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Deadman in Wonderland (Private with DarkMudkip)

"Don't think less of me, Senji-chan, I was only having a bit of fun." She said, bringing her blade down ontop of his Sin, putting all of her weight into her attack.

((Shion just gonna chill, she ain't to quick to help him yet.))
"And by that, you mean a psychopathic spree?!" He growled, shifting his foot so he could root himself and keep her from moving him or breaking his stance.
Yui pushed harder, blade trembling with the amount of pressure she applied. "I see your attitude hasn't changed at all." She said. "You aren't still a virgin, are you, Senji?"
"Mm, shame, I was hoping I could've been your first." She let each word come out with a purr, bringing her foot up and bringing it down hard on his foot, withdrawing her sword and ducking low, spinning quickly to slice his chest, but only a broken sword grazed his shirt. The rest of Yui's sword his the ground with a dull noise, a scowl on Shion's face. "Enough talking already, just fucking cut the bitch in half and let's move; don't take this as me helping you, I just don't want to get hauled back in either." She hissed.
Senji took the chance to swing his arm forward and try to cut through Yui's armor. Moriko stood with the horses, fidgetting. She had been ordered to stay behind and let Yui deal with the two; and she had no doubt of her mistress's abilities, but she was worried nome the less.
Senji's blade cut through her armor and sliced into the flesh between her shoulder and neck, a small look of surprise crossing Yui's face. Blood pooled momentarily before spurting from her wound, but stopped in mid air, creating dozens of small tendrils that coiled slightly before moving back towards Yui. The Royal grabbed Senji by the shirt, her blood slithering across her face and over her nose and mouth, creating a horrifying maw that looked like the jaws of a bear trap. "This isn't really how I pictured you being inside of me." Her voice echoed slightly, her Sin opening as she clamped down on Senji's blade, cracks forming from the pressure of her teeth.
His eyes widened and he tried to recall his Sin, "Get the hell away from me!" He yelled and brought his foot up before kicking her breastplate as hard as he could.
Yui was sent backwards, catching herself before she fell. "What's wrong, you're looking at me as if I'm a monster when I'm just like you." She said, moving forward again, opening her jaws to bite down on his shoulder.
He jumped out of the way barely in time, her jaws catching the fabric of his shirt and ripping it a bit, "Your Sin gives me the fucking creeps!"
Shion used the opportunity to use Senji as a spring board, bringing her heel down hard on Yui's head, bringing her hand up with a large amount of blood on the palm of her hand, bringing it down to push it into Yui's eyes.

((I need one Moriko please~))

"Mistress Yui!" Moriko rushed forward, her Sin already forming into the massive shield as she moved to stand between Shion and Yui, bringing her shield up to protect Yui.
Yui had fallen to her knees from the fire of the kick, holding her head were blood soaked through her pink locks and dripped down her forehead. "You were supposed to stay with the horses." She ground out as she stood, wiping blood from her eyes.
"Forgive me, my Lady, but I couldn't stand idly by and watch them do you harm! I will accept full responsibility for my actions later...!" Moriko stated before shoving Shion back.
((As exciting as the medieval au would have been, let us begin with the new idea!))

Deadman Wonderland. That was the name of the prison/amusement park for death row inmates - a good portion of them survivors of the Red Hole incident; a catastrophic event that changed a good portion of those caught in it's radius. Those tainted from the incident were given the ability to manipulate their blood into weapons for combat, often forced into competing in the park's Carnival Corpse - an underground gladiatorial-style battle between two inmates for cast points and life-sustaining candy. This power is known as a Branch of Sin and those with this power are called Deadmen. They are confined to G-Sector of Deadman Wonderland; the core of the prison and where the Carnival Corpse is located. G-Sector was built in secret and is very hard to find. It is not allowed for regular prisoners to enter the G-Sector.
Deadman Wonderland is constantly receiving new inmates on a daily basis and the constant tourists help fund for rebuilding what was destroyed by the Red Hole. It is here where we will follow the lives of these inmates and their struggles for survival in this Deadman's Wonderland.
He hadn't done it. He was innocent, there was no way he'd do it, he loved him. Yukimura sat in the back of a truck, cuffs around his wrists and ankles. He had been tried, found guilty, and sentenced to death for the murder of his foster father, Takeda Shingen, only he hadn't done it. Why would he kill the man to whom he owed his life to?
Arriving at the nightmarish containment facility, a heavy, sinking feeling formed in the pit of his stomach, hands shaking. Welcome to Deadman Wonderland.

"Get on the ground, inmate! Get on the fucking ground!!" This was the fourth time this week that Masamune had to be separated from another inmate, his fourth fight, and for the fourth time, it was Megohime answering the call to cool down the situation. With her gun raised at Masamune, she moved between the two - the other inmate on his ass - motioning Masamune to move away.

Across the G-Block, Nana sat in the corner of the recreation room, perched on a bench and skimming through one of Motochika's magazines. She didn't much care for what was in them, but it gave her something to pass the time while he worked in the gym. Peering over the top of the magazine at Motochika, she watched him for a moment, then returned to her magazine. The woman was small, and had a gentle aura around her and a soft face to match, something that was very out of place in a prison, but none the less, she was. "You have to remember to eat too." She reminded him, voice just barely above a whisper, but it wasn't timid, just quiet.
((*will bring in Aki later*))

Masamune growled faintly and did as he was told, mouth bleeding from being pistol whipped by the guard who hounded him night and day. "You want me to lick your smelly ass feet, too, bitch?"

Motochika looked over and made a noise of acknowledgement before returning to his workout. "Don't you worry, Nana, I will. You've eaten, too, aye? You look a little lighter than before." This wasn't meant as an insult or a spiteful jab, but a gesture of equal concern for his companion's health as she usually showed him.
"Ya'know, I think I did step in some dog shit earlier, so my boots could use a good cleaning." She ground out, Masamune once again getting on her nerves. With her gun still aimed at Masamune, she turned her head to the other inmate. "Go on, get out of here, but don't think your ass is safe either." She grunted, the inmate scrambling to his feet and running, mostly away from Masamune.

"I haven't had any cage matches scheduled for a while now, so I haven't been eating as much; is it that noticeable?" Nana peered over her magazine once more, actually lowering it a bit this time to look at Motochika fully.
Masamune spat a large wad of blood on her boot, glaring at her with his singular eye. "Are we fucking done here?"

He stopped and looked to her, "Only a little. I have points to spare, I'll buy you some food." He told her.
Megohime scoffed and lowered her gun slightly, stepping back and trying to scrape the spit off her boot. "The next time I have to break up a fight, you're getting a tranq right in your ass." She said, then turned, reporting in on her radio.

Nana nodded and set the magazine aside. "Arigatou." She said with a half-smile, tossing a towel his way so he could clean the sweat from himself.
"Hate to see you go, but love watchin' that ass shake." He called after her.

He caught the towel and wiped away the sweat, grabbing his water and chugging it down.
Megohime simply lifted her hand slightly over her shoulder, giving a rather rude gesture before rounding one of the corners, and moving out of sight.

Nana sat down on a bench closer to Motochika, looking down at her hands. "There's been chatter of another Deadman coming into G-Block, some say it's a kid, but I don't know, what do you think?"
Nana made a soft noise of agreement, nodding her head slightly, but then changing the topic. "Your match with Date starts in a little less than an hour, you should eat something small." She sounded a bit anxious, but at the same time, confident; confident Motochika would win, he always did after all.
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