behind. A figured in red tossed him out and Peter took the opportunity to web him onto the wall.

"Are you okay, Spider-Man?" the figure in red said as Peter leaned into the wall. He was bleeding and injured. "Who ar eyou?" he asked the figure inr ed as he was gonna collapse form exhaustion.

"I am Daredevil."
There it was. Clary could see hope and warmth in their faces again. It was like watching a seed bloom into a flower very quickly. She liked watching those videos on YouTube. She spoke,"I hope so too dear. I'll contact him later to see if he is alright... And heal minor injuries if I must."
Carlos and Clary went up into the night before he took her back home along with the load of brand-new recruits. Carlos smiled, as the Black Tarantula has now gotten a large foothold into the criminal underworld byt recruiting all of these people.

"We have made our empire larger," Black Tarantula tells her with a smile as he takes Ice Queen back to their room and he went to kiss her.

Peter woke up and found himself without his mask on a plain bed. He sat up and saw his wounds were patched. He looked around and panicked before he grutned in pain ebfore he saw Daredevil.

"Relax, Peter. Your secret is okay with me," Daredevil told him. Peter took a breath. Daredevil removed his mask. "Mr Murdock?!" Peter said surprised.
"I think I may start rounds later this week, and recruit the sad and the homeless youth. I like the homeless because they see and hear everything, yet, nobody thinks of them." she replied as they made their way to their room. She happily kissed him, she was in a good mood again. She hoped Peter was doing well. It would be a difficult time doing damage control.
"Indeed, although our long-term plan should be lower homelessness and runaways," Carlos responded to her as he kissed her forehead. "We have managed to expand our empire and soon we will have the names of Black Tarantula and Ice Queen become known across here and later the world," Carlos says with a confident smile as he switches into his sleepwear.


"So you're the Daredevil?" Peter said as he was lying back down and in thought over everything. He wanted to ask him more about everything, but he was still distracted by everything that happened. "Who was that guy?" he asked.

"His name is Bullseye, one of the most dangerous marksman and assassins in the world. He only works for one man primarily... Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin," Matt Murdock told him. Peter sighed in what seemed like more annoyance. "Yup, Harry was right. Do all Big Men or mobsters use the philantrophist angle? Well it does work," he noted.
She smiled at Carlos, her beloved had everything figured out. She took off her uniform, also getting into sleepwear. She spoke,"Ah, I can't wait to expand more aggressively!"
Carlos kissed Clary in the neck before he dove in the neck. He was feeling dominant. "You were being a bad girl. Looks like I may need to teach you a lesson," Carlos told her with a dominating and confident smile as his hand went udner her panties and began to tease her before he gave her a lvoe btie on the neck.


Peter was drivne back home, his brusies described as an accident and Aunt May invited Matt Murdock home, grateful that this kind stanger helped her nephew. Peter decided that he would talk to him about everything later, probably with Harry tomorrow when discussing the lawsuit issues as well.
She smiled as he kissed her neck. Oh, she couldn't wait till they were ready for children. If sex was this good right now, she couldn't wait till later. She smirked, and slyly replied,"And I always love your lessons!" She moaned as he began to tease her under her panties, he knew all the things that would make her squeal.
Carlos smirked at her before he licked her neck. He got her on all fours befor ehe removed her shirt, where she was wearing no bra to hide her round perky breasts. He went and began to squeeze one while using his other hand to keep finger her pussy and teasing her. "Ae you a bad girl who needs to be punished?" he teased her.
She sighed in delight, feeling so happy to have him lick her neck. Her excitement was growing as he got her on all fours, but before that, he removed her night shirt. She felt so much pleasure as he began to fondle her breasts and finger her pussy. She giggled,"I don't think I'm bad! But you think I'm bad so I must be bad!"
Carlos smirked at her before he smacked her ass teasingly while he kept fingering her. "You're a bad little girl and you need to be punished. You need to beg for your sex like a good little girl," he says as he was going teasingly slow.

He had removed her panties, leaving her in the nude so he could better finger. He pinched her niple before he gave her another love bite.
She groaned in delight as he kept fingering her. She was getting hot very quickly, as well as very wet. She groaned as he began to go slow, slowness drove her nuts as he properly made her naked. All the foreplay of nipple pinching and love biting was really driving her crazy. She groaned,"I need you to fuck me! I need you to fuck me! Please fuck me!"
Carlos savored in bow he was getting the very powerful woman that was his future wife to purr and meowl like an obedient little kitten, how she was putty in his hand. He noticed that she was getting very wet. "Don't forget the magic word," Carlos couldn't help but tease as he pinched her clit while he squeezed her breasts.

"You're a good girl who wants ehr cock, right?" he said, savoring the teasing while also stripping his udnerwear off, leaving him in the mood. "Just beg your king and it'll be yours," he whispered hotly in her ear as he was now grinding his erect cock on her pussy.
Clary giggled,"Please, I need you to fuck me! I want your cock please!" Sex was always awesome, but there was something awesome about post battle sex that was much more awesome. God bless adrenaline.
Carlos smiled and went voer to give her a love bite before he savored the adrenaline from battle and the fact that he was having her beg like a good little horny girl. His hard cock went inside of her wet pussy and he groaned in pleasure, savoring the union between the two. It was familair and comforting yet always wonderful and wild. He was moving slowly and teasingly while he leaned down and he pinched her nipples to further arouse her.
Clary sighed in relief as he finally entered her, whenever he teased her it drove her nuts. Her nipples were very hard, as he pinched them, it felt like they grew even harder, if that was even possible.
Carlos smirked as he began picking up the pace on going doggy-style with his beloved ice queen. "Its funny. You are probably one of the most powerful mutants in the world yet I have you around my finger... but that arosues you doesn't it?" Carlos teases her as he pinched her nipples some mroe before going in for a love bite.
God damn, doggy style was wonderful! She purred,"Very hot. Before I left the Institute, I was classified as an Omega level mutant." Omegas were the most powerful in their genetic potential. Omegas were rare, but often bred more omega level children.
"And now you're a powerful queen yet happily wiggling your ass for me to fuck and dominate you. Maybe I should get a collar and leash," Carlos joked at her as he was massaging and caressing her breasts while he was going faster and harder, his body covered in sweat and hers was as well. Her ice was no match for his fiery passion.
She was groaning and giggling in pleasure as he kept fondling and fucking her. She was so happy that they both had such high sex drives. She spoke,"Ungh so good!"
"Is that a yes?" Carlos teased her as he squeezed her breasts and was going faster. He was urious to see what much more Clar was interested in doing, just how much of a sub she was. He turned over to kiss her neck. He pinched her nipples once more.
"Maaaaybe!" she replied, giggling as he began banging her faster, she was so clearly enjoying this treatment. She was smiling, she wondered what else Carlos wanted to do.
Carlos went faster, wondering what else he could do arouse and tease Clary, savoring that she was wrapped around his finger. "Such a naughty girl," Carlos said as he was going even faster and ahrder before he was slapping her ass lightly.

"What else do you want me to do to you?" Carlos said as he watching ideas for what he could do with Clary as he was goign to cum soon.
Clary smiled, and spoke,"Well, I wonder how many positions you are willing to... Try." She wasn't sure what else she wanted, other than for this to last for a long time!
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