A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

He grins down at her and continues with the feather "I know very well I can make you cum by touching you my sweet... I wish to try with just my voice... And minimal touching... And I may have granted your wish to be touched... But after calling me by name..." He chuckles "Let's call this another punishment... Until you cum from my voice and this feather... I won't touch you... And if you try and touch me... You're in a guest room for a week... And Kimmy will warm my bed... Is that clear..." He stares at her and moves the feather back up her body, leaving a damp trail in its wake, he brushes it over her nipples before going back down, he leans closer and blows of her now wet nipples. "I shouldn't have to touch my puppet to make her move... Just pull her strings..." The feather returns to her dropping pussy and brushes over her clit again.
Her face reddens as she realizes she did just call him by his name. It felt so right, so good to do so. “So I can never call you by your name?” It left her feeling empty to know she could not call him by his name. He was Atoshi. Sure she looked at him as Sir, but she also saw the man underneath. When he spoke of Kimmy warming his bed though, it struck something deep within her. She wasn’t jealous of Kimmy. She knew Kimmy had her own special place in his heart, but it was the thought that he would push her from his bed and replace her with Kimmy that got her mind going. He couldn’t see it, but the mood had left her. Her pussy was still wet, true, but Ana was certainly no longer desiring a release. She thought back to what he had told her that Abby had tried to convince Kimmy of. She wanted Kimmy to believe that he was replacing her. Was he really so capable of replacing someone with another so easily? She felt the coolness of his breath over her wet body. It chilled her, and her nipples were more erect than before. “Sir, I….can I be excused? I need to go and….relieve myself please. I need a moment,” she forced a smile not looking at him.
"Not when playing like this... No..." He watches as he continues hi teasing but soon noticed she wasn't reacting anymore, then she asked to leave for a moment, in the middle of their fun, he glares slightly and put the feather down. "No, you may not... Not until you tell me what is in that little head of yours..." He rolls over on top of her and stares down at her, pinning her arms down and her legs open, he grinds his cock against her to get her attention and glares "Spill... No conclusion jumping... Now Anastasia... Talk.." He wasn't letting her up until she explained her mood change.
She's startled by his sudden movements. 'How do I tell him that I fear Abby may have been right about him? She couldn't be though. He wouldn't so easily replace one with another, but he did mention letting Kimmy warm his bed. Does that mean if I displease him enough he will kick me out of his bed as punishment,' she wondered. Not wanting to upset or anger him, she smiled wider. "I am fine Sir. I simply must go to the bathroom. Then, while I am up, I'll gather the clean sheets. We both do have work tomorrow, and there will be plenty more chance for us to enjoy each other." She couldn't help but wonder though if perhaps there was some truth to whatever it was Abby had told Kimmy. Could he really replace them so easily?
He grips her wrists tighter and glares at her "Why does everyone keel lying to me... Do you think I'm stupid... That I can't see that look in your eyes..." He was tired of being lied to, almost everyone had lied to him in some form in the last few days, "Tell me the truth... And I'll let you up..." He thought for a moment "Is this about what I said... My punishment for you..." He stares at her as he waits on an answer.
‘I have to make him believe me,’ she thought. ‘Think Ana. What could you do right now that would either make him believe you or take his mind off of this?’ Her expression hardened. “How dare you treat me this way? You ask a question, and I give you an answer. Why should it be my problem if YOU don’t believe me? I am YOUR doll. I came back for YOU, and THIS is you treat me?” She began to struggle against him, pulling at her wrists and trying to buck him from her body. “Let. Me. GO! I said I was going to the bathroom and bringing in clean sheets. If you want to sleep atop the mess I made, so be it, but get off me!” She snarled up at him. ‘One more thing to seal the deal.’ She gulps. “ATOSHI!” This time it wasn’t a slip up. She called him by his name on purpose during ‘play time’.
He glares at her and sits back, letting her go "Mouthy bitch!" He slaps her and gets up "Clean up your mess... I'm going to shower... It better be done when I get back..." He gets off the bed and grabs his robe, he was angry, she was changing the subject. 'Why is everyone lying to me lately...' He glares at her as he head to the bathroom, he strips the robe off and turns on the water, once ready he steps in. 'Mmm... Well... I do have a way for her to tell me the truth... Maybe I should...' He thinks to himself and starts to wash, thinking up his plan to get the drug into her.
Ana is in shock as he departs. ‘He….he hit me. He really hit me. There was no kindness behind that. It wasn’t punishment. It was….anger. He really hit me.’ She leaps to her feet hearing the water start. Searching around the room, she rushes over to a desk against the window. Taking a piece of paper from it she writes : I will see you tomorrow at work. Sir. Ana places the paper on his pillow. She wants to tell him he’s no different than Abby, but she fears hearing that would only cause him to hurry up with his shower. She needs all the time she can get. She knows she’ll be in trouble for taking one of the cars, but her own car is not there. Once more she wraps up in the soiled sheets and rushes down the stairs. Outside she grabs the keys that have been left in one of his cars. She starts it and begins to drive. Not looking back, she keeps driving until she reaches her destination. Getting out, Ana wraps the sheet around her tighter and knocks on the door. “Hi,” she says. “I need a place to stay tonight. Can you get somebody the drive that car back into the city too? I can’t risk being followed here. Please.” Greyson looks and her and smiles. “Come on in. My pal is here. He’ll do it. You in some kind of trouble Ana?” She just looks as him after she’s gone inside the house. “Might be.”
“I’ve still got some of Cassi’s clothes. You can find something to sleep in and something to wear for tomorrow too. I’ll take you to your house in the morning.”
“No. I’m going to work in the morning.” His friend takes the car and begins to drive it back into town away from Greyson’s house. He doesn’t ask any questions. Ana puts on something to sleep in and curls up on Greyson’s bed. He rests next to her allowing her to lay on him while he has his arm around her. They both fall asleep.
About an hour later Atoshi steps out of the bathroom while drying his hair, a towel around his waist. "Ana... Are you ready... To..." He looks around the room, the blanket gone from the still messed up bed and Kimmy the only other one in the room but him. He walks to the bed and picks up the paper on his pillow and reads it, then crumples it and tosses it away. 'So she left... Fine...' He strips the bed and quickly makes it before getting in and laying down, he moves to face Kimmy and watches her a moment "You may have me all to yourself again my kitten..." He sighs and rolls over, going to sleep.
The next morning she was shocked and relieved. There had been no attempt to find her last night. She had slept well next to Greyson. At breakfast, he did not ask her questions about last night. He assumed she would talk if she wanted to. She thanks him for everything after he drives her to her own home. From there Ana takes her own car and drives to work. Everything seemed normal at work. Her co-workers were all talking about how he had been away from work almost as long as her. Her supervisor made a joke that perhaps they had spent the time together. She blushed only drawing attention to the small bruise on her face. She hadn't even realized it. Apparently when he slapped her, it was harder than she thought. 'There's no sense in worrying about it now. Everyone has seen it. I'll just keep working,' she thought as she sat down at her computer and started her day.
Atoshi was in his office making several phone calls, apologizing for missing a few meeting and making new ones "Yes... I'm very sorry Mr James... Yes, it was a family emergency and couldn't be helped... Yes... Thank you for understanding... Yes that should be no problem... I'll have my assistant set everything up... Thank you again... Good bye..." He hung up and sighed, he hated talking on phones, he pressed the intercom "Beccky... Please hve my assistant reschedule all my missed appointments... And can you get me a coffee... Thank you..." He disconnected and sat back, thinking about the girl he left at home, he had removed Kimmy from her session and left her in his room to sleep, he wondered when she'd wake up, he hoped not until he got home, but he had left instructions to keep her in his room if she did wake. Then he wondered about Ana, she hadn't come to talk with him and he wasn't sure what he's say to her just yet.
“You’re to schedule all of his missed meetings, “Becky told her as she passed by her desk. She looked up watching her make his coffee. Her. ‘Seems Abby was right. We can be so easily replaced by him. Maybe she could tell me one more thing then. Why does it hurt so much?’ She looked back at her screen pulling up the list of missed meetings. “Okay. I can have this done, but then I’m taking an early lunch. I have a few errands to run that I missed while I was out.” Becky turns with his coffee in hand. “Sure. No problem. Just make sure those meetings are rescheduled. You know he hates talking on the phone.” Becky disappears behind his office door, and she types away sending out email after email.

Becky sits the coffee down on his desk. “There you are Sir. The meetings are being rescheduled as we speak. Miss. Dewitt is very capable. She has also informed me when she finishes, she will be taking an early lunch. Something about running some errands. So if you need anything, please ring me. I’ll be filling in for her.”
He glances up and takes his coffee, thanking Beccky "Thank you... Should please inform Miss. Dewitt that I wish to speak with her once she returns... That will be all..." He goes back to work, not even looking at the woman after he took his coffee. 'Are you running again my sweet...' He thought as he reads over the files he would need for his next meeting, 'All I asked for was the truth... Maybe Abby was right... She a fickle pet, running from master to master...' He sets his cup down and stops a moment and scowls, 'I am not letting that bitch get into my head...' He growls at himself "You better bet your ass I'll get some answers from you... I've told you I won't let you go..." He was quite serious as he spoke to the silence of his office, he would wait for her and if she didn't come... He wasn't sure.
“He wants to see you when you get back,” Becky told her once more passing by her desk. “Does he seem alright today,” Ana asked her. “Yeah. I mean he’s busy and all, but he seems fine. Why?” Ana shakes her head. “No reason. I was just wondering since he’s been away. You know how our boss is. He’s always pushing to do so much here even when he shouldn’t. He doesn’t know how to take no for an answer either.” Becky giggles. “Yeah. That sounds like our boss. No need to worry though. He seems fine.” Ana slowly nodded. ‘See. He has forgotten you. He can replace you so easily with Kimmy. Well. If that’s how he is then let him have her. Sure it breaks my heart, but I won’t get hung up on another owner again. No. He won’t hurt me like she did when she left. I simply refuse to let him.’ She tapped away at the keys determined to push him from her mind. Finally she had everything finished up. “There. His meetings are all rescheduled. Now I have a few errands to run. I’ll be back soon” she tells Becky heading out. As she steps into the elevator, she looks up to his office door. The doors close and only her reflection is there. When they open again she is in the lobby heading towards the doors. A hand reaches out grabbing her shoulder. “Where the fuck is she?” She turns quickly. “Josh? I….What are you doing here?”
“My sister loved you so damn much, and now she’s missing. Where the fuck is she?” Ana scans the lobby quickly to see if anyone has noticed the scene. She spots Frank. Her eyes pleading with him. 'Help Frank.'
Atoshi picks up the phone and calls the front security desk "Yeah, can you let me know when Miss Dewitt gets back... She what? Who? I'll be right down..." He hangs up and stands from his desk, putting his suit jacket back on he leaves his office and takes the elevator down to the lobby. He sees Frank trying to get an unknown man away from Ana, he makes his way over "What is going on here..." He glares at the man and steps in front of Ana, one hand lightly reaching back to keep her there. Ana who is this..." He glances back at her.
“Sir, this is….Josh Quin. He’s here inquiring about his missing sister. Since she and I were once close, he thought maybe I knew something about her whereabouts. I don’t know anything about it. I’m sorry Mr. Quin. Perhaps your sister is with another of her….acquaintances.” She watches Josh’s eyes sweep over her body before he grins. “You’re wearing Cassi’s clothes. You spent the night with Greyson last night. Coincidence? My sister is missing, and you’re fucking my brother. If I find one hair on her head has been harmed, I’m coming after you pet. Don’t forget that.” He glares at Atoshi before heading for the door. Atoshi has no idea how much times like this make her feel like nothing more than exactly what he called her. A pet. “I have a few errands to run Sir. I’ll be back after I’m finished. I have rescheduled all of your meetings Sir. Do you want me to pick up anything while I’m gone?” She was trying to keep this as professional as possible.
He glares at Josh and steps closer to Ana as he speaks and watched him leave "Frank... He's not allowed back in the building again..." He then takes Ana's hand "You're not leaving either, not with him out there... I'll send another girl with a guard..." When she tried to protest he looks at her "It's not safe for you right now..." He leans closer "Please..." He softly rubs her hand and starts to pull her back to the elevator, "Besides... We need to have a little talk about this Miss Dewitt..." He moves his hand to her back, gently pushing her along, once they were in the elevator and up a few floors, he hits the emergency stop and pulls her to him, tipping her chin up and kissing her roughly, his hand gripping her hair lightly.
Atoshi doesn’t give her any real chance to protest or even pull away from him. His hand grasping her own, his hand on her back, combine for an unbreakable barrier she can’t past nor can she fight against. The doors close, and her eyes look down at the floor. She quickly looks up as he stops the elevator before kissing her. At first she fought him, pulling away from him until he had her pinned against the wall. Breaking the kiss, she pleaded with him. “No. Please. Stop. You have to. I’m….I’m angry with you.” Her words soon were quieted as she kissed him now putting her hands over her head against the wall as a sign of her submission to him.
He just stares at her then leans back in and kisses her again, he cups her cheek, his other hand lifting her leg to grind against her slowly, he knew he didn't have much time. "Mmm shut up..." He grins at her and grinds agains her a bit harder, kissing her deeper and twisting their tongues together. After another minute he pulls away and presses the button to start the elevator again "You're coming to my office... We have to... Talk..." He straightens his outfit and looks over at her "You can put your hands down now doll... We're almost to our floor..."
“Why,” she stammers out. “About what? Last night? I can make it simple for you. I left because you slapped me. Yes. I did sleep at Greyson’s last night, in his bed, with him, but I didn’t fuck him. He gave me a place to sleep and some clothes. That’s all he gave me,” she says looking up to him. “If I go into your office, I know what will happen. You’ll touch me. I’ll feel your hands, your lips, your body against my own, and before I know it, I’ll have your cum dripping from me. You can’t treat me like I’m your doll here at work! At work I have to be Miss. Dewitt. Your assistant. Got it?” Ana knew she was only talking to him like this out of fear. Fear of what was out there for her now. Fear of losing him. Fear of being replaced.
Before the doors open he leans down and kisses her again "Last night... Never happened..." He kisses her again then stands as the doors open before anyone can see, he steps out. "I'd like to see you in my office Miss. Dewitt... Don't keep me waiting..." He said it loud enough for others to hear and calmly walked to his office, his normal mask in place as if nothing happened.
“Ana,” Becky calls. “I thought you were going to run errands, and what was our boss doing in the elevator with you?” She takes a deep breath, clears her throat, and tells her, “I ran into him in the lobby. He informed me we have to go over some papers for the rescheduled meetings. An assistant’s work is never done,” she shrugs keeping her demeanor casual. She walks towards his office at a normal pace. No need to raise any suspicion. “Yes Sir,” she says opening the door and entering. She stands for just a moment by the door literally debating whether to lock it or not. In the end, she steps away from it without locking it. “You needed to see me? Please. Can we make this as quick as possible? I do have work to attend, and if you recall I did just tell you that at work we need to remain separate. I am not your doll here. I am Anastasia Dewitt. Your assistant.”
He hits a button under his desk and locks the doors "You seem to forget my dear Anastasia... You are still my doll and what I say goes, it doesn't matter where we are... But I do know you hae work to do, as do I... But who knows how long it could take us to go over those papers..." He smirks and stands, then moves towards her until she backs up against the door. "I caught myself thinking about something Abby said... About you..." He kisses her and lifts her leg again, slowly rocking against her "That bitch can even get in my head... So I'll assume that's what happened last night to you..." He kisses her harder and slips a hand under her skirt to squeeze her ass lighly. "Which is why I'm staying it didn't happen..." He leans closer and kisses her cheek softly, silently apologizing to her. "Another thing..." He leans up to her ear and licks it slowly "Since you have to call me Sir at work anyway..." He sucks her ear lobe and squeezes her ass again "You may use my name here... And when not playing at home..."
“It’s not….a matter of….her getting….into….my head. She was….right.” She can’t help but kiss him as he’s right there in front of her. He’s forceful, commanding, and controlling. He lifts her leg with ease, and she can feel him pressing into her. She brings her hands to his chest and pushes him back. “You were going to let Kimmy take my place in your bed. I’m sorry, but that is replacing, and if that’s what you want to do, then so be it, but do not expect me to continue being your little doll for you to play with. We can not do this at work anymore either. There has to be a line drawn at work. Otherwise I will never get anything done. Sir.” She had heard him tell her she could call him by his name at work, but it contradicted her wanting to keep things separate. “She had a point Sir. You have to admit it. You were going to replace me with Kimmy because you were angry. I’m sorry. I’ve already been thrown away by one owner. I won’t let it happen again. If you’re in the habit of replacing people, then I want out.” She was trying to hold back all of her emotions. Her tears, her desire to grab him and kiss him, and of course her desire to take her clothes off and beg him to fill her. It took every ounce of will power she had within herself to stand there with her hands still on his chest gripping his shirt.
He grips her wrists as she holds onto his shirt and looks at her "So... Abby's always right... Is that what you're trying to get at... So then, I guess she would be right in what she said about you..." He backs her up against the door again "She told me you'd leave me... That you had no loyalties... That you were nothing but a stray Pet looking for a new owner... Tell me Anastasia, was that right..." He was speaking loudly but not yelling. He stares at her, "I said I'd have Kimmy in my bed to keep me warm... Because you'd be being punished... I not once said I wasn't going to have you back... I not once said I was Replacing you... In fact I tell you all the time that I'm NOT letting you go..." He leans close to her "Now tell me Baby Doll... Was Abby right about you as well..."
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