A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

She flinches when he kisses her and more so when the ice touches her. "I....I don't know. You would never do anything like that to me. You're not like me. You're not like Atoshi. You're....special," she weakly smiles. "What can I possibly do?" She looks into his eyes as the answer comes to her. "He....wants me to....talk to her. He wants me to tell her I was wrong, but I can't face Kimmy after this. I can't face Ana after this. Do you know that is going to be like to look at both of them, knowing I'm the cause of this? Oh please Master don't make me do this. I beg of you."
He shakes his head and gently holds her hand "I'm sorry pet... This something you have to do... You can't let this get worse..." Tony looks up as the bathroom door opens, Atoshi steps out, a glare still on his face, but he could see the hurt. Atoshi tosses him a bottle "Give her two of those... I'll be waiting outside... It's not far of a walk..." He says nothing more and leaves the room, going to wait outside. Tony looks at the bottle, pain killers, he smirks "See... Boss isn't that bad..." He hands her two pills and a bottle of water from the table "Hurry up... Let's go..."
Abby wants to beg, to plead with him, but he had already spoken. She nods taking the pills and the water from him. Downing the pills and a large portion of the water, she stands sitting the bottle back on the table next to him. "Alright Master. If you....if you say I have to." Her voice was shaky, and she was unable to look him in the eyes. The hurt and fear clear on her face. "After you Master." The truth was she shocked he was forcing her to do this. 'You're suppose to keep me safe. That's what started all this in the first place. I didn't keep Ana safe, and look at what you're making me do. You let Atoshi hit me. Was....I right?'
Atoshi was outside, having a smoke, he tosses it when he sees them. "Follow me... And don't question what I say..." He stands from the wall and starts down the street "Ana and Kimmy are sisters... I'm Kimmy fiancé, you'll be her brother and sister in law..." They walk for about 10 minutes before turning the corner and heading into a building, he takes them to the elevator and up to the 7th floor. "Atoshi, Tony and Abigail to see Kimberly..." He spoke into the mic, after a buzz he opens the door and leads them to her room. He glances in the window before entering, letting Tony and Abby in first, then entering himself and closing the door.
Ana was snuggled up against Kimmy who lay there with her gown still opened and her panties still on the bed. It had to be clear what they had done. Abby stole a glance before looking at the floor. It was every bit as painful as she thought it would be. "Please Master. Don't make me stay," she whispers. Tony turn to Atoshi. "Boss. We need to talk."
Atoshi turns to Tony "What... She's not leaving... She needs to fix this..." He steps closer "I don't care what I have to do to get her talk... She did this..." He glares.
"Yeah. I get that boss, and I'm not saying your wrong. This is hard for her. It's gonna be real hard for her. I get her to do this, and she's free. No being your pet. No being Ana's pet. She's mine. Free and clear." He meets his gaze hoping for the right answer. Abby looks up one more time and shakes her head. 'I did this. Ana looks so small in the bed with Kimmy. Kimmy looks so fragile.'
He glares at Tony, and takes a step closer "She does this... I only see her when I have to... And she doesn't talk to them unless they talk to her... She still has a lot to pay for... But this will cover a lot of it..." He glares at Abby and moves to take a seat by the bed. Kimmy started to wake up with all the voices, she opens her eyes and the first person she sees is Abby "What.. What are you... You stay away from her... You've hurt her enough..." She tried to curl around Ana until she felt the hand on her shoulder. "It's ok Kimmy... She's not here to hurt her... I promise... She's going to help..." He sends Abby a small glare before helping Kimmy from the bed, pulling her close "You scared me..." He whispered so only she heard him.
Ana is sleeping so peacefully, she doesn't stir when Kimmy moves. Tony steps closer to Abby. "Pet. You have to do this." She nods. "Please Master. Don't make me do this." He brushes her hair back. "I don't want to command you to do this, but if you want to belong to me, you have to do this. I want you as my pet. I want to be your Master more than you know. Abby, you have to know how I feel about you. It's what you feel for me. It's what these three feel for each other, but one of them sees things differently because of how you taught her. You have to fix it." He takes a step back from her. Abby slowly looks to Kimmy. "I'm sorry," she whispers. "I never meant for this to happen. How was I suppose to know all those years ago any of this would happen? I did the best I could. I did what I thought was right. I didn't know."
Kimmy looks at her with tears in her eyes "When you... When you wanted.. Me... Would you..." She holds Atoshi closer "Would you have taught me like that..." She shakes her head "If you cared for me at all... You'll help Ana... You'll help my sister... My love... Please Abby..." Kimmy holds Atoshi and curls up in his lap "I'm sorry I scared you Master..." She whispered for him only, he just held her and watched Abby, he knew Kimmy had to say her peace.
"Yeah. I would have taught you the same way." Abby took a deep breath. She knew it would be hard to be honest, but Kimmy deserved that much. "I only wanted you to hurt Atoshi. I didn't care for you. At that time, I didn't think it was possible to care for anybody. Then," she looks over at Tony and smiles. "I meet someone who changed all of that. Someone who changed my way of thinking. Someone who taught me things. One of those things he taught me was there is such a thing as love, and when it comes to him, I never wanna let go of it." She looks back to Kimmy. "I don't know what I can do, or say, to help Ana." She wasn't aware what she had just said is exactly what Ana needed to hear.
Kimmy was hurt, but only slightly, she looks at her as she continues to speak and even smiles slightly. "That's it... That's what she needs to hear..." She looks over at Ana "She needs to hear what's in your heart..." Kimmy looks at Atoshi and cups his cheek "She needs to know love is real... It can start out rough... But it can grow..." She rests her forehead against Atoshi's and kisses him, smiling, happy. She looks back to Abby "You're the only one... Who can get through to her... Please Abby..." She just hugs Atoshi now, she was glad when he interlaces their fingers, she had spoke for him as well and he was grateful.
Abby slowly turns her gaze to a sleeping Ana. "I can't make her change her mind. She feels the way she does because it has been drilled through her head. Do you really think my simply telling her that will change her mind? Do you think it will do any good? Honestly? I broke her arm Kimmy to break her from the habit of falling in love. I beat her for hours with anything I could my hands on. Do you think simply hearing it's okay to fall in love now because love exists is gonna help her or change her?"
Kimmy doesn't move but speaks again "It didn't take much for you to change... She just needs to know its ok to try, that love is real and possible... Tell her how you feel with Tony... Tell her how it felt to be away from him... Tell her you were wrong, very wrong..." She slowly runs her fingers through Atoshi's hair and just enjoys being close to him. The ball was in Abby's court now, Kimmy hoped she wouldn't let them down.
Abby looks over at Ana. "But she's sleeping. You want me to wake her up to tell her something that may, or may not, change her mind?" Abby looks back to Tony shaking her head. "It makes no sense. Listen to what you're saying," she looks back at Kimmy. "You love her, care for her, and want me to help her, but you want me to wake her up from a peaceful sleep to tell her something that might not even make a difference? Do you know how hard it is to look at you knowing you tried to kill yourself because of something I taught Ana? You have no idea how hard this is." Abby was fighting her own tears back, but she was determined not to cry. She knew it would not help the situation, and this was all about Kimmy and Ana right now.
Kimmy slowly gets up, calming Atoshi with a kiss as she stands, she fixes her robe and walks over to Abby, she takes her hand and leads to to the bed side "I'll tell you... What I tried to tell Ana... It time to stop running..." She places Abby's hand on Ana's shoulder "Please... At least donut for yourself... I can see this is weighing heavily on you..." She looks at we bandaged wrist "This was my mistake... I tried to 'run' ... So stop running and believe things will get better..." She walks away from them and moves to hug Tony, he hugs her back "At lease you know what you did was stupid Kimmy... I'm glad your ok..." Tony whispers and hugs her.
Abby knows Kimmy is right. This has been weighing on her. Looking at the gentle form of Ana, she knows she deserves to hear this. Abby looks over to Atoshi for just a moment before she gently shakes Ana. Her eyes flutter open as she turns looking up at Abby. Instantly she's struck with fear. Ana hasn't seen Atoshi, Tony, or even Kimmy. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Mistress," she moves quickly getting on her knees on the bed and placing her head down. "I forgot my place. Never in the bed without you. Please Mistress don't leave me in the cage for a week again. My muscles hurt I was so cramped. I....I had to go to the bathroom on myself. If the offer still stands this time, I'll take the beating. Please. Just don't make me bleed again Mistress. My back hurt so much last time when you put the alchol on me," she began to cry. Abby looked up at Atoshi certain his anger would only grow along with his hatred for her. "No. Ana. It's alright. It's not....I'm not your Mistress anymore. You're still asleep I think," she grinned. Ana looked up at her rubbing her eyes. "Abby? Wh-What are you doing here?"
"We need to talk Ana." Ana began to look around noticing Tony with Kimmy, and then she saw Atoshi. "What's going on?"
"Nothing. You're fine. I just....need to tell you something. Ana....I was wrong. I taught you love doesn't exist. That was so wrong of me. I didn't think it did because I never felt it, but now," she looks over at Tony. "I see that it can exist, and it's such a wonderful feeling. When you find it, if you're lucky enough to, you should hold on to it with all you have. Ana you're lucky. You have found it twice now. You have two people you love you and want to take care of you like I should have. I treated you....so badly Ana, and....I'm sorry." That was the most difficult thing for her to tell her. "Don't run away from them Ana. They love you, and I know you want to love them back. Just trust in that and yourself. You're smarter than I ever gave you credit for." She reached to touch Ana's face, and she backed away from Abby. "Don't touch me." Ana looked angry.
Kimmy had tears in her eyes from what Ana was says and just held Tony, not being about to watch, 'What else did she do to you big sister...' She holds Tony tight, Atoshi just glares at her as she tries to calm Ana down, when Abby tried to touch her again Atoshi moves. "Don't touch her..." It came out the same time as Ana's, he was beside her, glaring at Abby, he had also put his on Ana's shoulder gently. He hadn't looked at Ana yet, wanting to make sure Abby stayed back.
Abby throws up both of her hands in a defensive position. “I won’t touch her. I promise. Just please don’t hit me again.” Ana narrows her eyes. “Hit you again?” Abby nods.”Yeah. Please Atoshi. Don’t hit me again. Ana moves to get a better look at her face. “He….hit you?”
“Yeah. It’s okay though. I deserved it.” Ana looks at Kimmy. “Is this part of love too? Where you hit people because you think they deserve it? He’s got her believing she deserved to be hit. Men don’t hit girls, or am I wrong about that too?”
He looks to Abby again "I hit her, because I love you... Because she told be everything she did to you... I got angry... I'm not sorry I did it... But I didn't say it was right..." He turns to Ana "I had Tony gring her here... You needed to hear what she had to say..." He looks at her, looks her over "Please... Ana... Look at Kimmy, look what can happen when you believe a lie... Is all of this not proof enough of how much we care for you..." He stares at her, then Kimmy walks over slowly, giving Abby a gentle push back to Tony who holds his arms open for her. "Big sister... Come home..." She reaches up and cups her cheeks, leaning closer to kiss her, then just hugs her gently around the waist.
"I need....time. If you all love me as much as you say you do, you'll give me that much. Alone time too," she looks at Atoshi. "You'll have to trust me. I know that's gonna be hard, and I don't blame you. I do have a record for running. So I'll compromise. Alone time from you and you," she looks at Kimmy. "But you can stay with me," she says looking at Tony. "Abby can't be there though. That way at least someone is with me, and if I wanna talk about anything, I've got somebody I can talk to. Plus he's not a bad body guard, and he can keep you updated. Sound fair enough?" Tony nods. "I'm okay with it. Pet. You'll have to stay with Atoshi." Abby opens her mouth to protest, but he silences her by raising his hand. "Yes Master."
Atoshi looks at her "You're damn right that's gonna be hard..." He makes a fist then relaxes it and sits down on the bed, "But I'll trust you... I'd also like a kiss good bye... Kimmy already got a little more then that..." He looks at her and spins her panties around on his finger. Kimmy walks up and smiles a bit "If this will help you heal... Then I trust you... As long as you trust me to take care of Master while you're gone..." She glances at Tony "I'll take care of Abby... I'm sure Master doesn't want to be near her right now..." She kisses Ana's cheek then moves back to Tony and Abby. Atoshi looks up at Ana, waiting.
"You are a confusing man. When I met you, I was in awe of you. I could barely say more than two words in front of you without shaking in my shoes. Then I hated you, wanted to get away from you. Now I look at you, and I don't know. I don't know why I feel the way I do. Why don't you use the videos you have of us to get my back home?"
He shrugs "What good would showing you what you already know do... Or putting it 'out there'... The only people you truly care about... Are in this room..." He crosses his arms and gives her a slight glare "But don't think it'll be all fun when you come home... I plan on giving you a nice punishment... Anastasia..." Then he smirks.
She turns looking at him shocked as she slides from the bed. "Kimmy," she calls still looking at him. "Get back in bed. You need your rest. As for you, I will give you a good-bye kiss." She leans in close stopping just at his lips. "In the morning. Kimmy got something special. You deserve something too." She leans back and tells Kimmy, "Tony and Abby will stay with you tonight. Tonight. I'm with Atoshi. Tonight. I'm with Sir. Tonight. I'm with you."
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