A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

He looks at her and sets her on her feet "I don't know my Pet... Last time I left you to get something... You took off... And after the punishment you're facing... How do I know you won't run again..." He cups her cheek, rubbing softly "How can I trust you'll return... Give me a reason..."
She smiles looking into his eyes. "That's easy. Because you're my Master, and I want to take every chance I can to prove to you that you can trust me. Trust has been broken, but it can be rebuilt. The first step just has to be taken. Will you take that first step with me Master?"
He smiles at her and kisses her softly "Alright my Pet... I'll let you earn my trust back... I'd also like a steak... I'm a bit more hungry then you..." He steps back and starts to unbutton his shirt and head to their door "Don't be too long... And why not get us some dessert as well..." He smiles at her and goes in their room.
Abby grins rushing down to the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel. “Hi. I’d like to order a….two steaks with salads please. Oh and two of the best desserts you have.” The lady behind the bar nodded before going to place the order. Abby’s phone rings and she answers smiling. “I just places the order Master. You have to…..”
“Master is it? I can settle for being called that.”
“No. I like the sound of Master better. “ She sat there in silence. “It’s time for you to come home pet. Come home to your Master.”
“I am with my Master.”
“Really? Pet. Don’t make me come get you.” She hangs the phone up and takes the bags as soon as they’re given to her. Making her way up to the room, she puts the bags on the table. “Can I go to bed Master? I’m not hungry anymore.”
He looks at her as she sets the bags of food down and frowns "Oh no you don't... Come here... You were all smiles when you left this room..." He pats his lap "Come sit... I want to hear what happened between the restaurant and here..." He looks at her and waits.
"Master, I would rather....." She stops as her phone rings. Looking at it, she sees it's him again. She hangs up on him and stares at her phone before throwing it across the room. "Master it' my father," she tells him, her anger clear. "He wants me to come home. He said, 'pet it's time to come home.'" Abby crosses her arms across her body tightly, hugging herself. "I'm so scared Master. Please. Keep me safe."
Tony stands and moves closer to her, he pulls her into a hug and kisses her forehead "I promise you... That man won't touch you again... If I can help it... And if he dose manages to lay a finger on you... I'll kill him... You have my word..." He cups her cheeks "You belong to me Pet... Now and forever... Do you understand..."
"Yes..Master," she tells him, her body trembling. "I'm so..scared of him.I don't wanna ever feel the kind of pain he can inflict. I..I..trust you," she told him burying her face into his body. "I trust you. Always."

Ana stirs looking at him. She doesn't move too much as she doesn't want to wake Kimmy. "Hi," she mouths to him.
Tony holds her close and moves to sit them on the bed, he just holds her close and rubs her back, he knew she didn't need words right now, just him.

Atoshi smiles and looks at her "Hey... Good news... Kimmy gets to come with us tomorrow..." He watches them "Looks like you two had fun..." He smiles.
"Yeah. We did. She'll be glad. I am." She stops as she hears his phone ring. Kimmy stirs as well. "Hello," she says half asleep still. Ana giggles. "It's Sir's phone." It was the doctor on the other line awaiting. When he hears him pick up, he simply starts talking. "Alright Atoshi. We caught her. Emily was picked up trying to board a plane. I've got her here. Atoshi, it's her. She's you sister. What do you want me to do?"
He watches them, then picks up the phone "Hey doc... What... So it's true... She's my half sister..." He thinks a moment, looking at his girls. "I don't want her hurt... But do what you have to, to find out everything in who she works for... She maybe be blood... But she was raised to hate us..."
Ana lifts up until she's sitting up. "Sister? You have a half sister," she whispers. Kimmy slowly sits up joining her. "Did you know he had a half sister," Ana asks her.

"Alright Atoshi. I'll take care of her, but I will get the truth from her. Promising no harm will come to her, I will use some of my favorite methods," the doctor smiles.
Atoshi hangs up and looks to the girls "I knew my father liked to play around... Especially after mom died... But I never knew of any kids being made... But when we had her in interrogation... I found my family's birthmark... But she was taken in by Abby's family and taught to hate me... So she's a sister in blood only..."
"Abby. Again. This woman is always going to plague me. Her family raised your half sister. What are the odds." Ana shakes her head trying to remember if she could have seen her. "There was always a lot of girls coming in and out Jonathan's place. I visited with Abby often, but I don't remember seeing her." She grins at him. "Now if you had a half brother that was raised by him, it would be easier to try and remember. Jonathan only had a few men that would come to visit. Martin Andrews was one, but there was this other guy. He's about our age in fact. He would come an visit him quite a bit. Always behind closed doors. Whenever we would be visiting, he would pet my face as he left, like I was a dog." She shivers. "Creeped me out that he did it. Was actually done in a kind way, but it was still a demeaning gesture. Anyway, what are you going to do when we get back home?"

Emily watched as the doctor came to stand in front of her. Her mouth gagged, she couldn't speak to him. "He knows who you are, and he wants to me find out who you're working for. This can go easy, or this can be difficult." He reaches up removing the gag. "Fuck you old man." He shakes his head. "Difficult it is."
Atoshi looks at Ana "Jonathan had a... Male... Visitor... Really.." He moves to sit on the bedside and gets a look, "Maybe... There was something going on with them... Maybe Emily knows something we can use..."
"Maybe. Abby knew about him. She was there more than me. She went every day for a long time even if I didn't go with her. I was always glad to stay home. Jonathan is an evil bastard. This guy that would come visit him, they would go inside his office, and close the door. I heard it lock too. I have no idea what they did. Most of the time Abby and I left before they came out. There were a couple of times when the door opened they both came out, shook hands, and this other guy would pet me. I hope he can help with Emily. Would you like for me to ask Abby what all she knows?"
He smiles "No... I don't want to deal with Abby until we get home... And only if I have to..." He leans in and kisses both, then smiles at Kimmy "You go home tomorrow... If you spend tonight alone... Think you can do that Kitten..." He cups her cheek softly.
Kimmy smile. "Of course Master. I can, but I don't want to. I will if it means I can go home though. One night away from you two, and then we go home and begin our lives together." Ana smiles. "Lovely thought."
He kisses her softly "Only a few more hours... And I'll have my girls home with me..." He then moves to kiss Ana just as softly, he looks at his watch "We have to leave soon... Visiting hours almost up.." He moves to lay on the bed, over the covers, with one girl on each side, he holds them close. "Let's just relax..."
"Just relaxing sounds good to me," Ana tells him as she snuggles up to him. "Yeah. I'm with big sister," Kimmy giggles. "A few hours, and we're all home."
David enters the room again and closes the door, Emily was tied to a chair in the middle of the room "Hello again Emily... I think you should be ready to talk now..." About 30 minutes ago she was given a shot of the doc's extra strength truth serum, she'd tell him anything. "Now... Why don't we start with your name..."
Her eyes were wet now as her head lulled. She focused on the doctor. Her mind screamed, ‘no! Don’t’ answer him,’ but much to her horror her lips spoke the correct answer. “Emily….Emily….Urishima….Quin.” After Jonathan had taken her in, she simply moved her birth last name as her middle name. She kept her gaze on the doctor. “Let..me..go.”
"Sorry... No can do... Don't worry though... I'm under orders not to hurt you... But to get all the information I can from you with other methods... Now... Who do you work for..." He smirks and her and runs his hand over her arm slowly.
"My..boss," she smirks knowing he'll only push harder until he gets the answer he wants, but at least she was able to be a smartass with this loophole.
He chuckles and steps closer "Clever girl... But that won't last..." He tips her head up to look at her "Tell me your boss' name... How long you worked for him... And what your mission was..."
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