A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

"You do," she nearly yelps as he squeezes her body. Abby rests her head against him. "No," she tells him jerking her head up as he tells her they will have more of these outings. "I can't do that again. Please."
He chuckles "You can... And you will... Look at me and tell me you didn't enjoy that..." He leans closer and smirks, "You've never been tighter on me..." He licks her lips and kisses her again, then starts to slowly pull from her, letting her stand.
"Of course I enjoyed that," she tells him breaking the kiss. "I enjoy any time I get with you, but I can't do this," she looks around before meeting his gaze. "This....as in out in public. This....as in such a dirty place. I can't do this again. Oh please Master say you won't do this again."
He cups her cheek and rubs softy "Again my pet... You don't give the orders... And you don't know what you need... As your Master it's my job to teach and train you..." He steps back slightly and holds her until she can stand. "And this is what you need... To be pushed... To be shown you're not in charge..." He kisses her softly "Now fix your clothes... There's a hotel room calling us..."
She eyes him curiously. 'I don't know what I need? I need to be pushed? I need to be shown I'm not in charge?' The thoughts bothered her, but Abby wasn't going to let him know. She nodded. "Yes Master." Grabbing her clothes, she straightened them and then opened the door for him. The thought actually went through her mind to step inside, close the door, and lock it. It was a thought that made her smile.
Tony fixes himself and moves to follow her, he tips her chin up and kisses her softly, "You'll learn my pet... And I'm sure you'll enjoy it along the way..." He takes her hand and leads her through the door and down the stairs, then onto a floor and into the elevator. "So... I was thinking of a hot bath..." He holds her from behind and kisses along her neck.
Abby looks over her shoulder slightly as he holds her. "Yeah. A hot bath." She was answering him, but her mind was a million miles away. She kept hearing his words over and over in her mind. 'And this is what you need... To be pushed... To be shown you're not in charge.'
Once out of the hospital he calls a cab and heads to the hotel, they go up to the room and he goes to start the bath. "Why don't you fix us some drinks... Maybe a snack... It's time to relax..." He moves to get their things from the luggage and goes back to the bathroom, calling her when ready.
She prepares the drinks, listening to him in the bathroom. The words still played in her mind. 'You're not in charge. You're not in charge.' Her father's voice comes back to her. 'Abby you're just a woman. YOU will never amount to anything! Now go an help the maids. It's all you're good for anyway.' She slams the glass down on the counter and heads out the door. Flagging a cab down, she hops in. "Take me the most popular night club here. I intent on getting drunk and fucking WHOEVER I want!" She catches sight of her face in the rearview mirror. Smiling she whispers, "Welcome back Abby. I've missed you."
Tony enters the main room after a few minutes of her not answering "Pet? ... Abby?" He was only in a towel, he walks over to the drinks and finds te one glass cracked. "Hmmm... So she left..." He picks up his drink and has a sip, "Well then... Later then I thought..." He picks up the phone and calls the front desk. "Hello... Did you see the lady I was with leave the hotel... ... Do you know where she went?"
The lady smiled and told him exactly where the cab was headed. She told him it was the center of nightlife there. The biggest club for miles with a very accommodating bar with extremely liberal rules. "In fact," she grins, "there aren't any. Whatever the guests wish to do, they are encouraged to do so. It is very normal to see anything taking place at any given time."

Abby tips the driver and jumps out heading past the long line of people waiting to get inside. The guy at the door stops her. "Do you fucking know who I am. I am Abby Quin of Quin industries." His expression changes as he has heard of her and her company. "That's right. So fucking move out of my way so I can go inside, or I'll rip your dick off right here!" He moves letting her pass.
Tony nods "Thank you very much... Goodbye.." He hangs up and takes a sip from his drink and heads to the bathroom "I'll give her a few hours... No sense in wasting a hot bath..." He drops the towel and climbs in.

Luke was just walking to the bar when he heard the yelling at the door, he glances over as te woman makes her way inside, he smirks. "One gin and tonic and a scotch on the rocks..." He asks the bartender and smiles, after getting the drinks he walks over to her. "Sounds like you've had a bad day..." He holds out the scotch "Looks like you could use this..." He smiles at her.
Abby eyes him the same way she has eyed so many other people in the past who she thought less of. "You could say that," she tells him taking the drink. After a sip, her eyes sweep over his body. "Do you always go around listening to other people's conversations?"
He chuckles "Not normally no... But when it's heard over the music..." He smiles and sips his own drink "So... What has your panties in a knot... Bad day at work?" He slowly looks her over, she looked good enough to have some fun with, as soon as she was loosened up a bit more. "I took a guess... But what's your real poison?" He tips his glass.
"Men," she tells him with distain dripping from her words. "One in particular. He actually thought he could own me. Imagine that. Someone thought they could be my owner," she says with a laugh before a taking a sip of her drink. "Nobody owns Abby Quin. I'm always in charge."
"Well well well... THE Abby Quin... This is an honour..." He tips his drink to her "I hope the lovely miss Quin won't see me buying her a few drinks as controlling... I'd just like the miss to relax..." He smiles at her, he knew that name, he also knew she had a thing for being 'in charge', he could play on that.
She grins nodding her head at him. "This," she holds up the drink, "is a good start to relaxing and forgetting. What's your name?"
He hold out his hand, "I'm Luke... Luke Cross... It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Quin..." He smiles and takes her hand, pulling it a little closer and kissing it. "Shall I get you another scotch then..."
She tilts her head at him as he kisses her hand. "For kissing my hand without my permission, you can buy two scotches. Don't ever do that again." She pulls her hand from him and reaches up grabbing his hair. "Do I make myself clear?"
He watches her and hides his grin, giving her a little groan as she pulls his hair, he stares at her, then looks down "Yes Mistress..." He says softly, he knew how to play the game, he'd play along until she didn't care anymore. He waits until she releases him before moving to get her drinks "I'd like a bottle of your best scotch... I have a lady to please..." He smirks at the bartender and waits, sliding the money across the bar, he takes the bottle and returns to their table, he doesn't look right at her, taking a seat before filling her glass. "I brought the bottle Miss... So you wouldn't have to wait for your drinks..." He sets the bottle down and picks up his own drink, only taking a sip after she does, keeping his eyes on her lap, he could tell she was angry and not as in control as she thought she was.
Abby had to admit that the guy seemed to know his place. She liked that. Less training. Training. Now there’s a thought she hadn’t entertained since Tony. ‘Tony! No! I’m not going to think about him. How dare he? Who does he think he is? My Master? Wait. He was. I mean he is. I mean I wanted him to be.’ She shakes her head taking a sip. “Have you ever wanted something, but then when you got it, it wasn’t what you thought it would be?” She lied in her question to him. What she wanted to ask him was if he was afraid of it when he got what he thought he wanted. Abby knew she was afraid on a deeper level. The control she had fought so hard to get, so that nobody would ever hurt her, was now placed in someone else’s hands. Sure he had explained why Atoshi hit her, but it felt like as soon as she had given him that control she was hurt.
He glances at her a moment, then takes his own sip "I can't say as I have... There has never really been anything out of my reach yet... But I'm still young..." He smiles and watches her from the corner of his eye, when she sets her glass down he is ready to fill it again, making sure she's never without. "Is there anything else you want Mistress... Something to eat maybe..." He was hoping she didn't, empty stomach meant drunk faster, but to gain her trust, he asked. He noticed her actions before her last drink, she was thinking on something and letting her guard down slightly.
‘Why don’t you make us a drink and a snack.’ Tony’s words still fresh in her ears. “No,” she tells him looking straight at him. “No food. No snacks. No nothing.” She downs a large portion of her drink. Abby wasn’t even counting how much she had to drink. A social drinker at meetings in restaurants and at celebrations, she was never one for scotch anyway. So it was already taking a toll on her. “He..dumbass. He’s a dumbass. You know that? He..he..wanted to be my Master. My Master! How..stupid is..that? I’m not the pet type. I have pets! I had..no..I have pets. I don’t remember anymore. Ana was my pet. Yeah, but then that bastard took her from me. Atoshi Urishima. Jackass!” She takes another drink. The fact that there wasn’t too many people alive who would not know Atoshi’s name didn’t register with her. The scotch was already taking away basic reasoning and logic. “He took..my pet..away from me. Then his..bodyguard..he..trained me..and I..liked it,” she tells him narrowing her eyes. “I fucking liked being his pet. I wanted to be his pet! What was I thinking? I gave up control. MY CONTROL!” She downs the rest of the glass before looking at him.
Luke looks at her and listens "So... You have an owner..." He says softly, and smirks "Well... That was his mistake... Wasn't it Mistress..." He fills her glass once more "Well... I won't control you Mistress..." He reaches over and runs his fingers over her arm slowly "You come ove here... And you control me Mistress..." He was slowly taking control, but making her believe she was still in charge to her drunken mind.
She looked over at him as his fingers played along her arm. The lines between what was reality and what her mind perceived were blurred heavily due to her intoxication. “That’s right. I’ll come over there…., and I’ll….control you. You got that right. Because I’m the Mistress. I’m nobody’s pet.” She moved closer to him, her head actually slumping against him. “That’s..better. You smell..so good pet.”
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