A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

“No,” she says looking at him. “I will not swear it on Kimmy’s health. I will swear on my feelings for you. As important as Kimmy is to me, those are more important. So alright Sir. I will follow your orders.” She kisses his nose once more before sliding from his lap. True to her word, she takes two guards to the office and has them posted at the doors of his office. She takes the vibrator and the panties ad begins his punishment. A delicious grin on her face as the pulsing already begins to drive her wild. She pulls up her work on his computer and begins to make sure things are still running smoothly. Becky is allowed in by the guards to see Ana. “What’s with security? Has Atoshi been threatened too?” Ana looks her puzzled. “Well Jonathan Quin was shot today. I didn’t know if Atoshi has been threatened too. To make matters worse, Abby Quin called. She wants a meeting with Atoshi. She said today if possible. She wants to come in. Said to email her.” Ana thanks Becky for the update, and when she leaves, she sends Atoshi a text:
Abby wants a meeting today. What do you say?
Atoshi watched her leave and nods "Alright..." Once she was gone he stayed with Kimmy, talking lightly with her when she woke up a few times, always making sure she knew she was safe, he told her about heading back into work and that Tony would be watching outside her door. He kisses her softly before he stands to leave, that's when he got the text from Ana. 'Abby... Wants to talk...' He thought as he steps out of the room and calls Tony to watch the room. Once away from Tony, he calls Ana back "Fine... If she agrees to come alone... And you aren't in the room... It's just her and me, those are the terms..." He waits a moment, getting into his car "I'm on my way in, have her there ASAP... Bye" he hung up and drives off.
Ana decides she will wait at her own computer but not until they arrive. She leaves Abby an email, as per her request, with the details of the meeting. She never hears back from her and begins to wonder if she has changed her mind. Hearing a commotion outside she hears Abby’s voice. She stands and heads to the door opening it calming the scene. “She can wait in his office for him, but I won’t be in here with her. I’ll be at my desk just over there. You can still keep your eyes on me. Alright? If Atoshi has a problem with this arrangement, I’ll take the punishment. It’s the best solution I can come up with on the spot.” She eyes Abby waiting for a snide comment, and she’s shocked when one doesn’t come. Taking her seat at her desk, she keeps checking up to see when he arrives. The guard opens the door allowing Abby to enter where she has a seat. There is no expression on her face the entire time
When Atoshi arries on his floor, he notices Ana at her desk and moves to speak with her "So, I'm guessing she's already here... Alright, I'll see you in a bit then... We need to settle a few things..." Not waiting for much of a response, he leaves for his office, he had seen the way she was shifting her thighs. He stops at his door "If she leaves her desk, follow her..." With that said, he enters his office and walks up to his desk, taking a seat. "Sorry to keep you waiting... But there was business to take care of at home..." The first half was sarcastic and the second was a stab, knowing she knew exactly want was going on. "So... To what do I owe this displeasure... I didn't order Tony to shoot him... So my hands are clean in that matter.." He sits back and glares at her.
“A stab at me. How quaint. Believe me I understand how it is to have things at home that you must take care of.” She pulls the scarf from around her neck revealing a metal collar with the word “PET” in bold letters. A small lock secures it. It’s clear from red marks and small bruises she has tried to get it off without any luck. “I don’t care if you ordered him shot or not. That’s not why I’m here.” Abby swallows feeling her nerves, but she refuses to let them show. “How is Kimmy,” she asks not even sure if he will answer.
He glares at her then smirks when she shows the collar "A taste of your own medicine... I bet Ana would love to see you in that..." He listens to her then sits up straighter and leans closer to her "Why the hell should I tell you anything about her... I'm sure your father and brother took great pleasure telling you what they did... So how do you THINK she's doing!" He slams his hand on the desk and glares at her "You have no rights here Abigail... Not concerning Kimmy OR Ana... They are mine!"
“You’re right about everything,” she says putting the scarf back around her neck. “This was a mistake. Clearly. I apologize for wasting your time.” Manners. Something Abby wasn’t known for. She did her best to conceal her nerves, but as she spoke to him, collecting herself, she could not look him in the eyes. “I will send an assistant with any information about our business. That way your or Ana won’t have to see me. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for Kimmy. I won’t be calling on you again.” She stands and heads for the door fumbling with the handle.
As she's walking to the door, he hits the button to lock it, she didn't seem the same, she acted more like Ana after she disobeyed and order. "Wait right there..." He gets up and moves to stand behind her at the door, when she tries the door a second time to get out her turns her around "Look at me..." He waits a few moments, not letting her pull away "I said look at me!" He tips her chin up ad stares at her, into her eyes "Good... Now tell me why you're really here..." He reaches up and pulls the scarf off "Does he even know you're here... Did you disobey daddy..." He stares at her still.
She’s flushed by the time he asks his question. “Just like you, what makes you think you have the right to ask me that,” she says snatching her scarf back. “You have none. So I’ll leave Kimmy alone if you leave my relationship with my father alone. A mutual respect if you will.” Abby was almost sounding like her old self once more, but then she added one more word. “Please.”
Atoshi watches her and even takes a step back "Fine..." He turns and heads back go his desk taking a seat. "But before I let you go... Don't you want to ask me about Tony..." He starts to type something on his computer before he reaches under the desk and unlocks the doors, he doesn't look at her and waits. "Because... He did it for you..." He glances at her when he hears the knob starting to turn.
She hears his words but does not respond. Abby pulls the door open and heads out into the office space. Not a soul looks at her as she stands there. The door to his office closes, and she still just stands there looking around. After a moment, she turns opening the door and swings it closed as she heads over to his desk. “Why did he do it for me? Please. Tell me."
He watches her leave and just waits, she want acting herself so he was pretty sure she wasn't leaving, he was proved right when she came back moments later. He leans back in his chair and looks at her "Well, I told you I didn't order it... I was concerns with getting Kimmy home... Me and Ana questioned him because it to prove bad if Jonathan comes after us..." He watches her a few more moments "Then Tony starts demanding answers from Ana about what they'll do to you and what the collar meant... He was beyond pissed at the answer... And stormed out..." He looks at her hard "I'm almost positive that Tony loves you..."
“Love me,” she repeats sinking the chair as the color drains from her face. “Really? He….He can’t. Would you please give him a message for me? Tell him I’m fine, and that if he does love me, to forget me. I can’t....I can’t do this. Telling you this, being with him, I just can’t,” she says standing up heading back to the door. It was clear she was wrestling with something. “Tell me Atoshi. Have you ever wanted something so badly, but you knew you couldn’t have it? You couldn’t buy it. You couldn’t force it. You simply just couldn’t have it no matter what? What did you do to get over it? You see, I’ve always been able to get exactly what I want when I wanted it. My not being able to get Ana back from you was the first time I didn’t get what I wanted, but I adjusted. Then when I couldn’t have Kimmy, again I adjusted. Oh they both hurt as I realized I was going to be alone. I hate that. The thought of being alone. Keeps me up at night. Makes me drink. But something has happened, something that had nothing to do with you or your people,” she lies, “and I can’t seem to get over it. What do I do?”
He watches her, letting her say her peace and then sits back and smirks, "I've only been denyed one thing I truly wanted in my life... Saving my mother... It hurt, but I got over it... You allowed me to redeem myself there, when you took Ana... That is the only reason I'm deciding to help you... But ONLY... If you do one thing for me Abigail..." He stands and crosses his arms "Get down on your knees and beg me like a proper pet would for a treat... Do that... And I'll help you get away from your father..." He stares at her.
She looks shocked and appalled. “What makes you think the thing I desire is to be away from my father? That’s very presumptuous of you Atoshi. There is something I desire, and I….,” she shifts on her heels, “I don’t know….Why am I even asking you anyway? It’s not like you would even….I thank you for your reasons for offering to help me, but I….” Abby was having trouble conveying her thoughts.
He stands and moves around the deak, moving to stand beside her "How do I know... You ask how I know!" He reaches up and rips the scarf off again and throws it to the ground. "That is how I know..." He leans down and touchs the collar, giving it a small tug "Those marks tell me you want away from him... Your fucking attitude tells me!" He leans close and gets in her face "Now... Tell me why your really here..."
“I’m here to find out about Kimmy! I’m here to let you know you and Ana don’t have to deal with me with our business deal! I’m here to tell you my father won’t come after you!” She’s shaking by this point as she looks at him. “I’m here to tell you I want my Master back!” She drops to her knees hanging her head. “I want my Master back. I miss him. His touch. The way he looks at me. How he speaks to me. How he makes me feel. Everything. I want,” she looks up to him, “Tony back. I want to be with him. Please Atoshi. Help me. I’m begging you. I’ll do anything you want.” Her hands reach up gripping his slacks near his hips. “I’ll be a good pet if that’s what you want. Just please help me get back to him. I am on my knees begging you, offering myself to you if that’s what it takes. Do as you please with me. Just please get me back to him. That is….if you’re sure he wants me. If not, I will still leave you and Ana alone.”
Atoshi was a little shocked that she actually told him, that she actually admitted to wanting tombs owned by Tony. He looks down at her and thinks, then smirks "Fine... But there will be conditions... You'll belong to me and Ana for three days every week... You follow our orders without question, you RESPECT Ana... For those three days you will be the perfect little pet if she wants it... The rest of the time, you will be with Tony, doing as he says... Is that clear..." He steps back to his desk and hits the intercom "Have Miss. Dewitt sent in here please..." He looks back to Abby "But we are going to have a little fun before you leave, to see if you truely mean what you say..." He gets close to her again "From the moment she walks in that door until you walk out those doors, she is your mistress... Do you understand..." He holds her chin, making her look at him.
“Yes,” she nods her head. Her voice is shaky. The thought of belonging to Ana hurt to her very core, but she wanted to be with Tony. She listened as he gave the call for Ana and only looked at him when he forced her to. “Yes….Sir. I understand.” Even though it was him and not Tony, she felt that rush within her body that she did when she was Tony. Just the very sound of the word, “Sir,” coming from her lips made her long to call Tony Master. The door opens and Ana gasps closing it. “Sir? What’s going on. What is this? You can’t treat her like this. Jonathan will find out and he will be furious. You have to take the collar off her and send her out of here.”
He looks to Ana from his position, "The collar isn't mine... And I can't remove it.. Just yet..." He looks to Abby "Go great her..." He looks to Ana again "Abby and me have made a deal, you will learn about it later, but this is her first test... Until she leaves this office, she is your loyal Pet... Isn't that right Abby..." He moves to sit on the corner of his desk and watches the two.
“Yes….Sir,” Abby replies as she turns remaining on all fours and crawls over to Ana. Resting on her heels, she sits up still not looking at her. “Gr….Greetings Mistress. How may I please you today?” Ana’s eyes widen as she looks up at Atoshi. “Are you kidding me? We can’t do this to her. We can’t….” She looks down at Abby. The woman who had broken her heart was right before her. “My shoes. Kiss them. They need to be cleaned. I want to see my face in them. Now.” Abby hesitated before leaning down and kissing Ana’s shoes. Only when she had covered the entire surface, did she rest on her heels again. Ana walked over towards the couch, her eyes on Atoshi the entire time. “Come to me pet. Remove my panties and taste my pussy. I want you to make me cum while I look at Sir.” Abby once more hesitated before crawling over to her. Her fingers grasped the soft material, and she pulled them down. Ana sat down allowing her to remove them before she opened her legs to her. Abby never looked at Ana before leaning in doing exactly as she was told to. Ana locked eyes with Atoshi as she felt the woman’s tongue and mouth working her. “Fingers pet. Fuck me.” She cried out as her new pet complied pumping her at a steady pace. “Sir. She’s doing so well. She’s gonna make me cum.”
He smiles and walks over, he reaches down and gently pets Abby's head, "I see that, she's doing well for her first test..." He sits next to Ana and leans over, kissing her softy and twisting their tongues as she gets closer, then he pulls back and makes her look at him "Are you enjoying you Pet, baby doll..." He cups her cheek when she starts to shiver "Look at me... Look at me as she makes you cum..." He gives her small kisses the closer she gets, never looking away.
“Oh yes Sir. I am enjoying my new….pet,” she squeals feeling so close. His kisses only help her closer. Abby’s tongue is talented, and her fingers never let up. “Yes….Sir,” she tells as he orders her to keep looking at him. “I’m gonna cum Sir. I’m so close.” Abby can feel her body shivering, knowing she’s on the verge. It won’t take much. She adds another finger, further filling Ana, and Ana cums hard. Her eyes never leave his. “I’m cumming,” she breathes to his lips. “I’m fucking cumming all over her face.” Abby laps up every single drop not stopping until Ana is clean and her body is barely shuddering anymore. Only then does she come to rest on her heels once more. “Well,” Ana whispers to his lips. “I think she did well. What do you think?”
Atoshi watches her and grins, then kisses her deeply as she finally cums, he kissing her lightly until Abby finishes and sits back, her kisses Ana once more then smirks "I think she did quite well... Do you mind if I borrow her for a few minutes... Watching my doll get off... Well..." He grins and moves her hands to the bulge in his pants. "I'm sure you'd like to watch..." He whispered in her ear so Abby wouldn't hear.
Ana grins before biting her bottom lip as she feels how hard he is. “Indeed,” she whispers to him. “Alright pet. Now you will do the same for Sir. You will suck his cock until he cums. Is that clear?” Ana nodded. “I can’t hear you.”
“Yes Mistress.” Abby moves over in his direction until she’s in front of him kneeling. Her hands work to free him. Once she sees his cock, she begins to lick along his entire length. Her mouth takes his tip in slowly as she lets him disappear inside her warm mouth. Ana leans forward kissing him before whispering, “Does she feel good Sir?” Not waiting for an answer, she tells Abby, “You will take your orders from him now. Groan if you understand, but do not take your mouth from him.” Abby’s groan resonates along his shaft
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