A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

Ana doesn't look at her as she speaks. She can hear the anger, the frustration in Kimmy's voice, but it slowly changes. Her eyes lift to her with a look of concern on her face. Concern turns to horror as she sees the blade. "KIMMY!" she races over to her grabbing her arm. "What have you done? You stupid girl!" She reaches for the bedding, pulling the sheet down. She rips the sheet and wraps her wrist tight. "You stupid girl! What the fuck were you thinking? Huh? You weren't thinking! Do you think I want you dead? NO! Of course not! I love you! I.....," she pauses realizing what she said to her. "I need to get help," she shakes herself from the moment. Scrambling up, she grabs her cell phone. She's about to call for an ambulance when she pauses. Instead she hits dial calling Atoshi. "Pick up! As soon as she hears the sound of someone picking up, she yells, "Kimmy slit her wrists. The apartment is 401 Clawson Drive. Apartment 1A! Hurry Sir! She's....I don't wanna see her.....PLease. I love her." Sobbing, she she sinks down beside Kimmy holding her close as she still clutches the cell phone. Leaning down she gently kisses her forehead ."Don't go. Please little sister. Don't leave me. I love you."
At first Kimmy tries to push her away, crying "No... You don't want me..." Too weak to fight her, she allows her to wrap her wrist, and just cries, then her eyes widen as she hears her calling for Atoshi "No... Don't call Master, please... He'll be angry... Please..." She was getting tired, her adrenaline rush was gone and he had lost a fair amount of blood, she felt Ana pull her into her lap, felt her kiss her forehead then nothing "Sister...." She mumbles before passing out.

Atoshi was eating his dinner, he had Kimmy's wraped up, figuring she ran after Ana again, he'd let them talk and give Kimmy a chance to calm her down. What he wasn't expecting was Ana's frantic phone call about Kimmy cutting her wrists. "What! Ana... Ana aswer me!" He quickly stood up "Where can I find Clawson Drive!" Only staying long enough to get directions Atoshi bolted, he called the police while her was running and hae them the address and what he knew before hanging up on them and trying Ana again, it kept going to voicemail. "Dammit Kimmy..." He was thankful her place wasn't far, he took the stairs two at a time and didn't bother knocking. "What the hell happened!" He was down on his knees, pulling her from Ana and checking her wrist, he looks at Ana, more scared then angry "Ana... ANA!" She looked in shock "What happened!" He looks down at Kimmy "Kimmy... Come on Kitten, please... Open your eyes..." They were soon interrupted when police an medical staff came running down the hall, they took Kimmy from him and started to hook her up, he smiles slightly when he hears her heart beat is still strong. The small room was full of people, the police were trying to question Ana, he goes over and pulls her to him, covering her with the left over bed sheet. "Can we do this at the hospital... Please..." He held Ana and wouldn't let the cops near her. He watched them load Kimmy onthe stretcher and leave the room, the police said they would meet them at the hospital. He looks down at Ana "Ana... Baby doll, talk to me... What happened... She was so happy to hae found you... We both were..." He pulls her to the bed and sits, he needed her to calm down before they followed Kimmy, "Anastasia..." He makes her look up and cups her cheeks, rubbing them softy, he spoke softly.
"I love you Atoshi," she forces a smile as the tears fall. "I love Kimmy, my little sister, my family. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ran. I'm sorry I made you both chase me. I'm sorry I didn't," she looks down. "This is my fault. It's all my fault. She was trying to....get through to me, but I wouldn't listen. Now she's....if she dies, it's my fault, and I don't want," she takes a moment, forcing composure. "I have to get dressed. I have to go be with her. We can't....where are my shoes?" She looks around throwing her clothes back on. "I have to get to work. No. Kimmy. She's here Atoshi! She," she stops looking where her blood had spilled to the floor. "It's my fault. It's all my fault. We have to get to the hospital. Please," she holds out her hand. "Let's go. Please. If she dies....I don't wanna live. I won't deserve to. Maybe I shouldn't go," she drops her hand. "Go! Make sure she's okay! Please! I'm begging you! Just go make sure Kimmy is okay!" There is no color in her face. Her eyes are wide, and she's trembling. "Go now Atoshi!" She rushes over opening the door. "She's waiting on you! She needs you!"
He looks at her, watching her run around and ramble "Seriously... After all she just did... You're still going to leave her..." He pushes the door closed and stares at her "Kimmy is fine right now, she's with those who can help her... You on the other hand..." He glares at her "There is no fuckig way I will go to Kimmy with out you... If I walked in there alone, she'd give up... Is that what you want... You say you love her, love me... So prove it to her... Get ready and come with me... Now... Or Kimmy might as well be dead already..." He stares at her and crosses his arms "I'm waiting... And so is she..."
"I can't face her. Don't you get that? Why would she want me to be there anyway? It's my fault this happened? I did this. You're the one she....needs. Not me. She said you had changed. So go and be the man she needs, the one she loves, the one I love damnit!" Ana steps into her shoes before moving to open the door. "Go! Save your kitten! I can't! I just can't!" Ana takes off running down the hall, the sound of her shoes hitting the floor hard.
He listens to her then watches her go before rolling his eyes "Stuborn idiot..." He mumbles and runs after her, he grabs her around the waist and pulls her close "You're going to that hospital... You're going to be there for Kimmy... Then you're going to come home... I'm tired of you running, you hurt Kimmy enough don't you think!" He fights with her and turns her to face him, he slaps her, not hard, just enough to get her to snap out of it "Listen to yourself! You're sister tried to kill herself because you wanted to leave... So you're going to leave again... At least have the guts to go to the hospital and say good bye... Because if you don't and leave again... It won't be an attempt next time!" He glares at her and holds her tight "When did you become as heartless as Abby was..."
"If I do go, and say good-bye, it won't be an attempt next time as well. My saying good-bye, or even my being there, shouldn't be some magical fix to what's wrong with her. Kimmy needs help! Be a man! Get her what she needs! Stop focusing on what she, and you, can't have! You talk about her like care, and yet here you are wasting time when you could be with her. From where I stand, the only heartless one is you. I see reality. You see what you want. A fantasy. A dream. A fake concept that isn't real! Oh, and one more thing." She jerks free of him and slaps his face.
He takes the hit and grabs her arm "I am getting her what she needs... I heard you on that phone... You are not hiding behind your lies again..." He drags her down the hall and out of the building, he keeps his hold no matter what she does or says. He hails a taxi and shoves her inside, still holding her and asks to be taken to the hospital. He turns to Ana "You are going to face this if I have to hog tie you... And drag you into that room..." His voice was dark and demanding, he was tired of her crap and was going make her see her errors.
"You can drag me in there if you want. What good is that going to do for her to see me in there knowing I'm only there because YOU forced me to? Huh? Don't you think that will damage her? For somebody who loves her, you sure are making stupid choices that are gonna hurt her for sure. Atoshi wake up. You're making all the wrong choices. For her to open her eyes, see me, and think I'm there because I love her only to find out I'm there because you made me come will crush her."
"And her opening her eyes and not seeing you will make her feel all better right... She'll just magicly forget about you in 30 minutes... Fucking grow up Anastasia... Does her doig this, and us coming after you not prove how much we love you..." He turns to her and glares "You want me to say it... Fine, I was an ass when we first met... And for a while after that, but have I ever done anything to really hurt you... Have I ever beat you so bad you couldn't move! Chained you up like a fucking dog! Made you eat off the floor... NO! Yet you still hold dear to the fucking cunt who I'd that to you! You'd rather follow that bitch's 'teachings' the suck it up and follow your own god damn heart..." He balls up his fist "And you know what... That fucking bitch doesn't even follow that anymore... She loves Tony... Even made a deal with me to get her away from her father to be with Tony again!" He pulls her closer "Now you damn well followed your heart when Kimmy hurt herself, I fuckig heard you on the phone... So don't ugly sit there and try to fucking guilt me for your own damn stubbornness..." He didn't care if the cabby heard him, he was sure he did, but he had other things to worry about.
She could see it on his face, hear it in his voice. He wasn't giving up. Abby? In love with someone? Yeah right. She did the only thing she could of think of. "I lied. When I told her I loved her, I lied. When I told you I loved you, I lied. I thought....you were Abby. I must have been dreaming. So you see, you're the one who looks like an idiot right now. You actually believed me. So fine. I'll go see her, and I'll even tell her exactly what I just told you." None of it was the truth. In fact, nothing could be further from it. She wanted to believe him about Abby and Tony. Nothing would have made her happier, but she knew better. Abby would not change that much that fast. No way. "And you may not have chained me up or made me eat off of the floor, but what you did was far worse than anything Abby ever did. At least she got sex from me, it was because I wanted it. You raped me, and then you blackmailed me with the videos of us you had in your office. She may have been a cold hearted bitch to me, but at least she was honest. Driver? How much further. I've got little sister to see and a truth to tell her."
Atoshi glares at her and just drops it for now, he'd get her to the hospital, then call Tony, he needed him and Abby here ASAP. He keeps a hold of her wrists, absent mindedly rubbing his thumb across her skin, he watches out the window, once at the hospital he pays the cab and leads them inside. He walks up to the main desk "We are here to see Kimberly Johnson... She was brought in by ambulance... Self inflicted wounds..." He was calm, but you could hear the hurt in his voice. "Yes sir... Are you family, she's been taken to the psych ward..." Atoshi nods, expecting this "Yes, I'm her fiancé and this is her sister..." The nurse looks them over a moment, then nods "Alright... 7th floor... Room 472..." Atoshi nods, he pulls Ana along gently to the elevator and up to the 7th floor, they were buzzed in and lead to Kimmy's room. He allows Ana in fists and he pulls out his phone "Tony... I need you and Abby here... Now... Kimmy... Kimmy's been hurt and Ana needs a reality check... I don't care what you have to do Tony... That pet of yours will tell Ana the truth... Take the jet, I want you here ASAP..." He didn't wait for a reply and hung up, then entered Kimmy's room.
There was so much anger, so much rage, that Ana felt for Atoshi as he pushed her into the room, and yet, it all seemed to vanish as she saw Kimmy resting there in her bed. She seemed so small, so fragile. Her eyes were closed. Bandages covered her wound. She looked peaceful. Ana felt a lump in her throat, and turned running into Atoshi. "I can't be in here. I can't. I just can't. I..I..I..I..have to get out of here. Please Atoshi let me go. If you ever had any feeling at all for me, you will let me go. I can't....do this." She looked at him with pleading, wet eyes as her hands rested on his chest.
He holds her shoulders and rubs her arms softly "It's because I love you... That I'm making you do this... This is just as much for you as it is Kimmy... You just refuse to see it..." He cups her cheek and smiles softly at her "I'm asking... No I'm begging you... If not for me, then stay for Kimmy..." He rests his forehead on hers "Admit it or not, I know you love her and want to see her well..." He kisses her lightly and pulls her into a tight hug.
Ana is speechless, unable to protest as she speaks. All she can do is shake her head. As he pulls her into the tight embrace, her arms remain straight, not returning the gesture. "Oh please. I'm begging you. I can't. Please let me go," she whispers to him trying to push him away. "I don't want her to die, but I can't....be in here. Please. I can't....I can't....do this....Atoshi. You have to let me out. You're a monster for making me....be in here."
Kimmy was lying in the bed, she felt weak but she wasn't tired, she heard voices slowly coming into focus, 'Big sister? And Master...' She soon opens her eyes slowly and looks up "Master? Big... Ana?.." She stopped herself, Ana didn't want her anymore... Even Master didn't want her without Ana. "Why are you here... Why didn't you let me die..." She looks away from them "I'm not needed anymore..." She almost spat the last part through her tears.

Atoshi looks up and quickly pulls Ana over to the bed "Kitten that's not true... Please... Stop crying..." He reaches out and runs his fingers through her hair slowly.
Ana tries to resist being pulled over to her bed, but Atoshi is too strong. She listened to Kimmy and Atoshi, and as he spoke, something inside her snapped. 'Fine, You want to be a monster and force me to stay in here? I'll show you a monster.' She jerked hard pulling free from Atoshi. "You know what? I should have let you die. That's right. I should have. You're right again. Atoshi won't want you without me. You wanna know why? Because you will never be as good as me. You said it yourself. He never even told you he loved you until I came into the picture. Had he never found me, you would still be cleaning his house, letting him pleasure you until you were in your haze only to come out of it so you could follow him around like a little PET hoping that he would return the love you have for him. It's so sad Kimmy. Really pathetic. You believe in this stupid concept of love that has gotten you what Kimmy," she gestures to the bed. "Nearly dead. He doesn't truly love you. He doesn't love me. Love isn't real. It doesn't exist. How could it something be real that doesn't exist. You still follow him around, despite the fact he doesn't love you, doing every single little thing he asks. I should have let you die, and if given a chance, the next time I will."
Atoshi was trying to get Kimmy to calm down and listen to him when Ana started to speak, every time he thought she was done more acid would pour from lips. He turns to her and glares, Kimmy was curled up and crying again, he stands and moves closer to her, there was fire in his eyes. "How fucking dare you... All Kimmy's EVER done was try to help you, me aside, she was innocent... And because she loves you... Because she was to AFRAID to lose you... You threaten to kill her... To let her die as you watch... hiw fucking dare you!" He balls up his fist and holds it up, about to hit her, he was seething, but he couldn't punch her, he pulls his hand back and backhands her hard. "Bitch!" He was going to move at her again and kick her while she was down, but Kimmy stopped him "Master please! ... Please don't hurt my sister... Please!" She had looked up as he stared to shout then watched him hit her, she gasped and moved from the bed, quickly throwing herself over Ana on the floor, "P-Please..." She held onto Ana tight and cried.
His hand connected with her face sending her flying to the floor. She was shocked. Kimmy only added to that covering her body and pleading with him. "Kimmy. Get back in bed. You need to rest. You shouldn't be up," Ana tells her taking hold of her. "Come on. Back in bed. Right now. I won't take no for an answer. You silly girl. First you harm yourself, and now this? When will you ever learn?" There was no anger, no hate, in her voice. She wasn't being overly forceful. With a firm hand, she urged her back into bed and covered her up. "Now you don't move from this bed unless you need to go to the bathroom, the building is on fire, or the doctor tells you you can. Understand? You stop this. Right now. I will not have you making me worry about you like this." She sank down in a chair next to her bed, her eyes fixed on her with an unreadable expression on her face.
Atoshi just watches as Ana changes, as if a switch was flipped, he turns and watches her help Kimmy back into bed and take on a mother like role. 'Wasn't she just saying she'd let her die...' He thought, as Kimmy settled down into bed and curled up, he finally walks closer. "I have to get a few things from the hotel... Ok Kitten..." He leans down and kisses her soflty and whispers to her, against her lips "I love you to..." He looks at her and smiles softly, "I'll be back soon... Be good for your sister..." He gives her another kiss before leaving the room, he informs the doctors and heads to the hotel.
She watched her curl up in bed. He had kissed her. There was such a tenderness there. Ana's mind wasn't racing. In fact, she was drawing a blank. All she saw, all she focused on was Kimmy there in bed. If she moved, even slightly, Ana would lean forward, ready to halt her efforts. It was confusing to her why she wanted to make sure Kimmy remained in bed. 'I could leave right now. They won't let her leave the hospital, and Atoshi isn't here anyway. What if she tried to leave anyway? She could hurt herself again. I don't want her dead. I don't want her hurt.' She eyed the phone. A thought slowly crept into her mind. 'If the police knew the famed cat burglar was here, they would come and watch the room. Kimmy would get constant supervision. She couldn't hurt herself then. She would be safe, and that's all I want. I can't give her love. I can't help her stay safe. Maybe they can.' Her eyes looked over to the phone. "I may need to make a quick phone call in a bit. I won't leave the room."
Kimmy was curled up and not really looking at Ana, she was jumble of emotions right now, but when she mentions a phone call, she slowly turns to look at Ana, remembering what she said before. "If... If you really plan to turn me in... The moment I'm alone... I'll be gone..." She curls up again, looking at the wall "I did prison before.. I won't go back, Atoshi saved me from that... When he took me..." She brings her bandaged wrist up to look at "Why didn't you just let me die... You said you didn't love me... Didn't care... So why save me..." Kimmy just stares off, tears running down her face "All I'll have left is Master and you want to take that away from me to..." Kimmy look at her, crying "All I ever did was try to help you... Love you... Why do you hate me..."
"I don't....I don't hate you Kimmy. All I want for you is for you to be safe, but you've proven you can't be trusted to not hurt yourself." Ana sighs. "I don't want to worry that you're hurting yourself or dead. I don't want to take Sir....Atoshi away from you. You can have him. I want you to have him. You two are great together. Anybody can see that. The way he kissed you before he left, it was so sweet." Ana folded her arms across her chest. "Kimmy I don't know what else to say to you. You don't have to do this. You have him. You are not alone. He saved you, your words there. He's not going to leave you, and he still needs you. So what more do you want me to say? What more do you want from me?"
She cries "I want you to stop lying... He loves you too... He saved you too... I love you..." She shakes her head and looks at her "I don't understand... How... How can you still believe what she told you... After... After everything she did... Help me understand how you still let her control you..." She looks at her wrist again and runs her fingers over the bandage. "How can you still trust her..."
"Because she was the first person I fell in love with!" Finally. The truth had been spoken. "She was the first person I ever loved. I kept it to myself for a long time," she begins to cry. "When I finally....told her....when I finally got the courage up to tell my Mistress that I loved her, that's when she told me the truth. Love doesn't exist. I'm just a pet. Atoshi claimed me. Just like she did. I'm not a doll. I'm a pet. I always will be. Some pets live in posh homes, pampered and cared for. Some eat out dog bowls and crawl around. She took care of me like a Mistress should take care of a pet, and I thought I loved her, but it was all a lie. It was all wrong. There's no such thing as love. Only a bond between a Mistress or a Master and their pet. That's it. You can't feel something that doesn't exist. She taught me that along with other lessons. Like you don't leave the curling iron," she giggles pulling at the collar of her shirt revealing a burn scar. "You never leave a dirty dish in the sink," she told her pulling up her shirt sleeve pointing to a thin, straight scar. "Knives can cut. Stupid pet. You could have hurt yourself. Never leave dished around the house again!" She mocked the slicing motion. "Always put away my whips when I'm done. Now you need another spanking. Never leave the window open. Put your hand on the window sill so I can slam it shut on it to remind you. Never tell me....you love me again stupid pet. It's not real. Now. Let me....break you of that habit." Ana grabs her other remembering the utter pain. "So Kimmy I learned a lot from Mistress. Lessons that will stick with me. Now do you understand?"
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