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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

Carlos smiled back at her as he slapped her ass again. "Well, as long as I get to enjoy making you squeal and shout," he said with a seductive tone as he was going faster. "You're my queen. Mine to lvoe and fuck in how I love and I know you love that too," he whispered before he came hard insdie of her and pinching her nipples at the same time.
She had a really happy look on her face as he came inside of her, and she spoke,"Then let us try as many different positions as we can!" She wanted to see how long they could last before they both collapsed from exhaustion.
Carlos smiled at her, savoring that he was able to cum inside of Clary, filling her up nicely. He was filled with pletny of energy. He changed positions from doggy style so she was lying on ehr back before he stood on his knees and held onto her hips before he began going at a rougher pace, clencing on her butt as he looked down on ehr with smile as his sweat began falling on her.
She laughed in delight as they switched positions, missionary she was sure this one was called, she loved this one! She groaned and moaned in delight, showing how much she was enjoying this night. How she was enjoying their sweat.
With her being under him, he was able to go faster in fucking her, savoring to pinch her nipples or slap her butt. Carlos was looking at Clary in the eyes with a wild expression. "Tell me who you belong to," he lovingly said to Clary as he kept dominating her. His fingers trailed to the tattoos, signifing their spiritual marriage and the fact she belonged to him.
"I belong to you and you only!" Clary replied, groaning in delight as he went faster and harder in dominating her. She was so, so happy. SHe had such a happy look on her face... She just came.
Carlos smirked as she cried out that she was his. When she came with that happy look in her face, he came inside of her once more before he pulled out and came on her. He was breathing heavily before he picked her up bridal-style.

"We should go shower and rest for tomorrow," Carlos told her with a smile.
She smiled as the cum just kept... Coming. She moaned in delight as he came in her, pulled out, then came some more on her. She spoke, breathing heavy,"Sounds good!" She was evidently happy.
Carlos took Clary with him in the shower, savoring the lovely warm water on them. He kissed her neck while savoring it all. "You're my sexy ice queen," he whispered in her ear.

"Tomorrow we have a good day ahead of us," he told her while in the shower.
Clary smiled as they showered, the water re energized her. She smiled, and replied,"You are my sexy, glorious King. And I look forwards to the days ahead of us."
Carlos took Clary into bed when they finished showering and drying, savoring his nude body with hers as he kissed her neck.

The following days were filled with Spider-Man getting to know Daredevil and helping him, especially as they helped prepared a case with Harry and him as Matt Murdock. However, he also couldn't help get a bit anxious.

Spider-Man found a note... It said to meet him in the abandoned part of the city. It was from Black Tarnatula, which he didn't know.

"Dear," Carlos told Clary that morning.

"I'm going to challenge Spider-Man to a duel."
Clary was smiling as they finished cleaning themselves and went to sleep. The next few days were filled with her between alternating between training and patrolling and recruiting. One day, Carlos told her he would be challenging Spider Man. She found her right eyebrow twitching, and she spoke,"Is this just to show who has more physical prowess...?" Though she did think Peter could use some bulking up.
"No, this is to test his physical prowess on a more equal level. Most of his fighting style relies of him David and his opponent being Goliath. However, there is also a need for him to fight those in more of his weight-class and those who actually have fighting skills," Carlos explained to her before he suited up and went off.

It would be one intense night.

Black Tarantula proceeded to go and wait for Spider-Man. Spider-Man went and sawe Black Tarantula.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Spider-Man said. Black Tarantula said nothing before he dove right into a kick and Spidey dodged before he dodged a kick and threw him. Spidey saw that he was going to be for a long and rough fight.
She smirked, concealing an eye roll. Time for some more training. So far, she was able to make ice encase parts of her body, it made for a much harder and more painful punch for the recipient, but that wasn't enough. No, she needed to be the ice, to be the best. She knew she had been able to do it before, she didn't understand why she was having so much trouble trying to recreate what she had been doing before.
While Clary was training and honing her powers, Black Tarantula was doing an intense battle with Spider-Man. He was stronger, fastwr and more flexible than Spider-Man was. However, Spider-Man still had his Spidey sense and the competitive edge over him in terms of home field and such.

Spider-Man was thrown in the wall and weabbed Black Tarantula before he threw him into another area. He was breathing heavily, having to be on the move. He dealt with tanky foes and such, but thiswas different. It was worse than having to fight Venom.

"Ain't giving up. Good move," Black Tarantula as the fight continued.
Clary was sweating as much as she was drinking water. She was getting stronger, more durable. The ice was getting much harder to shatter, could take hits from very fast and heavy projectiles before breaking. She of course did not want to get shot at with armor piercing rounds, or shot at period, but she wanted to know she had that durability with her powers. Her healing factor had gotten far more powerful. She stopped short of cutting actual big limbs off, but regeneration was much faster now.
The fight was brutal and despite his best efforts, Peter soundly got defeated as he was sent into a wall. He struggled to get up, but couldn't. Black Tarantula was panting, having got his fair bit of bruises himself. He was holding back, but he realized so was Peter. Unlike him though, Peter was doing so subconsciously. Furthermore, Peter was still growing and Carlos figured that Peter would grow even stronger once he was fully an adult.

Had Black Tarantula been a criminal, he knew the fight would've kept going on as Peters objective would've been different.

"I win this round, Spider-Man. And I win because I trained. You fight with heart, but you lack the skill. Your ability to adapt is admirable and this has been the best fight I've had in a long while, but you need to get better, not just for you, but for the people you save," he said before he went off.

When he arrived back to Clary, he was tired yet he looked like he had fun.
Clary raised her eyebrows as she was still training when Carlos came home. She spoke,"I sorely hope you didn't injure him to the point where he needs intensive medical care." Her hands and feet right now were covered with solid ice, and it looked like she had murdered many punching bags and dummies. She looked very exhausted, but willing to go on and work some more. While her body was still very curvy, it was quite obvious she had gained weight from getting more muscle.
Carlos removed his mask and smirked. He still managed to her up bridal-style before he kissed her neck. "Today was an intensive day for both of us, so let's relax with a nice long shower," he told her with a smirk.


Peter meanwhile was limping back before he was found by Daredevil. He gave a breif explanation of what happened. "Well, I do not know what to say about this especially about this Black Tarantula figure, but he does have a point about the training," he said. Peter sighed annoyingly. "Why do my foes sometimes have to be right about these things?" he said, looking back when he first fought Shocker.
She was smiling as he picked her up bridal style. She made the ice disappear, and she spoke,"Yes, lets!" TOmorrow, she hoped, she'd be able to get more than just her hands and feet covered with ice.
Carlos stripped himself and revealed an imrpessive amount of wounds and brusies from his battle with Spider-Man before he helped Clary stripped, holding her nude body while he let the warm water shower down on them.

"How do you feel?" he asks her.


Matt helped patch up Peter to make sure it was all right and he could at least hide his bruises for now. Peter sighed before he looked to Matt. matt smirked.

"Don't worry Peter. I will help train you in official hand-to-combat. You show alot of promise and determination," he said with a smile.
She whistled when she saw the beating Spider Man had given Carlos during the fight as he helped her strip. As he held her, she ran her fingers through his glorious hair, and she spoke,"I feel good. Better than you obviously do, love." It amazed her how far it had all come. From her first meeting of her beloved by showing no physical mercy to him in school to much loving now.
Carlos smiled at her before while he was in the shower, he squeezed her rbeasts and began to finger her. "Well, we're both about to feel a bit better, love. And I know you're a good girlm which is why you're rewarded," he said huskily, almost in a dominant tone.
She was quite physically tense, feeling very soothed as Carlos began to fondle her breasts and finger her. Bless him, he always managed to make her feel good. She purred,"I love it when I am rewarded by you!"
Carlos smirked as he inserted two fingers inside of Clary, savoing her moaning and how she melted into his arms while he would caress her body. "Does my queen like it when I tease her? Tempt her?" he whispered in her ear as he grinded his cock against her butt.
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