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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

"I'm just letting you know. Apparently, there will be a delviery or something," Peter noted once more. "I gotta go," he said as he left. Meanwhile, Carlos looked to Clary. "So, apparently there is some activity going on in Alchemax," Carlos said to her before he got up and saw there was an appointment.

"Well, well... come along, my Ice Queen. It appears they have finally arrived. I have a surprise for you," he said to her.
"Don't hesitate to summon me if you need me. Thank you for the information." she replied, smiling when he hung up. She nodded when Carlos told her of this activity going on, and she spoke,"I know. A source just told me as much." She stretched some, and went along with her dearest, she had a delighted look on her face when he said he had a surprise for her.
Carlos took Clary to the bathroom so they could shower and clothe themselves for the arrival of their guests. When they finished, he grabbed her by the arm and went downstairs to their front door to meet their newly-arrived guests. Carlos introduced Clary to the arriving people. They were Carlos' sub-commanders from the various parts of Central and South America.

"They will be resting for a meeting tonight though one of our spies mentioned that there will be supplies heading to Alchemex. We need to go and retrieve this supplies and information," Carllos told Clary as they finished. His tone made it clear. They were gonna be stealing and may have to fight Spider-Man.
She loved showering with her beloved Carlos. Of course, who wouldn't want to shower with him? But soon enough, she was clean and dressed in what equated to business clothes. She spoke,"Sounds good." She developed a love for stealing, the thrill made her feel alive!
Carlos smiled seeing her smile. "I have corrupted you nicely into a powerful crime queen, haven't I?" Carlos said with his own roguish smile as he gropes her butt through her dress. "Let's get prepared to go and itnercept the supplies. Once we get the information, we will present it at the meeting," he tells her as he takes her to the room to get ready.

Meanwhile, Peter had been outfitting himself to investigate the suspicious truck to Alchemex. He had everything ready, including some first aid to deal with sudden temperature drop.

"I really hope I'm wrong here," he said to his reflection before masking himself and swinging to the building.
She loved that silly smile on his face, it promised so much mischief. It felt good to be groped by him, not that she needed the validation. She stroked his face, and she went along with him to the room. So many colors looked good on her! Beautiful as a flower but as deadly as a viper.
Carlos suited up and waited for Clary to get suited up. When they were bothr eady, they began heading out to Alchemex company. "I will stay in hiding; Spiderman is already there so approach him and talk as if everything is normal," Black Tarantula did that.

Spider-Man was looking around as he was looking over at the truck. It seemed like everything was normal, though the driver certianly looked a bit rough, not to mention the redunant path. It saw it go within the farthest space so it could not be seen normally. Spidey went over to see and was observing what was going on.
Clary was suited up in quick time, she wore her black one this time. She was fonder of this one than she was the day one. This mission promised her some excitement. She spoke,"Absolutely." She would indeed act as if all was normal.
Spider-Man was observing and keeping an eye on everything and he was looking around. He then spotted someone and it looked like Clary. Carlos disappeared into the shadows when Spider-Man came over to talk to Clary.

"What's up? It doesn't look like much, but it does look like that truck is suspicious," Spider-Man pointed out to her before he saw the thugs step out of the truck. "Let's go to work," he told ehr before he came out to go and web up a thug.

Carlos nodded quietly to Clary. SHe would help Spidey and then he would come out when they needed to check out the truck.
Clary smiled slightly when she saw Spider Man, things were going to be interesting. She spoke,"Not much is up." She nodded when he said the truck was suspicious and that it was time to go to work. She began her work of neutralizing the thugs. She would dearly love to do more than neutralize the bastards but she doubted Spider Man would like it too much, but oh well. What was one to do?
Spider-Man had finished webbing them up before he felt uneasy. His uneasiness grew when he saw Clary there, fighting. How different she had become. They've bene talking less and less over these past few weeks. His spidey-ense was tingling before he dodged a laser blast before facing. He saw it was Black Tarantula.

Spider-Man's lens narrowed before he attempted to web up Black Tarantula, unaware of Clary's affiliation with Carlos. "What do you want with this truck?" Peter asked him. "That's only for myself and my partner to know," Black Tarantula said as he tackled Spidey to fight against him.
She was more vicious in her fighting, more sure and powerful with her strikes, all thanks to more and better training. Not that she wasn't already a decent fighter before, but she had improved greatly since training with her beloved. She continued to fight, though she kept a close eye on Carlos as he began to square off with Peter. Oh, Peter was in for one hell of a beating.
"You are strong, but you lack discipline and strength and..." Black Tarantula began before he got web in his face and Spider-Man picked up and threw him into the wall. "I don't have time for this. How did you know I was here? What is going on?" A rather irate Spidey said to Black Tarantula.

"Well, ask my partner... speaking of, we gotta get going, we have a tight schedule and the cops are coming," Black Tarantula stated. He indicated to Clary that she needed to reveal her true alleigance.

"Who are you talking about?" Spider-Man said as he turned around... his Spidey-Sense was tingling, but he didn't know why.
Clary defeated her share of thugs, and she saw her beloved got webbed in the face. She did not move, but waited for further signaling and instruction, which she got. She spoke,"Leave him be Spider-Man. I am with him." She concentrated, and froze the webbing off of her beloved's face before standing beside him. She continued,"Touch him again and I have no qualms against destroying you." She was blunt and cold as she spoke.
Spidey felt his mind go blank as one of his friends turned out to be nothing more than a traitor. His eyes narrowed as he dodged whatever attack she would thrrow before he saw her standing beside Black Tarantula.

"I don't need to touch either of you to end this," Spider-Man said before he webbed them both in the face as a distraction before tossing a dumpster at them. He then webbed up a dumpster and so on before deciding to look at the truck. It seemd pretty normal, but what could it have? After webbing the dumpster where Clary and Black Tarantula some more, he saw two teenages, one caucasian girl and one Afro-American guy. He went over to undo their restraints.

"You all right?" Spider-Man asked the two.

"Y-yeah, thanks Spider-Man," the guy said before he shouted. "Spidey! Behind you!"
It had to hurt, seeing and hearing what she had said. But Clary was firm in standing with Carlos. She threw no attacks, she was firm in her belief that if he blew the lid on her secret identity, she would blow the lid on him as well. She froze the webbing off, though it was harder to remove than before. Must have been re-engineered to resist extreme temperatures. She worked very quickly, freezing the entire dumpster very quickly, forcing it back and away a little bit from them. When it dropped to the ground, it shattered. It was beautiful. Well, the outside of the dumpster shattered, not the garbage inside, which was very smelly. She froze it too to make the nasty odor go away, though she was curious to see what garbage Alchemax had. She was very angry though, formed several ice shards, thin like shrapnel, and made lots of them, and endlessly threw them at Spider Man. She did not take too kindly to what he had done. She did take care to avoid the innocents though.
Spider-Man turned to see the ice shards coming atnhim, but he if he dodged it, the two people in front of him would get hit. Spider-Man grit his teeth as he felt several ice shards began hitting his back. He lurched back as he faced Clary and Carlos. "You're cold," Spider-Man snarkily told CLary as Carlos went over to break the dumpster Clary had frozen.

"What do we do? Spidey's in trouble," the guy said over to the girl. "Well, we can try and escape. I'll make the distraction," the girl said befre facing the two criminals. To everyone's amazements she formed daggers out of light and threw it at them, exploding in blinding light. "This is gonna feel a bit weird," the guy said before shadows seem to swirl. Darkness formed and by the time Clary and Carlos recovered their eyesight, the three were gone

Carlos examined the truck for anything. "I found a jumpdrive, that's all here," he said to Clary. Unknown to the two, SPidey and the three reappeared on top of the building. Spidey was bleeding through his suit. "This'll help," the girl said before she formed different daggers of light and put them in Spidey. The glowed and Peter felt warmth before realizing she managed to heal his wounds. He still fatigued, but from a safe distance, kept an eye on Blakc Tarantula and Ice Queen.
She rolled her eyes, and she replied,"And you're a bug that needs to be squashed." She knew she was technically incorrect, as spiders were not insects, they were arachnids. But semantics. She knew he was in pain, Spider Man, the shards were as sharp as freshly sharpened knives and then some. She made sure to miss vital organs, she didn't want to have to explain to sweet Aunt May what had happened and why her darling nephew didn't come home. Clary tried to shield herself and Carlos with ice to protect against the light, but the ice made the light much more blinding. Then she saw nothing... By the time the darkness was gone, so were Spider Man and the three, though she was pretty sure they weren't far. She took the jump drive that Carlos handed her, and she spoke,"I can't wait to examine this... I do hope those two stay safe and free this time." She genuinely hoped the light and shadow pair stayed free and found safety.
Spider-Man was breathing as he saw the dup get away. He can only scream in agnrish for a while before sighing and facing the two who saved them. "Thank you for saving us, Spider-Man," the girl said as she faced hiim. "You okay?" the young man asked him. Spider-Man could only sigh. He got backstabbed before, but this one just stung. Compounded by the fact he couldn't rat her since she knew who he was as well. He also knew that if she wanted to kill, she could've.

"Yeah... just... that girl was an ally," Spider-Man managed to say. "Who are you anyway?" he asked the two. The two looked at one another. "We call outselves Cloak & Dagger," the girl exclaimed. "Okay, quick pause, that's an awesome duo name," he said, lightening the mod a bit and getting a smile out of the two.

Carlos heard the sitens and began running, carring Clary out. "We have to hurry, or we'll be caught," he said.
Clary smiled as Carlos picked her up and carried her off. Still, she considered this mission a success. Could have gone a lot worse, things could always go more south than people realized that they could. Now they just had to study the little information that they had from this jump drive. Of course, she'd have it run through a simulated environment first to make sure it wasn't booby trapped.
Carlos managed to escape and arrive back at the mansion. "We should probably go and investigate our injuries. I might have cracked a rib from fighting Spider-Man," he told her before summoning a servant. "Send this to the gentlemen in Computing," he told him. "How are you feeling?" he asked Clary.

Spider-Man had temporarily gone down to deal with the police and explain what happened. He didn't give Clary's name out and such, in order to protect his identity, but he didn't know what to call her. Though the police decided to name her Ice Queen, which spared him some trouble. When the police elft, he webbed up to talk to Cloak and Dagger.

"There is someone I can take you to to help you out," he told them.
She smiled as they got back to the mansion safely. She spoke,"Shame you don't share a body composition similar to mine. A drink of water, a few seconds, maybe a minute, or a little more, and I'm good to go." She loved how her body worked. She spoke,"I wonder how the fight would have gone down if he had more discipline in fighting? I think the fight would have been more even, yes?"
Carlos sighed. "Had Spider-Man wanted to, he could've killed us," Carlos told her seriously. "For all the Puckish behavior he displays, he is clearly an intelligent and cunning figure. Furtherstill, his personaility is one of provokation. He provokes others into making mistakes by exploiting their mental faults... while provoking him would make him much more dangerous," Carlos noted as he was having the doctors looking over him.

"We should rest while the labs looks over the drive you obtained," he added

Spider-Man had Cloak and Dagger appear on top of the Osborn Tower where Harry Osborn was awaiting. "Hello, Mr. Osborn. I was thinking we can try and help them out," Spider-man said to Harry. Harry got a suspicious look as he began leading them down to the labs.
She replied,"I know for fact he wouldn't kill me. Too many questions to ask. Much explaining to my parents would need to be done, and my sudden absence from school and work would also raise too many questions. You on the other hand..." She kept slugging down water, not that she needed it, she was just genuinely thirsty. She was resting though, she was wondering what they'd find on the drive.
"Yet he was more than capable of doing so should he want do. Do not underestimate him," Carlos told her as he aw her drinking water. After he patched up his wounds, he heard the drive was ready to be looked at, the data quite interesting. He went to see before calling Clary to him.

The drive contained infrmation about mutagenic experiments and possible information about humans and mutants. "Well... that explains why the two teenagers were there," Carlos noted of the two who saved Spider-Man.

"Alchemex, you sure?" Harry said as he looked through the top-ecret files. Peter nodded as they went through. "I mean, Da- I mean Norman, he didn't say much about them, but even he said that he didn't trust them," Harry Osborn noted as he looked through files.
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