A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

She could see the sadness in his eyes. As he held her, kissed her, touched her, she knew he wasn't trying to keep her there. "I have to go," she whispers. "I'm sure....I have a lot of explaining to do....at work. After yesterday." Ana slips from his embrace and the bed. "Last night was....well. I'll be by to see Kimmy later. After work." She couldn't look at him. 'Just let go Ana. Look at him.' Her eyes lifted. 'Now tell him. Say it. I love you.' Ana forced a smile. "I guess I'll see you there," she said quickly turning, opening the door, and stepping outside closing the door behind her. She only took two steps before she turned around and put her head to the door. She cried softly, quietly. With her hand flat against the door, she whispered, "I love you Atoshi."
He watches her get up and move away, he nods to her questions, "I'll see you there..." He waits a moment before getting up to get dressed, he moves to the door and just stares at it, he wanted to go after her, he did, but he wanted her to come back to him because she wanted to, not because he forced her. "I love you Ana... Come home soon..." He says softly before heading to shower.
She reaches down and opens the door rushing into the room. "Atos...." She looks around until she sees him. Suddenly her mouth felt dry, and she couldn't think of what she wanted to say. "I....I forgot something. My....phone. Did I leave it in here?" She knew perfectly well it was in her purse, but her she panicked.
He turns around and blinks at her "Your... Phone..." He steps in his room and glances around, then returns "No... I don't see it... Is... Is that all?" He starts to walk closer, he was still nude, he was glad she came back, but hoped it was for a different reason.
"I....yeah," she chickens out looking away from him. "It was just....my phone. You should take your shower. I..uh..need to make a phone call. So I guess," she begins to back up, "I'll make my phone call outside."
As she turns away, he quickly walks up to her and pulls her close "Is that really why you came back... To look for the phone that never left your purse..." He tips her chin up and rubs her cheek "You don't have to hide from me..." He leans down and rests his forehead on hers, "Tell me why you came back... The truth..." He gently but firmly hugs her close to him.
She lowers her eyes, looking at his lips. 'Just tell him.' She wanted to. Every fiber in her body was screaming to tell him. "I'm not....hiding from you....Atoshi. I'm hiding....from....myself." She looks back up into his eyes. "That is the truth."
He looks back at her, cupping her cheek "You need to stop hiding baby... You'd feel so much better..." He kisses her softly, "I know it won't happen over night... I wish it would... Believe me... But I know it's not that simple..." He kisses her again a bit deeper "I just don't want you to think for a moment, that I want to be away from you... That we want you away from us... We know you need time... Anyone would... But always remember... I love you... Kimmy loves you... Just know, the door will never... And I mean never be closed to you..." He smirks slightly "The ass I show to everyone else... Is not Really me... You should know that by now..." He rubs his knuckles against her cheek softly "But you also know I have to be 'who' I am everyone, or they walk all over me..."
“I know,” she nods. “I know.” She was fighting with all she had, and her battle was one she was going to lose. She could feel it. The words were literally right there behind her lips as she looked up to him. ‘He’s right. I do need time. I need….him.’ She wraps her arms around him and pulls him in tight kissing him with the fire that was burning deep within her. His naked form pressed against her clothed body was intoxicating. Her mind screaming, ‘I love you Atoshi!’
Atoshi holds her tightly and kisses her back just as fiercely, he holds her for as long as she allows, kissing her cheeks, face and then to her neck. He runs his hands over her body, then up into her hair as he kisses her again.
She breaks the kiss, staring into his eyes, breathless. Her hands hold his face. Ana presses her lips together tightly. 'I love you Atoshi. Just say it.' She shakes her head slightly. "Fuck me. Don't make love to me. Fuck me Atoshi. Take me....Sir. Show me....how much you want me."
Panting, Atoshi grins and her, then rips her tops off, he then backs her up against the door. "You want to know how badly I want you..." He pushes her skirt of her, "My Doll..." He lifts her leg up, My Treasure..." He rocks against her "My Anastasia!" He thrusts into her quickly, one hand on her thigh, keeping her leg up, the other in her hair, gripping it, making her look at him. "I want you... Like I want air, water, money..." Each word marked with a hard trust. "Now... Tell me how much you want me... Stop hiding baby doll... Tell me..." He starts a hard, rough pace, staring at her, his voice commanding "Say it Anastasia..."
His grin was intoxicating. It should have been a warning. She gasps, not taking a single step back away from him, as he rips her top from her body. It was like a dance, her stepping back into the door. Her body made a thud as she came to a halt. A grin across her face as he moves her skirt. ‘My doll.’ The words alone sent surges through her clit. ‘My Treasure.’ She nodded as he spoke, lifting her leg, feeling her own arousal. ‘My Anastasia!’ She was breathing hard by this point. She cries out, leaning into his face, as he fills her. Her hands gripped his shoulders. Each time he slammed his body into hers, she groaned. “I want you….more than anything….I’ve ever wanted..in my..life Atoshi! Don’t ever..stop..needing me!” Her head hit the door hard as she screams, “Don’t stop! I want you..to keep going!” She wraps her arms around him, pulling him closer. “Harder Sir! Come on! Give it to me! I want….ALL….of you! Lift me from the floor!”
He smirks "From the floor... When I'm done baby doll... You'll be seeing stars..." He lets her hair go and grabs the other side of her ass, lifting her other leg, then lifting both, not to wrap around him, but to his shoulders. "I'll have to carry you to bed..." He was thrusting harder and deeper now, hitting all new spots. "I'll work your body like a fine instrument... Knowing just what to touch to make you sing..." He holds around her waist now, he leans down and nips her nipples, then gives them a hard shckle. "I'll know your body better then you..." He can feel her starting to ripple and mock glares "I don't remember saying you could cum yet doll... I haven't pulled that string yet... Have I my love..." He grins at her again, keeping up his pace.
Anastasia cries out as he lifts her body, molding her to his wishes as he continues to fill her. “Atoshi,” her voice strained with pleasure. “Carry me. Hold me. Take me. Keep me.” She licks her lips as his mouth captures her nipples. “My body is for you Sir.” The words were low, groaned, and barely able to be heard. She could feel her body tightening around him. She was going to cum and cum hard, harder than ever before. “No….Sir. Please,” she begins to plead and beg with him. “Let me cum. Say I can cum all over your cock Sir. I want to. I want to please you."
He keeps it up, knowing she won't last "Then tell me... Tell me what you want to say... Tell me why you came back in this room... Let me hear your truth and you may cum..." He looks her right in the eyes, she was getting so tight, so hot. "Stop hiding... And let me pull the string..."
On the verge of the tears, she stares into his eyes as he continues to hammer her body. “You already pull all of my strings Sir.” She reaches to hold his face. “I love you Atoshi. I love you Sir. That’s why I came back to this room. Because I can’t imagine my life without you. I don’t want to. I love you. Always, deeply, with everything I have, everything I will be, I love you. Don’t ever leave me," she barely finishes saying before kissing him deeply.
"Nnnn..." He moans loudly and holds her tighter, thrusting just a bit harder. He returns the kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth and twisting hers around, totally dominating her.
Anastasia opens her body, her heart, up to him. She gasps out of the sheer joy of his body taking hers', but also from the freeing feeling that came with telling him the truth she had locked back inside of herself. "I love you Atoshi. I love you Sir. Please. Don't ever let me go. Hold me. Keep me. Say you will."
"I'm never letting you go... I'm keeping you forever..." He speeds up his actions, feeling his own peak creeping closer. "Now... Baby doll... Cum for me... Let go and enjoy the pleasure I give you..." He's panting and groaning.
Anastasia's body becomes taunt as her orgasm claims her. She can hear her cum as he continues to pound her. "Yes....Sir! I'm....cumming!" Those were the last words she spoke before she unleash a scream that spoke of her pleasure, her release, and her finally fully letting go.
Atoshi grins at her "That's my girl..." He holds her tight and moans, she was screaming and gripping him tightly as she finally came. "Nnn..." He tilts his head back and moans, thrusting deep and filling her himself, he leans forward and kisses her roughly.
She relaxes feeling him fill her. It all felt right again. The passion behind his kiss was perfect. As she broke the kiss, she breathed to him, "I love you Sir. I love you with all I am."
He chuckles and slowly lets her down, holding her with one hand so she didn't fall, he smiles and cups her cheek with his free hand "I love you too..." He kisses her softly and pulls back "So... Shall we go lay down... Until you can feel you're legs again... Or go take a hot bath, and relax..."
She grins. "A hot bath. I want to relax and be in your arms, like when we first got together. I want to lean against you and have you wrap your arms around me. I'll wash you, and you can wash me."
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