A Shift in Power (AndNich123 and Ladydark)

"Dolls don't give orders... They take them..." He takes a strong step forward and grabs her arm "We aren't letting you get away again baby doll..." His grip was firm, she could pull away if she really wanted to. "You've made up search this whole island... And you were down the fucking road..." He almost shouts "What we're you thinking... You ran again... And what was with that stupid message... Yes, Abby taught you things... STUPID things... But you don't belong to Abby anymore... You belong to US!" That time he did shout.
Her face pales as she looks at him. She can tell he's angry. "I'm....what do you want me to say? What do you want me to do? Go back with you? No. I can't, and stop calling me DOLL!" She jerks free from him. Pointing her finger to him, in his face, she tells him, "I don't belong to anyone anymore! So if you don't mind, and even if you do, I'll find you someone to take your order." Ana is literally trembling. "Just, you know what, just go. Get out of here. Take Kimmy with you and leave. The food isn't that great anyway. I come all this way, and you follow me? How dare you! You....You...." She glares. "Just go!"
He pulls his hand back and crosses his arms, glaring at her as she says her little speech "You don't listen very well... I don't take orders... I give them!" He steps closer, grabs her arms, uses his leg to trip her and quickly but carefully brings her to the ground, he sits over her hips and pushes her hands above her head, pinning them there. He leans down and gets in her face, glaring "Yes I followed you her... WE followed you here... And WE aren't leaving without you... You belong with us... With those who love you..." He glares "To fuck with what Abby said... She doesn't matter anymore! Now you look me in the eyes... Look me dead on and tell me you want to leave... Tell me you DONT love me..." He gets closer "I'm waiting Anastasia..."
She flinches as he steps forward, and her heart races as she feels her body falling to the floor. Ana tries to fight him with her hands, but he pins her with ease. ‘I want you to leave!’ The words scream loud and clear in her mind, that is, until she hears him say her name. “I….I,” she stutters feeling her heart in her throat. “Please. Don’t say that. Don’t say those words. Love. My name. Don’t say those words to me. Pets don’t fall in love.” She shakes her head. “I am NOT a pet or a doll. I am Ana. Nothing more, and you will leave!”
He smacks her hands lightly on the ground and almost growls, "You're right, you're not a pet... But you are a doll... A doll who loves to follow orders, please her master... A doll who loves to work her ass off in a job that MATTERS... Yes, you're chipped and a litte broken... But you're mine... My doll, my Anastasia... You're Kimmy's big sister... And you belong with us..." He glares again "I've told you before, and if I have to say it here, so be it... I love you... And I promise you this... You run again, I'll just follow you... We'll follow you until you deside to stop running... Deside to stop HIDING... Deside to be the Doll I Know you can be..." He gets in her face again and waits.
He's in her face, and she can feel his warm breath. As he speaks, every part of her body tightens. 'He's only going to keep following me. He still wants me. He said it. Here.' "Don't say that! Don't say any of that! Please! Don't call me Doll! Don't call me Anastasia! I am not hiding! I told you on the phone what I am doing. I am walking away. I am saying good-bye, but you had to come here. Why? Because you love me? Don't waste your time. IT DOESN'T EXIST! So jus stop it! Stop all this!" She lifts her head from the floor pushing her face closer to his. "Just go back home with Kimmy. That's not a request. It's an order."
He glares at her, bringing one hand down to fist in her hair, he holds her there and kisses her roughly, after a few moments he lets her hands go to hold her cheeks, he just continues the kiss and deepens it, he forced his tongue into her mouth and twists it with hers.
She fights the kiss, pulling against his strong grip in her hair but she doesn't protest for long. Ana opens her mouth and explores his mouth feeling her body alive once more. She had missed his touch. She had missed him. Breaking the kiss, she looks into his eyes. "No. I can't do this. I won't do this. You have to go. I mean it. I am....ordering you to leave."
"I don't take orders..." He was panting slightly, then pulls her close and kisses her again, he even rocks his hips ever so slightly against her, he knew where they were and people were probably watching, but he didn't care, he was taking back what was his.
She's lost in his kiss once more. His body felt delicious against her own. It was clear he wasn't taking no for an answer. Trying to speak, she breaks free from him again, feeling his lips rest on her own. She knows there are people watching. 'I have to put an end to this. This can't be happening here. It can't be happening anywhere.' "KIMMY! Get YOUR Master, and take him out of here. Please. If you two really want to talk, you will wait and do so later. I can't do this now or here. Get him, and take him out of here."
Kimmy glances at Atoshi and nods slightly to him, he moves off, as she moves on, sitting just over her waist. She pins her arms up again and gets close, then kisses her roughly, demanding, she nips her lip softly and pulls back. "If you think for one minutes, I'm leaving another room without you big sister... The heat here has fried your brain..." She runs her hands down her arms slowly and kisses her again, just as rough, "If you still don't believe Master after all he's done... You need a new fucking teacher..." She hisses lightly and gets close "You almost had him giving up... Doubting himself..." She said it softly "I will not let you lie to us or yourself again... Now wake up!" She was mad and crying, she pulls her closer again for another deep kiss.
Her head was spinning. Seeing them, their bodies against her own, their kisses, and the words they spoke had all come out of nowhere so fast. Ana was on the verge of crying herself as she listened to Kimmy. Her defenses were weakening. "Fine," she told her breathlessly. "Just get off me, and let me do my job. Let me finish my shift. Then we can talk. Go relax on the beach. I'll be right here. I have to be. I'm not going anywhere." There was truth to her words. She did have to stay there for her job. That is if she still had one after all this. It would give her time to think as well. Would she stay and talk to them, or would she bolt again? At that exact moment, with both of them still fresh on her lips, Ana didn't know. "Please. If you love me like you say you do...."
Kimmy leans back down and kisses her again, softly, then leans to her ear "I can't wait to go home and play with you..." She nibbles her ear gently before slowly getting off her. Atoshi reaches down and helps her stand, he pulls her close into a tight hug "We do love you..." He whispers softly "But we aren't leaving... We came to eat, so we'll do that, then wait for your shift to end..." He tips her chin up and leans down, kissing her deeply once more, he had missed her. When he finally pulls away, she was panting, he moves back to the table and sits, Kimmy already there.
Her face is flushed as she watches them take her their seats. Anyone who was in the place was looking at the three of them. Her cheeks suddenly burned red. "I'll....Yeah." She turned heading to the back waving another girl to take care of them as she took a seat trying to catch her breath. "You okay Ana? What the hell was that all about?"
"Don't ask. Please don't ask."
"He's sexy. Does he kiss as good as it looked?" Ana's blush deepens and she laughs. "Yeah, but he's crazy. He thinks....he believes....in something that doesn't exist. I gotta get out of here. They're gonna stay there until my shift is suppose to be over. I gotta duck out the back door. Guess it's time to move on again."
"What? Ana if he found you here, he'll just keep looking. He doesn't seem like the type to take no for an answer. No ma'am. He looks like he takes what he wants. I better shut up," she giggles. "I'm gonna make myself wet." Ana rolls her eyes. "I don't know how he found me here. Guess I'll have to more careful next time."
"Yeah, or stop running." Again she rolls her eyes as she grabs her purse and heads for the back door opening it.
What she didn't know, was Kimmy had slipped a tracking device into her clothes, she had gotten it ready while Atoshi was talking to her, she loved her older sister, but she didn't trust her yet. She watches her as they order, not making it look obvious, she smiles at the new waitress and gives her order. "Where is the bathroom?" The girl points "Thank you... Sir I'll be back in a few minutes..." She kisses his cheek and moves to the bathroom, then slips out the window into the back ally, just in time to see Ana rounding the corner. "Not this time big sister..." She smiles and starts to tail her, using she skills to not bee seen, she follows her to her apartment and sneeks inside. Once Ana was inside with the door locked she came out of hiding. "I told you... I couldn't wait to get you home... It's not our home... But it will do for now..." She walks up to her slowly, backing her against a wall.
"KIMMY," she screams truly scared. "You....DON'T DO THAT! You scared me half to death. Wait. What the hell are you in doing here? In my apartment? How did you even?" She runs her fingers through her hair. "You followed me here. Kimmy, you can't do that. This is breaking in you know. I could call the cops and have you arrested for this." She feels the wall against her back and sees the look in Kimmy's eyes. Ana has missed her so, and it takes every bit of strength she has to not lean down and kiss her passionately. "Kimmy you have to go. Does he even know here you are? Wait. He's not coming here is he? Oh Kimmy go back to him. Please."
She smiles at Ana's rambling and just walks closer, coming face to face with her older sister, she reaches up as starts to open her top slowly. "He'll know soon enough... But he doesn't know where... You know my skills big sister... Why he calls me Kitten..." She stares at her as she pushes her shirt off her gently, sliding her hands down her arms, then up her sides to her back. "You know... He won't join with me... Until we are together again..." She unclips her bra and slides that off too "We need you back big sister..." She breaks eye contact to start licking her breasts, massaging them softly, she gently pinches one as she nibbles and suckles the other. "Please big sister... Stop running... We miss you..." She looks her in the eye again and slips a hand into her panties slowly "I know you miss us too... Please... Come home..." She starts to finger her slowly, lightly brushing over her clit with her thumb, staring at her.
“Kimmy,” she whispers. It didn’t seem like it was really happening. ‘This has to a dream. She can’t really be here. It’s all because I miss them all so much. It has to be.’ She swallows hard feeling Kimmy’s tongue on her breasts. Her touch was so warm, so inviting. “Kimmy,” her voice shaky. “No. We can’t do this. I can’t…..” Her head rests against the wall. Ana closes her eyes, biting her bottom lip. Her lips, her tongue nipping at her nipples. Her words open her eyes as she gazes into Kimmy’s eyes. She gasps as her hand slips inside her panties, her eyes still locked to hers’. Ana’s legs tremble. “Kimmy,” she whispers again, shaking her head. “Fuck it,” she says grabbing her head and kissing her roughly, thrusting her tongue into her mouth.
"Nnnn..." Kimmy moans and kisses back, fighting with her tongue, her fingers still working her slowly. 'Finally...' She was going to fight hard to stay 'awake' this time, she missed her sister and wanted time with her before Master found them, she'd take any punishment later. She tries to push her back against the wall, trying to take control again.
Ana could feel Kimmy fighting back, pushing her against the wall. She wasn't going to fight her for control. If Kimmy wanted it, she was going to give it to her. She releases her face and places her hands above her head against the wall as a show of her submission to her. That, coupled with the passion in her kiss should tell Kimmy everything she needs to know.
Kimmy smiles up at her, her eyes a little damp "Welcome back big sister..." She leans up and kisses her again, roughly and pulls back with a grin "Now... You've been quite naughty..." She massages her breast again, a bit harder, she leans in and nips her nipple. "I want to hear you say you're sorry..." She pushes her pants down slowly, then kneels to pull her panties down before standing again "I want to hear you say you love me... And Master... Like I know you do..." She starts to thrust 3 fingers into her, not touching her clit yet, she was letting the few tears fall as she spoke to her, worked her body. She wanted Ana to admit it to herself that she loved them, Kimmy knew she did, it was clear in her eyes, her head just kept getting in the way, "I want to hear it Anastasia... From right here..." The hand on her breast moves to rest over her heart.
Big sister. She liked hearing those words from Kimmy’s lips. She liked hearing anything from her honestly. She grins at her. “Alright. I’m,” her breath hitches as Kimmy pulls her pants and panties down. Ana steps clear of them before her little sister stands to face her once more. “I’m sorry.” She feels something she can’t describe. There were no words really. There didn’t need to be, and yet Kimmy spoke. Ana’s expression fell, and tears filled her eyes. “Why? Why do you have to say that? Why can’t you just leave it alone? Why can’t you just enjoy this moment with me? No! You had to go and say that! That word!” She pushes Kimmy back hard. “Get out! Don’t talk to me about love! Just get out! Now!” Despiste being nake, she quickly made her way over to the door and opened it. “Now Kimmy. Go.” She wiped her tears not looking at her. “You had to go and mess it up. You just couldn’t be quiet. You couldn’t be happy with what you had. You couldn’t take this moment. No. You wanted more. I can’t give you more! Get out!” She couldn’t even look at her. The tears fell as fast as she could wipe them away.
Kimmy was shocked and hurt again, but she was also angry "I will not get out! Not until you admit to YOURSELF that you love us... Love me..." She was crying now but didn't care, Ana was so lost, she needed this. "Why are you letting that bitch run your life..." She marches up and slams the door shut. "She tried to kill you... Degraded you... Belittles you... Made you act like nothing more then a mut!" She takes a shuddering breath "You are so much more Ana... You got away from her, LEFT her... And still she controls you..." She walks closer ad slaps her, just hard enough to get her to listen. "You are not some lowly pet to a crule hearted bitch... You are a prized Doll to a loving Master... A man who followed you halfway across the world... BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU..." She screamed the last line, comin up to her and lightly punching her chest "So don't you dare tell me love isn't real... If it was real, if you didn't feel it like I know you do... You wouldn't be crying... You wouldn't be scared, you wouldn't be hiding... You'd be... You'd be ABBY!" She was crying hard now, glaring at her and daring her to try and lie again.
Kimmy didn't understand the gripping fear she felt. It as almost crippling. She couldn't even move from the spot she stood in. Her face burned, her chest aches, and she trembled from head to toe. "You slapped me. You punched me. You're yelling at me. If that is love, then I've had it already, and I don't WANT IT AGAIN!" She raises her eyebrows at her. "I had that with Abby. Remember? I don't want, I don't need it from you or him. A prized Doll to a loving Master? He's so loving he STALKED me all this way? I said good-bye. I walked away. I wasn't running hiding," she lies. "I wasn't hiding," she further lies. "I was walking away. It's what you do when you no longer desire to be a part of something. This sick little family he has going on in that house, I don't wanna be a part of it anymore. I'm making a new life for myself here. I've even got a boyfriend," she yells continuing to lie. "Yeah. That's right, and we fuck better than anything you and or Atoshi EVER gave to me." It was clear these were two lovers fighting, and yet Ana couldn't see it. It was right there in front of her face, literally, but her fear kept just out of reach of it. "So I'll say it again, and not so nice this time, get the FUCK OUT OF MY APARTMENT!" She knew Kimmy wouldn't give up easily, no matter how much she yelled. It was time to go below the belt. "Unless of course you think the police would love to know the famed cat burglar is on the island."
Kimmy glares at her, then the hurt over powers the anger "You can't mean that... I know you're lying!" She screams and cries harder, she takes a step back "How... How could you find someone so fast... You aren't a slut! Unless that's something else Abby taught you..." She spat, she hugs herself and steps back again, Ana and Atoshi meant the world to her, sure he hated Atoshi when they met, but that changed, she changed. "He's not the same with out you... I'm not... Why won't you stop lying!" She falls to her knees, her world was cracking, Atoshi had changed and Ana was pushing her away, it was too much. "You're... You're my family..." She whispers softly "And I my family doesn't want me... What... What good am I... To anyone..." She teaches into her pocket and pulls out a switch blade she kept for protection, she looks up at Ana. "You want a good bye... Fine..." She runs the blade across her wrist, cutting it open.
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