A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

“I don’t care how angry he was with me. A man doesn’t hit a woman like that. He should have known better. What does he do if Ana makes him angry? Does he hit her too? There’s a word for me like that. Abusive!” She begins to writhe, trying to free herself from his arms. “He hit me, and you did nothing about it. Did you even talk to him? Did you tell him how wrong it was? Did you tell him how angry you were?” She shakes her head. “I can never be….what you want. I can never be what I want to be with you. I want you Tony. Damnit I want you to by my Master in every sense of the word, but I’m damaged. I can’t function right. Don’t you see that? Don’t you look at me and see a woman who will never be anything but….a broken down daddy's failure?"
He holds her tight and glares slightly "I wouldn't start calling people abusive Abigail... Not after what you did to Ana... And of course I talked to him, I was pissed and almost quit... But he still had a claim to you and couldn't just walk away from you..." He stares at her and giver her a little shake to make her still "Yes... You're broken... But not destroyed... Broken can be fixed... But it takes TIME... And training..." He works his pants opens and shifts her on his lap, pushing her skirt up slightly "Since you already came for that ass... You're plenty wet..." He doesn't allow her to push away and thrusts into her roughly, one hand on her back the other on her hip, he stares at her as he starts hard slow thrusts. "You belong to me now Abby... And I promise to keep you safe and pleased... If you promise to obey me... As your Master..." He speaks to her as he continues to thrust, making sure they were deep and hard, how she liked it. "Say it Abby..." It was a command.
She struggles against him as he moves her, but she’s not match for Tony. Even if she hadn’t been drinking, his strength could easily overly power her. Her mouth opens wide as she gasps feeling him slide inside her. Her face almost frozen, she stares into his eyes as he begins his rhythm. All of this felt right. Him, how he was taking her, his words, it was all right. She begins to move, meeting his blows, groaning. This was what pleasure was all about, how it was suppose to feel. It was something she had never truly felt until that first day in the training room, when Tony looked at her and spoke. Just the sound of his voice giving her a command, the tone he used, it was all enough to make her clit quiver and her pussy wet. She knew then she wanted him. “I belong to you Master. You will keep me safe, and I will obey you. Always.” There was no hesitation, no regret in her words. She meant them. Leaning down she stopped her lips almost touching his. Abby moaned softly into his mouth. “You feel so good Master.” Her eyes looking directly into his. “You have to punish me though. I was a bad girl. I left you, failed to follow your command at the hotel, and I came for another man. I’m sorry.”
He smirks at her "Don't worry pet... You will be punished... But right now, you're being rewarded for telling the truth..." He grins and moves one hand to her hair and grips it, the other holding her hip tighter "Now you're gonna ride me... And fuck me like you mean it... You're my Pet and you cum for me... " he stares at her and moves her hips harder against him, "You'll scream and cry for me... And I don't care if the whole park hears us..." He grips her hair and kisses her roughly then pulls back "Now what are you gonna do... Pet..."
Abby groans as he pulls her hair. His words, oh those beautiful words, came from his mouth, pushing her body closer, and she wanted more. Her clit tingled, her pussy was wet, and her heart raced. He was going so deep. She could feel him in new places in fact, and she didn’t care. She wanted it. The sweet pain gripping her hips along with his hand was enticing. “I’m gonna ride you Master! I’m goann fuck you like I mean it! I’m gonna cum for you! I’ll scream and cry for you, and WE don’t care if the whole park hears us!” Again there was no hesitation as she spoke the words she believed and felt. Abby moved her body now on her on more and more, fucking him. She had her own power in her legs, and it showed. She was a woman with her own missions now. Cum, make him cum, and show him that she was his pet, and he was her Master.
"There she is..." He moans as she rides him harder "Welcome back pet... Are you enjoying you're little reward..." He groans and lets her take over the movements, leaving his hand on her hip and keeping a firm but gentle grip on her hair. "But it's not all fun and games pet... You were a naughty girl..." His words held disappoint but still command, "But for good behaviour... You get a bonus reward..." He didn't let how close he was getting affect his voice or grip, making her stare at him, no matter how close She got either. "Tell me how I'll punish you... You know what will be most affective..." He leans closer and teases her with soft kisses, "Tell me pet... Speak..."
Abby wanted to stop as he spoke, but her body wouldn't let her. He felt too good, all of this felt too good, to stop. "Master? I don't....know." Her mind was clouding with the pleasure he was giving her. She couldn't imagine not feeling him or this good. Then the words slipped from her mouth. "Don't..touch me Master. Chasity belt. My only pleasure comes....from servicing Atoshi." In her eyes, it was a horrid punishment. To only feel any pleasure at the hands of the man she despised as much as her father was almost an unbearable thought. Abby pushed her body to move, his cock filling her completely. "But tonight, Master, fill me, take me, let me feel you. I want you so much. I love you Master." She wanted to kiss his neck, his lips, just have her mouth on his skin, but his firm grip in her hair prevented it. Instead she locked eyes with him as she felt her orgasm coming.
Panting slightly, he looks at her "Your want... To serve the boss... As punishment..." He never stopped her movements and just watched her, he knew she hated Atoshi, to ask for her punishment to be served under him... "You truly want this for your punishment pet..." He knew how much she wanted to prove herself to him now. He starts to push her harder, getting closer himself.
"Yes," she groaned. "I want..to serve under..the man I hate. Please Master. Say I can." She, like him, never stopped her movements. As she spoke, her words grew in volume. She didn't care who heard. She didn't care if they got caught. All she wanted to do was be with him. "Master? Can I cum," she suddenly blurted out. "Oh please! I'm so close! I can't..I can't..hold it!"
He looks at her, moving his hand from her hair to her chin and pulling her face closer "This will be your last climax from me Pet... Once we get home, you belong to the boss... For one week... Agree, and you can cum..." He stares at her, bucking his hips up into her harder.
Abby's face scrunched up. She looked as if she were going to cry again. "I didn't....say that part. Why Master?" She leaned in close, resting her face against his, her hot breath washing over him. "Fuck Master. You..feel..so good. Don't stop." She gripped his shoulders tightly trying to hold off her orgasm until he answered. She didn't want to let him down, but she didn't want to agree to this until she knew why.
He moves both hands to her hips and starts to move her faster and harder against him "You came for another man Pet... Not to mention disobeying me at the hotel and running... There will be a few punishments... This is a reward for telling the truth... Not cumming for me until we arrive home is one... Serving under the boss is another... Now agree and cum for me..." He was holding back himself, but was getting closer, it was not a request.
She closed her eyes tightly and clenched her teeth. "Alright Master! I agree! Yes Sir! I'll follow your punishments!" Before she was even finished speaking, Abby ground her hips into him and came hard. Her body shuddered, trembling uncontrollably, as her walls tightened around him. She wasn't speaking anymore, unable to. Her eyes rolled back in her head as her hands held on to his shoulders. There was nothing graceful, or sexy, about her climax. She looked like a slut writhing on the end of his shaft. A whore cumming hard from his cock. A pet obeying her Master.
Tony was panting when her orgasm hit her, he thrust hard as long as he could until she was squeezing too tight to move, then he fills her. "Nnn... That's it Pet... Enjoy it..." He watches her, giving in fully to her pleasure and she continues to ride him slowly through it, prolonging it. Once her body started to shake he holds her hips and gently slows her to a stop. "Mmm... That's it... Relax pet... Good girl..." He cups her cheek as she comes to a stop and stares at her, waiting for her to focus, rubbing her cheek softly.
His face comes into focus, and she remembers the awful punishment she as to endure. She wants to say something, but Abby is at a loss for words. Her hands move from his shoulders to his face as she sits there. 'I have to serve for that monster. I just hope I don't make him angry again. Ana? What about Ana?' Her brow furrows as she thinks about her, but her concerns, her questions, go unasked.
He smirks at her and leans closer "You won't be forgetting that one for a while... Pet..." He kisses her softly and gently lifts her off him, fixing their clothes, he then sits her across his lap, holding her. "Until we go home... This is as close as we get..." He kisses her cheek "Then once we are home, you will belong to the boss for a week... I'll need to talk to him... But you will follow his orders... He will be your master for one week... Is that clear..."
"Yes Master," she replied looking down at the ground. "What about Ana? What if she says no? What if she says yes? Will I have to serve her as well? Master, I....," she stops looking up at him. "I just....wanna know," she lies.
He tips her chin up and kiss her softly, "You are going to Atoshi... Not Ana or Kimmy... I'll talk to them... Now enough of this until we go home... Understood... I want it out of your head..." He holds her close and rubs her back, just enjoying holding her.
She rests her chin on his body and relishes his warm embrace. "Master," she softly whispers. "I love you." It was the truth. Abby had never truly loved anyone until she met him. If she had to serve this punishment to prove it, then so be it. She moves to his face and kisses him softly. "I always want to be with you."
He smiles and rubs her cheek softly, kissing her back "You will always be with me Pet..." He holds her for a while longer before standing and heading back to the hotel, carrying her. "Let's just go to the hotel and relax... Maybe even order some dinner..."
"I would like that Master," she tells him resting her head against his body. Safe in arms is where always wanted to be. "I never knew it could be like this Master. My father, he was always so cruel. I didn't know men could be so nice. Even Atoshi, when he hit me, he reminded me so much of my father. I have scars from my father." She winces thinking about them. "The tat on Ana, the Q, it wasn't my idea. You see, my father....let's just say it was him who started it." She didn't want to tell him about the small brand on her body. She was sure he had seen it. The small Q she wore herself. The brand that would never fade or go away. She snuggled closer to him.
"He no longer has any claim on you... And will never touch you again if I can help it..." He holds her tighter and turns down the street for the hotel, it wasn't that far of a walk. "So... What shall we have for dinner..."

Back at the hospital Atoshi enters the room silently, looking at the girls sleeping, he smiles and sits to watch them.
"I believe you. I feel safe when I'm with you Master." There was a sadness to her voice. She had noticed it and hoped it was just an oversight. He didn't tell her he loved her. He told her she would always be with him, but he didn't tell her he loved her. 'Men just don't love me. Maybe I'm unlovable. No matter what, I love him, and I want to be with him. Even if he doesn't love me, I still want to be with him.'
Tony held her close, he knew he hadn't said the words back to her, that was on purpose, he knew she knew how he felt, and he wanted her to know he was hurt. Until her punishment was over, he would just show her with the time he had with her, he carries her up to their room and into their room. "I asked a question... What shall we have for dinner?"
"Something light," she tells him, pulling herself from her thoughts. "I would be alright with a salad. I'll gladly go downstairs and get two for us. It would be my honor Master. You can go ahead and start to relax. I like the thought of you all nice and comfortable as I serve you."
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