Deadman in Wonderland (Private with DarkMudkip)

Nana nodded and stood, following her companion out of the recreation room and too the cafeteria.
After the two had eaten, and had time to relax a little, it was soon time for Motochika's cage match. "Ganbatte kudasai." The small woman leaned up on her tip toes, placing a gentle kiss on Motochika's cheek; the two always saying goodbye to one another, as customary before a fight.
He touched his forehead to hers before heading off to fight. The arena lit up as Motochika and Masamune stood across from one another. "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to tonight's Carnival Corpse! We have an exciting match for you today; it's Cormorant versus Caracara!" The announcer stated excitedly. Masamune sneered at the stupid bird name he was given; what the fuck was a caracara anyway?
Most of the guards had to be on duty that night, due to Carnival Corpse, a lot of inmates got rowdy; Megohime however had a little bit of a break that night. Having worked since yesterday night, she was tired, so after showering and flipping on the tv, she settled down for the night. "This shit again." She muttered distastefully. She didn't hate her job, but she didn't really enjoy it much either, but having nothing else on tv to watch than the inmates that she herded around all day, she got a little irritated.

Nana would wait in Motochika's room during his fights, often browsing the many fishing and boating magazines that he kept around until he had won ad returned. Something gave her a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach tonight however, making her fidget uneasily as she watched Motochika on screen.
Masamune charged at Motochika, cutting his palms and blood rushed from the wounds and over his index, middle and ring fingers, creating his Six Claws. Motochika cut his inner forearm and an anchor and chain shot from the wound, swinging it at Masamune. Date smacked the anchor away and slashing at Motochika. Chosokabe dodged as best as he could, trying to get some distance so he could start attacking again.
Nana set aside the boating magazine and scooted to the edge of the bed. Something was my right, something just wasn't right about this fight. "Do your best, Motochika.."
Motochika kicked Masamune in the chest and knocked him back, throwing his anchor to chase Masamune. It nailed Masamune in the gut before swinging the chain to wrap around Masamune. Date scowled and rushed at Motochika, throwing all his weight forward and crashing into the giant of a man. This genuinely caught Motochika off guard and he fell back. Masamune broke free of th chain of blood and rammed his claws into Motochika's abdomen. Motochika grunted in pain and punched Masamune hard in the arm, hearing something snap. Masamune yelled in pain and pulled back. Motochika hissed and tried to get up, only to fall back down.
"I think this fight is just about done ladies and gentlemen! Will it be Cormorant or Caracara?" The announcer voiced over the television, Nana frozen to the spot.
Masamune moved toward Motochika, watching the blood pool between his fingers. "Yer done, Chosokabe." He stated. Motochika growled but stayed down, Masamune turning to leave. "It looks like Cormorant is calling it quits! How unfortunate! Caracara is the winner tonight, folks!"
Nana felt like ice water had replaced all the blood in her body, her eyes wide at the sight of so much Motochika's blood. She had never seen him lose before, it just wasn't something she fathomed possible.
Exiting the room quickly, she hurried down the hall, not wanting to watch the penalty round, and needing some air.
Motochika was carted off to be patched up before going to the penalty round, strapped to a lab table and sat upright as the slot machine was brought before him. "Ready~?" "Fuckin' pull it." Motochika growled. The lever was pulled, the slots spun before landing on the left eye. Motochika clenched his jaw and kept silent as they removed his eye from its socket.
Though Nana tried to escape having to watch Motochika's penalty round, she could hear it through the other inmates televisions. Listening to him grunt in pain occasionally made her head spin - at least he wasn't screaming. She clenched her fists hard, hard enough to draw blood from the palms of her hands, then moved her hands over her ears, picking up her pace down the hall.
At a certain point, she noticed a figure walking down the hallway, and upon looking up, she saw Masamune. Her eyes widened and her jaw clenched, expression something mixed between fear and rage, eyes glued to him the entire time.
Masamune was walking casually to his room with his cast point check and candy, not even noticing her at first or not caring to notice her. He just wanted to get to his room and relax.
Nana hurried along, not wanting to be around Masamune much longer.
Waiting for Motochika seemed to take hours, pacing in the hallway that led to where the penalty games took place, waiting for Motochika to come out.

Yukimura had gotten the grand tour of general population, walking along with the other new inmates in a numb state, and only snapping out of it when he was suddenly transferred.
"G-Block wasn't on the map." Yukimura stated, waiting now for the guards who escorted him to answer, but they never did.
"Where am I going?" He pressed, feeling a hot-cold tingling in his scalp.
"You're going to G-Block, calm down." The guard answered, using a key card to unlock a pair of doors, ushering Yukimura inside.
Motochika exited, eye bandaged and a sour expression on his face. He saw Nana and refused to look at her, almost as if he was ashamed.

The guards escorted him through to his room, ignoring his pestering questions about what was going on.
She stopped when she saw Motochika standing there, shoulders slumped in defeat, and thick bandages around his head to cover his empty eye socket. A sad look cross Nana's face and she moved over, cupping both sides of his face and gently pulled him down to her level. She rested her forehead against his, careful to keep to the right side. Saying nothing, she stood like that for a minute, then pulled away slightly, only to kiss the tip of his nose.

Yukimura soon got the hint that none of his questions would be answered and followed along in silence. When they showed him to his room, he entered it, and looked back, only to see the door close behind him, leaving him on his own.
He smiled faintly and gently took her hand, walking with her to his room to rest.

It was silent outside his room, making him feel absolutely alone.
Yukimura mad an irritated face, running his thumb across the metal collar around his neck before flopping onto the bed, looking around the barren room.
Yukimura sat up, looking at the door, then as quietly as he could, stood and moved over to the door. Opening the door a crack, he peeked outside, unsure of who would've come to his room, he had only just arrived, how did they know he was there?
It was a girl, with long braided black cherry hair and auburn eyes. She looked when he cracked the door and smiled disarmingly. "Hi! I knew we had newcomers today..!"
Yukimura, who has just been sentenced to death row and locked in a high security prison, was a little apprehensive of the girl who came knocking.
"Yeah." It almost sounded like a question, but was still a statement. He felt uncomfortable, his entire body getting hot and itchy, feeling like he was going to suffocate, just like he had felt in the court room.
She smiled softly, "I know it's a lot to take in, but it isn't so bad..." She told him. She stuck out her hand and grinned, "I'm Akihime!"
Yukimura stiffened when Akihime stuck her hand out, making him almost close the door in her face. "It's prison. How is it not so bad?" He asked, a soft frown on his face, not so sure he wanted to give out his name just yet, but it didn't matter, his name was already on the name tag beside his door. Sanada Yukimura.
"Most everyone is nice enough and they tend to leave you alone if you don't cause a rukus." She said. "I didn't have anyone when I first came here...and you look really scared. Let me help you out..."
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