A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

"Quin! What the fuck is he doing here..." He gives her a hard look "My room stays locked until I return, they don't leave... Understand... Where is he now?" He looks at her "Where!" He says a bit louder, the girl looked scared.
"He's....he's....the doctor was,"
"Don't be cross with her Atoshi," the doctor interrupts. "The girl doesn't know any better. Thank you Sarah. That will be all." She quickly scurries away with her head down. "He's drugged in your study Atoshi."
He turns to the doctor and glares "Fine... But I want him restrained... Cuffs and leg irons... He's not going anywhere until I talk with him... And Tony DOESN'T find out..." He sighs and crosses his arms and leans against his door "I will talk with Tony tomorrow, Before I talk to Quin... I'll see you early tomorrow... Make sure he's locked up... I'm going back to bed..." He shakes his head and heads back in his room, locking the door behind him.
The doctor smiled even though he thought Atoshi was over reacting. He knew how powerful the drug was he gave Josh. Still he turned and headed back to the study to follow his orders. He took Josh into the training room and restrained him how Atoshi had wanted. Wiping his forehead, he was exhausted. It was far more work that he had thought it would be. He had just finished wiping the sweat from his brow when he looked up to find the shy maid starring inside. "You leave this man alone and stay out of here. I don't care how much he screams Sarah. I know you're curious about all of this, but take my word for it. Josh Quin is bad news." She nodded. "But what about Jonathan Quin?" The doctor looked up from Josh quickly. "What of him? He's just a bad if not worse. Why do you ask?" She shrugged. "I was....just asking." The doctor knew she would not pull that name from thin air when she didn't even know who Josh was. "Sarah, is he at the door?" She shook her head no. "How do you know that name?" He eyes fell to the floor. "I heard it somewhere." The doctor felt like she was lying. "Stay out of here Sarah," he said as he yawned pushing her out of the door and locking it. "Alright." He pushed past her, and a mischievous smile came over her face. She retreated back to her own room. Once there she picked up her cell phone and dialed. "Yeah. He's here. Drugged off his ass. Yes Sir. I know. I won't blow my cover. I've been here for years watching him for Mistress. I can watch him for you too Master. Alright. I will." She hung up the phone and smiled.
Atoshi slept soundly that night, his girls held close as he slept. "Mmm..." He groans softly, knowing he had to get up but not wanting to, he leans over and kisses each of them softly before slowly getting out of bed. He made his way into the bathroom and stsrted up the shower.

Tony slowly sat up and groans, his back was stiff, he'd need to take something for that later, he looks up at Abby and smiles, the marks on her neck were almost gone, that cream really did work. "I'll have to thank the Boss later..." He mumbles, reaching up to gently rub her cheek.
Sarah is up early typing away at her computer. She wasn't one of Atoshi's special maids. The regular maids knew of his activities, but they had signed a wavier agreeing to keep all his dirty little secrets. It didn't matter anyway. It wasn't why she was there. Abby had contacted her through a business associate when she expressed a desire for a corporate spy. Her friend gave the name and number of a girl he had used. Abby had phones Sarah wanting her to get inside Atoshi's house. She wanted to get inside his business, monitor it, and see if was to her advantage to sign an agreement. Sarah had done just that hacking into his servers and finding out everything Abby had wanted. When Ana was brought into the house, she mentioned it during one of their conversations, thinking nothing of it. Abby, on the other hand, decided to get involved for sure. When Jonathan took over the company from Abby, she became his servant. Sarah referred to them as Mistress and Master, sure, but there was one thing that made her different from the others than called them by their titles. She had not been sexual with any of them. In fact, she had not been sexual with anyone ever. So she tapped on her keyboard pulling up the information she needed. She was looking at the security grid for the house. She knew she would have to get Josh out sooner or later. She was getting ahead of her new Master. "Sarah," the voice came on the other side of the door. "Master Atoshi is awake. Come now. We must prepare breakfast." She sighed before locking her computer down and leaving her room heading towards the kitchen. Passing by the room she knew Josh was in, she smiled. 'Soon enough. I'll have you out soon enough.'
Atoshi finishes up his shower and gets out, drying off he heads to his closet and grabs something comfortable, jeans and a cotton t-shirt. "No sence in getting fancy..." He walks out if the closet and glances at the girls and chuckles softly, they were now curled up together in the centre of the bed, his pillow between them. He grabs his phone and heads to the kitchen, food first, he was halfway down te stairs when his phone rang, it was Kevin, his second at the company. "Hey, what's up... Need me to apro... What? We'll have it back hacked... I wanna know who, what and where... Then tell them to work faster or they're fired... Yes... Yes... Alright, call me back ASAP..." He hangs up and continues to the kitchen, he takes a seat and sighs, looking upset.
Amelia looks to Sarah and then over to him. "Master Atoshi? Is everything alright? Is there anything we can do for you?" Amelia was one of his normal maids as well. He had rescued her from an abusive, rich man with a tendency to see how much pain he could inflict upon her. Her loyalties were, and always would be, to her Master.
He glances at her and gives her a soft smile, she was a sweet girl he had met once on a trip with his father to an old friend, the man beat her right in front of them, and she apologized... He had bought her off him then and there, saying he wanted a new rough stuff maid... She had been scared of him until they got home and he gave her a job, he had never touched her. "Unless your good with computers you can't help me Ame... Someone hacked the company... The techs are working on it and back hacking right now... I should be hearing from them soon if they want to keep their jobs." He takes the drink she set down and had a sip.
Sarah drops the bowl she is holding when he mentions the techs back hacking. "I'm sorry M'Lady. I....will you excuse me please? I forgot something." The girls dashes from the kitchen as if a fire is after her. "Sweet girl. Strange at time, but sweet," Ame teases picking the bowl up. Sarah opens her door quickly and logs into her computer. In a mad dash she begins to erase everything on her hard drive, shredding any proof of her activities. "Come on. Come on. Go. Faster."
Atoshi looks up as she drops the dish and runs from the room, then to Ame "Strange how? I've never seen... Ah, they found something..." He answers his phone with a grin "Alright what did you... What! What do you mean it's coming from here... No it's not me you moron... No no one here can... Wait... Ame lock down the grounds and house..." He quickly hangs up and runs to the servants wing, he runs down the hall and bangs on her door "Sarah! You little bitch!" He bangs for a minute before busting it down, he sees her at the compute and glares "You..." He runs over and grabs her hair so she can't run.
She hears him banging on the door. 'Damn. It took too long. I should have done this before now.' The door bursts open as the last of the data is gone. "Master Atoshi," she squeals grabbing at his wrists. "What is wrong? What have I done?" Her glance over at the screen. FILE EMPTY. "Please. Tell me what I have done. I am sorry I have displeased you so."
He glares at her as pulls her up "Cut the innocent act... I'll get my answers from you... Whether you want to give them or not..." He grips her arm with his other hand and leads her from the room, Ame was running up the hall "Get the doc... Tell him to meet me at the training room..." He walks past her, pulling Sarah with him. He gets her there to find Quin in there and still out cold "Well, looks like it's a two for one..." He drags her over to a chair demands she sits, the straps her in.
Sarah struggles, grunting as he gets down her the hall. Her gaze meets Ame's who is shocked by what's going on. "Yes Master Atoshi," she says before heading to the doctor's room. She bangs on his door, and the doctor opens it half asleep. "What? Is something wrong? What's the matter?"
"Master Atoshi wants you in the training room Sir."
"Ah. Must be ready for Josh."
"No Sir. He's taken Sarah there. He's angry."
"Sarah? Angry? What in the world is this all about," he asks pushing past her heading towards the room. Sarah watches him as he straps her in. "Master Atoshi please. Tell me what I have done to displease you."
He gets close to her and glares "I got a phone call... The techs got the trace... It came back to MY home... So tell me Sarah... What were you doing on your computer... At the same time as they were back hacking..." He reaches up and grips her throat "You'll spill everything to me..." He hears the doctor walk in "Get me the truth serum... We have a spy..." He lets her go and steps back "And when Quin wakes up... He can watch his little spy rat him out..." He grins and stares at Sarah.
"I was logging off. I forgot to log off," she lies to him quickly. "You violated your own agreement. You entered my quarters. In agreement for my silence on your little activities here, you agreed to remain from my quarters. Our agreement is now null and void." She swallowed as much as he could with his hand around her throat. She hears the words, "truth serum," and the doctor moves quickly to bring over a syringe. "Please Master Atoshi, if I were a spy, don't you think I would have been trained to fight against something like this," she smiles.
He smirks at her "Yes... I would assume that... But my serum is different... Mine attacks your brain first... Clouding your thoughts... Breaking your guards... Then the truth comes out..." He leans closer to her again and smirks "Like I said... You'll tell me whether you want to or not..." He takes the syringe from the doctor and holds her arm, then empties the needle.
Her mouth presses into a tight, thin line as she glares back at him. Her true nature coming through she whispers to him, "Go ahead and do it then." As he empties the needle in her arm, she screams out, "belladonna!"
Atoshi gives her the shot and looks at her, taking a step back "What was that for..." He steps back and tips her chin up "Tell me your name... And who you work for..." He glares at her.
Her eyes look into his as she smiles. "My name....is Sarah Brown. I work for....." Her eyes dart back and forth as if she's reading. "Unknown." The doctor steps forward nodding. "Just as I thought. THAT was a code word. Think of it much like a sleeper agent being activated by a single word. It was her death pill, if you will. She has locked her memories away from even her. She literally can't tell you."
He glance at the Doc "Well... She can't right now... But how are we with mental barriers..." He chuckles and steps across the room, he picks up a small red needle and returns. "Let's see you fight this one sweety..." He injects in her neck, think of it as a mental reboot, her thoughts would shut down, then return all fresh. He'd delt with a few spy's in his time, this was the first female though. "Alright, let's give that a few minutes..."
The doctor nods. "Indeed my friend. Her mind won't be able to resist." He takes a seat watching her closely. Her chest rose and fall as she breathed. "That's right. Breathe deeply. Let the drug work through your system. Her body jerked, and she appeared to be trying to stand from the chair before she fell back to it. "There. I think she's ready."
Atoshi walks back over to her and tips her chin up again "Tell me your name... And who you work for..." He pulls a chair up to sit before her, keeping her facing him. "Why are you here..." He watches her closely, looking into her eyes.
She looks at him, lips parted. "You....mother fucker. You couldn't leave well enough alone. My name....is Sarah Brown. I was hired by Ms. Abby Quin to investigate your company and see if it was worth it for her to do business with you. When Master Quin took the company from her I became his employee. He wanted to know if Josh was here and if I could get him out."
He grins "And what have you told Mr. Quin... How long have you been here..." He sits back and crosses his arms, she could bitch all she wanted, she'd tell him anything now.
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