A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

Atoshi chuckles with him and has another drink "I'm sure I'll get through to her... I think I know her weakness... But I'll have to test it when we get back..." He looks at Abby as Tony does and just smiles at her softly.
Tony wanted to ask what he thought her weakness was, but he kept quiet. The plane landed, and he decided he didn't want to be around when Atoshi assumed his role as Master again. So he headed to the back of the plane to make sure the girls were okay. He knocked on the door. "Ladies. We've landed. If you're not out in two minutes, I'm breaking this door in."

Ana jumps hearing him knock, and his words make her give Kimmy a strange look. "Wow. What did we miss? Okay Tony," she calls. "We're fine. Might take more than two minutes though. Okay?"
"Make it fast Ana," he replies.

Abby had fallen asleep. Her head leaned against the couch as she sat with knees drawn in.
Atoshi watches Tony leave and waits until he's gone before standing, he makes his way over to Abby and gently picks her up, careful not to wake her and carries her from the plane. He gets into one of the waiting cars "Take me to the house..." Without question the driver does as told, once home he again carries her to a bedroom, one close to his but empty. He lays her on the bed and covers her up, letting her continue to sleep, he goes to his room and gets a few things, then returns and locks the door, he sits and waits for her to wake up.

Kimmy sits up slightly and rubs her eyes "I don't know..." She looks around the room "How... Am I to get dressed... You ripped my clothes..." She looks at Ana and giggles "I'll just have to walk out naked..." She moves to stand.
Abby slows stirs. The realization she’s not on the couch on the plane slowly sinks in. Quickly she sits up and looks around the room. Her eyes come to rest on Atoshi. There are no words. She simply stares at him. She’s aware they are the only two in the room. Her expression reveals nothing to him, and she doesn’t attempt to stand.

“Well then, little sister, if you’re gonna do that, then so will I. I don’t want you feeling awkward,” she grins. The door opens, and Ana steps from the room naked, walking right past Tony. “I love my job,” he smiles. “Atoshi is already gone. He took Abby in one car. I guess I’m riding with you and Kimmy. Tell me. Will Kimmy be naked as well?” The devilish grin on his face is undeniable.
Kimmy giggles from the doorway behind him "Yup... Cause she ripped my clothes..." Kimmy walks up to Tony and looks at him "Why... Is Master teaching your pet... Why would you give her to him..." She looks to the floor "After what she did... Why did he say yes..." Kimmy was still hurt by the things Abby did and said to her.

"I was thinking on the plane... That the term Pet is for Tony... Doll and Kitten belong to Ana and Kimmy... I only have you for a week... So I'm just going to call you slave..." He stands and moves closer to the bed, standing beside her "And before we go any further with your new training... We are going to have a little talk... Topic #1... Your father..."
"Kimmy," Tony begins reaching out and caressing her shoulder. "This isn't fun for Abby or Atoshi. This is a punishment. She wanted to give herself over to the one person she hates more than anything to prove to me how sorry she was for what she did. This truly is the worst punishment she could come up with. Alright? As to why he said yes, I'm still not sure. I think it's a little because he's still angry with her too, and this gives him a way to deal with that anger. Hey," he tilts her chin up to make her look at him. "You know you'll always be his kitten and Ana's sister. Abby is my pet, and she won't interfere. Okay?"

'Slave.' The words sits in her mind heavy. Abby watches him come closer. "No," she says quickly moving from the bed to stand opposite him. "I will not talk about my father with you. I barely talk about him at all with Master. The topic is off limits, closed." Her eyes burn into him. "This isn't going to work. I'll have to tell Master we must come up with another punishment. Sorry to have wasted your time Atoshi," she tells him as she heads for the door.
"I know what he did to you... Does Tony..." He had let her walk away, he had no intention of letting her leave, but he needed to get her to open up. "Does Tony know what that monster did..." Atoshi could be cruel but he's never hurt a child, let alone his own. "Does he know how he touched you... Beat you... Spoke to you... Wore you down until you were nothin but a willing toy for him to play with... And control..." He slowly walks up to her from behind "He's the one who stole it from you... Your control... That's why you cling to it so hard..." He stands behind her and crosses his arms "You won't give it up for the man you claim to love... But I bet if daddy was here... You'd just roll over and beg for him... Maybe even offer yourself to him... If it meant he wouldn't hurt you..." He knew that wasn't true but he needed to get under her skin, find the heart of her problem. "But for a man who only wants to see you happy... Giving up control isn't allowed... I wonder if that was daddy's idea... Is he still in control Abigail..."

Kimmy smiles slightly after hearing it wasn't going to come between her family. "Ok... Thank you Tony..." She leans up and kisses his cheek, then saunters off the plane to join Ana, not caring in the least that she's nude.
Abby turns around throwing a right punch, connecting with his chin. “You bastard! Don’t you EVER mention my father again!” Atoshi had touched a live nerve within Abby, and anger began to spill out. She reaches for his chest, grabbing his shirt. “I’ll fucking kill you if you ever talk to me like that again! You got me? I’ll fucking break your precious doll! I’ve already had Kimmy ready to leave once! I’ll take her Atoshi! I will destroy you.” Her voice suddenly became eerily calm as she spoke her last sentence.

“Damn women,” he whispers, still grinning. He leaves the plane noticing a few people watching the girls. “Yeah look, but that’s all you get.” As he climbed into the car, he yelled to them, “don’t you wish you had my job?”
He took her punch, he was almost expecting it, he watches her as she grabs him and listens to her empty threats, he knew she couldn't do anything to the girls anymore. He kept a hard but calm face "I guess that would mean you really don't love Tony... Because if you did any of that... Do you really think he'd still want you..." He grins at her "Or maybe that's it... Daddy doesn't want you with him... So you won't let him in... You'll push him away... Then go crawling back to your father..." His face got hard as he glares "What what you really want... Isn't it Abigail..." He grabs her wrist and pulls it up, ripping the bracelet off "He still owns you... He's the one in control... And until you can see that you and Tony will never work!"
"You bastard!" She covers the tat on her wrist. Her own Q that her father used on her. Abby always wore bracelets to cover it. Even now she could hear his words the day he forced it on her. "The blood vessels in your left wrist run closest to the heart, my pet. So too does this. You will forever be known as mine." Abby shakes her head. "I told you don't mention him! He's more of a monster than you could ever be. That's why you can never hurt me! He already did! As for Tony," her face flushed, draining of all color. She didn't know what to say really. She wasn't going crawling back to her father, and then it hit her. Abigail. He had called her Abigail. Her father called her that. "It's not because he's still control, Atoshi, that Tony and I will never work. It's because he was right all this time. There is no such thing as love. I. Was. Wrong. All I am good for is running my company and my pets." Her eyes looked him over. "Give Tony my regards." She pulls on the door, but it won't open. "You bastard. You've locked us in? Open this door!"
He moves over to her again "That's where you are wrong... Love does work... If you give it a chance... Which is something you won't do... Because DADDY is still pulling your leash... Tell me Abigail... If Tony left you... Where would you go... I'd bet 100$ that you'd go right back to him... You never had control Abby... Everything thing you do, say or think... I bet you have to ask yourself if daddy would approve... Would this make daddy happy... Make him love me..." He turns her around and pins her to the door "Admit it Abby... You have no control..."
"I have all the control! Not him! Not anyone! Never again!" Tears began to build up in her eyes. "I hate you Atoshi. A monster like you isn't capable of love anyway. It doesn't work." As the first tear fell she forced a smile. "I hope Tony does leave me. I don't deserve him, and I'll only hurt him. I hope Ana leaves you, and when I tell her I was wrong, love doesn't work, love isn't real, she just might. Father never loved me. Just like Ana never loved you."
He steps closer to her again "Tell me why you don't deserve him... Because he sure as hell doesn't seem to think that... And the only reason you think that is because daddy taught you that..." He pins her hands to the door again "Think about it... When did daddy start controlling you... Maybe starting small... How you walked, talked, dressed... If you wanna leave Tony so bad... Why are you crying... Have you even noticed that!"
“Let me go,” she yelled trying to pull her emotions back. “I don’t deserve Tony..because..he believes in love. I. Don’t.” It seemed Atoshi knew far more than she thought he did about her father. From as far back as she could remember, the man controlled every single aspect of her life. From what she was allowed to eat first on her plate, to exactly what time she did every activity he had planned out for her. “Let me go Atoshi. You hate me. You don’t want me here. Your girls hate me. Soon enough, Tony will hate me too. I have a company to run and lives to ruin. Don’t make me start with yours’.”
He doesn't let her go, in fact he leans his face closer "Yes... I hate what you've done... But after learning your story... I can understand..." He lightly grips her chin "People can change..." He glares slightly "Just look at Tony... When he first heard what you did... He wante to kill you... Now he's doing everything in his power to KEEP you... And this is how you thank him... But he won't quite... Because that is what love is... Look me in the eye and tell me Tony doesn't make you feel lighter... Makes you feel like your safe... Like you're home... Tell me that doesn't happen the moment you see him... Touch him..."
“Then let me go. If you hate what I’ve done so much, let me go. “ As he touches her chin, she flinches slightly, her fear rising for a moment. “Tony make me feel….a lot of things. Sometimes….it’s..confusing..to me. I don’t know why..he feels like he does. I don’t what to do about.. what I’m feeling. I just know that I’m..there..with him.. and then he..he tells me what to do. He gives me a command..and all I can think of..is how I want to do it..not for myself..but to make him happy. I see that look on his face, and I..remember it..and I want to see it on his face again and again. He looks so happy, and I always want him..happy. I get so..wrapped up..in making him happy..that I forget..for a while..that I’m not in control. He is..and it doesn’t bother me. I let go. It’s so freeing..and so scary..at the same time..but to see that look on his face..makes it worth it. Being with Tony..is home..it's where I want..to be. Safe..and loved."
He takes her hands "Then close your eyes... And focus on Tony... He's why you're doing this..." He waits for her to relax somewhat and gently leads her back to the bed. "I'm going to try a few things with you... If you really love Tony..." He looks at her "You'll try this ..." He makes sit and sits next to her.
Abby closes her eyes and lets him lead her to the bed. She opens her eyes, though, when he mentions Tony. “Alright,” she says closing her eyes once more. She was nervous, and her body was still stiff. Her distain for Atoshi, as well as her lack of trust, was making it hard to relax. Even though he had asked her to focus on Tony, she was still stuck thinking about him.
He slowly runs his fingers along her arms and legs "Just think of Tony... His face, his voice, his smell... Think of him touching you, kissing you..." He continues and slowly removes her clothes as he does, then helps her lay back on the bed and slightly spread her legs. "Think about when he was in control... How he made you feel..." He slowly runs his fingers over her chest, around he nipples, then down to her pussy, starting slowly he teases it.
Abby's mind began to think about Tony. She could see him smiling, feel his hands on her body as her clothes slowly slipped away from her. Leaning back, it was him there with her in her mind. Gasping at his touch, her legs fall open a bit more. “Master,” she breathes.
"That's it..." He soon pumps two figers into her and rubs her clit softly, he moves to lay on the bed next to her and leans down, licking at her nipples. "Just relax..." He suckles her nipple then pumps a bit faster, he looks up at her face, then leans up to kiss her.

Meanwhile David returns to check on Emily.
“Oh Master,” she groans, moving her body with him. “I am..yours..Master. Always.” She feels Tony’s fingers bringing her closer to cumming. It’s his tongue licking her nipples. Atoshi’s voice draws her deeper into her trance. Her breathing is deep and steady. She is wet and so close. “Can I..cum..Master? Please.”

Her body is nearly limp, barely able to remain upright. She twitches and jerks as tremors of pleasure seem to be continuous.
Atoshi leans up and licks along her neck "Yes you may..." He adds another finger and pumps them harder.

David walks over to her and smiles, he kneels down to tip her chin up "Hello Emily... How are you doing..."
Abby arches her back, feeling him fuck her harder, filling her wet pussy. She lets go. The woman that Tony spoke of being so beautiful when she gave up control was there next to Atoshi. “Thank you Master,” she cries out reveling in her orgasm. “All for you Master! You make me..cum..so hard! Thank you!” Every pore in her body is alive. Abby the control hungry bitch is gone. In her place is Abby the willing, cooperative pet.

She groans, a dreamy look in her eyes. “I..hurt..Please..make it..stop. Please.”
Atoshi actually smirks up at her, Tony was right, she was quite beautiful once she relaxed as let go, he pumps his fingers for a few more minutes until she is finished. He removes his fingers and watches her, he lets her calm down slowly.

David smiles at her and rubs her cheek "Don't worry... I can make that go away..." He moves to get another needle, he fills it and soon injects her arm, this would remove her pain and help her feel only pleasure. "There you go Sweety..."
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