A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

Atoshi gets in the car and looks to Tony "Think she'll come back..." He relaxes and leans back, waiting for a few minutes when he noticed her at the end of the street, then running to the car. He watches her stop in front of the car and rolls down his window when starts to talk. He stares at her for several minutes in silence before he unlocks the door "Get in... We'll have words later... When Kitten is safe with us at home..." Once she's inside he looks at her in the review mirror "Not a word without asking permission... Is that clear Doll..." He watches her until she answers him.
She nods at his commands, and by the tone in his voice, she knew that’s exactly what they were. Climbing into the car, she met his gaze in the rearview mirror, and as he spoke to her, she could feel the chill coming from him. “Yes Sir. Permission to plead my case please?”

Abby enters the house calling out to Josh who quickly joins her. “Where the hell have you been?” Abby smiles at him. “I had things to take care of. Where’s the girl? We’ve got to let her go.” Josh returns her grin before leading her into a room. Abby gasps covering her mouth in shock. On a wooden desk, Kimmy was bound, bloody, and naked. “What have you done?” Jonathan stands up from a chair nestled in the corner. “He did nothing aside from roughing her up a bit. I have fucked every hole this sweet pet has.” Abby knew the size of his cock, and she looked down at Kimmy’s small frame. “That must have been torture for her.”
“Oh it was. She screamed so exquisitely. Perhaps I should keep her for myself.”
“No. She belongs to Atoshi, and we do not steal. You have to give her back father.”
“Give her back,” he questions. “Are you prepared to make a small concession for my being so generous and giving back such a sweet pet my….pet?” Abby’s face drained. She knew exactly what he was hinting at. “Alright, but you have to carry her to Atoshi. He’s not far from here. Josh give me that blanket off the back of the couch there. Wrap her up in it. Father please. Carry her? You’re stronger than Josh.”
“You will accompany me.” He moved closer to her as Josh did as she asked. “On a leash. Pet.” She nods. After he affixes a collar around her neck, he grasps the leash in his hand as he picks up Kimmy, and they all head down the street. Turning the corner they see the car. “Boss,” Tony tells him as he opens his door. Jonathan stops just at the front of the car holding a lifeless Kimmy and the leash to his pet.
Atoshi jumps from the car and pulls his gun "You Bastard! What did you do to her!" He gets closer, the gun never leaving where is was aimed at his head. Atoshi glares and stands before Jonathan, "You'll pay for this..." He hears Tony cock his gun so her slowly puts his down and back into his pants, then gently takes Kimmy from him, more concerned when she doesn't even groan when he takes her, he never takes his eyes off the pair. He starts to slowly step back towards the car, sending another glare towards Abby. "Tony... You drive..." He opens the back and tells Ana to move over, he knew he had ignored her request to speak, but when he saw Kimmy... He gently gets in the back and lays Kimmy over their laps, "Kimmy... Baby can you hear me..." He pulls the blanket from her face and was checking her pulse when he heard the gunshot, and looks up.
Jonathan smiles at Atoshi. Even with the gun pointed to his head, he shows no fear. He gives him Kimmy, nearly dumping her in his arms as if she were a sack of potatoes. Abby meets his gaze, a look of her own desperation in her own eyes. She looks every bit the broken woman she is now, and it’s because of the collar around her neck. Ana moves quickly as he tells her to. Kimmy’s limp body resting partially in her lap. She knows they need to take a look at her, but perhaps it would be best to wait until they’re home with the doctor. As Atoshi moves the blanket, they can both see how much blood is on her face. ‘They beat her,’ she thinks. ‘Not much of a surprise really. It’s how they are.’ Ana presses on her legs to see if they’re broken. She smiles when she sees they’re aren’t, but she doesn’t dare tell Atoshi. The gun shot makes her flinch, but her heart sinks when Kimmy doesn’t. The sight out of the front of the car is Tony standing close to Jonathan, who was now on the ground bleeding and not moving. Abby had been jerked down to the ground as well when he fell. Tony seemed to be staring at her. ‘What are you doing Tony? Get in the car!’ He turns quickly rushing over, jumping in the car, and driving away. “How is she boss,” he asks.
Atoshi just stares as Tony stands over the bastard that hurt Kimmy before blinking as he got in TW car and started it up, "N-Not good..." He clears his throat and shakes of the slight shock, looking at her again "She's completely unresponsive, but she has a strong pulse... They beat her pretty bad... Looks like he raped her too..." He looks up at Tony "He deserved it, but why did you shoot him... We got what we wanted, he may come back at us for this... You're usually telling me this!" He was suprised, Tony was his hired hit man, normally very cool and level headed, but he's notices a change in the last few days, he had an idea as to why, but he wasn't sure yet. "Get us back to the estate quickly..." He glances at Ana and smiles softly "She'll be fine... My kitten is a fighter... And she has us..." He cups Kimmy's bloody cheek "You hear that Kitten... I'm here.. We're here..." He smiles down at her.
Ana nods. She knows he’s right. She also knows they did rape her. Jonathan would have taken advantage of every hole on her body whether she was willing or not. She notices the bright red markings around her wrists. ‘They had her bound. Tight too.’ She reaches over and gently takes her wrist showing it to Atoshi. She grasps the other one, and as she lift it, it bends over in a manner it shouldn’t. Ana gasps dropping it quickly. “Broken. Her wrist it broken.” She covers her mouth in shock. Where the bindings cut into her are clearly seen as well. Ana looks out the window unable to look at her.

Tony simply looks up into the mirror. “I’m sorry boss. I couldn’t….what the fuck was that leash all about? Huh Ana? You know about this family. What was that all about?” She shakes her head afraid to answer because Atoshi hasn’t given her permission. Besides, she really isn’t sure, but she has an idea.
Atoshi slowly pulls the blanket back to look her over, she was bloody and bruised, covered in small nicks and cuts, he gently lifts her broken wrist and sighs, his Kitten fought, and fought hard. He turns to Ana when she looks away and reaches over, taking her hand "It could have been worse..." He states softly, then looks at Tony, he was angry and pretty much confirmed his theory. 'He likes her... Really likes her... I've never seen Tony get attached to anyone...' He thinks a moment "Now is not the time Tony... Just watch the road and get us home... We can talk later..." He covered Kimmy back up as she started to shiver slightly, her first response to anything. "Kimmy... Kitten can you hear me..." He gently cups her cheek again, the unbruised one, and watches to see if she'll wake up.
Tony gets them home quickly. Kimmy never responds to Atoshi. The doctor is ready and waiting for them when they pull up. “Animals,” is all he says as they place Kimmy on the stretcher. All of them move towards the house, and he turns to Atoshi. “She’s gonna be alright. You stay here though. Let me do my job. Alright?” He doesn’t wait for an answer before joining up with the others. Tony turns to Ana. “Alright. Now. Talk. What the hell did they do to her? Why did they take her? What was going on with that collar and leash? Boss? Can she talk?” Ana knew they had tortured and raped her. She knew the family well. Atoshi had underestimated them all.
He nods to the doctor and moves over to where Tony and Ana were standing, he then steps between Tony and Ana "From what I learned from Greyson... Her father is quite the bastard... I wouldn't be suprised if he also treated his daughter in the same way... She had to learn it from somewhere right..." He takes Ana's hand and pulls her a bit closer "Tell Tony what he wants to know..." He holds her close to his side and keeps an eye on Tony, he was pissed as unpredictable at the moment.
“O-Okay,” Ana says. “Atoshi is right. Her father is a cruel, heartless bastard who never takes no, and he always gets what he wants. “Abby was….abused by her father in a certain way. She never really talked about it much, but Greyson knew. He had to help put her back together it when it first started happening. The leash….well….Jonathan was using her as a Pet now Tony. So he will….take her body again….and treat her like a Pet. At home she’ll have to crawl around, eat from a dog bowl, and sleep in a cage. Jonathan also has his own training methods. His favorite is using a cattle prod on his Pets to get them to behave. Sometimes it’s just for fun. He likes how their bodies spasm.” She looked away from Tony to Atoshi. “If he wanted to know something from Kimmy, he tortured her hoping she would talk. Kimmy is tough, and she’s loyal. I know Jonathan. He raped every opening on her body he could. I’m sorry. That family….That family is lethal and bloodthirsty. Abby got the company in a hostile takeover. Jonathan didn’t give it to her. It’s why he wants her as his Pet. So she can be beneath him after she humiliated him by taking his company from him. Those are the kind of people you’re dealing with, and Josh isn’t much better. He’s a mix of both of them. Greyson is nothing like them. That’s why he moved away. He fell in love with his wife in highschool. He wanted a normal life. So they moved out of the city and started a family. If you want to know anything about the family, Greyson and I are the ones to ask.” She squeezed his hand knowing he needed the reassurance. “She’s gonna be okay. I don’t see Jonathan really able to even come after anyone right now. You shot him Tony. Why did you do that? We had Kimmy? What were you thinking?”
Atoshi held Ana close and listened to what she said, he squeezes her hand back as she talks about Kimmy, he had suspected as much after looking her over in the car. "That is a good question Tony... There was no reason to shoot him... Granted I'll say he deserved it... But we got what we went there for... There was no need, now he'll be after us for revenge..." He crosses his arms and steps up, his calm and collected hit man was falling apart "Now you answer me this Tony... Do you have feelings for that woman..."
Tony looked back and forth between the two of them. "I'm not one of your pets or dolls boss. What I do is my own business." He pushed past them both heading into the house. "Atoshi? Oh my gosh. I think you're right. Just for now, try to look at it as he shot him because of what he did to Kimmy. Alright? It's better than telling yourself he did it because he has feelings for Abby." The doctor's voice rang out. "Atoshi! I've finished my exam," he tells them coming closer. "A lot of cuts, bruises, and scraps. Her wrist is broken. He raped her. Everywhere. There's signs of forced, rough penetration. I can heal her body. I leave the rest up to you, but there is one bright spot," he grins. "I didn't tell him. She keeps saying it over and over again."
"Tony!" He calls as he starts to storm off, a little pissed he wasn't answered, but Ana stops him, "I'll drop it for now... Because I understand in a way..." He glances at her briefly before the doctor catches his attention "I knew she wouldn't tell him anything..." He smiles slightly, then frowns a bit "But all that damage... Come on Ana... Let's go see her..." He takes Ana's hand and pulls her inside, he ignores Tony and continues to where Kimmy would be kept. "Kitten..." He enters her room slowly and moves to her bedside, still holding Ana's hand, he gently holds her unwrapped hand "Kimmy..." He watches her.
"I didn't tell him. I didn't tell him. I didn't tell him." Slowly she opens her eyes when she feels his touch. "You. Sir. I am so happy....to see you. I'm home," she smiles. Her eyes shift to Ana. "You're here too. You're okay. Where's Abby," she asks narrowing her eyes. "He wanted her, but I didn't tell him about the room. I knew you should the one to let her go," she looks back to Atoshi. "I also thought he would hurt us all if he found her here." Tony moves closer. "She's back home with her father now. Kimmy, what is he like?" She looks over to Tony, her eyes full of fear. "He's....a monster." Tony leans down kissing her forehead. "Get some rest. Get better soon." He looks to Atoshi and Ana before leaving the room quickly.
He lets her speak and just holds her hand "You did very good Kimmy... And once your well again... I have a nice reward planned for you... You and Ana...." He smiles and glances at Tony as he walks out "He shot him Kimmy... He didn't have to... We had you, but he still shot him..." He reaches up and rubs her cheek gently. "How are you feeling... Do you need any more pain meds..."
“Thank you Sir. The only reward I want is to be with you.” She listend as he told her of how Tony had shot him. Her eyes searched for Tony, but he had already left. “No,” she squeaks. “He shouldn’t have. We have to go make sure he’s not coming,” she says trying to sit up. “Where did Tony go? Tony,” she calls to him, her voice hoarse. “Tony!”
"Woah! Kimmy... Kimmy relax!" He quickly holds her and forced her to lay back down, he holds her there as genty and as firmly as he can "Its ok Kimmy... If I have to kill him myself... He will never touch you again... He will never touch Ana... Do you hear me..." He looks her right in the eyes "I will protect you... I will keep you safe!" He kisses her forehead and holds her "Shhh... Calm down..." He rubs her arms gently, then starts to tickle it softly, something he found helped her relax. "You're safe Kimmy... Just relax Kitten... We're here..." He distracted her with his soft words and touches as the doctor moved closer to add a mild seditive to her IV line. "Yea, I promise Kimmy... You are safe... He won't come here... You have my word..." She was only given enough to help her calm down, not knock her out, "That's it Kitty Cat... Just relax for me... There you go..." He spoke softly to her until it started to take affect.
“But he….We can’t….what if he…I have to…” The more she tried to talk, the more he worked to keep her calm. In no time the doctor’s sedative took effect, and she relaxed. “Kimmy will be fine. I’ll keep her relaxed when you’re not here.” Ana remained quiet. She knew how much he cared for Kimmy and how hard this was for him to see. While with a gunshot wound Jonathan would not likely be coming after them, she didn’t know what Josh would do. “Excuse me,” she whispered. “I’m going to the bathroom. I promise,” she smiled. Slipping from the room, she took out her cell and placed a call. “Hi Greyson. It’s me. I’m fine. Look. How is your….Really? So he’s….Are you sure? You understand why this happened right? Good. I didn’t want you to think that we….Thank Greyson,” she smiled. “Oh and one more thing. I’ll have to replace the clothes I used. Yeah. You don’t wanna know. Yeah. We have Kimmy back. She’s….she’s been through it. Your father….her….yeah. That’s right. Well thank you Greyson. I have to go now. Talk soon.” Hanging up, she re-enters the room standing by his side. “Jonathan isn’t going to be coming after you, and neither is Josh. Seems they’ve both got other things on their minds. Josh has his orders to leave us alone from his father, and Jonathan has a new play thing to keep him busy.” She looked back to make sure Tony had not come in. He wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
Atoshi heard Ana speak but didn't look away from Kimmy, she was finally starting to relax "That's my girl... You're safe here Kimmy, I promise..." He leans down and kisses her softly, then a bit deeper, he ran his fingers through her hair and softly touched anywhere that wasn't injured, he pulls from the kiss slowly and smiles at her "Think you can get some rest now Kitten... I'm not going anywhere..." He heard Ana on the phone outside the room and holds back a sigh, he glances at he when she returns, Kimmy's eyes finally closing lightly, letting herself sleep. "So is that all Greyson told you... In the bathroom..." He turns to look at her, still holding Kimmy's hand.
She sighs. “Yes. That’s pretty much it. I told him I’d have to replace the clothes I borrowed from him, but you already knew I slept at his house last night. We slept on the same bed, but nothing happened. He let me borrow some clothes which you took care of if you recall. Of course, I told you too,” she grins. Her eyes trail over to Kimmy. “She’s finally resting comfortably. That’s good. You uh….you know why Tony shot him? Right? Atoshi he has feelings for her. He’s got to get over her though. Abby isn’t the belonging to anybody type. That’s why being her father’s pet is humiliating her. What are you going to do? What are you going to say to him?”
He pulls Ana to sit in his lap and holds her "I'm not sure yet... I just know I can't tell him to forget her... He may be loyal, but he's still a hit man..." He chuckles a bit, then kisses her cheek "I've never seen him this upset over something... We'll just have to worry about it when the time comes, you said Jonathan was content for now..." He glances at Kimmy "Kimmy needs to rest and get well... And we have work... Though I am thinking of just calling up Mark, and having him take care of things for a while... Let us take some vacation time, so to speak... I think I've earned it..." He nibbles at her neck again and softly tickles her sides. "How about we finish out the week then take some time off..."
She grins feeling his touch, his kiss "I think some vacation time would be nice. Kimmy and I will be naked the entire time and taking care of you in every way. We will make sure your every single need is taken care of." She turns to face him kissing the tip of his nose. "You deserve it Sir. We will be your willing sex slaves Sir." She can't hide her grin on her face. "For now, we do have work. I can take a guard and go back to work to make sure things are going okay. You can, of course return when you're ready. Will that be alright Sir?"
He holds her close and gives her a soft kiss "For now that will be ok... But you are to use my office... There will be two guards, one on each door..." Then he grins "You also still deserve a punishment for trying to leave the house without me and trying to enter Jonathan's house with Abby... So, my naughty little doll..." He kisses her again "In the top left drawer of my desk, is a vibrator and those panties I had you wear... I want you to use them... Set to low, until I come into work... Am I understood Anastasia..." He put a little force behind her name and stares at her.
She looks at him swallowing hard at the thought of following through with his punishment. "Yes Sir, but please understand I wasn't trying to leave you. I was simply trying to return what they wanted. Sir you must understand at some point, that I am your doll, but I am also a grown woman. I can take care of certain things on my own. I don't always need a guard or orders, and certainly I am capable of handling certain things without being given an order. I was able to get myself all the way to the top to you wasn't I," she smirks kissing his nose once more. "I was able to capture your attention on my own wasn't I, and I've been woman to handle you in bed, the shower, the bath at work, your desk, and against the door. Right?"
"I'm well aware of those things... But I also know you have given yourself to me... And that comes with some rules... I know you had a good reason... But you still disobeyed me, after making me a promise... Now this is a small punishment, coming from me... And you will follow it... Is that clear..." He uses a more commanding tone, sitting up straight and holding her a little tighter. "Now... Swear it... On Kimmy's health..." He looks at her.
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