A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

Atoshi pulls back quickly to avoid being hit by a foot and she quickly sat up. "What the hell... Ana... What are you doing..." He sits back and watches the two, glancing between them.

"SARAH!" She runs up to the chute and opens it, looking inside "Sarah come back! Master Atoshi... I have to tell the Master..." She turns and heads for the starts "Master Atoshi! Master Atoshi!" She gets to his door and knocks quickly "Sir! Sarah is trying to leave... She went down the garbage chute... Sir the dogs... Please call off the dogs!" She was almost frantic with worry.
"Nothing," Ana says before looking away from her. Kimmy was fuming. Her nipple now sore and tender as a tiny droplet of blood formed. Kimmy quickly rubbed it away before looking to Atoshi. "She bit me. She drew blood." The knocking at the door drew their attention. "Why Ana?" Ana looks back at her glaring. "Forget it! Is anybody gonna answer the damn door? Come in," she yells not waiting for Atoshi to speak.

Emily opens one the stall doors and enters. "Come on," she says to the horse as she climbs up. She doesn't waste time with a bridle or a saddle. There isn't any to waste. "Go," she yells, and the horse bolts from the stables out across the property. "Go," she constantly yells holding on to the horse's mane tightly. She knows where she is heading.
Atoshi get up and goes to the door, glancing back "Anastasia stay there... I wanna talk with you..." He unlocks the door and opens it "Ame... What's wrong..." She looks up at him, ignoring that he was naked "It's Sarah Sir... She's trying to leave, she went out the garbage chute... You have to call off the dogs... Please sir... They'll kill her..." He was crying softly but held her ground, she was worried about who she thought was a friend. "Ok Ok... Relax Ame..." He wasn't going to tell her why she was running, he was wondering how she got out. "You go tell the guards I want her brought back home, unharmed... My orders... I'm sure she'll be fine..." He kisses her forehead soflyy "Go on..." He closes his door and locks it again, he grabs his cell from his clothes and call te doctor, "Where are you... Did you not notice she's gone... Ame told me... Yes tell me later... Bye" he hangs up and goes to the closet, he goes through his box of adult toys and pulls one out, returning to the bed, hiding it behind him. "Anastasia... Why did you bite your sister..."
"I fucking felt like it. Okay? If it's not okay, too bad." She climbs from the bed. "I've got a job to do if you still care. If not, that's too bad too. Your company doesn't run itself. She'll be fine." She turns on her heels heading into the bathroom slamming the door behind.

Emily rides the horse off the property and takes a path not seen from the road. She has a small shack hidden deep in the lush woods. She would have to go to it on foot, but the horse would help get her close enough. She finally pulls him to stop and climbs off. She slaps his body, and he bolts. She runs towards the shack on foot until she reaches it. Inside she dresses and grabs a bag she had already packed. It contained everything she would need for a speedy get away. She couldn't hide a car there. So the bike she had would more than work. Bag over her shoulder, helmet on, she climbed on and started it up. 'Time to get to the airport. Time to get out of here. Surprise Atoshi. See? I didn't lie. I had a surprise for him, and he wouldn't get hurt.'
Atoshi glares and moves after her, tossing the double dildo to the bed, he enters the bathroom and closes the door. "What the hell was that all about!" He glares at her "I thought we were past this jealousy bullshit Anastasia... I was making her cum once more... So she could calm down while I fucked you! You and Kimmy are fucking EQUALS!" He tosses his arms up "You hurt her... You hurt Kimmy and you don't even care?!" He growls and turns, leaving the bathroom and slamming the door.
She watches him leave, flinching when he slams the door. Ana stands still for a moment, lost in her thoughts. Shaking her head, she pulls the door open and goes over to try and find something to wear. “I have to go to work.” She doesn’t think Atoshi is in the room anymore, but she’s not sure. “The house is on lockdown,” Kimmy tells her. “I don’t give a fuck! I’m leaving! I’m going to work. I still have a job to do,” she says turning around with her clothes in her arms. “Not all of us have the job of taking care of this house Kimmy. Some of us work in an office. I wasn’t always Atoshi’s slut. I once had a job that I worked damn hard for, and I’d still like to take some pride in that.” She storms back to the bathroom slamming the door and locking it.
He steps out of the closet and crosses his arms "She's running again... She always runs away..." He crosses his arms and moves to lock te bedroom door. "She's not running this time until she talks this out... I'm tired of this... That little green dragon of hers needs to go..." He moves to sit on the bed with Kimmy "Does it still hurt?"
"Yes," Kimmy groans. "Her teeth bit through the skin." She's still cupping her nipple. Inside the bathroom Ana finishes getting dressed and looks in the mirror. She stares at her reflection for a moment before opening the door. Grabbing her purse from the dresser, she strolls over to the door and tries to open it. "What the?" She turns seeing the two of them together on the bed. Sighing she asks him, "what's this all about? Why did you lock the door?"
He was gently checking Kimmy's wound and glances at her "One, we are still on vacation... Two, you aren't running from your problem again... We are going to talk this out..." He moves to sit by her "Tell her Kimmy... How you feel... About 'sharing'..." He didn't see it as sharing, they were all enjoying each other.
"I don't look at it as sharing. I look at it as we are all one big, happy, loving family. He doesn't belong to me. He belongs to us." She was still rubbing her nipple as she spoke. Ana sighed. "Fine. Whatever. I believe you. It's not sharing. We're family. Great. Now can I go? It's not running away Atoshi. It's going to work. I'm tired of being on vacation. I want to go to the office. Are you honestly going to deny me going to my job?"
Kimmy glares slightly at Ana and gets off the bed, she walks over to Atoshi as he was about to say something and whispers to him. "Let me handle this... Please..." Atoshi looks at then both then nods and moves to sit in his arm chair. Kimmy looks at Ana and walks closer to her she glares slightly, her eyes a bit damp. "Do I really mean so little to you! Are you going to tell me what we've done... What I've done for you... Meant nothing!" She pulls her hand back and slaps her hard across the face "How dare you!" She was angry, an hurt, she was still glaring at we but she was now crying as well.
Ana cups her cheek looking back at her stunned, her mouth hanging open. "How dare I? How dare you," she yells at her hauling off and slapping her just as hard as she had slapped her. She didn't give her any time to recover before she shoved her backwards with enough force to send her to the bed. "Don't you EVER do that to me again! Atoshi, you better get your little bitch, or I'll make what the Quins did to her look like NOTHING! Now open the fucking door, or I'll break it down!" Ana was seething. Her glances going back and forth from Kimmy and Atoshi.
Atoshi gets up and moves towards her and backhands her "You'd go that far... Threaten to KILL her... That's the only way you could do WORSE then the Quin's... You'd kill a friend... A sister! Because you're jealous... Well if that's how you feel... How long before you'd turn on me..." He steps back "I guess what you said the other night about loving me was a lie..." He crosses his arms and stares at her, unsure what else to say, never knowing she could be this crule.
She angry, cupping her face, glaring at him, as he speaks. "You....You heard that," she asks wanting to run from the room more than ever. "Open this door," she screams at him. "Just let me out! I can't be in here right now!" She turns and begins to pound the door as her tears begin to flow. He had heard her words. She was shocked he had heard them, and now she couldn't control her jealous, her anger. She had to get away from them both. Ana was livid and confused. Her treatment of Kimmy, having gone to far, was also weighing on her mind. She was disappointed in herself, and it was impossible for her to look at her. "Please! Somebody open the door! Let me out! I want out!" Her voice cracking as it's clear she's crying. Her fists white she has them clenched so tightly. The entire doors jumps, moving as she beats it. "Please," her voice lower as her head comes to rest on the door. "Just let me out. Please. Atoshi. Open the door."
He moves closer as she starts to break down, waving Kimmy away as she tries to stop him, he stands behind her and crosses his arms. "If I open that door... How will you know what I said in return..."
"Please Atoshi. Just open the door. You don't have to tell me what you said. Whatever it was, maybe I deserve it, maybe I don't. Right now I just wanna get out of this room." She had stopped calling him Sir in the heat of her anger. "Open this fucking door," she screamed pounding it once more. "Please," she whimpers resting her head to it once more.
He sighs and shakes his head, he hadn't wanted to do this, but it couldn't be helped, he slowly kneels behind her. "If I let you leave... How can I tell you that... I love you... to your face..."
She turned around and slid down the door. "No. You can't love me. Don't say that. Please don't say that Atoshi. Stop. Nobody has ever....loved me. She covered her face, resting her arms on her knees.
'She's never known actual love... Ana...' Kimmy relaxes and moves closer, but not getting in the way, knowing Anastasia needed to hear this, 'She scared...'. Atoshi moves to sit beside her, he looks at them both, Kimmy giving him a nod, "In this room... When it's just us... You'll get the real me... I'm not always such a shit..." He smirks a bit and looks at Ana, "You'll only hear me say it in this room... But yes... I love you... Both of you... And don't you dare say that's not possible... Because as angry as you were, you still love Kimmy... That was another reason why you wanted to run, you were ashamed of what you said... Weren't you baby doll..." He looks at her and waits.
‘Only in this room? As if it’s conditional. Both of us. I should have known. Too good to be true. So stupid Ana! Why did you have to go and say that?’ She waits for a moment before lowering her hands from her face. “I wasn’t ashamed, Atoshi. I didn’t mean it,” she lies. ‘Oh I hate this! Why did I have to say it? Why couldn’t I just keep it to myself? People don’t fall in love anyway. The only person I ever fell in love with slapped my face when I told her and told me how love didn’t exist.’ She glances up to him. “I don’t believe in love. Never have. I’m sorry for letting my emotions get away from me. We can talk more later, but right now, please open the door.” Her heart was breaking because of what she had said. She really did love him, but past experiences, her jealousy with Kimmy, as well as fear were pushing her away.
He looks at her and glares slightly "That's a lie... And I bet has something to do with Abby..." He reaches out and tips her chin up "I love you... Why else would I put myself and my company in danger... I know Abby messed a lot of things for you, and we'll work on that... And since I can see te wheels turning, I can only say it here, so no one can use you... You think I want to see you die again... Either of you..." He sighs and leans back against the wall, he looks up when Kimmy comes closer, the straddles Ana's lap. "Look me in the eyes big sister... Ana... Tell me to my face... Do you really hate me that much..." She looks away slightly "At least he said it to you... He never said it to me... And I think the only reason he's saying it now, is because of you... So if anyone should be jealous... It should be me..." She was crying slightly again.
It broke her heart to hear Kimmy cry. Ana had never to dared to feel anything for anything since Abby. Now here she was, feeling something for not just a man but a woman as well. She was scared. That last time she opened up to feel anything she was hurt. Abby’s hurtful words still remained with her. ‘Love me? You’re just a pet. Pets don’t love. Pets obey. No such thing as love exists stupid pet. So get it out of your mind. Perhaps being suspended by your feet upside down while the concept was beaten from you would help.’ She remembered how she screamed for her not to, how sick being upside for so long had made her, the rope burns, and the welts she carried. “No,” she finally tells Kimmy. “ I don’t hate you, but I can’t do this either. Get off me. I have to go. Please.” Ana is struggling to get her emotions back in check as she wipes her tears away. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. I can’t stay in here.”
Atoshi stands and moves to unlock the door "Sir you can't... She can't leave like this!" She grabs his hand "And how will forcing her to stay make her Want to stay..." He looks at Ana, then Kimmy turns back to her and smiles slightly, she cups her cheek "If you love something... Let it go..." She whispers and leans closer, kissing her, she then leans over to her ear "And if it loves you back..." Kimmy kisses her cheek and gets up, she said the things she knew Sir couldn't, but wanted to. Atoshi was across the room, on his cell "Yes... Miss. Dewitt is going to work... Yes... Yes call in the dogs, resume the search once she's gone... Ok" he hangs up "You have safe leave of the compound..." He just watched her, his face a mask, Kimmy stands and just looks down.
Ana scrambles to her feet not able to look at either one of them. It was true she loved them both so, but she was terrified of her own feelings. "Thank you," was all she said as she turned breezing down the stairs. Her car had been brought in, and she was quick to climb inside and drive to the end of the driveway. Stopping she looked in the rear view mirror and tried to wipe away her tears, but they simply kept coming. She turned left. To go the office, she should have turned right. She knew where she was going. Her shaky hand dialed. "Yeah. It's me. Yes. No," she cried. "I'm not okay. I'm coming." She hung up the phone and continued on her way. If he called, he would know soon enough she didn’t go to the office.
Atoshi waited until he hears the front door close and moves to sit on the bed, he waits a few more minutes before picking up his cell phone again. "Hey... I'm sure she's already called you... Good... Yeah... She said and did a few things she didn't mean... No, don't let her know I called... She needs time... Just take care of her... Yeah, thank you Grayson... Keep me updated? Thanks again, bye..." He hangs up and stands "I think I need a shower..." He heads that way.
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