A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

He smiles down at her "Sounds wonderful... It'll give us time to talk too..." He gently lifts her into his arms, carrying her bridal style. He takes her into the large bathroom and sits her on the counter, he adds cherry bath oil and starts to fill the tub. "I know this is our time... And I'm fine with that..." He moves to stand with her once the tub is filling, he cups her cheek. "I know now it can't always be the three of us... You'll want me alone... Kimmy will want me... You'll want Kimmy... Which I might sit in on..." He chuckles slightly, "I have no problem with that... But we need to talk about it, all three of us..." He kisses her with a smile and moves to turn the tub off "Do you understand baby doll..." He then helps her to the tub.
She knew he was right. She knew the three of them would have to talk about this. It was an unconventional relationship, but it was still a relationship just the same. Kimmy had been on her mind. Sure she had thought about telling him to pick on or the other, but she couldn’t do that to either of them. It was clear Kimmy needed him, but it was also clear how Kimmy felt about her as well. Ana climbed into the water, still silent, and leaned against him. Memories of times in his office bathroom came back to her. She had hated him so much in the beginning. Now she loved him. “I understand,” she finally told him. “We do have to talk to Kimmy. You’re right about us all needing one on one time, but Sir, we also need time with the three of us together as well. I relish the thought of tasting Kimmy’s pussy while you take me from behind,” she blushed grinning as her back was against him.
He smirks and holds her gently "I bet I know something else you'd rather do to Kimmy..." He kisses her neck and wraps his arms around her "The day you left... I had a gift for you..." He slowly runs his hands over her naked body. "A double ended strap on..." He cups her breasts softly "I heard you when you were with Kimmy... Wishing to fuck her yourself..." He massages and pinches her nipples lightly "So maybe... I'll fuck you from behind... While you fuck Kimmy..." He smiles, he knew his doll well, one hand slowly slips below her waist to tease her softly, only giving more if she wants it.
She rests back against him completely breathing deeply. "Yes....Sir. That would be hot. I'd love to fuck her while you take me. Would you put your hands on my hips, hold me, while you fucked me? Slam your body into my own as I pound hers'?" Ana spread her legs feeling the warmth of the water and the pleasure that spread through her hips as he touched her.
He grins and chuckles, shifting to kiss her cheek "But of course... How else do you plan to force her into her haze..." He turns her head and starts to tease along her slit slowly, he smiles "You think I didn't notice the rush you got, when you pushed her over the edge... Made her your little play thing..." He slips a few fingers into her slowly "Made her lose her mind to Your actions..." He stares at her "Tell me you loved it... The look on her face..."
“I did. I enjoyed it. Knowing she was cumming, knowing I was making her that happy, I loved it. I crave it again. I wanna see that look in her eyes as her body becomes mine again. I wanna take her to the edge and fucking shove her over it.” There was something about Ana’s voice as she spoke. It was more than arousal. It was clear the power drew a strong reaction from her. She closed her eyes as she moaned softly, pushing her head into his body. “Yes,” she whispered. “I’m addicted to you and how you make me feel. Don’t stop.” Her hand found his, resting on top of his, feeling the strength. “Sir,” she asked. “Could you teach me that? How to be in a haze like that? I’m willing to try anything to get there.”
He thrusts his fingers a bit faster and looks at her "It took Kimmy months... Hours each day... Locked away in training..." He rubs her clit with his thumb, "Even drugged to give her the feeling she wanted..." He kisses her softly "If you truly want to... Then I'll teach you... Maybe Kimmy will help..." He smirks and gently adds another finger.
Ana back arches. "Yes," she cries out. "Teach me Sir. I want you to. I want Kimmy to. Teach me. I don't care what you have to do just....don't fucking stop. I'm gonna cum. Of fuck I'm gonna....." Her body stiffens, her face red, and she groans as her pussy clamps down on his fingers.
"Of course my love..." He kisses her softly as her orgasm hits her, he thrusts his fingers a few more times before slowly pulling them out and holding her as she relaxes, he breaks the kiss and smiles "How would you like it... If I made an office at the house... That way, we work at home... Only going in for meetings..." He starts to slowly wash her, "At least until the three of us have things sorted..." He smiles and kisses her softly again.
“An office at home,” she asks leaning forward so he can wash her back. “I….actually don’t know about that. At work, we can be separate. You are Atoshi, my boss. At home, you’re Sir. There could be days you could work at home, or even stay at home, so you could spend more time with Kimmy. I could run things at the office for you so you could do that. I worked far too hard to get to where I am to give it up. Please say you understand,” she asks not turning around the see the look on his face.
He turns her to look at him and smiles "Of course I understand... And I didn't say we'd work from home always... Just until things are sorted... I would quite enjoy you running the company, but would you become jealous again of me being with Kimmy more... We need to be sure of ourselves before going back to work... I hope you understand..." He kisses her softly.
"No. I won’t be jealous. I think it would be great. It would give you and Kimmy time together, and it would give me time to do my job. I’m happy when I’m working. It would also be a great way to keep suspicions down. We don’t want rumors to start.”
He smiles slightly "And it would mean you'd get welcome home greetings..." He chuckles, "Help you relax after a long day..." He smirks and rubs her shoulder lightly, "As long as we take a few days off to sort things out..." He kisses her cheek.
"Anything you want Sir, and I have a little request myself. It's one I'm sure you won't mind. On my days off, I want you all to myself one of those days."
He smiles and kisses her "I'm sure that won't be a problem... So, when shall we go and see Kimmy and the others... I'm sure this will cheer her right up..." He starts to wash himself as she rinces off.
"As soon as we are dressed. I am sure it will cheer her up as well. When do you think they will let her leave the hospital? What she did was rather serious."
He hugs her close "Maybe 2 or 3 more days... And she has changed her attitude greatly, and has a large positive support group..." He kisses her cheek and relaxes, "So... Ready to get out yet..."
"Yes. I'm ready to face the world. As long as I have you and Kimmy, I'm ready to face anything. I can face anything. I love you Sir." She rests against him one more time before standing and getting out.
He smiles at her "I love you too Ana..." He soon follows her and grabs some towels, wrapping one around her then himself "You don't have to work at that place anymore, I plan on giving them a little something for taking care of you..." He kisses her cheek and moves to the mirror, deciding to shave.
"Oh no!" She runs from the bathroom grabbing the phone in the next room. "Hello! Mama! I'm sorry! No!. I'm fine! I should have called you. I'm so sorry. Yeah. Things are going goo. I'm okay. I promise. No," she grins. "He's not forcing me to say that. I'll be by at some point to talk to you more about it." She pauses. "Yeah. You're right. Thanks for everything though. Okay. Bye." She turns after she hangs up towards the bathroom. "I call her mama. She's not really my mother. She told me that's what everybody calls her. I should have called her sooner to let he know I was okay."
He blinks and watches her run out, then moves to follow her, shaving cream on his face "Mama..." He questions while she's on the phone and listens. "Oh..." He gives her a look, "Forcing you to say that..." He smirks at her "She cared about you... Even though she didn't know you long?" He smiles, walking back into the bathroom to finish shaving.
"Yeah. Imagine than," she grins. "She cared about me even though she didn't know me long. I guess I just made her fall in love with me," she tells him as she slips on to the counter, her back to the mirror as she's facing him. Ana opens her towel and lets it fall to the counter. Her eyes sweep up and down his body.
He shaves slowly so as not to cut himself "You keep this up... We'll get all dirty again..." He smirks and finishes his shave before she decides to do something, she had that look in her eye. He cleans his face and pulls his towel off, drying his face, then moving to stand between her thighs, his hands on her hips lightly "Enjoying the view?"
"I....yes." Her voice is shaky. She's nervous before him for some strange reason. Ana leans forward kissing his neck. Her hands wander gripping him gently. Sliding from the counter, she begins to kiss her way down his body, ending up on her knees before him. Without warning, she takes him into her mouth, suckling him, while looking up at him.
He watches her, then moans softly as she grips him, then just looks at her as she moves to her knees, soon taking him into her mouth. "Mmm... If you were hungry..." He smirks lightly down at her, "You only had to ask..." He reaches down and runs his fingers through her hair slowly, moaning softly as she picks up speed or suckles harder.
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