A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

She winces remembering her father beating her, kicking her, all the injections she suffered. "He kept....injecting me. Everything would....cloud, but I remember. He....beat me and kicked me and held me down so he could," she shakes her head as the tears fall. "I was so tired....I couldn't, but I tried. I really tried. I never," she looks over to him, "called him Master. I wouldn't. That's....you. Master. It made him so made I wouldn't, and I told him you're not my Master," she smiles. "I told him I knew who I wanted....to be my Master. It was you. It's always been you. From day one."
He smiles at her and moves closer "It's ok... You're here now... Where you belong..." He kisses her again and taps her nose "Now don't get used to this treatment... A Master doesn't wait on his Pet..." He sits back "Now... The doctor has told me... But I want to see you for myself... This is the only time I'm going to ask, that you can deny me... May I look at you..." He was still holding her hand gently.
She grinned as he tapped her nose, his kiss still fresh on her lips. "I understand. As soon as I am well, I will gladly wait on you hand foot Master." He asks his question, and she has to pause for a moment and think. Her eyes clear and shining now, she looks to him. "Yes Master. You can look at me. I trust you."
Tony watches her and nods "Alright..." He pulls back the blanket and stands, then slowly and gently opens her gown. He glares "That bastard won't be wearing that collar long enough... Doing this to my property..." He looks her over slowly, making mental notes and asking little questions, then he spreads her legs slowly. "And your father did this... What about your brother..." He was talking in a stern voice, he was pissed, but not at her.
She winces as tears roll down her face as he examines her. All the memories coming back. The cuts. The burns. The bruises. Every second he slammed her body down or kicked her replayed in her mind. She felt to cool air on her sex and groaned. "Yes....Master. My father did this." She grabbed the bed, and cried out as she rolled over to her stomach. Her hands trembling, she pulled up her gown revealing her beaten ass. Stripes from the various canes used to whip her, to punish her. "My brother....did this." As her gown was inched up her back, more stripes came into view until she couldn't push it up any further. She came to rest on the bed still feeling his eyes look her body over. She did not feel embarrassed. She felt sadness. Not for herself. For her Master. He was seeing this. "I'm sorry....Master. I shouldn't....have left. It's my fault."
He watches her and shakes his head "None of that matters now Pet... It's in past... Now take te gown off and roll over... The Boss gave me something for those marks... It may sting... But it'll help... Helped on your neck..." He mumbles the last bit as he moves across the room to the table, picking up the larger jar of healing cream the doc got at Atoshi's request. He picks it up and returns, "Just relax..." He starts to slowly work the cream over her welts and cuts, adding more to deeper wounds and slowly rubbing in until absorbed. "I'll apply this each night until it's not needed..."
Abby moved slowly, carefully removing the gown as she turned her body over. She watched Tony come over to her with the jar. "Yes Master." She tried to relax, but every time he touched her skin, she tensed at the feeling. Then it became another problem entirely. As he applied the cream, she reached for his wrist stilling him. Her hand rested over his. "I just want to feel your touch here," she said placing his hand over her breast. "It doesn't hurt here, and I want to feel your touch. Please. Don't deny me Master. I've missed you so."
He allows her to move his hand, then looks at her and squeezes slightly "I missed you too... But we can't do much..." He reaches up and massages both, pulling her nipples lightly then leaning down suckle them both, he then kisses up her chest to kiss her again.
Abby moans softly at his touch. It was exactly what she had wanted, missed, and needed for so long. His mouth was perfect. So lost in his kiss, she reaches up to touch his face. "I know Master. We can't do much, but I have craved your touch for so long. Everything was worth it if I get you in the end. You Master were worth it all."
"As soon as you're well... I'll make sure you never go without it..." He smirks and nibbles at her nipples again, squeezing and massaging them. "I might... Be able to do more..." He gets up slowly and gets the cream again "You tell me if it hurts... That's an order Pet..." The cream would work on any cut anywhere on the body, Atoshi never said it couldn't be used internally. He gently spreads her legs again and covers her pussy in the cream and waits for it to numb the pain, then slowly pumps a few fingers into her, spreading the cream.
Abby groaned as he pushed his fingers inside her despite the cream. It had numbed her some, but she could still feel the pressure. "Master," she breathed. "They did....not touch....my ass." It was all she could manage to say his fingers slowly worked her.
He heard her and kept going for a few more moments, making sure enough cream was inside to help her healing. "Fine... But just this once until you're healed..." He looks up at her and starts to press first one then two fingers into her ass, he pumps them slowly as his other hand continues to massage her breast.
Abby relaxes more than ever as his fingers press into her. His touch something she had longed for warming her injured body. "Thank you Master. I've missed you. That feels....wonderful. I feel stuffed, excited, and warm." She let Tony know how his touch, his actions were making her feel. "Please....keep going. Will you keep going until I cum Master?"
He smirks at her and starts to pump them a bit harder, faster, and sucking her nipple while flicking it with his tongue, he pulls back after a few minutes "Only... If you call my Name when you cum Pet..." He looks at her "Any Master can make you cum... But when its me... You use my name..." He rubs and pinches her nipples, kissing her softly as he slowly adds another finger.
Abby could feel every muscle in her body tighten with delicious pleasure. She squirmed slightly, opening her legs allowing the cool air in the room to wash over her clit. “Yes Master. Your Name. I promise.” She was already a writhing mess of desire, and as he kisses her, adding another finger, she moans into his mouth, arching her back getting closer.
He pulls from the kiss and stares at her, smirking "There already Pet... Well then... Enjoy it..." He thrusts his fingers a bit faster and reaches up with his thumb to slowly and gently rub her clit, never looking from her face. "You're mine Abby... Completely... If... If I have to fight the Boss for you... You're mine..."
"You would..fight for me," she asked through her pants. Abby rocked her hips with his fingers as he took her ass. His thumb touching her clit just the way she needed him to reach her orgasm. It hit her hard, and looking into his eyes she cries out, "I'm cumming Tony! I'm cumming! For you! Thank you!" Her body shudders as she settles to the bed. "Thank you," her breathless voice whispered as her eyes began to close.
He pumps a few more moments to allow her to finish then slowly removes them "I would fight for you..." He cups her cheek and rub it softly, "Sleep Pet... You'll feel better..." He allows her relax and slowly fall asleep, he kisses her again and sits back down, his head resting on the bed.
The Doctor looks in on Atoshi and his sleeping Pets. He grins softly closing the door. He checks on Abby who is sleeping peacefully with Tony by her beside. Again he closes the door quietly smiling. A maid approaches him with a frantic, distraught look on her face. "What is it? What's the matter," he smiles sure she's blowing something way out of proportion. "There's a man at the door. He says he's here for his sister." Instantly the doctor knows who it is. "Josh Quin," he whispers. "Alright. I'll deal with him. Say nothing of this to anyone. Especially Tony. Do you understand?" She nods. He pushes past her and heads for the door. When he opens it he meets Josh's gaze. "Well? Where is she," he demands. "I know one of HIS associates took her, and I want her back. NOW!" As he screams that last word, the maid has opened the door to Abby's room. "Excuse me. Just checking on her m'lady Sir." She hoped the scream did not radiate into the room, and she wasn't about to ask if he had heard anything. "Calm down," the doctor tells him. "She's not here. Who knows where Tony took her," he jokes. "I can ask Atoshi when he returns. He and his pets are out for the evening." Josh shakes his head. "Do you think I'm that stupid? Where is she? You're gonna tell me now, or I'll tear this place apart brick by brick."
Tony heard a faint call in his sleep like state as the nurse opens the door but ignores it "She's fine... Leave..." He was tired and his pet needed sleep, he kisses Abby's hand and rests his head in his arms on her bed again, returning to sleep.
"Yes Sir," she whispers. She has no idea who Josh Quin is. "Sir," she asks. "Is Master Atoshi awake? There's a man at the door for him, and he seems rather irate.
God this made was stupid, he rolls his head over and glares at the woman "I don't fucking know... Now get out! She needs rest!" He was trying to be quiet but this nurse was pushing his patients. He glanced at the clock, 'Whi would be here this late...' He wondered.
"Yes Sir. I'm sorry," she cowers opening the door before disappearing outside it. She looks up the stairs and wonders if she should bother Atoshi. Another maid passes by her, and the girl stops her. "Should I wake Master Atoshi for a Mr. Josh Quin," she whispers. "Josh Quin is here," she asks knowing full well who he is. "Yes. Go wake him now." The maid scurries up the stairs and gently opens the door. "Master Atoshi? Someone to see you at the door Sir."

The doctor eyes him knowing he could easily inject the boy. "Alright! Calm down. Come inside. I'll take you to Atoshi's study and go get him for you. He can answer all your questions." The doc leads him into the study, as he said he would, but as Josh sits down, he grabs his necks pushing a needle into and quickly emptying it's contents into him. Josh is instantly limp and slumps to one side in the chair. "You couldn't leave could you? Well. Now you get more than you bargained for."
Atoshi stirs and sits up slightly, glancing at the girls before looking to te door "Who the hell is at the door this late..." He says softly and gets up, he puts on his robe and moves to the door "This had better be good... Who is it?" He steps from his room and closes the door.
"A Mr. Josh Quin Sir. I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I thought you should know. I'm so sorry."
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