A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

“Yes Sir,” Ana replied through her ragged breaths. “I wanna cum for you.” Kimmy was slipping into her training. Answering him was impossible, but the elated look on her face with the lust in her eyes combined with how her pussy hugged his fingers was enough for anyone to know how she felt. Ana slammed her body to him, groaning out, her head leaning back as she came for him. “Thank you Sir. Thank you for fucking me, for filling me. Yes!”

Tony slide inside to the scene and gentle place Abby near one side of the bed. He caressed her face trying to get her to gently awaken her.
"Nnn... Yeah..." He bucks up as soon fills her, he lays on the bed panting and glances at Kimmy as he continues to thrust his fingers into her and smiles, Kimmy was lost to her pleasure by that point. "Ana... I think Kimmy needs a little push to help her along..." He smiles at her and rubs her side softly, it was when she shifted closer to Kimmy that her noticed Tony and Abby, but he didn't say anything just yet, waiting for the girls to finish and calm down. He looks at Abby, she didn't look good but she wasn't as bad as Kimmy an Ana had been.
Ana presses her lips to Kimmys before kissing down to her body. She opened Kimmy’s clothes revealing her perky breasts. Ana freed one of her breasts, pulling it roughly from her bra. Kimmy’s nipples were so rock hard, and Ana took one of them, teasing it, rolling it between her teeth. The cries she heard grew louder as she felt her body rocking hard against Atoshi’s fingers. Kimmy couldn’t speak. All she could do was throw herself into everything she was feeling. Her body stilled as she came hard. Her hands grasped Ana’s head and pulled her up into a strong kiss. Both girls locked eyes with each other smiling before they crept up the bed, one on each side of him, and rested content.

Tony still caressed her face whispering to her. “Wake up Abby. Please. Wake up for me.” She was still breathing, but she had to open her eyes for him. Tony looks up to Atoshi having felt the girls move and still.
Atoshi turns and kisses the girls softly as they lay next to him, relaxing and resting up. "Be right back girls..." He fixes his clothes and sits up slowly to crawl across the bed, he sits next to them and starts to look her over, checking her breathing, pulse and lifting her eyelid to check her responce. "I think she's just unconscious... But the burns look pretty bad... Where's Kimmy's purse..." He looks around the bed before grabbing it and looking through it, there wasn't much "That's my girl... Tip her chin up..." Kimmy had a small jar of the demon healing cream with her for the few cuts she still had. "Yeah, hold it there..." He opens the jar and slowly spreads the cream on her burns. "That should help until we get home... Once the girls can stand that is..." He chuckles lightly, glancing back at them.
Tony doesn't speak. He spreads some of the cream over the bruise under her eye and on her lip as well. He hopes Atoshi doesn't mind. "Is that....Abby," Ana asks slowly moving down, crawling like a panther. "Wow. She doesn't look as bad as I thought she would. Then again," she starts only to stop. "I'll go check on Kimmy. Where's the doc at? I thought he was coming with us?"
He glances at her "Last I saw he was on the dance floor... Had a few girls with him too... I wouldn't be suprised if he's trying a new drug on one of them..." He looks to Tony "So... Shall I ask how you got her back..." He moves back up the large bed to help Kimmy wake up "Hey... Kitten, time to head home..." He kisses her softly "We can have more fun there..." The toys in their panties was still going with the best of the music, he runs his fingers through her hair slowly and waits or her to wake up, she was always tired after a climax, cause she had to work so hard for it. "Tony... Go get the doc, I'll watch over her... We need to head out..."
Tony heard his question about how he got her back, but he kept quiet. It was only when he told him to go get the doc did he move leaving her. Jonathan and the men he was with were gone. Tony finds the doc dancing surrounded by beautiful women. “We gotta go.” He stops dancing and turns to Tony. “Why? Is it Kimmy?” Tony just shakes his head and begins to lead him back.

Kimmy’s eyes slowly focus as she smiles. “Hello Sir. That was aaaaammmmmaaaaazing.” She curls her body close to him. “Kimmy we gotta go. We’re heading home.” She leans up towards Ana. “Why? I’m fine. We can have fun here or there.” Ana tells her, “it’s easier to have fun at home. Come on now.” Kimmy starts to move seeing Abby. “What is she doing here?” The doc and Tony step back in, and Tony leans down picking her up. “Our ride is ready and waiting outside. Ladies.”
He kisses Kimmy softly "I'll explain later... Let's get you two home... I'm sure you're not done 'partying' yet..." He helps Kimmy to we feet and helps her out, picking her up after a fast paced song starts and her toy sends her into another haze, he holds Ana's hand and leads them outside, the cool night air was refreshing, but only served to make Kimmy shake more, he chuckles "We will definitely be doing this again..." He helps the girls in the car and lays Kimmy down, letting her body relax and her mind clear. "Alright... Let's head home..." He rests Kimmy's head in his lap as they drive, softly rubbing her cheek as he watches out the window.
Ana just follows with him watching all of them. Kimmy, Atoshi, Tony, the doc,and of course Abby. There was a concern on her face, but she wouldn’t voice it. Once inside the car she looks up to the doc, and he catches her gaze. Tilting his head, his expression asks, ‘what’s wrong?’ She looks over to Abby and back at him. “Ana? Would you come sit next to me please? Allow Atoshi and Kimmy some room,” he smiles. She moves over carefully sitting next to him. “What is it girl,” he asks. “What they should worry about the most isn’t what they do see. It’s the covered part.” He nods. “Her body.” Ana whispers, “yeah. Jonathan is not a gentle a man. You saw Kimmy, and that was just after one day. How long has she been with him?” Again the doctor nods looking over to Abby. “We’ll see when we get there.” The car pulls into the drive and the doctor tells Tony where to put her. “Now you wait outside. Ana. You’re with me. Atoshi. I take it you’re with Kimmy,” he asks as he’s pulling the doors to the room closed.
He was still holding Kimmy, who was starting to flutter her eyes, when the doctor spoke, he sent him a glare, then looks at Ana. "Fine... But you better be upstairs in 10 minutes Anastasia... And I mean it..." He lifts Kimmy a bit higher and starts for the stairs, he knew Ana needed to see for herself that Abby was going to be ok, and to be there for Tony. He enters his room and moves to the bed, he lays her down and starts to remove his own clothing, he smiles as she opens her eyes. "Hey Kitten... Ready for round two..." He crawls onto the bed and begins to unbutton her clothes, her clothes all easy access tonight, Ana's also.
Ana nods. “You heard him. I have 10 minutes.” The doc laughed. “Since when do YOU follow all the rules?” Ana couldn’t help but smile. Tony had placed Abby on the bed, and the doc went about removing her clothing. The sight they saw made them all cringe. Almost every inch of skin covered with a bruise, cut, scar, something to indicate where had done something to her. There was even a bruise in the shape of a shoe print along her ribs. “They’re not broken,” he tells Tony. “Sore and bruised I imagine, but not broken. The doctor removed toys from both her holes throwing them in the trash. “See these,” he pointed to tiny marks on her arms. “He was keeping her drugged I imagine. I’ll run some tests. She’s okay Tony. You wait outside. I can work better that way. Ana. You have a few more minutes. I’d run up stairs.” She rubs Tony’s arm before she sprints up the stairs opening the door just in time. She sees them both naked and smiles. “I think I’m a little over dressed. Shall I remove my clothes Sir?”
He pulls back from a deep kiss he was having with Kimmy and smirks "Hmm... Should we have her give us a show Kitten..." He smirks and rolls them over, so they could watch her, his fingers slowly trailing over Kimmy's body to tease her "Go on Dolly... Strip for us..." He smirks and carefully watches his Doll, "Make it slow Anastasia..."
"Make it slow," she says shocked. "But I've never....I mean I can't....I don't know....I can't even dance Sir. I've never stripped. Kimmy grins. "Look Sir. She's nervous. What ever shall we do?"
He chuckles at her and pulls Kimmy closer "Maybe if we give her a goal..." He smirks "Finish stripping before Kimmy makes me cum... And I'll fuck you first... Fail... You watch me fuck Kimmy without touching until we're done... Sound fair..." He smirks at her, knowing shed enjoy the challenge. He looks to Kimmy "Go easy..." He whispers softly as he kisses her, wanting Ana to have a good chance, he'd thank Kimmy later.
Abby glares at him. True she liked a good challenge, but he should know by now she hated to pushed into something she wasn't ready for. Her shirt and bra came off first and easy. There was no grace to it. She barely had them off before she was pulling at the zipper on the skin tight skirt she wore. It was stuck. She decided to try and slid it off. She danced around pulling and grunting until she lost her balance and tumbled down. Ana was angry now. "You know what? Forget it! You wanna play stupid games you go right ahead! Enjoy Kimmy tonight!" In anger she grabbed her shirt putting it on like it was a jacket, and she turned heading for the door.
He was talking with Kimmy when he heard her stumble and looks up "What... Whoa whoa... Wait a minute!" Atoshi gets up and runs to her, grabbing her from behind, "Relax baby doll... Please..." He turns her to face him "We were only joking..." He chuckles slightly "You can't tell me your buzz is completly gone from tonight..." He cups her cheek softly "We're sorry sweety... Come back to bed..." He takes her hands and tries to slowly walk her back to the bed. Despite what happened with Abby he still had a nice buzz going and didn't want to waist it.
Ana looked at him, letting him lead her back. True her buzz was completely gone, but her anger, her defiant look from when she first became his doll was clear as glass on her face. “What if it is? Maybe you should enjoy Kimmy,” she tells him trying to pull from his grasp. “Maybe I should just go to my own room tonight. What if I don’t want this? Huh? What if I don’t want to play tonight?”
"Oh no you don't..." Kimmy says from the bed and gets up, slowly walking over to her "I wanna finish what we started at the club..." Atoshi steps back as Kimmy takes her hands and continues to lead her to the bed, she pushes her to sit on the edge and smiles at her. "Sir and I are sorry for teasing you... Let us make it up to you..." She slowly removes her shirt and leans closer, cupping her breasts and moving closer to kiss them, slowly tracing her tongue around each nipple before pushing them together to suckle both at once. She then lets them go and smiles at her "Here... Let's get this off..." Kimmy slowly runs her hands down her sides and over her hips, then she slowly works the zipper free and helps her free of her skirt. "You still wanna leave sweety..." She gets up and moves to straddle her lap, arms around her neck she smiles at her "Cause... I really don't think you do..." She leans closer and start to kiss her slowly, Atoshi smirks and crawls on the bed behind them, allowing Kimmy to help Ana relax again.
Ana eyes Kimmy as she comes closer. She shakes her head not able to protest before Kimmy has her on the edge of the bed. “Make it up to me,” she asks with distain in her voice. Ana looks away from the woman as she slides her shirt back and off her body. Her lips part as she looks down watching the woman as her tongue covers every inch of her skin. Her nipples hard and very sensitive drawing a gasp from her as she suckles them. Kimmy’s fingers glided the zipper than had given her so much trouble with ease. Ana could feel her heart rate increasing as her body was slowly being bared to this delicious woman in front of her. Her body was warm against hers. Kimmy’s tongue danced with hers once they were locked in this slow, sensual kiss. Without even thinking, Ana moves her arms around Kimmy softly pulling her closer. Ana's back straightens more as the kiss intensifies, and it's clear there are now words needed for her answer.
Atoshi just relaxes and enjoys the show, his girls were having fun and he wasn't going to stop them, he slowly teased himself and waited for them to remember he was there. Kimmy slowly trails a hand down between them and into Ana's panties, she starts to finger her slowly and lightly pinch her clit, she pulls from the kiss slowly and smiles at her. "You helped me at the club, from what I remember... now I wanna help you... Please big sister..." She slowly adds another finger and leans closer to lick at her neck, sucking softly in places, her thumb rubbing her clit in slow circles, Kimmy notices Atoshi and smiles, but doesn't say anything. "Please let little sister make you feel good..." She looks at her and gives her a sexy pout.
Ana gives her a moan of appreciation into her mouth feeling her finger reach her clit. She was already so aroused, so wet, and ready for anything. Kimmy could have teased her with her finger or her tongue and Ana would have been elated Her pussy took her fingers willingly as they slide inside, and once more Ana groaned. She grinds her hips on the bed slightly as Kimmy’s fingers pinch her clit. “You feel so fucking good Kimmy,” she whispered to her mouth. Kimmy was sending closer to the edge, and Ana could not stop herself from doing what she did. When Kimmy looked at her, she brought her hands up to her head to hold her still. “Yes. You can help me. Please help me. I’m….I’m begging you. Please little sister. Help me cum. I wanna cum for you, because of you, with you, on you. I wanna taste your cum.” She leans in violently kissing her as she gets closer and closer.
Kimmy moans agains her lips as she kisses her, smiling and adding another finger, she holds her shoulder and rocks with her. "Mmm... You wanna taste me big sister... Then you gotta cum for me first..." She rests their forheads together and continues to move with her as she trusts her fingers faster, her thumb rubbing her clit harder. "Nnn... That's it big sister... Cum for me..." Kimmy was thoroughly enjoying this, she hadn't thiught Ana would react so strongly to her and she was sure she was already soaked herself. As Ana got closer he chances a glance at Sir and smiles at him, Ana had forgotten he was there and they were giving him a nice little show. She looks back at Ana and smiles, cupping her cheek "Is big sister feeling better now..." She pumps her fingers faster as she feels her starting to squeeze them.
“Cum….for….you…..yes.” Ana could barely hold a thought as the woman fucked her hard with her fingers. Her thumb pressing against her clit, making circles, and sending her further towards the climax she wanted so desperately. She never once thought about Sir in the room with them. All she focused on was the beautiful woman with her fingers workings her. “Yes….feeling….better…..gonna….c-cum,” she shouted as her body finally found the release it had been dancing so close to. She felt her pussy flood around Kimmy’s fingers, and she arched her back throwing herself into her orgasm. “Yes….K-Kimmy….my….little….sister.”
Kimmy faintly heard Sir hiss behind them as Ana hit we peak, she shuddered lightly at the passion in her release and smiles at her. "I'm glad I could make big sister feel so good..." She kisses her softy and lightly teases her still twitching clit with her wet fingers "I think Sir enjoyed it to..." She kisses Ana's nose and smiles at Atoshi behind her, he hadn't wanted to, but Ana's reactions had pushed him over the edge as well, he was panting and smirking at them. "Yes... I quite enjoyed it..." He said softly, cleaning his hand off and watching the two, it still seems as though Ana didn't notice him. Kimmy looks at Ana again and starts to lick her fingers, making sure she watches "Mmm... Big sister tastes good..."
Ana could hear Kimmy’s words as she cleaned her fingers. In a selfish gesture, she grabs her wrists and leans down sucking one of Kimmy’s fingers clean. With her own arousal on her lips, she takes her mouth once more. “I wanna taste of little sister now. Do you want to lay back and offer your pussy to me? Would you rather my pussy be planted over your mouth while I taste you? Either way, I am going to taste that sweetness between your legs little sister.” Not once did Ana look up or acknowledge Sir.
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