A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

He groans softly and smirks at Ana, giving her a kiss "Thank you baby doll..." He looks back to Abby "You're doing quite well... Take in more..." He watches her and reaches down, running his figers through her hair "Do a good job... Nnn... And I'll reward you before you leave..." He smirks as her and glances at Ana, taking her hand and giving it a light squeeze, he then relaxes and enjoys hi gift, "Nnn..." He moans softly and looks at Ana.
"She's gonna make you cum. Isn't she Sir?" Abby hears the conversation, the comments he's made to her, and she pushed further along his shaft. Gagging she feels her stomach wrench, but she keeps his cock buried deep in her throat as she swallows around him. "Show Sir you talented mouth pet. Work his cock. Make him cum. I want you to lean back and let us both see his cum in your mouth before you swallow. If you swallow before we see, you're going across his desk to have your ass spanked. Is that understood? Groan!" Abby reacts with a loud groan as she pumps his cock in her mouth faster and faster.
Atoshi leans his head back and moans a bit, he was enjoying listening to Ana control her Pet, e was quite sure they'd have lots of fun on their nights with her. He reaches out and lightly grips her hair as he starts to buck because of her actions. "Nnn... Almost.... There..." He turns and pulls Ana close, bucking into Abby's mouth as he soon cums, holding her there until he's done. He soon lets her go and looks down at her, panting slightly. "You... Earned... Your reward pet..."
Ana smiles looking down at her. "Show us," she orders her. "Show us Sir's cum in your mouth." Abby leans back slightly opening her mouth wide showing the huge load Atoshi had just filled her with. "Now when I say so, I want you to swallow slowly allowing it to coat your tongue as you do. I want you to really taste him. Okay? Nod your head if you understand." Abby nods in compliance. "Good pet. Now swallow." She swallows tasting every bit of him. "Good pet. Now open and let me see." Once more Abby follows her instructions. "Perfect. You are going to be such a good pet to have around. Alright Sir. What would you like next? Do you wish for me to stay and have some more fun with our new pet, or do you wish for some time alone with her?"
He smiles at Abby, then at Ana, he kisses her softly "I'd like a little alone time... You can come back once she's gone..." He turns to Abby "Bid your mistress farewell... Then go and sit on my desk..." He fixes himself then stands and moves to his chair and takes a seat, allowing Abby space to say bye alone, he sits and waits for her.
Abby’s eyes still do not meet Ana’s. “Good day Mistress. I hope you have a pleasing day.” Ana nods. “Thank you pet. You’ve already made my day. More than you can imagine in fact.” She pats her head before rising and leaving the two alone.

Once she’s gone Abby crawls over to his desk only standing so that she can sit on it as he asked her. She wants to speak to him, but something holds her back. Her eyes stay fixed to the floor.
He smiles and watches Ana go, then looks to Abby, he's silent for a few minutes, just watching her, then reaches up and tips her chin up "First thing you learn... You look at me when you're with me..." He pulls her a bit closer to him on the desk and lifts her legs, spreading them. "I said you earned a reward... And it's time you you get it..." He looks at her and pulls her panties aside "Already wet... Did you enjoy your tasks as a pet that much..." He looks back to her, "Another thing... Sir is for Anastasia and Kimmy... You, will call me Master... As I'm sure you also call Tony... Now..." He smirks at her and leans closer, licking and suckling her quickly.
Abby looks into his eyes as he speaks. "Yes....Master." There is a hesitation to her reply. Her reply was for everything he had said, and the proof of how wet she was as a result of her orders as a pet was right there in front of him. Her pussy was wet, glistening, and as he moved the fabric aside, her arousal wafted in the air. She gasps feeling his mouth touch her. It was something that despite the fact he said she earned a reward, she truly didn't think he would do it. Abby thought Atoshi hated her, was repulsed by her, and here he was lapping at her sweetness. "Thank you....Master. Can I cum?" Tony's training was ever present. To ask before cumming was a rule he had taught her.
He suckles her clit a bit harder before pulling back to look at her again "Yes pet... You may enjoy your reward..." He then thrusts two fingers into her and suckles her clit again, thrusting and twisting them quickly. He suckles hard and soft, flicking her quickly with his tongue then circling it slowly, teasing and pushing her closer. His free hand holding her hip and keeping her close to him.
Abby thinks she can't be too loud in his office, but she has the peace of mind that it's okay for her to cum. Closing her eyes, she tilts her back and thinks of Tony. How it felt when he touched her in similar ways to what Atoshi was doing to her now. "mmmm. Yes Master. Thank you. That feels so good. I feel you deep. Your tongue is going to make cum." Tony's training once more shinning through. She knew to not only thank him for the pleasure, but she also began to describe it as best she could. Her hips move her across the desk as she fucks his fingers as well. "I'm gonna cum Master!" She came hard on his fingers, feeling her body release and relax on his desk. "Thank you Master," she told him with a soft, warm smile on her face. It looked good on her face too. Abby was happy and relaxed. Her guard was down. A sight not often seen.
He continued until she came, then pulled back to clean up and let her relax, he looks at her and smirks "You should do that more often... You actually look nice..." While she's still on her high he pulls her down closer and kisses her softly, then twists their tongues together, letting her taste herself. "Now... Will you accept my deal..." He sits back and lets her think it over again.
She looks at him, her arousal still fresh on her lips. Abby moves her legs leaving his desk. "I uh...." Images of Tony flashed in her head. Abby was afraid. 'What if I can't please him? What if he really doesn't want me?' She looks at him shaking her head before she bends to get her scarf. "I just," she starts as she ties it around her neck again. "I need some time Atoshi. I'll....think about it." Without another word, she grabs the doorknob and quickly leaves.
Atoshi watches her and before he could say anything, she was gone. "She looked almost... Scared..." He gets up to get a cloth to clean his desk and wash his face. He comes back when he hears the door open and close again "Did you see her as you left? Did she look... Scared.. To you..." He looks at her like he's confused about something, he shakes it off and sits to clean his desk.
Ana nods. "Indeed. She looked scared. Probably scared of her father. She is nothing compared to him, and she is walking around with that collar on her neck. Now she'll know what I went through," Ana tells him sinking down to his couch. "You remember the collar I had around me that shocked my neck. That's the same kind of collar, except I think the steel ones, like the one she had on, were even more powerful. She better hope he doesn't ever press the button. I don't know if they can be set to go off if she speaks or not. I was lucky enough to never have one on. Saw a girl that did have one on once." She shakes her head. "It wasn't pretty. I'm sorry Sir. I'm rambling. Is there anything you need or want to say? Should we get back to work?"
"Hmm... Well, the ball is with her now..." He looks over to her "I think it best we get back to work... Do I hve any meeting today..." He pulls out a notepad and takes a few notes from what she says "Well... It's gonna be busy today..." He sighs and dismisses her, he had a lot to do...
Ana leave his office taking her seat again. The office seemed normal again. She sighed glad for that.

The days turned into weeks, and they all went about their daily lives. Finally the day came when the doctor gave Kimmy the all clear. Her wrist was still healing, but everything else had healed nicely. Ana had suggested they all go out for a night on the town. Kimmy was excited and ready to get out of the house. They had made plans to be at one of the city’s hottest night clubs, and both girls were dressed as sexy as they could. Tony smiled, the first time in weeks. “Boss? You, me, and the doc are three of the luckiest S.O.B.s in the city,” he laughed. “Ladies,” he nods to them, but they only have eyes for Atoshi.
He was enjoying himself, his girls were finally both well and they were in one of the hottest clubs in the city, he grins when Tony speaks. "Aren't we though... You should have fun tonight... Your 'off duty'... Enjoy it..." He orders another bottle of champagne and pulls his girls closer, giving each a kiss "And how are my girls enjoying the fun..." He had them each fitted a bullet vibrator in their panties, that was attached to a mic, the toy reached to the loud pounding music, it was fun watching them try and hide it. He runs his hands over their arms and kisses their foreheads, letting then enjoy the 'song'.
Kimmy had gotten use to the vibrator. Her restraint to not cum was amazing. She was able to focus far better than Ana. In fact, it appeared Sir had forgotten about her training to simply get her to remain standing as she came. So there was no way she was able to stay focused right now. Kimmy grinned, looking out at the club licking her lips at him. Ana, on the hand, rested her head on his shoulder, squirming her thighs together, on the edge of cumming right there. “If she cums Sir, can I take her to the back and lick her clean,” Kimmy asked. Tony laughs. “I wanna watch. That’s how I can enjoy it boss.” Ana grins looking as if she’s going to pass out at any moment she’s so elated when she catches sight of someone. “Abby,” she whispers to him lifting her head to get a better look. She was kneeling on the floor next to a man seated with two other men. It appeared they were talking business. In his hand, you could clearly see a remote. Abby’s eyes were cast down to the floor. Her face pale and tired. She looked sad. Beaten.
Atoshi was enjoying the conversation and Ana's reactions until she whispered she saw Abby, he looked up and across the room, sure enough there she was, but she didn't look well, he noticed Tony about to get up. "Tony stop... Just wait..." He kisses the girls and tells Kimmy to keep Ana happy, then gets up. He moves to Tony and looks at him "You remember what we talked about... She has to do this on her own..." He gets his friend up and glances at Ana and Kimmy on the VIP bed he had rented "Try not to start without us..." He then leads Tony to the bar, which was close enough to Abby's table that if he looked up, she'd see them. He glances at her as they pass, you could see the slight burn marks under the collar and the bags under her eyes, this was not the woman he fought with so few weeks ago. They make it to the bar and start to order, being loud to be heard over the music and for Abby to notice.
Kimmy grinned more than happy, and able, to comply. Keeping Ana was not going to be hard. She slid over closer to her taking her mouth right away as her hand grazed, teasing her nipple through her shirt. Several eyes caught the show, but the two women could care less. They were more consumed by pleasure.

Tony followed him over to the bar thinking about what he had said the entire time. It would have to be her choice. He agreed with his boss on that. As they leaned against the bar, Atoshi ordering the drinks, Tony glanced over at her. She looked tired, different, bad, and unhappy. “What have they done to her,” he whispers look over at his boss. Abby hears Atoshi, and as his voice resonates in her mind, she slowly begins to realize who it was. ‘That sounds like….Atoshi.” She glances from the side of her eyes at her father who was lost talking shady deals. He had taken the company back from her claiming, “No pet can run a business. They deserve their place in the floor.” Satisfied he was ignoring her, she dared to look up catching Atoshi’s gaze. As she did, it was clear the extent of the burns beneath the collar. She had suffered greatly at her father’s hands. A black eye and a split lip also told a tale of woe. Abby had fought her father, but in the end, he had won. Jonathan looks over seeing her head up and is furious. He presses the button on the remote in his hand and her body convulses sending her down to the floor writhing. “Stupid pet. Head. DOWN! How hard is that? You will learn pet, or you will suffer. You have to the count of five to assume your position once more. Her face was red as she scrambled to get back with her father’s count in her ears. Once she was back in place, he turned back to his business. Abby’s head trembled, and she did not dare to look up again.
Atoshi reaches out and grabs Tony's arm, stopping him as Jonathan start to punish Abby again "Just wait my friend... When he thinks he's back in control..." Their drinks arrive and he takes his, and has a sip "Finish your drink my friend, then go and retrieve our properity..." He pats his back and takes the drinks "We'll wait for you at the 'table'... Have fun my friend..." He smirks and takes the drinks back to the VIP section "Hello ladies... Having fun..." He watches them for a few minutes as he sets their drinks down. "Ah, I see Kimmy's been keeping you happy... Are you ready to cum baby doll..." He crawls onto te bed and smiles at her, laying between the two of them and then pulling Ana on top of him, she looked so dazed, he glances at Kimmy, "Should we let her cum Kitten..."
They both smile as he crawls up between them. The prying eyes in the club envy him as they watch him disappear inside the curtains. Ana barely groans as he pulls her to him. “Mmmmm. I think so Sir. I would leave to her moan as she cums. That’s the only way she can cum Sir. She has to moan for me.” Kimmy’s lips kiss Anas’ as her hands still massage her breasts before teasing her nipples through the fabric of her clothes. “I want her to moan into my lips Sir.” Ana grins before hungrily taking Kimmy’s mouth. Ana’s lust fueling her to grind into Atoshi’s body.

Tony sat there for a quite a while not hearing anything. As he turned slowly to glance at her, he saw her eyes looking at him. There was something about them. The way she looked at him. He felt her sadness, but he felt her longing too. Her father catches her head up once more and presses another button on the remote. This time instead of a shock, the collar tightens around her neck. Her face reddens as her eyes widen. “Stupid pet. Let’s see how long you can without breathing before you pass out.”
"Nnn... Such a horny girl..." He lightly smacks her ass through her skirt as she starts to grind against him. "You heard Kimmy, Doll... Moan for her..." He reaches between them and opens his pants, pulling himself out, he grins up at his girls, this would be exciting. The club they were at didn't allow sex persay, but as long as they stayed clothed, they couldn't say anything. He then reaches under Ana's skirt and unzips the centre of her panties, leaving the toy to continue to tease her and he starts to slide into her "Nnn... We'll have to do this more often... It gets my Doll so worked up..." He allows Ana to set the pace on him while he opens Kimmy's panties and thrusts his fingers into her "Ride 'em ladies..." He groans out, his free hand on Ana's waist to help keep her on him.
Ana’s mouth opens as a soft moan escapes her lips. She presses her lips to Kimmys feeling her tongue inside her mouth. Kimmy’s fingers pinch her nipples, holding them both, straining them, pulling them if she as she rides him pushing his cock into her. “Yes,” she whispers into Kimmy’s mouth. “That’s right baby. Ride Sir’s cock,” Kimmy tells her before groaning feeling fingers inside her own pussy. Kimmy begins to ride his fingers, fucking her own pussy just as Ana was fucking her pussy with his cock. The sounds of their enjoyment bounced from the curtains around them.

Tony slams his glass down and approaches snatching the remote from Jonathan. “You. What? Are you going to shoot me again?” Tony doesn’t glares at him. “Let. Her. Go.” A sly grin on Jonathan’s face. “So you want the pet?” He shakes his head. “No. I want MY pet, MY property.” Jonathan looks down at Abby who by this point is on the verge of passing out. “She looks so beautiful right before she passes out. Relax big guy. It won’t kill her.” He presses the release just as she blacks out. Tony is enraged. He punches Jonathan knocking him out. He searches though his pockets finding the key and freeing her from the collar. He grabs it and locks it around Jonathan’s neck before hitting the button shocking him away. “Good luck getting it off,” he tells him as he pockets the key before picking Abby up and walking away with her. He had no idea what was going on behind the curtains, but he had his property.
Atoshi bucks his hips up harder as Ana starts to squeeze him and adds another finger to Kimmy and moves them faster. "Nnn... You gonna cum for me ladies..." He groans and watches them, getting closer himself, he though he heard Tony shout but was too distracted to really care. "Nnn..." He tosses his head back and thrusts up harder, holding her hip to allow himself to thrust deeper.
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