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The Spectacular Spider Man (Naomi David X MysteriousD)

Clary could make ice very thick. She had started on making thick ice when freezing ponds so she could skate. Ice had to be at minimum a foot thick if you were going to skate. She didn't even look fazed when Venom picked her up and chucked her at Peter. She quickly recovered, and spoke to Peter. She whispered back,"Seal off the entrances and exits, even the vents. I'm going to go into the office where they make the morning announcements. Then I will turn it on, and scream and scream. The resulting noise should be able to get it off of Eddie, and then I can trap it."
"Don't think that will work. It's a type of pitch, like with rods of metal being smacked," Peter noted to her before he dodged another web ball. "That, and he can make his own exists," he noted to himself before Venom slingshotted himself at them.

Peter grabbed a pipe and kept banging on the rails to make the sound to bother the symbiote.

"Wish I had that gene cleanser," he noted before he felt his Spidey-Sense tingling.

Heading to the school was a mysterious man in red. "Sense something there, girl? Let's go cause some CARNAGE!"
Clary made a face when he said that her idea wouldn't work. She spoke,"Well, let me grab the cymbals from the band room, then constantly smack them into the coms, would that work?" She dodged another bit of goo, and she sprayed more ice at Venom/Eddie to slow him down. Then she had the most absolute feeling of dread she had ever felt, and she spoke,"Ever get that feeling that you're going to be utterly screwed? I'm getting that feeling right now."
"I don't know," Peter told her as he kept trying to dodge it. "I onlu beat Eddie because he had gene cleanser he planned on using on me, but I used on him," he explained to her. The ice was slowing Venom down and a sudden kick from Spider-Man was making things okay.

"Well, yeah," Peter told her, his Spidey Sense ringing like crazy before something sliced the wall open.

The symbiote actually recoiled, causing Eddie to talk to it. "What is it? What's the amtter?" he asked before they saw a tall thin man... with a red symbiote.

"Hey Eddie. Looks like you were right. This power does feel good," he said before a red gooy axe came and tried to slice him, but Venom dodged it.

"Kletus?" he asked him. Peter couldn't help but snicker at the ridicioulus Southern drawl he had.

"WE'RE CARNAGE NOW. And my beauty is telling me that your symbiote is her dad's... and she wants him dead. I can do that and get rid of Spider-Man too," Carange proclaumed as he lunged at them.
She was pouring as much of her strength into slowing Venom down as possible. If she could do it some more, then she would be able to shatter him and end the threat once and for all. Her skin was normally pale, but what little color was in her face drained when she saw the red symbiote, not that anybody could see her color draining of course, because of her mask. Damn, that Southern drawl sounded thick. Now she understood why the accent got mocked so much. When 'Carnage' lunged at them, she raised her short swords, and lunged forth as well. She swung her left blade, it cleaved right towards the arm that had the axe, she was going to take it right off. Her right blade was aimed straight for the heart. When the blade pierced, it would hopefully both kill the beast and freeze the body solid. Then she'd shatter for good measure.
Carnage roared at Clary before a red spike emitting from his chest and struck her ice blade, breaking it. The blade that his arm was broken by the smbiote and the wound quickly healed. Carnage laughed at her before attempting to behead her, but Peter pulled her away.

"How is this possible?!" Peter questioned out.

"I bonded with my symbiote just like you, Eddie. But I gave her eveything... my body... my blood... I took her in and I abosrbed her. We're truly one," Carnage explained. Peter blanched under his mask.

"That explains the red," he murmured. He also realized that the iron in his blood was why he could make sharp weaponry and heal from the wound Clary inflicted on him.

"It doesn't matter who I kill, I'm just gonna have my FUN!" he says as he lunged for Eddie and the two symbiotes clash though Carnage doesnt forget the others as he tries to impale them. "I was able to satisfy my urge by targeting criminals, but if I get rid of Spider-Man, no one is gonna stop me! I ain't gonna stop!" he said.

He then got webbed in the head. "Just stop talking; what are you gonna do? Make me squeal like a pig?" Peter quiipped. It worked as intended, pissing of the red-symbiote redneck who tried to decapitate him, but he missed.
God damn, she was sure that this would be able to work, she was really angry that it didn't work. Peter pulled her back before she could get hurt, and her questions were answered on why he was so powerful. It was kind of weird, watching the two clash, Carnage and Venom. She spoke,"You may be able to survive the cold, but how long will it take for you to get out of your icy prison?" ANd then she sprayed as much ice onto his body as possible, making it stick to him, slow him down, encase him...
Peter looked at Clary. "Don't worry. We'll figure it out together," he reassured her. He figured that despite Clary's powers, she did lack experience in having to fight these guys. Granted, Peter doesn't have much more than her. "Wish Mark was still Molten Man," he said before he dodged the red spear. Carnage was having the upper hand over Venom and before he could execute him, felt the ice on him.

He growled and hissed. "Of course. Because the symiote fused with his blood stream, his body may be more powerful and gave the smyiobte more abilities, but it also makes him more vulnerable," Peter told her and he webbed up Carange up to help make sure he doesn't escape.

"I RECKON YOUR BLOOD WILL BE ALL ICY WHEN I RIP YOU OPEN!" Carnage yelled at her. Spider-Man gt hit from behind by Venom, but he swung him out the window.

Spider-Man was taking a breather and before Venom could go back in, he found himself gut-punched.

He looked to see a tall muscular man in a black suit of military-grade body armor and a sinister-looking mask with a spider symbole on it.

"Sorry, amigo. You'll have to deal with me," he said as he began wailing on Venom.
She wished she was in the Chemistry lab, the lesson yesterday was all about fire and explosions... And she knew exactly where those fire making chemicals were. Clary kept pouring layers of ice after ice on Carnage, doing everything to slow and stop him. Just a couple more layers of ice and she'd be able to shatter and kill Carnage and put the person that the red symbiote had infected out of his misery. No more Carnage. She quirked a smile under her mask, hearing Carlos's smooth voice... Then watching him just destroy Venom.
Carnage however kept trying to break out of the ice so it was hard for her to try and get him to remain cool. "YOU DAMN FREAK! I'M GONNA SMEAR THIS HERE PLACE RED WITH YOUR BLOOD!" Carnage said as red appendages appeared and wrapped themselves around her and began crushing her though Carnage was distracted by Spider-Man and his quips.

Also, the punch to the head was a big distraction too.

"YOU RELY TOO MUCH ON YOUR CHEAP MUTANT POWERS," Carnage called out to her as he was recovering though he was then thrown to the wall. He was becomone slower and harder to recover. He roared at them while Peter helped Clary up.

Venom was surprised by this newcomer. He was able to bypass any defenses and bring a brutal beatdown. "I'm not gonna lose to you," Venom said before he strike was deflected by Black Tarantula before using the force to slam him to the ground. "But you will. You will always lose, Eddie Brock," he said before punchign him to a tree.

"You rely on your hate to ger you by. In the end, you're a bitter young man lashing out. You seek death and you live in despair," he exclaimed before throwing him once more. "But life is more than that. Any goodness you could have in your life you threw away out of spite. Which is why I will let you live, to deny your wish to die.

But also... in the hope you may find a reason to live," Black Tarantula told him. He was out of sight so Spidey couldn't detect him.
Carnage was very resilient, he was doing his damndest to avoid her freezing him up. She growled, his freaky body formed appendages and wrapped around her to crush her. His grip wasn't too strong though, bless Peter for distracting him, so it was quite easy to shake him off. She went back to work, though she was getting tired. She knew there was a water fountain in the Gym, but she couldn't see it right now. SHe needed more fuel.
Spidey had been noticing that Clary was getting exhausted while Carnage was being driven forward by psychotic bloodlust. "Cheap, this coming from a ripoff of a ripoff. What is this, the Dark Age of Comics?" Peter quipped before he webbed Carnage some more and kicked him into the wall. He got an idea.

He webbed up over to the sprinklers and lit one on fire with fiddlign with some sparks and wires. THe sprinklers activated and when Carnage tried to grab him, Peter shoved his hand into the wiring, causing Carnage to get some amssive shocks. The water was pouring doen, making it worse for Carnage and helping Clary.

He was soaked and he knew the suit was probably gonna be ruined though he also knew Harry could fix it. Speaking of, police sirens sounded. "Harry called the cops," he muttered to himself.

Meanwhile, Carlos had went back into hiding, waiting to be able tp pick Clary up in the shadows when she finished dealing with Carnage.
Thank god Peter got the sprinklers to activate. Damn, this school had some strong ass sprinklers, the water came down fast and hard. Clary was getting her energy back ten fold, and was able to fight better again. Once again, she was spraying Carnage with ice, and thick layers at that, though she concentrated on going from the bottom to the top, instead of the other way around. She was clearly enjoying herself, being able to let loose with her powers, the power she felt right now from the extra energy from the water was... Intoxicating. The feeling she could do just anything felt insanely good.
"How you doing, Ice Queen?" Spider-Man tells her as he was etting soaked and Carnage was getting electrocuted and frosted. Carnage was writing and frothing, trying to use the ability of the symbiote. The electrcity was damaging the symbiote. Spider-Man ran up and smashed Carnage with a pipe and turned the guy unconscious and as the symiote was writhing.

Spider-Man grabs Carnage with webbing and pulls Kletus out of the symiote's grasp and tosses him to the wall befre webbing him up, leaving the symiote to be encased in ice.

"There, I think that did it," Spider-Man said before Venom was lumbering back in.

"Enough is enough, Eddie. I get it, you went thrugh terrible things. And you didnt have anyone to help you with it. But, you need to let go of the past. Take responsability and move on with your life," Peter said in a somewhat calm and almost sympathetic level. Perhaps on some level, Peter wanted his bro to move on from the hate and let it go.

Any drive Venom had vanished as he went to his knees and collapsed, the symbiote clutching him protectively and also out of drive. The police alarms were sounding and they arrived.

"You okay?" Spider-Man asked Ice Queen. Carlos was in the shadows waiting to take Clary home.
"Doing pretty damn good, Spider Man! I feel like I can do this all night if the water keeps on going like this!" she replied, keeping on freezing Carnage. Clearly, he, it, whatever, was in great pain, being frozen and electrocuted at the same time. Peter managed to get the symbiote off of the host, and Clary froze up the symbiote with at least 1 foot of ice. That thing wasn't going anywhere. She made a face when Eddie/Venom came back in, but surprisingly, there was no more drive, no more fight. Peter talked sense into him. When Peter asked her if she was okay, she replied,"I still feel like I could go on all night, but I want to get out of here."
Spide-Man sat down as the police arrive. "Cletus Kassidy... So that's what happened. We heard he escaped and there was some murders. It was him, wasn't it?" Officer DeWulf asked Spider Man. He nodded to her.

"Yeah. Furthermore, the symbiote that turned Eddie Brock into Venom reproduced and fused with him to become Carnage. Ice Queen managed to seperate it from him, but because it fused with his blood and such, I'm not sure what the effects will be," Spider-Man explained to her as he looked at them.

"Well, we'll have to place Eddie Brock back in the sanitarium while also trying to further figure out that symbiote... both of them," Officer DeWolf said before she smiled.

"You earned yourself some rest, both of ya. We'll take care of it," she said.

Carlos signaled Ice Queen that it's time for them to head out.
Clary stayed quiet the entire time, letting Peter do all the talking to Officer DeWulf. She spoke finally,"I managed to trap the symbiote in a block of ice. Keep the block in cold storage at all times, lest that thing escape and ruin some other poor bastard's life."

She smiled, seeing Carlos signal to her, and she walked off. She was ready to cuddle up with him. She was most displeased that the dance did not go on as planned.
Eddie Brock's symtioe screed before it made olegs of sort and began web-dragging Eddie away, not wanting to lose its connection to Eddie again. Spider-Man sighed as police began calling to investigate for Eddie Brock while Carnage was being taken in.

Spider-Man swung to a clearing and rested to a tree. He pressed a button ona tracker and within 10 minutes, Harry was there. "We heard Eddie was there along with some new villain," his best friend asked him. Spider-Man nodded.
"Come on, I'll tell your Aunt May you're staying at my place for the night," Harry told him with a smile as Peter removed the mask and entered the car.

Carlos picked up Clary bridal-style and went to his own car. His mask was off, but he was still in his own costume. "How are you feeling, mi amor?" he asked her.
Clary smiled when Carlos picked her up bridal style as they made their way to the car. She replied,"Like I could fight again. And again. SPider Man got the sprinklers on while we were fighting so I had a constant supply of energy. Like a really good sugar rush!" She nuzzled him, taking off her wet mask.
Carlos put her in the car and they drove off, kissing her on the way back. "At the very least, a murderer was put away," Carlos explains to her while comforting her. "FUrthermore, I was able to defeat Venom. Being able to defeat a highly-augmented opponent was a confident boost when I finally fight Spider-Man," Carlos noted to himself before looking amorously at Clary.

"I am happy you are doing okay as well," he told her with a smile as they were arriving home.
Clary smiled when he put her in the car. She buckled up, enjoying the kiss after she pulled off her mask. She spoke,"I wish my powers were fire based at times like this. With fire... You can burn somebody to ashes and then they can never come back to bite you in the ass." She didn't quite like the idea of Carlos fighting Peter, but Peter did need to learn to get better in the strength department. What happened when he didn't have his toys? She spoke,"I can't wait for the next challenge. I want to fight the best so I can be the best."
"True, but there are several davantages with ice powers. You can practice making constructs, such a smaking pillars to prevent a building from collasping long enough for people to escape and so on," Carlos told her as he gave her examples of constructive and practical abilities her ice powers can be used for.

Carlos brought her inside bridal-style into their home and laid her on the bed for her to rest while he went to change out of his uniform.
"Yeah, but that's a long, long time from now!" she replied, smiling gently at him. She was very grateful he had helped out in this fight, she wasn't sure if both she and Peter could have taken out both Venom and Carnage and made it out in one piece, or if one of them would have even made it. She laughed as he carried her and put her onto the bed. She slowly, and sexily spoke,"Guapo, ¿me ayudarán a desvista?"

Google Translate (English to Spanish) - Handsome, will you help me undress?
Carlos had returned and changed, being now in a t-shirt and boxers before he heard what his sexy girlfriend said. He smirked as he leaned in over to kiss her. His hand slipped in through an opening on her outfit to grope her breast before pulled the top section over her head and groping her chest once more.

"My Ice Queen deserves a good reward for being a strong heroine," he said to her before he licked her neck once more.
She smiled when she kissed Carlos back, he had gotten the hint of what she wanted right now. Oh, she was aching for him to fondle her breasts, her desire for that to happen granted when he slipped his hand through an opening to do so... Soon, the top half of her outfit was gone, and now he was really going to town on her chest. She purred, and spoke,"My perfect King needs a reward too!"
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