The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

The ship was a massive one, filled with different levles and armed guards. From one side near the front, Carlos would Clary in to investigate. The Purple Man was leading in with Jessica behind along with his goons.

From another level and another side, Spider-Man, Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Daredevil came in.

"We need to get Jessica out of here," Luke said. "Agreed. Her strength and power would make it hard to fight her," Iron Fist noted. Spider-Man paused as he was thinking. "You got an idea, Spider-Man?" Daredevil asked.

"We need to create a distraction. Iron Fist, you and Luke should be the ones to rescue Jessica. I don't know much about your powers though Daredevil says you're strong and tough, so you should be able to handle it while also breaking her out," Spidey noted.

"And you?" Luke asked him, approving the plan so he could rescue the woman that caught his heart.

"Daredevil and I are gonna check out what the meeting is and he see who is meeting the Purple Man," he told them.


"We need to figure out how to lure the woman away from the Purple Man. Are you sure you're up to this?" Carlos asked Clary.
Clary spoke,"Of course I can do this. My source of strength and power is all around me." She formed some snow balls in her hands, but they looked shiny, like they were more ice than snow. She did the math, she could throw relatively hard and fast. Getting baseball sized hunks of ice chucked in your face and actually landing there would definitely get one's attention. The water was all around her because they were in a harbor. The way she saw it, she was near invincible here... No, she shouldn't think like that. Thoughts like that got people seriously hurt.
Carlos kissed Clary once and began going out trying to subtly take out the guards in the shadows. This got the attention of some of the guards and such. Purple Man heard the commotion and mentioned for Jewel to go after them.

When Clary would move, she would see the contolled Jewel heading toward her. Consider one punch just dented a large steel container, Clary should be wary of getting hit.


"Looks like we're not the only ones on the ship," Spidey ntoed, but before he and his comrades could move, they saw the person arrive. He looked like a weird photonegative man with some hooded guards.

"That mark... they're from The Hand," Daredevil noted to them, becoming serious.
Clary happily kissed Carlos back, and saw Jewel coming inbound towards her. Then she mercilessly began launching her volley of ice balls at her. And began freezing the floor where Jewel walked, making it extra slippery. Clary could walk just fine on ice and snow, but anybody else unless they were very balanced, would likely end up face planting. Clary knew this would be a very difficult challenge, and she welcomed it. She had to challenge the best to be the best. Then Clary began to move backwards. She knew she wasn't going to get pinned down, but she wanted Jewel away from her boss.
The ice balls merely glanced off of Jewel and regarding the ice, she responded by beginning to fly before chasing after Clary in quite a fast speed before ramming into her. Her eyes were blank and working like nothing but a weapon.

She began attempting to punch Clary, with a potential direct hit possibly cracking or breaking her bones should they connect.


"Looks like we aren't alone," Spidey noted when he ehard the commotion and saw Jewel was gone.

"Okay then, Iron FIst and I'll cause a commotion so we can save Jessica while you try and disable the Purple Man," Luke Cage said before he and Iron Fist went off and began tearing up the boat along with the different boats to get Purple Man's attention. SPidey and Daredevil remained hidden for now.
She was pleased she had gotten Jewel's attention. But damn, she had momentarily forgotten about Jewel's ability to fly. Icing up the ground would do her no good. The ram hurt like a bitch, but she felt the bruises heal away nearly instantly. When the first fist flew towards her, she concentrated super hard, and turned into flying snow, so the fist flew right through her. She saw hesitation, confusion, so Clary pressed her advantage. She reformed several feet behind Jewel. She then started blasting ice at Jewel with one hand, aiming to freeze her, to subdue her. She herself needed to jump into water soon. Turning into snow exhausted her. It was so much easier when she was a little girl... She could literally do everything and anything without breaking a sweat. She used the other hand to start freezing up the water surrounding the boat, or at least the areas she could see, to make it harder for the boat to escape.
Jewel blasted out of the ice as quickly as a key could blast her and went over to kick Clary hard into the wall of the room, leaving a bit of a dent in the wall. Before she could try and crush Clary, Luke Cage smashed through the wall and tackled her, with Iron Fist following and giving Clary the chance to escape.

Carlos then contacted her to meet up with him because the Purple Man began trying to get it of the ship and they needed to catch up with them.
Clary was surprised that Jewel made it so quickly out of the ice. She was quickly kicked into the wall, and that hurt like a son of a bitch. Bruising at bare minimum. Internal bleeding expected. Clary struggled to get up, but thankfully her bacon was saved by some heroes she didn't know. She made her escape, and dove into the lovely healing water, and the pain that she was feeling instantly subsided. She honestly expected to have healed up already from the kick, but then again, she had used up so much energy turning into snow. After some time in the water, she was contacted by Carlos to assist in stopping Purple Man from escaping. She felt so alive now, more than when she left the house. She arose from the water, and got where she needed to be, ice powers strong as ever.
"They're from the Hand..." Daredevil commented before WSpidey narrowed his own eyes. "And that's Mr. Negative," Spidey commented. He didn't like him at all regarding his rogues' gallery, especially how he could invert people. Though the association with this Hand group doesn't make sense...

"We better go after them," Spidey told Daredevil.


Carlos embced Clary and gave her a quick kiss, relieved she was all right before tracking the Purple Man, who managed to get some guards to begin shooting at them. He was trying to do something.
Clary happily kissed Carlos back, though she was most displeased at being shot at. It was time time slowed down for her, or maybe it sped up? She formed blades with the ice, and began swatting away the bullets, and to her delight, the blades didn't crack. She was improving a great deal. But practice did wonders!
Carlos began to dodge the gunfire as he was going over to fight and beat up the shooters before the Purple Man was tyring to regain their breath and wondering what to do. However, he smirked when he saw the ice girl. He could use a new toy to do his bidding.

He grabbed Clary and he activated his mind control pheromones, getting her to stop fighting.
Clary was getting really good at deflecting the bullets, made her think of Jedi deflecting blaster fire from Star Wars. She got so caught up in deflecting the bullets, she didn't notice Purple Man behind her. She immediately noticed when she was grabbed... And immediately breathed in the pheromones, the very stuff that the mask was designed to protect her against... She stopped fighting...
Carlos was too busy fighting off more and more guards to learn what was happening, and then he became further annoyed when some competant martial artists appeared.

Purple Man was lucky, having grabbed her face. His pheronmones could be sniffed or absorbed through the skin and by grabbing her mask, he able to influence. He took a moment to breath before he gently slipped it off of her and smiled.

"Tell me your name, beautiful. After you do, be a good girl and attack him," Purple Man said with a sinister smirk as he pointed at Carlos.
Clary felt her mask come off her face, and she felt like she didn't mind, even though it provided serious head protection for her. Some small part in her mind said that this was wrong, but that little part was extremely easy to ignore. She spoke,"My name is Clary..." She had an exceptionally blank look on her face and glassy looking eyes, like Jewel did, the tell tale marker that one had been taken over by Purple Man. She formed two massive shuriken, one in each hand, and threw them at Carlos. For some odd reason, when ever she formed large weapons, they always made lots of noise.
The Purple Man smirked at her, seeing that he now had a second super-powered woman under his control. Of course, he had no idea where Jewel was so he just kept commanding Clary to attack Carlos, but he ketp launching bodies through throws all around, including two that got smacked with the shrukiens of ice.

"Keep attacking!" Mr. Negative commanded as the ninjas of the Hand kept coming at them and getting butts kicked by Spider-Man and Daredevil.
Clary just kept attacking, she didn't want to, but her body was moving against her own will, she just kept throwing weapon after weapon after weapon.
Carlos dodged the weapons reflexiably and realized what had happened. He grabbed onto Clary, trying to undo her brainwashing of the phreomones while avoid being shot at by the Purple Man's goons.

The Purple Man was keeping a fair bit distance,unsure of what was going on.
Carlos managed to hit the right pressure point and undo the brainwashing... namely by having her throw-up and inducing her vertigo. He held her while she puked and got back her sense of self.

"You will pay for this," Carlos said to the Purple Man before his eyes glowed.

"what are ya gonna do, big guy? I can rgenerate," the Purple Man said with a sneer before Carlos shot the eye beams at the Purple Man, wounding him condiersably and sending him flying to the wall.
Clary suddenly felt tired and very ill all at once, and as expected, threw up. How embarrassing, but she was very glad Carlos was holding her up to prevent her from sliding. Her head felt funny, but at least the brain washing was gone now.... And she watched Carlos severely wound Purple Man with the eye beams. She wiped away her mouth, and she was quite angry. She put her mask back on, and got ready to attack again.
Carlos was holding onto his beloved while she was recovering from throwing up/ The Purple Man pushed themselves off the wall, smoking. Instead of regenerating, chips of black were coming off of him, his regenerative capaibilites temporarily stunned due to the lasers leaving some serious burns.

"You cannot defeat me... I can regenerate any wound," he tried to snark at her.


Meanwhile, Spider-Man and Daredevil had fought off the martial artists of the hand before Peter webbed up Mr. Negative. "Who sent you?" he asked Mr. Negative. "What is the Hand's involvement here?" Daredevil questioned him. "Are you trying to claim the title of Big Man?" he asked him before Mr. Negative spat at them and tore the webbing, only for an annoyed Spidey to toss him to the wall and knocking him out.
Clary righted herself, and she spoke,"That sounds like a challenge to me. I will more than happily test that theory." An ice blade formed in her right hand, and she walked right up to him, and stabbed him, the blade going cleanly through his front, piercing his heart, and going backwards. Movies made it look easy to stab and gut people, but it really wasn't. A considerable amount of force went through it. Where the blade went through, a considerable amount of ice formed around the stab area. Then she made the blade form spikes, causing maximum damage as she twisted the blade, forming even more ice around the wound. She wanted to make sure he died, and she spoke, turning her gaze to her dearest,"So what will we do with the body?"
The Purple Man was holding to her hand as he feeling her trying to shred his wound. He was bleeding, but he recovered from worst than this. "You still got problems," he spat at her before the men kept firing back at her.

"I think you need to come up with an alternate method," Black Tarantula told her before whispering in her ear to drown him and then poking a hole through him, to make it seem he got hit my a stray bullet.
"Oh, I know that I have problems. I just want to see if you bleed red or purple." she replied, sounding very sweet. Her eyes lit up when he darling whispered into her ear to drown him and then to make it look like he got shot. She then got a good hold onto Purple Man, and dunked him into the water. Oh, he fought something hard, he was fighting a good fight. But her hands were holding him down in the water, and as long as she had contact with water, even if she didn't drink it, it was giving her strength and power... And while she was drowning him, she used her ice powers to form a small ice bullet and make it go through him to make it look like he got shot. Even after he stopped moving, she held him under for an extra five minutes to make sure he was gone.
THe Purple Man fought back when he was trying not to drown and he felt the bullet go through him. His regeneration meant shit when it came to his form of death. "We have to get going, or we're going to get caught," Carlos told Clary as he picked her up, noticing she looked a bit woozy, probably due to recovering from her brainwashing.

Carlos then left the ship, feeling satisified that he and her managed to disable any competition heading into their area.

Meanwhile, Luke and Iron FIst have managed to snap Jessica out of it while Spidey webbed Mr. Negative while Daredevil scouted around
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