A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

He smirks "What... Do you not like that..." He slowly pushes her shirt up and cups her breasts again, rubbing his thumb over her nipples slowly. "Are you going to tell me how to get to the warehouse..."
“No,” she whispers. “I don’t..like it. Stop.” He pushes up her shirt, and Emily begins to whine. “You have to..stop. I already did! I told you!”
He keeps it up, slowly massaging her breasts "Tell me why... And I'll think about it..." He grins and sits back, but keeps teasing her.
"Because I..took the pictures..and the video..because I didn't know..what people in love..did. I only learned..what I know..from watching them. This makes me..uncomfortable." Her cheeks burn red as she looks down to the floor.
David smirks "Well... It seems you've left the directions in some form of code only you know... That's a little too bad for you... It means I'm going to have to punish you... You sit here nicely... I have to get a few things ready..." He lets go of her and moves out of her line of sight, he pulls out the sybian and sets it up near te back of the room and plugs it in. He gets the leather shackles next, hooking them to the floor next to the sybian and opening them. Then David returns to Emily and ties a blindfold over her eyes "Alright... Let's go..." He frees her from the chair, the removes her clothes, cutting them off, maybe after a few days of this... You'll help us find your warehouse..." He sits her on the machine, he left it as only a clit stimulator, but it would be enough, he cuffs her ankles by the base of it and then cuffs her hands to a holding bar in front of her. "Can't forget your booster..." He holds her arm and injects her with more of the truth serum drugs then another needle of a powerful aphrodisiac, one of his own making, she'd feel the pleasure through her whole body. "Now I'm sure you'll start to enjoy this soon... I'll see you later Sweety..." He programs the sybian to start slow, the pick up speed until max, then to start over in an endless loop
She can’t believe he’s moving her, but the worst is yet to come. Emily has no idea with the blindfold on what he’s doing until it’s too late. Shackled in place, she has no escape. “Please,” she calls out to him. “I told you what you wanted to know! Let me go!” Her voice squeals as she feels the first needle. “Not again. Please!” Again the prick of the needle, and panic grips her. “What? Another one? Are you trying to kill me?” Her body begins to warm slowly, and she’s more aware of the machine she now sits upon. “No. Please! You don’t understand! You have to stop this! Please!” Emily pulls against the restraints hard until her strength melts away under the influence of the drugs. “N-No. Pl-Please. I..I told you..where the warehouse..is. You have..to..let me..go. Please. I’m..begging..you.” Her head falls forward as her first orgasm begins to take her. “No. Please. I..I..don’t make me.” Emily screams out unable to alleviate the onset of the tingles that start out softly enough in her clit, but quickly turn into bolts of lightening.
David stands and watches her for a few minuets and listens to her cries "Yes, you told me... But in a code only you know..." He smiles and gently cups her cheek "Maybe after this... You be will to show me where it is..." He watches her a few minutes more before leaving the room.
She jerks away as he touches her cheek. "Don't..touch..me!" Her face reddens as her first climax hits her. Her thighs squeeze the machine as she cries out. "You never..asked me..to show..you. It was never..an option. You said..tell you..and I..did. Now you..punish me? I will never..show you..now!"
David ignore her cries and goes to take care of other things, he'd check on her later. Meanwhile Atoshi was kissing Kimmy goodnight and helping Ana up "Come on baby doll... Our kitten needs her rest... We'll see her tomorrow... And we can all go home..."
Ana smiles. "Yeah. We all get to go home then. So sleep tight little sister. Get plenty of rest. You're gonna need it for when we get home." Ana kisses her lips softly before taking Atoshi's hand."
"I do believe that was one of te longest nights I've had in a while..." Atoshi said as he boarded the plane, "I just couldn't get to sleep..." He walks in and takes a seat on the couch, soon pulling Ana and Kimmy down to sit with him, chuckling. "Master!" Kimmy giggles and moves to sit in her knees next to him, she hugs him from the side and kisses his cheek "Hmm... I'm so glad to be out of that little room... And back with my family..." Atoshi smirks "We might have some time before Tony and his pet get here... Maybe..." "Sorry boss... You know I'm always on time..." Atoshi sighs but doesn't let the girls go "Party pooper..." They chuckle.
Tony is only a step ahead of Abby. Her expression is one of dread, and she's still thinking about the night before. Ana can see something is on her mind. “Sir do you mind if I go sit and talk with,” she pauses, almost not asking because she doesn’t want to upset Kimmy, but Ana can sense something is wrong. “Abby? She looks like something is wrong, and I wanna make sure she’s okay. Tony,” she calls to him. “You wanna come trade seats for a little while?” He looks at Abby, knowing he has to talk to Atoshi. “Yeah. I need to talk to the boss anyway.” Ana grins. “Great.” The two move to exchange seats. Ana sinks next to Abby. “Hi there. You okay?” Abby nods. “You don’t look like you are. Did something happen?”
“My father called. He wants me home. I’m going to be punished too. You’ll find out soon enough I’m sure. So combine the two together, and well,” she shrugs. Ana can see she’s trembling and watches as her look to Atoshi quickly before looking away. “Oh hey. Don’t worry about him. He’s fine now. Look. He’s really a nice guy.”
“Do you say that about all men that hit girls or just the ones you’re fucking?”

Tony looks over to his boss. “Listen. Abby is being punished. She’s going to serve you for a week. For one week, she’s you pet, your whatever. Just try to push her limits. She doesn’t like public sex or fucking in dirty places. She’s a pampered princess,” he laughs. “Is that alright boss?”
Kimmy blinks at Tony but decides to keep quiet, only looking down and hugging Atoshi's arm, Atoshi glances at her before taking her hand and looking back at Tony. He relaxes back into the couch "She must have done something big... To be given to me for a week..." He slowly runs his fingers along Kimmy's arms, thinking. "Well... I could take her to the club... With a pair of my girl's panties... Should I keep her sober? Do you want me to fuck her myself... Will she see you at all for that week?"
“One hour a day,” he answers. “I will only be able to be with her for one hour a day, but,” he pauses looking at Atoshi. “She can only cum for you. If you find out she makes herself cum, then I leave that punishment up to you. I won’t fuck her for the week. She is yours’ to do with as you please. The club is a nice touch. She’ll hate it. Being in public in that….condition? She’ll hate it,” he grins. “Like I said boss. Push her limits. She’s being punished. So it shouldn’t all be enjoyable, but if she learns to find pleasure in it, that’s okay. I want her pushed, testing her limits. As to what she did,” he raises his eyebrows an sighs,” she came for another man while she was drunk. He got the better of her. Literally. So keep her sober. I don’t want her using alcohol to..soften..this experience. Boss when I say she’s yours’ for a week, I mean in every way. If you want to punish her, please her, do whatever you like. She is yours’ except for one hour. Then she’s my pet to be trained or held but not fucked. Agreed?”

“I’m sorry,” Abby whispered. “I’m just so scared and worried.”
“Your father?”
“Yeah, and your Sir. A week with him.” Ana narrowed her eyes confused. “My punishment is to belong to your Sir for a week.” Abby meets Ana’s gaze. “I’m afraid of him. He's like my father to me now."
Atoshi's looks at Kimmy a moment as he thinks it over "Alright... I'll take her for one week... But I decide the hour she spends with you... And won't be the same each day... And don't worry about her pleasing herself... She'll be wearing a belt... And I'll push her... You can count on that..." He reaches out and shakes Tony's hand "Does this start when we get home?"
Tony reaches over and shakes his hand. “Fair enough.” Looking back to Ana and Abby he tells him, “I was going to say it starts right now, but look at that. Do you think we should leave them alone? They’re actually talking. Do you think that could be a good thing for both of them, or do you think that could end badly?”

“Abby,” she whispers. “He’s nothing to be afraid of.”
“Really? It wasn’t you he hit. My father,” she pauses taking a deep breath. “Hitting was one of the ways he showed love. ‘I only do this because I love you so much Abby.’” She mocked him. “He’s like my father Ana, and I’m afraid of my father. I have to belong to him for one week. What’s he going to do during that week? What if I make him angry? What if I break a rule?”
“Then he’ll punish you.”
“Exactly,” Abby’s eyes widen as she leans closer. “He. Will. Punish me. Just like father did. He’s just like him Ana. You should be afraid.” Abby was beginning to tremble. "It's ok Abby. Relax. Just relax."
"Hmm... I'm not sure... Tell me... When did you last allow her to cum?" He sits up a bit straighter and continues to hold Kimmy's hand, helping her stay calm and relaxed, he knew she wasn't fond of Abby. He watches Abby and Ana, he could see Ana trying to calm a now shaking Abby down, he glances at Tony "It starts now..." He looks at Kimmy "You can stay with me if you wish, or go sit with your sister, but Abby will be here in a few moments..." He leans down and kisses her softly "Not this time Master... And I think she's needs this..." She leans up and kisses his cheek "We won't be far..." Kimmy gets up and moves over to Abby and Ana, standing behind Ana "Master wishes to see you... Abigail..." She hugs Ana from behind and watche Abby's reactions.
"Last night. I fucked her," he grins. "Hard. Good. She came more than ever." He watches Atoshi shift, but he doesn't look back at Ana and Abby. "Okay boss."

Abby looks up at Kimmy only when she speaks. She trembles a bit more, and Ana reaches for her hands. "Relax. It's alright. You better go now." She nods at Abby, still trying to calm her to down. Abby stands, pulling away from Ana and walks past Kimmy. Ana turns watching her inch ever closer to Atoshi. “She afraid of him little sister. Imagine that. Abby, the one who tormented me so is actually afraid of my Sir. I’ve never seen her afraid of anything. Even with her father, she hid her fears from me.”

Abby stands in front of Tony, not Atoshi. “You wish..to see..me,” her voice low and shaky. Her nerves were clearly heard in her words. Tony never looks at her.
"No... I believe Kitten said Her Master wanted to see you... And for the next week... I will be your Master as well... Now stand before your Master..." Atoshi looks at her and crosses his arms slightly "For the next week you will refer to me as Master... You will do as told, when you are told... Failure to do so, will mean a punishment... Am I understood..." He stares at her.

Kimmy shivers and hugs Ana "I just love it when Master is that in charge... Kind of makes me jealous of her..." She kisses Ana's neck softly "But it seems well have a lot of time together for the next week... Big sister..." She licks her neck.
Abby takes tiny steps to stand before him. She wanted to glide to Tony’s lap and have him wrap his arms around her. She felt safe there. This was truly punishment, and she hoped it would show Tony just how much he meant to her. Atoshi’s words did nothing to relax her. Her eyes met his, but only for a brief second. “Y-Yes….Master.” The word alone left a terrible taste in her mouth. ‘You are not my Master. Tony is my Master. Not you. Not even for this week. I will not look at you the way one should look at their Master. I don’t respect you that way. Not like I do him.’ Her eyes remained on the floor. She dared not look at Atoshi. She didn’t want to.

“I know. I love him being in charge like that as well. Abby has never had a firm hand that cared for her. Sadly Tony is the only person that ever cared for her. I hope Sir will not too be rough on her, but then again, you and I both know she needs for him to be. Punishments aren’t made to be easy, and Abby needs a firm hand.” As Kimmy licks her neck she grins telling her, “speaking of firms hands, you’ll get to feel my firm hands this week with all this time we’ll have. Do you wanna go to the room in the back? Why wait to get started enjoying all this time we have?”
"Hmm... Stubborn isn't she... Fine then..." He grabs her arm and pulls her to sit in his lap "You don't want to look at me and acknowledge me as your Master... Then a punishment..." He shifts on the couch to sit sideways and face Tony, he has Abby face Tony as well. "Tell me why you are under my charge... And I know the truth, so don't lie..." He spreads her legs over his knees and slips his hand up under her skirt, into her panties. "Look at Tony and tell me why your with me..." He starts to slowly tease her folds.

Kimmy giggles softly and kisses Ana, "Mmm... As long as we share top spot... I just love pushing your buttons... Not to mention... Your training will start soon as well..." She takes Ana's hand and slowly pulls her to the back room as Atoshi starts his punishment on Abby.
Abby gasps as he pulls her to his lap. Of course she was afraid. “I did acknowledge you as Master! I called you Master! What more do you want?” She looks up at Tony, her expression pleading. Abby can feel his fingers touching her, teasing her. “I disobeyed m-my Master and ran away. I..got drunk, and I..came for another man.” Her words were slow and low. The once strong, firm, in charge eyes now looked afraid as she looked at Tony. In her mind she thought, ‘Please don’t touch me like this in front of him. Please don’t make me look at him while you make me cum. I don’t even want you making me cum. I really don’t want to have to look at Tony while you touch me.’ She squirmed under his touch.
"You called me Master yes... But you wouldn't look at me... For this week you will give yourself fully to me... Do you understand..." He smirks slightly and rubs her a bit faster "Tell me who decided on this punishment..." He circles and rubs her clit now, softly kissing along her neck.
“I did,” she says through clenched teeth. “It was my idea so that I can prove to my Master, my REAL MASTER, how much he means to me. If I’m willing to give myself over to someone like you, then I must love him. Wouldn’t you agree?” Her words full of her anger and hatred for what he was doing to her in front of Tony, and yet she couldn’t contain the first of many moans that would escape her mouth this week, or even during this punishment. She wanted to scream at him, but it was her fear at kept her silent and not her respect or Atoshi as her Master.
"Real Master huh... I bet you were showing him great respect as you let that guy fuck you in a bar..." He rubs her clit a bit harder "You are nothing but a spoiled princess who wants to get her way... You're with me to learn you can't always have it... Is that understood..." He continues to tease her until she starts to twitch, then he slows down. "Who's in charge here Abigail..."
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