A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

Ana arrives at Greyson’s ranch house. He opens the door coming to meeting her. She jumps from the car, leaving her door open and the car running, as she races up the stairs and into his arms. “Ssshhh. It’s okay. Don’t cry Ana.” He rubs her head, trying to soothe her, comfort her. “Oh Greyson! It was so….bad! I told him I loved him!”
“Do you?” She pulls back looking into his eyes. “Yeah. I do.”
“Then what was so bad about it?”
“He heard me. There’s no such thing Greyson! He loves Kimmy as much as he does me! I can’t…..” She grabs him tight again. “It’s okay. It’ll be alright. You can stay here. Come on. Let’s get you inside.” He leans down picking her up and carries her inside. He would come out and switch her car off and close the door.

Kimmy watched him go into the bathroom. She wanted to join him, but she thought he might want this time alone. The more she looked at the bathroom door, the more she made her mind up. Stepping inside, she slips into the shower with him and wraps her arms around his waist from behind. “You’ll have plenty of time to be alone later. Right now, you’ve got me, and I’m not leaving you alone Master.”
He smiles slightly and turns in her hold, he leans down and kisses her "I do have you... And your sister just needs time... I didn't think Abby had messed her up this much..." He cups her cheek and kisses her again, "I won't make you leave... But we won't be together until your sister is back... And don't worry... Grayson will take care of her... And keep us posted..." He softly cups her breast "Does it still hurt... Or was it more your feelings..." He gets a cloth to start washing her, just because they weren't going to be together, didn't mean he couldn't please her other ways.
"It was Master. Both were hurt. I too never imagined one person could suffer such....damage at the hands of another person. What did Abby do to her?" She took the cloth from him. “No. Allow me. I’m suppose to take care of you. I understand why you’re making the choice to not be together, but taking care of you is still my job.” She begins to wash, the cloth going across his chest. “Master? This Greyson man? He’ll take care of her, but does he have feelings for her? Will she have sex with him?”

Greyson had gotten Ana to settle down. He knew she was pretty worked up. He dialed Atoshi’s number. When his voice mail picked up, her left him a message. “Hi. Ana got here safe. She’s resting now. I gave her some tea and got her to calm down. Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of her. Just give it time friend. For what’s it worth, she told me, and she really does love you and the girl. She’s just scared, confused, and doesn’t believe love exists. Call you with updates later. Bye.”
He smirks at her as she takes the cloth and watches her, relaxing "If you insist Kitten..." He looks up at her "I'm pretty sure Grayson thinks of her as a little sister... He saved her after she got away from Abby, helped her get job with my company... I'm sure she'll be just fine there... Ok..." He kisses her again, holding one hand as he dies it.
Kimmy melts into his kiss, loving the feel of him. As much as she loves him, hates knowing how sad he is. "Alright Master. Until big sister returns, I will take care of you and the house. Are you going to work today, or are you still on vacation?"

Ana spends no time sleeping. “What are you doing up?”
“I can’t sleep. I’ve got work to do.” He laughs. “I thought you and your boss were on vacation.”
“That’s the thing,” she tells him as she picks up her purse. “I just spoke with the head of personnel. I quit. I’m going to clean out my desk right now.”
“You what,” he asks jumping in front of her. “I quit. I can’t work there and be around him. It won’t work. I can’t be in love with him. It’s not real Greyson. Pets like me don’t fall in love anyways even if it was real.”
“Pets like you? What about dolls like you Ana? You’re his doll, and he loves you.”
“No he doesn’t,” she pushes past him. “It’s not possible. It’s not real.”
“Are you coming back?”
“I don’t know,” she says climbing into her car and leaving. “This is bad,” Greyson says as he goes inside calling Atoshi’s phone again. “Come on. Pick up. Atoshi, voice mail, something, anything.”
He smiles at her "I'm still on leave... I don't have to be there for a while... Let's finish washing then go eat..." He tips her chin up and kisses her again, he gets another cloth and soaps her up as she does the same. "Mmmm..."
"Don't tease me Master," she grins. "We can't, but eating is something we should try. Oh Master I don't have an appetite. None. Turn around. Let me wash your back." She nudged him around and rubbed the cloth into his skin down to his ass. Her gaze lingered a little too long at his toned body. "I'm sorry," she told him bringing herself from her reverie. "I couldn't help it Master. Rinse off. I can try to eat."

His voice mail picks up. "Yeah Atoshi it's me again. Ana has quit her job. She's on her way to the office right now to clean out her desk. I just thought you should know."
Several minutes later Atoshi and Kimmy exit the bathroom, wrapped in towels and moving to get dressed. "Check the closet, there should be something for you..." He tells her as he sits on the bed, noticing that his phone was beeping with messages. "Grayson called..." He said softly and unlocks his phone, going to the voicemail, it made him smile to hear she got there safe and was resting. The second one however, made him frown and glare at the floor "That idiot... Kimmy! Get dressed to go out... Your sister just quit and I cleaning out her desk... She's gonna run..." He quickly says and moves to get dressed "It's about time she stopped running and faced her problem... Abby!" He was pissed, if he had to drag her back here bound and gagged he would, but she was going to face her demon... Today!
Kimmy can hear the anger and urgency in his voice. She dresses quickly and waits by the door for him. ‘Big sister. Why did you do this? Why are you running?’

“Here Becky. You can have this,” Ana tells her sitting a small potted plant on her desk. “Oh Ana. It’s not gonna be the same around here with without you.” She offered Becky a weak smile. “Well I’ve got a plane to catch. I think a nice, tropical island is calling my name,” she laughs. “I’ve earned it. Trust me I have. You know what? In fact,” she said reaching back to get her box on her desk. “Take it. All of it. I’m tired of this business anyway. Maybe it’s time for something new. Maybe I’ll find a job on the island or something.” Becky stands giving her friend a hug. “I’ll miss you Ana.”
“I’ll call. Don’t worry, I’m not disappearing forever. You can come visit me if I decide to stay on the island. Take a vacation yourself. Alright?” Becky nodded, and Ana turned to leave. The elevators closed on her, and she silently said good-bye to the place.
He quickly dresses "Kimmy pull up the GPS on her car... Is she still at the office..." He grabs his keys and heads out, trusting she'll follow. He didn't even ask for a car to be brought out, he went right to the garage and got in his fastest sports car, barely waiting for Kimmy to buckle up, he was off and down the road.
Kimmy followed right on his heels. Climbing into the car, she buckled up quickly before returning her attention to the GPS. “Her car, Master, is….at the airport.” She turns looking at him waiting for his reaction.

Ana had boarded the plane, and the flight attendents has already gone through all the little speeches they have to do. She could feel the plane jerk as it began to move. ‘This is for the best. I can find a job there. I’ve got all of my savings to live off of until I do. I could even take a week just to enjoy the island.’ She tried to smile. In the back of her mind, she still thought about him and her. ‘Nope. Stop it Ana. No such thing. This is why it’s for the best. You’re wasting your time and energy on a silly concept that doesn’t exist. Besides. You’re just a pet, and pets don’t fall in love. Remember?’ As soon as the plane was up to full alitutude, she placed a call to his house. ‘No answer. He must be busy.’ When the message stopped she told him, “Hello Atoshi. I’m calling to tell you I’m not at work. I’m not even on the ground anymore. It’s time for me to go. You and Kimmy will be alright. Tell her I’m sorry for biting her. Stupid jealous. Tell her that sometimes it doesn’t come back. She’ll understand. It’s time to move on Atoshi. Both of us need to. It was an exciting ride. One I’ll never forget in fact. Abby taught me a lot of things Atoshi. One of them was how to say good-bye. So now I’ll teach you. Good-bye Atoshi. Good-bye,” she paused speaking only one more word before she hung up. “Sir.”
He suddenly stops the car and looks at her "The... The airport?!" He was both shocked and angry "How could..." He starts the car back up and turns around "Call the airport... Find out where she went... Then call the house and let them know we'll be gone for a few days..." he gets on the highway and heads to the nearest airport.
A few days had passed, and Ana had been busy trying to settle into her new life. She decided to take a job working in a local beach shack. Ana enjoyed the view and the smell of the ocean. It wasn't the same kind of work she had done before, but she was making money and affording a nice, little place of her own. She had come into work that morning and worked through the lunch rush. It had been a busy afternoon, but now it was slowing down.
Atoshi was beyond frustrated, it had been almost a week and besides the people at the airport, no one had seen her. "It's a tiny island! Where could she hide!" He and Kimmy had shown her picture everywhere, it didn't help he didn't know the language, at least Kimmy spoke some. He sighs and puts his hands in his pockets, looking down the street as they walk "Maybe we should head home tomorrow..." He walks a bit ahead of Kimmy and moves to turn down the street for the hotel.
Kimmy stopped for a woman watching this man walk before her. The more she starred at him, this shell of a man, the more her anger grew. She rushed up to him, stopping him, spinning him towards her. Kimmy raised her hand and slapped him hard across the face. "Where is my Master? You? You are NOT him, but when you find him, let me know!" She turned and started walking away from him.
He was suprised when Kimmy grabbed him, then shocked when she actually slapped him, so much so he just stares while she screams at him, letting her walk away. He looks after he a few moments later and glares "You want your Master huh... So be it!" He moves to follow her and glares at the back of her head, he reaches her as they come to an ally, he grabs her from behind, covering her mouth and dragging her into the dark alleyway. He takes her behind a bend in the building and pushes her against the wall, hand still on her mouth "Not a single word..." He glares, his voice low and demanding "How dare you.... Slap me, the scream at me on the street..." He pins her hands above her head with one hand and slips the other under her skirt. "The only screaming you should be doing around me..." He tears her panties off and thrusts three fingers into her "Should be because of me..." He thrusts them fast and deep, his thumb rubbing her clit slowly. "And don't you dare blank out on me... You look at your Master and focus on his words.." He stares right at her, almost shouting. "Now... Tell me who I am you naughty little pussy cat..."
Kimmy is stunned by his actions. It all happens so fast, the first time she can catch her breath is when he's staring into her eyes. She gasps as he rips her panties off and his fingers fill her. Kimmy is wet fast, and her legs already feel weak. She can feel the brick from the building biting into her wrists. "Master! You are....Master! You are....my Master!" A haze began to set in her mind, and she tried to remain focused on him. She wanted to give in to her instincts, to her training. "Master," she repeated over and over again as her eyes began to flutter. "No....blanking....out." She let loose a series of moans as his thumb danced around her clit. It had been so long since she felt his touch, since her body gave in to him. She wanted to cum for him. She wanted to please him.
She held on longer then he thought she would, but she did follow his orders, she deserved a reward, "Very good... Now show me the screaming your allowed to do!" He thrusts his fingers harder and curls them to rub her Gspot, his thumb also speeds up, he never looks away from her eyes "You only scream when I allow it Kitten... Understand!" He sped them up even more, thrusting a bit harder as well.
She opened her mouth screaming out to him. No words. Just sounds of her pleasure. Her mind just repeating over and over, 'Don't blank out!' She nodded to him. "Yes Master! Only when....you say! Scream when....you say!" She closed her eyes tightly trying her best to stay with him. As his curled fingers continued to caress her Gspot, she came hard. The sound of her juices as his fingers worked her drew her eyes open. "Master! cumming!"
"Very good Kitten..." He removes his fingers and let's her go, catching her before he legs give out, he looks at her "You did well... Waking me up..." He pulls her close and kisses her, he then holds her until her legs can support her. "So... How about some dinner... Eat out, or in?"
She's panting hard as she leans against him. "You're....welcome....Master,....and.....thank....you." She grins as she struggles to get her breathing back to normal. His kiss was perfect. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. "Out. We're already out, and besides, the ocean would be a beautiful sight to dine by." She takes his hand. "Please Master. The smells coming from the place down the street are so delicious." She gives him a tug as she leads him from the ally. The place didn't look like much as they got closer to it, but the food did smell amazing. "After you," she says holding the door open for him. "Master."
He smirks and follows her "It does smell good... Island food is always better on the island..." He follows behind her and palms and squeezes her ass as he passes her to go inside "Thank you Kitten..." The place was pretty empty, the lunch rush was over and dinner rush hadn't started yet, perfect timing. He leads them to once of the tables by the back, where the wall was open to the ocean, taking a seat at the middle table, he picks up a menu. "See anything you like..."
She gasps as he squeezes her ass smiling from ear to ear. The place was prefect, and the view was breathtaking. Looking at her menu she tells him, " Fish. I think I'll have the grilled salmon. I mean you can't be this close to the ocean and go wrong with seafood. Of course, we could try the oysters," she teases.

"Ana. You have a table." She looks towards the older woman who spoke with a thick accent. "Aye. Thank you. I'll get right to it." She pulls her pad and pencil from her apron as she makes her way to the table. "Good afternoon. What can I," her eyes lift from her pad to see them. "get you? Oh....no. I'll....I'll get another server for you." Ana's eyes filled with her shock to see both of them. Ana starts to back up.

Kimmy as looking at her menu when she noticed from the corner of her eyes a person approaching. When the voice spoke, her eyes widened as she slowly looks up at Atoshi. She reaches across the table for him. "Master."
Atoshi had stilled at her voice and was staring at the menu, all this time, she was just down the road, it was Kimmy hand on his arm that finally made him look over to her. "Ana... We found you..." He stands as she starts to back away "Don't you dare run away from us again..." He glares slightly and takes a step closer, his voice firm.
"I....I," she looks from him to Kimmy, who is rising from her seat. "No. I can't do this. I'll....get you another server Sir. I mean....I'll get you another server." Ana's feet take one shaky step back and then another. "I'm sorry."
"No big sister. Don't go." Ana just shakes her head. "Please. Sit back down, and I'll....get someone else." Despite his glare and his orders given to her in such a stern voice, she slowly continues to back away.
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